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5/26/2009, 10:09 PM
When asked if he were going to apologize again to Urban Meyer for accusing the Florida coach of cheating, Kiffin said he never had received an apology from Spurrier after Spurrier questioned whether he had passed the NCAA recruiting test before he began calling prospects.

Told of Kiffin’s remark, Spurrier shook his head, paused then turned around and faced Kiffin, who waiting to get on an elevator.

“I didn’t accuse you of cheating,” Spurrier said, pointing toward Kiffin. “I said, ‘Is it permissible to call recruits before he’s announced as head coach, before you take the test?’”

Spurrier then turned down back to the group of reporters and said: “He took the test online and I didn’t know you could do that. I thought you had to take the test on campus, then get announced.”

Kiffin, who turned red during the 40-second exchange, said something inaudible. Otherwise, he was silent while waiting for the elevator to arrive.

After Kiffin and several other coaches – Kentucky’s Rich Brooks, Auburn’s Gene Chizik and Arkansas’ Bobby Petrino – piled on to the elevator, Spurrier stepped on and announced again, “I didn’t say he broke the rules. I just said, ‘Is it permissible to make calls?’”

And with that the elevator door closed, leaving the media members laughing and wondering how the conversation played out on the way up.


THe SEC coaches meetings are going to be fun this year.:pop:

stoops the eternal pimp
5/26/2009, 10:12 PM
great stuff...I love spurrier

5/26/2009, 10:24 PM
When I read that Lame took the NCAA test online, it became clear why he has had so many violations already, he must have had an FSU tutor take it for him

stoops the eternal pimp
5/26/2009, 10:27 PM
Geez....I think he wants to keep that Fulmer Cup alive and well in Tennessee

5/26/2009, 10:31 PM
where did Kiffin coach before Tennessee? He must've learned that somewhere.

Salt City Sooner
5/26/2009, 10:45 PM
where did Kiffin coach before Tennessee? He must've learned that somewhere.

Thing that make ya go hmm......:D

5/26/2009, 10:50 PM
He worked at USC for Carroll. Was co-offensive coordinator with Norm Chow. Chow did all the work, Lame got all the credit

CK Sooner
5/26/2009, 10:55 PM

Thing that make ya go hmm......:D


Scott D
5/26/2009, 11:10 PM

Thing that make ya go hmm......:D

And here I didn't think Al Davis had anything to do with recruiting for any school.

5/26/2009, 11:12 PM
Thanks for posting that. Funny read.

If you look up "owned" in Webster's dictionary, I'm pretty sure it refers to that exchange with Spurrier.

Coach Stoops learned from a great one.

5/26/2009, 11:17 PM

This man is bat**** crazy.

5/26/2009, 11:43 PM


Frozen Sooner
5/26/2009, 11:52 PM
Kiffin's freaking amazing. Guy can't seem to stop mentioning recruits by name (whether on Twitter or otherwise-seriously, what football coach TWITTERS?? No offense to twitter users.) Shoots his mouth off after putting his foot in it all the time.

5/26/2009, 11:59 PM
Kiffin's freaking amazing. Guy can't seem to stop mentioning recruits by name (whether on Twitter or otherwise-seriously, what football coach TWITTERS?? No offense to twitter users.) Shoots his mouth off after putting his foot in it all the time.

dude is a tool

but has a hot wife

so i cant hate him 100%, but he could be an alien. so idk?? :D

5/27/2009, 06:00 AM
Lamey was talking about the level of coaching talent in the SEC when he said there were 3 coaches, Miles, Meyer, and Saban, who had won MNC. Either he intentionally left Spurrier out to be an arse or he was just too stupid to know what he was talking about. I think it was the latter.

5/27/2009, 07:23 AM
My gawd, did someone find a hobo on the streets of Oakland, give him a Raiders jacket and say "Roam the sideline like you own the place?!"

If dealing with Al Davis taught Kiffin anything, it was probably how to handle the demands of old, incompetent alumni who want to coach the team from the stands without showing up to any practices or team meetings to know what's really going on... and my guess is the SEC has tons of those type of fans :D

5/27/2009, 08:15 AM
My gawd, did someone find a hobo on the streets of Oakland, give him a Raiders jacket and say "Roam the sideline like you own the place?!"

If dealing with Al Davis taught Kiffin anything, it was probably how to handle the demands of old, incompetent alumni who want to coach the team from the stands without showing up to any practices or team meetings to know what's really going on... and my guess is the SEC has tons of those type of fans :D

That isn't limited to the SEC, my daughters soccer league could meet that definition.:)

5/27/2009, 09:24 AM
Damn, you would think that Al could afford some plastic surgery, but I guess he looks good for 150.

5/27/2009, 10:03 AM
Does one celebrate beating a special olympics kid in a race? Why cheer someone for beating Kiffykins in a battle of wits? Feel sorry for the guy, and smile when his teams lose.

5/27/2009, 10:14 AM
Crazy to think he was one of the greatest minds in the NFL.

Sad really.

Scott D
5/27/2009, 10:16 AM
Kiffin's freaking amazing. Guy can't seem to stop mentioning recruits by name (whether on Twitter or otherwise-seriously, what football coach TWITTERS?? No offense to twitter users.) Shoots his mouth off after putting his foot in it all the time.

just offhand?

Kiffin, Carroll, Sarkesian, Brown, Weis, Miles among a few.

5/27/2009, 02:08 PM
dude is a tool

but has a hot wife

so i cant hate him 100%, but he could be an alien. so idk?? :D



5/27/2009, 02:14 PM


Only cuz yer from t-town...

5/27/2009, 02:18 PM
You had me at hello, badger. You had me at hello.

Which one is she?


5/27/2009, 02:18 PM
Oh, and 4,000 posts!!!!

5/27/2009, 02:44 PM
Between you and me I'd like to step on Kiffin's head until my foot is covered in brains

5/27/2009, 02:47 PM
Which one is she?

This one:

That's my feminist revenge for you requesting pics of hot chicks... sexist pig :P

5/27/2009, 03:12 PM
(S)He looks beter in a black dress. ;)

5/27/2009, 04:33 PM
Between you and me I'd like to step on Kiffin's head until my foot is covered in brains

You'de be steppin for a while.

Scott D
5/27/2009, 05:02 PM
Between you and me I'd like to step on Kiffin's head until my foot is covered in brains

you'd break both feet on that thick skull.

5/27/2009, 05:07 PM
just offhand?

Kiffin, Carroll, Sarkesian, Brown, Weis, Miles among a few.



5/27/2009, 05:08 PM

Thing that make ya go hmm......:D

I can't stand Al Davis...but that is a nice jacket he's got on.

5/27/2009, 10:20 PM
where did Kiffin coach before Tennessee? He must've learned that somewhere.


Thing that make ya go hmm......:D
He was employed by the Raiders, I think you could hardly call what he did there "coaching" by any stretch of the imagination.