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View Full Version : College Football Live Last week

6/3/2009, 08:47 AM
Did anyone catch it the other day, they said that OU/Texas was the number one game of the year (we all knew this).

They also said that it was being played at the new Cowboys Stadium???? Just a major slip up? I thought the Cotton Bowl got a deal through 2015?

Much rather watch games outside if we have any say...

6/3/2009, 08:49 AM
Did anyone catch it the other day, they said that OU/*Texas* was the number one game of the year (we all knew this).

They also said that it was being played at the new Cowboys Stadium???? Just a major slip up? I thought the Cotton Bowl got a deal through 2015?

Much rather watch games outside if we have any say...

'tis the no. 1 game EVERY year. not our fault if it takes espn this long to realize it. :rolleyes:

EDIT: isn't it funny how each and every time you add onto the word "texas" it gets another set of asterisks? so now if you quote my "texas" as it appears with asterisks after the edit, it will appear in your post as "*texas*" and if someone quotes your "*texas*" they will get "**texas**" and it never ends.

6/3/2009, 08:54 AM
R we going to play Texas at the new cowboys stadium or stick with 103 years of tradition???

6/3/2009, 09:23 AM

6/3/2009, 10:41 AM
im on record, I would rather go to the new stadium but I dont mind sticking with tradition either

6/3/2009, 10:42 AM
ESPN said it was at the new stadium? Is that the case??

6/3/2009, 10:42 AM
no, still at Cotton Bowl

6/3/2009, 10:44 AM
Cotton Bowl... It will be there until the stadium falls apart. Jerry World prlly paid espn to say that stuff about his stadium.... it was an "accident"

6/3/2009, 10:45 AM
The stadium uprades last year were good... 90+K seats now and it was loud. By far the loudest I had seen it, I've been to the last 9 games down there.

I would miss the Fair and all the hot little ladies running around... Also the Cannon Balls and smoke and stuff being outside.

6/3/2009, 10:49 AM
They made more upgrades since then I believe, hopefully should be alot nicer

6/7/2009, 10:53 PM
How about a frickin score board that shows what down and how far it is or oh my gosh a bigger t.v. Than what's in my bathroom to watch replays on. Frickin upgrades!

6/7/2009, 11:25 PM
not sure if it is real or not but on the 4th and long show from spike about the cowboys, they are filming in the Cotton Bowl and it looks like there is a huge new scoreboard/video board...hope so

6/8/2009, 01:07 AM
the scoreboard/down and distance thing was really bad last year. i can't believe they didn't have that crap right

with the way they do season tickets at Jerry World, i hope it never moves there...

and it's like 80 years, not 100+ ;)

Crucifax Autumn
6/8/2009, 01:29 AM
The only positive I can see of moving it to Jerry World is we could have night games. And seriously...if that happened they'd throw bug tex on a truck and move the fair!

6/8/2009, 01:41 AM
think that they should just do it like osu and mich i think thats why it became such a huge rival is b/c they play on their own campus. b/c being in texas still is psychologal texas home feild and this would be a huge game for recruits to go to and then show them the school

Crucifax Autumn
6/8/2009, 02:45 AM
OMG...no comment because I'd probably be a bit rude...

6/8/2009, 09:34 AM
what was he saying?

Jello Biafra
6/8/2009, 10:01 AM
think that they should just do it like osu and mich i think thats why it became such a huge rival is b/c they play on their own campus. b/c being in *Texas* still is psychologal *Texas* home feild and this would be a huge game for recruits to go to and then show them the school

? how did a meatchicken reference get in on a ou texas discussion?

6/8/2009, 10:16 AM
Oh dear... I have competition now for the best Wiscahnsinite poster... well, technically I haven't lived in Wis-cahn-sin for seven years, so I guess it's about time we have a few more posters from up north. Welcome.

The only thing that Michigan-Ohio State accomplished over the years with their rivalry was an arms race... to get 100k capacity stadiums, to pay their coaches more, to get recruits to cross state borders to their rivals, etc.

If the Big 10 was a legit football conference now (sorry, but they have had too many embarrassments to get taken seriously by the BCS), they would "close" their state borders to outside recruiting (they can't). They would be able to hand-pick any talent they wanted from their region without regard for other schools (nope). Their conference champion would be considered a top candidate for the BCS championship game year in, year out (and not just by default when other conference champions suffer embarrassing losses).

The Big 10 has lost a lot of ground from the national perspective... and home-and-home rivalries are just what happens when negotiations fall through and tradition losses out to money.

Jello Biafra
6/8/2009, 10:20 AM
Oh dear... I have competition now for the best Wiscahnsinite poster... well, technically I haven't lived in Wis-cahn-sin for seven years, so I guess it's about time we have a few more posters from up north. Welcome.

The only thing that Michigan-Ohio State accomplished over the years with their rivalry was an arms race... to get 100k capacity stadiums, to pay their coaches more, to get recruits to cross state borders to their rivals, etc.

If the Big 10 was a legit football conference now (sorry, but they have had too many embarrassments to get taken seriously by the BCS), they would "close" their state borders to outside recruiting (they can't). They would be able to hand-pick any talent they wanted from their region without regard for other schools (nope). Their conference champion would be considered a top candidate for the BCS championship game year in, year out (and not just by default when other conference champions suffer embarrassing losses).

The Big 10 has lost a lot of ground from the national perspective... and home-and-home rivalries are just what happens when negotiations fall through and tradition losses out to money.

ok. maybe i've undervalued your football knowledge...may be that whole go pack go rah rah crap ;)

6/8/2009, 10:41 AM
ok. maybe i've undervalued your football knowledge...may be that whole go pack go rah rah crap ;)

It's impossible to ignore that crap growing up there. They show Badger games on public television... PUBLIC TELEVISION! The same channel that shows Sesame Street and Mister Rogers!

I have been to Camp Randall and the fans there are awful. I hope and pray that OU never, ever schedules a home-and-home with them. I have heard that fans are equally bad at other Big 10 schools, with the exception of Michigan, who has the 'been there' feel that Bammer did when we visited them a few years back.