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View Full Version : So...when Obama gives us all free gubmint health care...

6/11/2009, 08:49 PM
can we stop with the carmaker bailouts -- because the UAW health care package will be redundant?

Enquiring minds want to know.

I hear tell they're pondering taxing employer-provided heath care benefits as income to pay for it all. Think about it folks. That would mean your W-2 would include a line for what your employer pays for your health insurance and that sum would be assessed against you as part of your taxable income.

6/11/2009, 10:06 PM
Just imagine going to Mexico for better health care!

6/12/2009, 06:54 AM
can we stop with the carmaker bailouts -- because the UAW health care package will be redundant?

An unintended consequence: Reducing unnecessary redundancy. Sweet.:D

6/12/2009, 06:58 AM
Pffffft, I'd settle for knowing when the American people are going to get bailed out.

6/12/2009, 07:02 AM
pffffft, I'd settle for ONE policy maker to know what it's actually like to work and live in the real world.

6/12/2009, 07:06 AM
You mean like her . . . I mean him . . . or it?


6/12/2009, 07:24 AM
I'm pretty sure former laywers don't fall into the "working man" category.

no offense Homey.

6/12/2009, 08:33 AM
That would mean your W-2 would include a line for what your employer pays for your health insurance and that sum would be assessed against you as part of your taxable income.

I'm a little torn on this. A big part of me says that it is ok for it to be taxed, after all it is "income" of sorts. As an employer, I would like to know if it changes my bottom line as well. I think most people would be amazed how much it costs in addition to the actual salary to have an employee(unemployment, work comp insurance, employment taxes, etc etc). I sure don't want to see that number go up.

6/12/2009, 08:51 AM
that's kinda my thought as well. just like 401Ks, etc... it's income. somewhere along the way someone decided it was a good idea to not tax it, right?

maybe at the time it made sense to give a tax break, maybe it doesn't now. i really don't know.

but also, i haven't heard anything about free healthcare. i thought it was affordable health care that people could pay for without having to be in some group plan. part of what makes healthcare so expensive is the agreements with the insurance companies and the bloated nature of everything. that is why it needs to be reworked.

Harry Beanbag
6/12/2009, 09:24 AM
...part of what makes healthcare so expensive is the agreements with the insurance companies and the bloated nature of everything. that is why it needs to be reworked.

Sounds like the government would be the perfect entity to fix it then. ;)

6/12/2009, 09:54 AM
That would mean your W-2 would include a line for what your employer pays for your health insurance and that sum would be assessed against you as part of your taxable income.

Well I'm not worried.

The Squanderer said he wouldn't raise taxes on anyone making below $200,000 and I believe him.

Don't you????

6/12/2009, 09:56 AM
The Squanderer said he wouldn't raise taxes on anyone making below $200,000 and I believe him.
Is anybody else calling him "The Squanderer" or is that just something you came up with yourself?

6/12/2009, 10:06 AM
Is anybody else calling him "The Squanderer" or is that just something you came up with yourself?

Heck if I know.

I wouldn't be surprised if more people don't start calling him that given the amount of debt he has developed in just 5 months.

6/12/2009, 11:21 AM
Is anybody else calling him "The Squanderer" or is that just something you came up with yourself?
I call him the AKIC, as in a**-kisser-in-chief. That said, if his a** kissing world tours result in diminished threats from Islamic terrorism, pucker up.

6/12/2009, 11:21 AM
Sounds like the government would be the perfect entity to fix it then. ;)

or we could just let it fail outright like we do with banking, housing, GM, etc... then pick up the pieces from there

6/12/2009, 11:26 AM
part of what makes healthcare so expensive is the agreements with the insurance companies and the bloated nature of everything. that is why it needs to be reworked.
This is most of the problem, however government management is not the solution.

6/12/2009, 11:31 AM
i'm not saying goverment needs to do it, just that it needs to be done. if the government can get them to change by applying pressure, that would work to.

maybe when they see what's happening to Chrysler, GM, and the banks they will self-police themselves a little better

6/12/2009, 03:21 PM
that's kinda my thought as well. just like 401Ks, etc... it's income. somewhere along the way someone decided it was a good idea to not tax it, right?

It goes back to the FDR imposed wage caps during WWII. Employers learned they could provide healthcare benefits as a sort of stealth wage increase and that would be kosher. It's never changed.

6/12/2009, 03:22 PM
Awesome!! A $600 Billion Tax Increase!!!!!

Health-care overhaul legislation being drafted by House Democrats will include $600 billion in tax increases and $400 billion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel said.

But again, I'm not worried. Obama promised.

6/12/2009, 03:29 PM
honestly how did yall vote for him?

6/12/2009, 03:36 PM
honestly how did yall vote for him?

Well, I got my little piece of paper, and completed the arrow that went from Obama to President.

Voting in Oklahoma is actually very simple.


6/12/2009, 03:47 PM
Well, I got my little piece of paper, and completed the arrow that went from Obama to President.

That's just about the amount of thought most Obama voters probably put into their vote.

6/12/2009, 03:58 PM
That's just about the amount of thought most Obama voters probably put into their vote.

Hell, you should have seen the old blue hair who came in as I was putting mine in the machine. She was directed to one of the "voting booths" (those are weak sauce in Oklahoma BTW) but she said she did't need one. Conected her arrow for "Party Line Republican" right at the desk and slid it straight through the machine.

Curly Bill
6/12/2009, 04:00 PM
honestly how did yall vote for him?

Pay tention! People are stupid. :(