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View Full Version : Tickets Sales For the BYU Game in Dallas

5/23/2009, 12:47 PM
Has anyone heard any info on the tickets sales for the BYU game in Dallas? Is it sold out or are their any tickets left?
I spoke with the ticket office and they did not get as many tickets as promised. (especially the $150.00 and the $100.00 seats).

5/23/2009, 12:57 PM
I don't even know how to get tickets. What website do you go to?

5/23/2009, 01:02 PM
If the OU athletic department has any left overs, they will sell them in June or July

5/23/2009, 02:31 PM

5/23/2009, 04:39 PM
There is a link on ticketmaster for the game. It isn't active yet, but you can sign up for alerts for when it goes live. I'd post it if I wasn't on my phone.

5/25/2009, 07:47 AM
I was told that members of the Bud Wilkinson Club and Jerry's people got all the good seats, and that the Bud Wilkinson Club members were allowed eight 150.00 seats and I forgot how many 100.00 seats they could get. They must have pretty much bought up almost all of them, so if you want a good seat to our "home" game in Texas then you will have to buy from them.

We're in the Silver Club donor category with lots of points. I would have to look to see just how many, but we do qualify for 4 OU/Texas tickets and a couple of oSu away game tickets each year. My husband and I were both surprised that with the fairly generous donation we give each year, and as big as that stadium is, that all we qualified for were 80.00 seats.

5/25/2009, 07:50 AM
all we qualified for were 80.00 seats.

How quickly did you act? It seems that the sooner people posted about tix, the better the seats were that they told the rest of us about getting :D

5/25/2009, 07:56 AM
How quickly did you act? It seems that the sooner people posted about tix, the better the seats were that they told the rest of us about getting :D I called the same day my broker friend did, who is a member of the Bud Club. Thankfully he has provided us with seats in the club.

5/25/2009, 08:01 AM
hmm... not sure why you'd only get $80 seats then... well, better than $50 seats, I guess???

5/25/2009, 08:38 AM
hmm... not sure why you'd only get $80 seats then... well, better than $50 seats, I guess??? I didn't get the 80.00 seats. I let OU keep them. We'll will be in the club. I don't believe with as many points as I have though, that I should of had to rely on the kindness of others to supply us with a couple of good seats.

5/25/2009, 08:53 AM
I totally agree. Now is not the time for OU to be screwing with their donors. The university will probably not be able to get away with having it's annual tuition hike. Donations will probably be down across the board. Funding from the state and federal level will likely not cover any cost differences that need to be made up from lost donations and lost tuition dollars.

bent rider
5/25/2009, 07:31 PM
I totally agree. Now is not the time for OU to be screwing with their donors.

The Bud Club is not donors?

I thought that stadium was configured such that a lot of best seats are corporate suites/Cowboys sponsors, not just an elevated concourse, but in the lower bowl, between the 30s. When you're slumming in Jerry's World Jerry sets the rules and makes the dough.

5/26/2009, 07:42 AM
Must you question everything and everyone? I'm not saying that the Bud Club isn't important too... I'm saying that OU bedowngradin' tix to donors for the opening game isn't exactly a good way to make friends... and if they knew that there wouldn't be tix available to them at the requested price range (due to Jerry or whatev), they should have made that known upfront rather than via mail weeks after the donors applied!

5/26/2009, 11:24 AM
from what i've heard, if you bought the seat license for season tickets to the cowboys, you get first option for those seats to any event at the stadium.

5/26/2009, 11:55 AM
from what i've heard, if you bought the seat license for season tickets to the cowboys, you get first option for those seats to any event at the stadium.
even to our so called "home game?"

Color me confused as to why the people who have Club seats at Owen Field are not allowed a Club seat at Jerry's World? How many Club seats does Owen Field have compared to Jerry's World? :confused:

A last question, if I may...These fans who will be occupying the seats that were not alloted to OU and BYU....who will they most likely be rooting for at this "home" game of ours?

5/26/2009, 12:09 PM

Oklahoma will go down in history as the first team ever to win an "official" game in the new "Texas/Cowboy" stadium.

I like the idea.

still have 6 true home games. like last year. Seven would have been nice, but as far as a BCS reason, it's good we are playing a neutral game against a ranked opponent.

As far as a fan, it would be nice to have 7 home games.

5/26/2009, 01:48 PM
[QUOTE=MamaMia;2620627]even to our so called "home game?"


that's how I heard it. Didn't someone say the same thing happend at Arrowhead for the Big 12 Championship, season ticket holders of the Chiefs got first crack, then the schools & genral public?

5/26/2009, 02:09 PM
If you pay the hefty donation for however many Club seats you have at Owen Field, then you should at least have the option of being able to purchase the same amount of club seats at Jerry World, no matter the cost. I imagine that they do in fact have enough club seats to supply the OU season ticket club seat folks. This is suppose to make up for a home game, and after all, we are the home team. To make folks who pay a lot of money to OU have crappy seats to this game unless they buy from a broker, or have a friend willing to share, is insane. This also goes for the donors who don't have club seats but do have season tickets at Owen Field. You should be given the option of purchasing a seat comparable to the ones you have at Owen Field. Its really that simple, and would only be fair.

5/26/2009, 02:20 PM
Mama, we don't want to go down this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_Seat_License) road.

It's the nature of the beast in pro athletics, and that's how these overpriced monstrocities are built. The only ones entitled to anything are the ones who shelled out five figures and more for the "rights" to their seat. That's just the way things work.

Scooter McCade
5/26/2009, 02:27 PM
BYU is headed for a tougher than anticipated season. Would expect ticket availability to be healthy for this one...OU should beat em by at least 17.

Has anyone heard any info on the tickets sales for the BYU game in Dallas? Is it sold out or are their any tickets left?
I spoke with the ticket office and they did not get as many tickets as promised. (especially the $150.00 and the $100.00 seats).

5/26/2009, 02:29 PM
Mama, we don't want to go down this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_Seat_License) road.

It's the nature of the beast in pro athletics, and that's how these overpriced monstrocities are built. The only ones entitled to anything are the ones who shelled out five figures and more for the "rights" to their seat. That's just the way things work.
...or 4 figures. Thank you for making my point.

5/26/2009, 02:31 PM
What point are you trying to make? That's it's unfair?

5/26/2009, 02:33 PM
What point are you trying to make? That's it's unfair? Do you not have a respect for fairness?

5/26/2009, 02:35 PM
I do, but that's not how it works when you get into bed with pro sports teams. Somebody has already paid for that seat, and they've got first right of refusal. I'm sure you could've had any seat you wanted if you joined the BUD Society. :)

It works both ways sometimes. There's a reason we as season ticket holders were allowed to gobble up U2 tickets before they hit the market (not me, I think they suck).

5/26/2009, 02:41 PM
I feel for the donors not getting prime seats when they shell out so much money, but I don't think a seat-for-seat exchange for the home team is appropriate, especially given that we're the home team every-other-year in Dallas' Cotton Bowl.

I definitely think there was a breakdown in communication on the university's part, since so many people here have been posting about applying for higher-priced tix and ending up with offers for cheaper ones. If the tix aren't available to certain people, donors or not, let them know before they expect to be able to purchase good seats.

5/26/2009, 02:49 PM
I do, but that's not how it works when you get into bed with pro sports teams. Somebody has already paid for that seat, and they've got first right of refusal. I'm sure you could've had any seat you wanted if you joined the BUD Society. :)

It works both ways sometimes. There's a reason we as season ticket holders were allowed to gobble up U2 tickets before they hit the market (not me, I think they suck).
Apples to Oranges. The Dallas Cowboy fans have no right to get firsties to their seats to our "home" game. They have plenty of home games themselves. We do not. Those seats should go to our donors.

I guarantee you that if U2 was playing in that stadium, those Cowboy fans would have to buy their U2 tickets the same way we all did for the concert in Norman. The seat I purchased to attend the concert is in no way related to my donation to attend OU games, nor should it be. To use your argument, we would all be sitting in our football games seats to see U2.

5/26/2009, 02:49 PM
i don't really see the problem. there were a limited number of "premium" seats, they went to people that have spent/spend more money than you. it's not that much different than the way any of the other seating arrangements go for other games, only they aren't always tiered in prices

what ticked me off is the way they set up the requests and payment outside of the normal system

5/26/2009, 02:55 PM
The Dallas Cowboy fans have no right to get firsties to their seats to our "home" game.
This is incorrect.

It may not be the fairest of scenarios, but they bought the PSLs to that seat and have the right to use that seat for anything that comes through the doors of Jerry World. Be it a George Strait concert, the Peking Acrobats or the Oklahoma Sooners.

That's just the way it is.

5/26/2009, 02:58 PM
I feel for the donors not getting prime seats when they shell out so much money, but I don't think a seat-for-seat exchange for the home team is appropriate, especially given that we're the home team every-other-year in Dallas' Cotton Bowl.

I definitely think there was a breakdown in communication on the university's part, since so many people here have been posting about applying for higher-priced tix and ending up with offers for cheaper ones. If the tix aren't available to certain people, donors or not, let them know before they expect to be able to purchase good seats.

I always get good seats for the RRR because I donate a good amount to OU, not to the Dallas. I also sit with the same people I sit next to in the club in Norman. That stadium is split between the schools. Thats how this game should have been. If Cowboy fans want to come to the game, then they should be offered the seats left over after the OU and BYU schools were offered comparable seats to what they have at home.

How many Club seats does this Jerry World have? How many seats between the 40's are there? If that stadium is smaller than I think it is, then I can understand some people having to get screwed.

5/26/2009, 03:03 PM
This is incorrect.

It may not be the fairest of scenarios, but they bought the PSLs to that seat and have the right to use that seat for anything that comes through the doors of Jerry World. Be it a George Strait concert, the Peking Acrobats or the Oklahoma Sooners.

That's just the way it is.
No, you are incorrect in your way of thinking. To use Sooner04 logic, I should have been offered a club seat for U2 since thats where I sit for home games. Hypothetically speaking, if 2 Div II teams decide to get all fancy and use Owen Field for a neutral site game on one of our Saturdays off, do you honestly believe that Sooners should get firsties to their game?

5/26/2009, 03:11 PM
I'm not telling you that they "should" I'm just telling you that the owner of the PSL inside Jerry World "does" get first dibs on anything and everything inside the stadium. He owns that seat. That's how it works in pro sports.

If everybody who owned a PSL in the club section of Jerry World wanted a ticket to the OU/BYU game then it didn't matter how much you donated to OU; you'd be out. It wouldn't matter if you were in the BUD Society or 5-Hat Bill. If the owner of the PSL wants the seat, you're out of luck.

5/26/2009, 03:51 PM
I'm not telling you that they "should" I'm just telling you that the owner of the PSL inside Jerry World "does" get first dibs on anything and everything inside the stadium. He owns that seat. That's how it works in pro sports.

If everybody who owned a PSL in the club section of Jerry World wanted a ticket to the OU/BYU game then it didn't matter how much you donated to OU; you'd be out. It wouldn't matter if you were in the BUD Society or 5-Hat Bill. If the owner of the PSL wants the seat, you're out of luck. Even Sam has mixed feelings about this game being at Jerry World. OU did not handle this very well at all. Its not a good thing to have a whole lot of very unhappy generous Sooner fans sitting in crappy seats for the opening game. I also think it unwise to have a returning Heisman trophy winner who could have very easily be playing in the pros, thinking about his opening game with mixed feelings over something as important as whether or not its at home. All 84,000 plus of us should have been able to give Sam the proper welcome home cheer right there at Owen Field.

5/26/2009, 04:13 PM
Do you not have a respect for fairness?

After retiring from the corporate world, I started teaching High School in Houston, my students would sometimes complain that a school rule or regulation wasn't "fair."

My answer, fair is a country festival in France.

While I support the idea that those who make significant contributions to the Unversity should get the best seats, sometimes in life, stuff just happens, and I'll just enjoy watching the Sooners from my $80 seats

5/26/2009, 09:31 PM
I don't see what is so hard to understand. To give our "program" the best possible chance to go to the national championship our athletic department has to schedule a solid non-conference schedule. Remember thats why we were ahead of *texas* last year. We already have one TERRIBLE game on our schedule. To fix this we needed to add another "solid" team.

This late in the process it is difficult to negotiate as most schedules are done years in advance. BYU just happens to be a ranked team and needs a game, but does not want to come to norman. So our AD figures out a way to make it happen at a neutral site, and not just any neutral site, the opening of the most hyped football stadium ever.

Now does it suck that it happens to be the first game of the year, yes. Does it suck that we didn't get the first shot at the good seats, yes. The fact of the matter is this isn't a "home" game for us. It is neutral and just happens to be closer to us. If you were truly looking at this as an OU fan you would suck it up because you know it is what is best for our program at this time, even though it wasn't what was best for you.

5/27/2009, 09:33 AM
Given the prestige of the two programs involved (yes, BYU has some prestige somewhere, I think), I think the two schools involved could have made certain ticket demands that would not be subject to seat holder licenses or whatever.

These are the same demands that the NCAA/BCS/anyone else should make in the national championship game so OU doesn't end up with only 10,000 or so tix in the Sugar Bowl :mad:

It's not about fairness, it's about common sense. We bring our awesome football teams to your house, you provide us with the ticket allotment we demand!

5/27/2009, 10:21 AM
i don't really see the problem. there were a limited number of "premium" seats, they went to people that have spent/spend more money than you. it's not that much different than the way any of the other seating arrangements go for other games, only they aren't always tiered in prices

what ticked me off is the way they set up the requests and payment outside of the normal system I'll try to explain in a way you may understand. There are a whole lot of people who donate about half or more of the 10,000.00 requirement the Bud people donate to OU each year. Many of those Gold and Silver donors were only offered 80.00 seats because the Bud people bought more tickets than OU anticipated. Now OU has a whole lot of very unhappy Gold and Silver donors on their hands. Thats the problem.

OU did not get enough good seats from Jerry's people and they offered too many of the good seats to Bud people, not knowing that they would buy them up. The Bud people would buy up the whole 4000 allotment we get to the oSu game in Stillwater if OU allowed them to do so, which would jeopardize the fortune OU makes off the Gold and Silver members. Thats why OU doesn't do that. Many of those Bud donors are ticket brokers.

The OU people know that they cant fund our program merely on just what the Bud people donate. They need to keep those Gold and Silver donors happy because collectively they get a whole lot more money from them than from the Bud people. OU allowed Jerry's people to keep way too many premium seats to OUR game.

Most of us predicted that this is precisely what would happen if the OU/Texas game was moved to Jerry's World. Next year, the extra check many of these Silver and Gold donors write, which is above what they donate to get season tickets may not be written over this. Thats the problem. Capite'?

5/27/2009, 11:16 AM
I don't think the OU-Texas game ever gets moved to Jerry World because of the PSLs. The people who scarfed up the super-duper club seats OWN the seat. They've got first right of refusal to that very seat. They will not be priced out by a higher donor EVER because it's theirs.

Your sacrifice for the BYU game will probably keep the OU-Texas game at the Cotton Bowl for a while. The outcry over this will certainly continue to open the eyes of our Athletic Department.

5/27/2009, 05:30 PM
I guess, I come down on what is the "greater good" what's best for the University? Would we rather have a quality team in Dallas or UT-Chattanooga(or similar) in Norman?

5/27/2009, 05:46 PM
You might be talking about OU's "greater good," but let's think outside the box for a sec... what's the greater good for Jerryworld?

Premiere events that would attract a lot of butts to seats, of course. OU football definitely fits that bill. BYU's a bonus.

So, let's turn things around - rather than think how OU can get an event in Jerryworld, how can Jerryworld get an OU event?

This is NOT how Jerryworld keeps OU events, by screwing its large donor fanbase.

OU can fill stadiums anywhere. We had thousands go up to Seattle, where Warsh fans told us that we filled seats that are usually empty way up top. What makes Jerryworld so d@mn special? Nothing really. We can have the OU-BYU game elsewhere if they don't give in to our demands, which SHOULD include access to more tickets.

5/27/2009, 11:33 PM
sorry to interrupt, but does anyone know about student tickets to this game?

5/28/2009, 07:56 AM
sorry to interrupt, but does anyone know about student tickets to this game?

Via SoonerSports.com:

AWAY GAME TICKETS will go on sale to all student football season ticket holders on Aug. 25 at 7:00 a.m. online
at www.soonersports.com. Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis during this sale. Walk-up sales
will start at 10:00a.m. Tickets will be available to pick up only at each away game location. Students may request to
have their tickets grouped during the sale on Aug. 25. Students may purchase a ticket and have it transferred to
another student season ticket holder. Students must complete a transfer request form at the Athletics Ticket Office
during the designated date and times. A transfer form replaces the name on the ticket with the student to whom the
ticket is to be transferred; it does not transfer the cost of the ticket. A limit may be imposed on the number of
transferred tickets a student may receive. All payments will stay on the bursar account of the student who originally

More info on student tix here. (http://grfx.cstv.com/photos/schools/okla/genrel/auto_pdf/20090428_student_ticket_policy.pdf)

I recommend calling the ticket office to be sure, since Mama Mia has said multiple times that this is actually a "home game" for us, so I would think it would qualify as "away" since it's outside Norman, but I am not sure.

(405) 325-2424 or (800) 456-GoOU

Then after you call :O would you be a dear and tell us what they tell you :O

5/28/2009, 11:10 AM
I am a season ticket holder, don't now about tickets but just heard about a local company doing bus transportation to the game if you already have tickets. I just booked seats for $68. I like this idea so I don't have to fight traffic pay high dollor parking and I can relax on the way home after we kick BYU's butt. Contact is David at 324-9888.
Have a great day,

5/28/2009, 01:56 PM
This has been said a couple of times in this thread, but apparently not understood by all.
The PSL holders hold the rights to the seat that they pay the license for.
They are not Dallas Cowboy season ticket holders - they are rights holders to the seats in the new stadium. What this does is give them the first shot at purchasing tickets for those particular seats - regardless of the event.
Since they have a licensing agreement with the PSL owners, the stadium owner CAN NOT refuse that ticket for any event to that PSL license holder, even if they wanted to.
They get the first shot at the Super Bowl, the Cotton Bowl, the OU/BYU game, the Texas High School championship football game, a U2 concert, Wrestlemania, a tractor pull - any event in the stadium.
As far as I know, they do not even HAVE to buy Cowboys tickets. They just get first shot at them. If they decline to buy the tickets, then they will be sold to the general public. The same holds true for the OU/BYU game. If they decline the tickets to the OU/BYU game, then those will be sold to the public.

5/28/2009, 03:04 PM
We got our BYU tix through Ticketmaster. What they did was email a special code to dallas cowboy season ticket holders (or psl holders) which you could use. You didn't have to buy tix in the seats you had the psl's to, and could actually buy more than the psl's you owned as well. We have a friend who has two seats and used his code to buy 4 in the $100 area, really the $125 area with all the damn fees.

5/31/2009, 08:24 PM
what is the code?

5/31/2009, 09:05 PM

5/31/2009, 10:40 PM
is there a ticketmaster link?

5/31/2009, 11:15 PM
i don't know how the sections compare, but you can still get tickets from OU too. at least you could on Friday

6/1/2009, 03:38 PM

That code did not work... but this one worked fine. OU63BYU0

6/7/2009, 06:48 PM
when do tickets go on sale to the public????