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View Full Version : BCS GOES TO CAPITOL HILL...

4/30/2009, 10:42 PM
Very Soon the BCS will have to answer questions from an Anti-Trust Sub- Committee and hopefully it will be exposed for the fraud that it is.....



Curly Bill
4/30/2009, 10:43 PM
Yeah because congress doesn't have bigger things to worry about.

4/30/2009, 11:11 PM
Yeah because congress doesn't have bigger things to worry about.

Besides our egos, what is bigger than college football?

Curly Bill
4/30/2009, 11:13 PM
Besides our egos, what is bigger than college football?

Taking this at face value, do we then want the US Congress to get involved with it? College football is awesome, let congress go **** up something else.

4/30/2009, 11:18 PM
Taking this at face value, do we then want the US Congress to get involved with it? College football is awesome, let congress go **** up something else.

College football is awesome...however how we determine the championship is not.

I do not think congress should get involved...but the BCS should either be banished and a playoff put in...or the BCS banished and we go back to the old way of doing things.

Either way, the BCS should be banished.

5/1/2009, 12:50 AM
The BCS is a bastardized version of what it is supposed to be. It keeps getting changed every season because someone is "not supposed to be in the championship game."

5/1/2009, 06:15 AM
Taking this at face value, do we then want the US Congress to get involved with it? College football is awesome, let congress go **** up something else.

I think they should fire BV :P

5/1/2009, 08:24 AM
I think Congress should fix our economy. Then in better times they can waste my money screwing up things that they have no idea about.
Maybe something will get done, but I don't see how it's Congress' business.

5/1/2009, 10:20 AM
Lord, what a waste of time this is gonna be!!

I say let the guy from Utah file is lawsuit and let the courts judge the case on its merits. If the BCS is found to be in violation of Anti-Trust laws, then remedy the situation.

5/1/2009, 10:24 AM
Just what we need... a lower tiered NFL. :(

5/1/2009, 10:31 AM
Yeah, let's get rid of the BCS. Then we can sit back and watch USC "win" 6 straight national titles by playing in 6 straight Rose Bowls against 6 straight second-tier Big-Teneleven teams that couldn't hold the Big-12 or SECs jock.

That'll be "fun".

5/1/2009, 10:34 AM
On the bright side, I get to root for JC Watts again. :)

5/1/2009, 10:54 AM
Wow, does this really take Washington D.C. to figure this out?? I thought they would have much more important "crisis" stuff to organize. Like, well I don't know, maybe the economy that has me (and many other Americans) sitting on our azzes on Fridays because our companies have cut our hours and benefits. Just a thought.

Back to the BCS,
I know we've talked about this a crapload for years now. But what would be so hard about keeping the BCS system in place and taking the top 8 BCS teams and putting them in a playoff. They could still use all the bowls, and it would only add a few extra games. I just don't see what's so hard about this. It really makes sense.
Every year someone in the top 5 or top 8 is unhappy because they feel they got jobbed. Some of them have fair arguments, some of them don't.
But if you take the top 8 teams...more often than not that will give an opportunity to every team who truly deserves a chance to play for the championship. And if those lesser teams get beat bad in the playoff....who cares. Fans would still come to the games, the powers that be would still get their hands on the money for the games....I just don't see why the powers that be can't wrap their minds around this concept.
And if it's time they're worried about, that's a bunch of b.s. because there's a huge break between the conference champ games and the big bowls. Plenty of time to throw in a couple of extra games.

Anyways, that's my morning rant on this. And I really don't see why it's taking Washinton's involvement to look at this closer. Stupid.

5/1/2009, 10:54 AM
I've begun to view this in a completely different light recently. I would much rather congress spend its time arguing about baseball steroids or the BCS than do something stupid like pass a tax so we can research wood.

5/1/2009, 10:58 AM
I laughed when I heard about this on my way in.....

I say keep those ignorant idiots (and I mean every one of them) away from our beloved sport. These idiots could screw up ordering an ice cream cone.

I don't like the way it is now either.....but to have these moronical idiots have anything to do with it is just ridiculous.

Let them go screw our country up more and leave College Football alone :D

5/1/2009, 11:03 AM
Besides, Congress should really be investigating usc. :)

5/1/2009, 11:18 AM
^ Ding! Ding! Ding! Yeha, what Doc sed!!!!

5/1/2009, 11:34 AM
thats fine lets dissolve the bcs and watch how the smaller schools or i guess the non-bcs teams have even less of a chance to win a national championship. the "bcs" bowls will just keep inviting the same teams they always do because many of those contracts have been around for quite sometime... (f u rose bowl) . the smaller schools don't really care about the bcs and not being involved they just want... MORE MONEY!

5/1/2009, 12:13 PM
Yeah because congress doesn't have bigger things to worry about.

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


5/1/2009, 12:56 PM
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What's your point?


5/1/2009, 02:53 PM
Notice how in the article the congressmen that are bitching are from Utah and Texas. Utah has a legit gripe, but come on, people didn't want to see them in the championship game. What if they had pulled a Hawaii? As for Texas, well I guess they will always be upset that Oklahoma finishes one step ahead of thier little brother program.

With the BCS, I'm not going to knock it. It's better than just picking a MNC after the season or after the bowl. It may not be perfect, but I don't want some team who just managed to get into the playoffs pulling some upsets because they had a home-field advantage for a couple of games. I would rather a group of sports educated people who have watched the entire season and group of NON-BIASED computers choose the two best teams to play in the NCG.

Nobody in thier right mind can say that OU and Florida wasn't the game that they wanted to see. And that goes for most NCGs in the BCS (with obvious exceptions to 2001 and 2004). With a playoff people are still going to get left out and bitch about the fairness and money situation. It happens with the NCAA BB tourney. At most allow the top 4 teams to play-off in the case of three undefeateds or something like that, but 8 would allow to many non-deserving teams a chance to simply get lucky at the end of the year. The only reason that it works in the BB tourney is because there are so many teams and it is extremely unlikely that a crappy team will win five upsets in a row.

5/1/2009, 02:57 PM
Won't the BCS get screwed up even worse if the government gets ahold of it?

Curly Bill
5/1/2009, 06:10 PM
Won't the BCS get screwed up even worse if the government gets ahold of it?

Isn't that what the government does to most things it's involved in?

The Remnant
5/1/2009, 07:21 PM
Some of the most ominous words ever spoken: " I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."

5/1/2009, 08:43 PM
I found it interesting.... surprised by some responses..

The BCS would stay in place forever because the common fan is unwilling to try and implement change or worse, they throw their hands up in the air and say, "oh well, a mediocre product is better than no product at all."
The real issue isn't about whether it is mediocre, it is about being illegal in the way it operates.

It is a sham and a disgrace, it is beneath the sport that my beloved Sooners dominate in. You folks who believe the government has no need getting involved leave me slightly irritated. Frankly the government is the only entity that COULD implement change in this dastardly system. One that every year has people clawing their eyes out at how preposterous it is. Yeah it is only football... Well to you I say.....

This is America, we created freaking rock n roll, we created blue jeans, we created the Chrysler 440 cubic inch engine... yeah I know we also created a system where a single company somehow illegally
receives billions in no-bid contracts to rebuild a foreign nation that we destroyed... I not saying we are perfect... but hell if anyone is willing to try and fix this mess or put enough pressure on them to operate with a greater sense of judicial fairness I say let 'em grill that horrible system and the
people who are in charge of it...

jeezus where's my librium...

5/1/2009, 09:12 PM
It does not surprise me at all that someone from Austin thinks government involvement is a good thing.

Curly Bill
5/1/2009, 09:38 PM
This is America, we created freaking rock n roll, we created blue jeans, we created the Chrysler 440 cubic inch engine... yeah I know we also created a system where a single company somehow illegally
receives billions in no-bid contracts to rebuild a foreign nation that we destroyed... I not saying we are perfect... but hell if anyone is willing to try and fix this mess or put enough pressure on them to operate with a greater sense of judicial fairness I say let 'em grill that horrible system and the
people who are in charge of it...

Notice you said we did these things, not the government did these things.

5/1/2009, 10:09 PM
Texass is still pissed. For the Heisman to the BCS Championship game went to the biggest rivalry.

I would be pissed too but. c'mon, is there a world recession to be solved?

Curly Bill
5/1/2009, 10:10 PM
*Texas*s is still pissed. For the Heisman to the BCS Championship game went to the biggest rivalry.

I would be pissed too but. c'mon, is there a world recession to be solved?

Hey, the rest of ya solve this world recession crap, we have the BCS to straighten out! :rolleyes:

5/2/2009, 03:18 AM
Won't the BCS get screwed up even worse if the government gets ahold of it?

nothing good comes from govt.... just saying. let people worry about themselves. I'm 21 years old and aint I scared of ****... am i poor? **** no, b/c i work my *** off and dont depend on Obama and his friends.... just saying


Not my fault that other people are **** ups, who choose to cheat and steal and be worthless, nobody made them do it.

lol idc care if your FDR, W, Washington, Nixon, Regan, Clinton, or Obama.... LEAVE MY COLLEGE FOOTBALL THE **** ALONE!!!!!!!! That is one thing that I have regardless of how far left or right the guy in office is.!
"Every man chooses their own destiny, regardless of what their father did"

JMO take it or leave. lol, but everyone would agree getting that govt involved in college football is stupid.

5/2/2009, 05:15 AM
Hey, the rest of ya solve this world recession crap, we have the BCS to straighten out! :rolleyes:

Actually not a bad idea...LOL

The Government has only made things worse, while spending trillions of dollars on actually NOTHING.....

Maybe this will get their minds straightened out.

You know...sometimes you get in a funk...then you try something that seems assanine and it works. Then you get on a roll from there.

Maybe...just maybe....

Aww...who the phuck am I kidding? :D

5/2/2009, 12:12 PM
Tigepilot- nice ad hominem argument. I am not here to attack another poster....

Okay look at things this way... or (help educate me then, people)

College football is an industry, correct? If an industry, regardless of what it is, is deemed to be unscrupulous and illegal in it's dealings, which some people suspect is happening with the BCS, who should address the issue? They (THE BCS) want money going to specific entities and have created loyalties among a small group of administrators, athletic directors, and bowl games, so that they retain the power to control the course of the industry. This would be violation of anti-trust laws because it does not promote a balance playing field for all to compete equally.

If the gov is the wrong entity to handle it.... who do you propose addresses the issue? At this point the BCS is its own police force and will operate however it feels is best to ensure it's survival BECAUSE NOBODY IS WILLING TO CHALLENGE THEM

Scratching my head at this point...

5/2/2009, 01:17 PM
Every sport is a monopoly. If not, I could go out, start up a football team, and then sue the NFL to schedule me. The fundamental question at hand is whether or not bowl games are somehow public property. If not, then they absolutely have the right to collude on how they pick the teams they invite. What the members of the BCS do is 100%, completely the same as what every pro sport does if it uses a draft for players.

I think it's really unfortunate that so many of you operate under this misconception that the BCS is meant to somehow be "fair" or to create a "championship" based on competition.

Lemme run it down for you. Slowly. One last time. The BCS does one thing, and one thing only.

It stops the Rose Bowl from ruining college football every other year with some craptacular matchup between a lousy Pac-10 team and a decent, but untested, big-teneleven team, or it matches up some craptacular big-teneleven team with a decent, but untested, Pac-10 team.

That's it. That's all it does. And it does so quite nicely. What's more, things are a HUGE improvement because of the BCS -- because the Rose Bowl, the big tenleven, and the Pac-10 all suck ginormous gorilla parts. They're like the Confederacy of the college football nation, with none of the cool principled notions of rebellion. Just the isolationist desire to pretend like the rest of us don't exist, and screw up the greater whole in the process.

Don't call it the Bowl Championship Series. Call it the Sure Beats Letting the Rose Bowl Screw The Pooch All The Damned Time. The SBLRBSTPATDT.

God bless the SBLRBSTPATDT, and all it has done to improve college football.

5/2/2009, 07:53 PM
What RedstickSooner said. Keep the god damned gov out of my sports... particularly the best of all sports, COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!

IGotNoTiming, go back to your liberal hippy lovin' Austin hole. I'm guessin' your a Sooner fan but if you can deal with livin' there, you diserve to live there. I've spent well enough time there through work to know what I'm talking about and NO I don't like Austin.

5/2/2009, 09:28 PM
Its pathetic how our government sets its priorities. Those fools know nothing about how the college football system works. Leave it alone.

5/3/2009, 03:03 AM
Every sport is a monopoly. If not, I could go out, start up a football team, and then sue the NFL to schedule me. The fundamental question at hand is whether or not bowl games are somehow public property. If not, then they absolutely have the right to collude on how they pick the teams they invite. What the members of the BCS do is 100%, completely the same as what every pro sport does if it uses a draft for players.

I think it's really unfortunate that so many of you operate under this misconception that the BCS is meant to somehow be "fair" or to create a "championship" based on competition.

Lemme run it down for you. Slowly. One last time. The BCS does one thing, and one thing only.

It stops the Rose Bowl from ruining college football every other year with some craptacular matchup between a lousy Pac-10 team and a decent, but untested, big-teneleven team, or it matches up some craptacular big-teneleven team with a decent, but untested, Pac-10 team.

That's it. That's all it does. And it does so quite nicely. What's more, things are a HUGE improvement because of the BCS -- because the Rose Bowl, the big tenleven, and the Pac-10 all suck ginormous gorilla parts. They're like the Confederacy of the college football nation, with none of the cool principled notions of rebellion. Just the isolationist desire to pretend like the rest of us don't exist, and screw up the greater whole in the process.

Don't call it the Bowl Championship Series. Call it the Sure Beats Letting the Rose Bowl Screw The Pooch All The Damned Time. The SBLRBSTPATDT.

God bless the SBLRBSTPATDT, and all it has done to improve college football.


Plus its benefiting us so I am all for it. Here's and Idea for the Utah's and Boise States of the world: make yourself financially and socially relevant and then you might get a seat at the table.

5/3/2009, 03:33 AM
Hmm Tigepilot I didn't know asking questions I did would generate the vitriol which spewed from your mouth.... You are empowered.

5/3/2009, 05:26 AM
I can just see it now US Department of College Football Operations, Go to hell Washington.

5/3/2009, 11:20 PM
Its pathetic how our government sets its priorities. Those fools know nothing about how the college football system works. Leave it alone.

Exactly. Well said.

5/7/2009, 04:33 AM
Bill introduced by a Congressman from Utah, the unbeaten, overlooked, kind to small animals, gang that never makes it to the BCS game.

Maybe as a booby prize, they will get the detainees from Gitmo. Now THAT would be what I call a truly offensively motivated team. ;)

5/7/2009, 08:33 AM
Really, if the gummint was going to look at the evils of football, they should do something governmental -- and make it so, say, the NCAA handled the out-of-conference portion of every team's schedule.

If that happened, then teams like Utah would have 5 games a year against teams other than those midgets they normally play. And maybe by the end of the season we'd truly *know* which were the best teams, instead of having to consult tea leaves and computers as we currently do, to try to guess which teams could beat which teams head-to-head.

The corrupt, broken part of the system ain't the bowls. It's the fact that all the major programs need extra home games, and get them by paying patsies to stop by and get prison raped.

That doesn't mean I support gummint getting involved -- they'd only screw this up. (And, no, I don't agree that government can't do anything right. It can, from time to time. This simply isn't one of those things I would ever, in a million years, want our elected officials to try and meddle with.)

I'm simply suggesting that if we're to find fault, I think the fundamental problems aren't with the BCS. They're with general scheduling in the first place.

5/11/2009, 05:47 PM
J.C., say it ain't so...

Former Sooner lobbyist for the BCS (http://www.thewizofodds.com/the_wiz_of_odds/2009/05/watts-has-been-paid-620000-to-lobby-for-the-bcs.html)

Nobody understands the game like J.C. Watts.

As a quarterback, he guided Oklahoma to consecutive Orange Bowl victories. After playing professionally in Canada, he returned to his home state and ran for office, representing Oklahoma's 4th district in the U.S. House of Representatives for eight years.

He started a lucrative lobbying and consulting firm in 2004 and counts the Bowl Championship Series among his clients.

Watts has encouraged the BCS to engage Congress in the debate over college football's quirky system for determining a national champion, which included last week's hearing before a House subcommittee.

"When they get called into hearings, it is in some sense pretty good, because then you get to explain and take the time to walk people through what is actually there, which is what we do in a member's office, or catching them at dinner, or when you corner them at the airport," he said.

According to Politico, the BCS has paid Watts $620,000 over the past five years.

"My responsibilities are just to try to help the BCS navigate through this," he said.

Watts said it "seems strange" that Congress would even bother with something like the BCS.

"They have phenomenal issues they have to deal with. Health care, wars, financial crisis, and even if you take this financial crisis out of the mix, they still have tremendous responsibilities."

5/11/2009, 06:39 PM
OK.... I know everyone will disagree with me on this. But everyone who talks about a playoff or another way of doing things is missing the point entirely. College football is first and foremost about the athletes. Nobody ever thinks about them, the wear and tear on their body's(for most their future earnings). and how tough it already is to balance class and a big time sport like OU football is. To do any kind of playoff you cut into their finals, class time, and break. Most athletes today say that they don't want to play any more games. DM said that on espn this year when asked about the BCS controversy. I am starting to feel like all the fans think about is their selfish desire to see more of their favorite sport. While I understand and sympathize with everyone(I think a playoff would be much better system of determining a NC) It cannot be done in any way that will effect the players and above all STUDENT ATHLETES. I think we all need to think first about our players(and heros) and think of what they put on the line every weekend. Then turn around and go to 8AM class get out around 12. practice from 1-4, film till 6 or later, dinner, maybe an hour or two to study if possible, then sleep. Now we want more from them. Basketball is different bc they play for only three months of the school year, for some only two, most is over the break. Football is from August till January, its completely different, and shouldn't be used as a similar sport from which to draw conclusions about the viability of a playoff.

Sorry for the rant, but I thought that the other side of the debate should at least be heard.

Curly Bill
5/11/2009, 07:27 PM
I'm against a playoff too (for different reasons than yours) Jboozer, but your argument has been voiced many times by one Leroy Lizard...

...so we've heard it.

5/11/2009, 07:51 PM
I'm against a playoff too (for different reasons than yours) Jboozer, but your argument has been voiced many times by one Leroy Lizard aka Curly Bill's best friend...

...so we've heard it.


Curly Bill
5/11/2009, 07:58 PM

Shall I start making a list of your friends? :pop:

5/11/2009, 08:05 PM

Curly Bill
5/11/2009, 08:12 PM

For a start, but all the libs are your friends.

I've heard stories about wild parties involving you and them. :D

5/11/2009, 08:20 PM