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View Full Version : More SEC chest thumping...

The Remnant
6/3/2009, 01:11 PM
While watching the women's college softball championship from Oklahoma City, I kept hearing chants of "S E C , S E C " from the Alabama and Georgia fans. This is fine and dandy if you can close the deal. If you lose, however, it just sounds like a lot of hot air..

6/3/2009, 01:20 PM
While watching the women's college softball championship from Oklahoma City, I kept hearing chants of "S E C , S E C " from the Alabama and Georgia fans. This is fine and dandy if you can close the deal. If you lose, however, it just sounds like a lot of hot air..

i heard it too. I just won't ever understand it.

6/3/2009, 01:20 PM
Until we or someone else does something about it, we are going to have to deal with it. The Sec has pretty much owned the last 3 or 4 years of college athletics

6/3/2009, 01:46 PM

6/3/2009, 01:56 PM
Pac 10 just isn't as chantable...

6/3/2009, 02:02 PM
When does chest thumping resemble knuckle dragging?

When it's from the SEC :rolleyes:

6/3/2009, 02:08 PM
Thats Racist!!!


6/3/2009, 02:32 PM
Until we or someone else does something about it, we are going to have to deal with it. The Sec has pretty much owned the last 3 or 4 years of college athletics

And Bigfoot sightings, alien abductions, monster trucks and NASCAR.

6/3/2009, 02:43 PM
How much of it is the SEC? How much of the recent "dominance" is really Florida and LSU?

I don't see KU fans chanting "BIG 12" in basketball or OSU fans chanting in wrestling... Oh, wait... wrestling's not on TV. My bad. :D

No, seriously though... If we closed the deal against UF... all this recent SEC chest-thumping would be like a Taco Tech fan leaching (no pun intended) off OUrs and Texas recent success.

The Remnant
6/3/2009, 02:52 PM
I realize this a football board, but Alabama and Georgia fans chanting SEC over softball is ridiculous. They haven't done squat in that sport, yet feel it necessary to tell eveybody what conference they're from. When you have NEVER won a championship in the sport, who gives a crap.

6/3/2009, 02:54 PM
Now Now, don't question why, I mean I have heard them chant that while 2 SEC teams were playing each other. I am just impressed most of their fan base know 3 letters of the alphabet.

6/4/2009, 11:59 AM
Some Arkansas fan was doing the SEC smack-talk on the Scout.com board for OU baseball. As if schools like South Carolina and Tennessee had anything to do with that debacle last weekend.

I think that's about the first time Arkansas has beaten OU in anything significant since the 90's in men's basketball.

6/4/2009, 12:06 PM
or about 5 months ago

6/7/2009, 07:09 AM
I live here in What use to be Hurricane but is now Gator Country(Wonder why)?Anyways SEC fans adopt every team as their own I have Georgia or LSU fans give me the S-E-C all the time...they act like they won the damn national title this year.They are losers who have to latch on to whoever in their conference is carrying the banner that particular season.It's beyond pathetic how they adopt Arch Rivals as their own...

6/7/2009, 08:00 AM
Having lived in Georgia, South Carolina, FLA, it seems to me to be more of a Southern pride/inferiority complex thing to me. When the Atlanta Braves were winning in the 90's, people from Tennessee, 'Bama, and FLA were talking them up. It's a regional pride thing, nothing more.

6/7/2009, 10:12 AM
If you watched the finals, I heard a lot of PC 10 -- Softball--Pac 10--Softball
chanting going on too.

Pac 10 has ruled ladies softball for a long time but the SEC was finally fairly well represented this year. UF ladies had a great season but some terrible defense in the finals and forgot how to play small ball while swinging for the fences. Congrats to the UW pitcher, she was great and the team played good behind her.

Hopefully UF's baseball team can bounce back today and make it to the CWS in Omaha. Close game yesterday but still a loss.

I think the SEC pride could be about the overall level of competetion throughout the conference. If you win in a tough league, it just means more than winning in a mediocre league.

6/7/2009, 12:14 PM
Some Arkansas fan was doing the SEC s*Mack*-talk on the Scout.com board for OU baseball. As if schools like South Carolina and Tennessee had anything to do with that debacle last weekend.

Don't you have to be a member of your conference longer than most of your current student's lifetimes before you smack talk on behalf of that conference?

(the Big 12 doesn't count for obvious reasons - it used to be the Big 8 and Big 6, it's not like we joined a new conference)

6/7/2009, 12:16 PM
Don't you have to be a member of your conference longer than most of your current student's lifetimes before you s*Mack* talk on behalf of that conference?

(the Big 12 doesn't count for obvious reasons - it used to be the Big 8 and Big 6, it's not like we joined a new conference)


6/7/2009, 03:27 PM
If you watched the finals, I heard a lot of PC 10 -- Softball--Pac 10--Softball
chanting going on too.

Pac 10 has ruled ladies softball for a long time but the SEC was finally fairly well represented this year. UF ladies had a great season but some terrible defense in the finals and forgot how to play small ball while swinging for the fences. Congrats to the UW pitcher, she was great and the team played good behind her.

Hopefully UF's baseball team can bounce back today and make it to the CWS in Omaha. Close game yesterday but still a loss.

I think the SEC pride could be about the overall level of competetion throughout the conference. If you win in a tough league, it just means more than winning in a mediocre league.

So honestly... without at all trying to start anything. You, as a Gator fan... are you happy that UGA pumps their chest in defense of your recent dominance in college football by dragging on the coattails of your conference?
I mean, if we were playing the All-SEC team for the MNC, I could see "SEC fans" giving us ****... but seriously? I liken your success along with LSU's success to Oklahoma and Texas (more impressive with two each, I'll give you)... it's not like OSU and baylor latch onto the BIG 12's BIG 2 to make themselves feel superior.

The Remnant
6/8/2009, 10:32 AM
Hey G8trGr8t, I'll give you the fact that the SEC has improved in softball. However, that is because they are doing a better job of recruiting out of California. Half of their rosters are made up of girls from here. Orange County in Southern California is ground zero.

The Remnant
6/8/2009, 12:53 PM
P.S. The reason why you heard the PAC 10 chant in the finals was because spectators were subjected to the obnoxious S-E-C chant throughout the tournament. Next time chant after you win something. Florida lost because Washington had a more dominant pitcher. Lawrie> Nelson

6/8/2009, 03:47 PM
After their "S-E-C" chant "O-N-D" and watch it shut them up...

6/10/2009, 02:28 PM
So, they chant and support their conference. That's admirable and we should probably do more of it. Obnoxious insults directed at others (or their conference) would be different story.

The Old South "thing" also has much to do with it.