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View Full Version : Hey California Sooners -- where to watch?

6/20/2009, 05:59 PM
Looks like I'll be living in Palo Alto during the upcoming '09 CFB season. I think the Sooners have all the makings of a special team this year, and I want to watch every game possible. Which media service do you west coast Sooners use to get the games? I've been using Comcast and they have a sports package, but it's not clear that will help. Also, are there any bay area sports bars frequented by displaced Sooner fans?

6/20/2009, 09:19 PM
I use Dish with the sports upgrade. The games that aren't on ESPN or the majors are often on Fox sports net southwest, but there are usually 2 - 4 games each year that you can only get on ppv. However, FSN has the Bob Stoops show that replays the snaps so you get the main parts of the games you miss. If you're on a budget, and my guess is if you live in Palo Alto you're not, you can catch some games on this web site: http://www.channelsurfing.net/

And of course you can listen via the web on http://www.reachingmore.com/kkgm.HTM it seems to be the clearest on line of the official broadcast. Don't get thrown by the fact that it is an old-time gospel station. They also worship at the church of Sooner on Saturdays in the Fall. Aint that great.

Hope that helps.

6/21/2009, 01:07 AM
Are you kiddin' ? Living in Palo Alto is putting me on a budget more than ever - even in this little apartment I'm calling home. I've been using Comcast in the past, but I don't think I can get FSN southwest on Comcast nor PPV for particualr games. Looks like I may have to go with Dish or DirectTV.

Thanks for the info.

6/21/2009, 01:25 AM
Are you kiddin' ? Living in Palo Alto is putting me on a budget more than ever - even in this little apartment I'm calling home. I've been using Comcast in the past, but I don't think I can get FSN southwest on Comcast nor PPV for particualr games. Looks like I may have to go with Dish or DirectTV.

Thanks for the info.

My family lived there for 4 1/2 years in the mid-to-late 60's. I haven't been back since 1997, but I would think there are some sports bars on El Camino Real near the Stanford campus.

We lived not far from the intersection of Middlefield Road and the Oregon Expressway, and my brother and I went to grade school on a street called Amarillo Ave. near the Bayshore Freeway.

6/21/2009, 07:49 PM

I live not too far from there. There is a sports bar in Palo Alto called "The Old Pro" right on the El Camino that isn't too bad, but I can't vouch for whether it covers Sooner games or not. Also, Los Gatos has a really nice sports bar called Double D's. I went to watch games there when I was having my house remodeled, and they were always very accomodating. It's where I'll be if I'm not at home to watch the game for some reason.

As for cable, Comcast carries both Game Plan from ESPN and Fox Sports Net (neither are in HD) but you can watch the game. But they almost always have the OU game on.

I met someone a couple of years ago just by chance, a Sooner alum, who lives in San Francisco. She's tried to put some watch parties together in San Fran, but I haven't been to one.

Overall, your opportunities to see the Sooners are pretty good, unless they're playing a DII school.

6/22/2009, 12:18 PM
My brother lives in Whidbey up in Washington and he gets the Fox Sports Central package and he would get what we get here in OK. He's on Comcast cable also. I know thats farther up the coast, but thought I would pass the info on.

The Remnant
6/22/2009, 01:03 PM
Living in Palo Alto you are going to receive alot of PAC 10 football crap. Be prepared. When all else fails I listen on reachingmore.com

6/22/2009, 01:55 PM
Join the yahoo groups BayAreaSooners. Couple of guys are pretty active on the group and they arrange watch parties. I live in Sunnyvale and havent been to 1 of these yet. May be I will this season when my wife moves from Norman. There is not much activity in south bay right now but maybe we can get something to move from this year. What Says:pop:

Lott's Bandana
6/22/2009, 11:49 PM
Fox Sports Bay Area shows the Big XII early games, prior to their coverage of the Pac 10. This helps.

6/23/2009, 06:42 PM
Sounds like there are a few Sooners in the South Bay. A girl I work with didn't go to OU, but was born in Norman and she's a big Sooner fan as well. Maybe we can get something going this season.

6/24/2009, 05:46 AM
Thanks to everyone for all the info. I feel better that I'll get to see most the games this coming season and it has all the makings of a great one! I guess I need to change my login name now that I no longer live in Boulder. It was easy to get OU games there because the Buffs were in the big12 and the better conference teams always made it to some channel. I fear I'll have to suffer 'SC out here (ugh).