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Spartan(Sooner at Heart)
4/28/2009, 03:51 PM
Just FYI. He played well in MSU spring game... 350 yards passing and showed nice mobility. The other guy (K.Couzens) put up almost identical stats. They're considering splitting QB time in the non-conference schedule before choosing one guy for the conference season.

4/28/2009, 03:53 PM
nice numbers.

i hope the spartans are working on defense.

4/28/2009, 03:53 PM
good for him! I hope he continues to do great. Anyone who picks Oklahoma first is a good guy!

4/28/2009, 03:56 PM
Great to hear!

4/28/2009, 04:24 PM
Hope he wins the battle.

Crimson Kid
4/28/2009, 09:58 PM
good for him! I hope he continues to do great. Anyone who picks Oklahoma first is a good guy!

He didn't pick us first. he went back to where he first committed to.

4/28/2009, 10:07 PM
He didn't pick us first. he went back to where he first committed to after realizing that he would never be a 1st string QB at OU.


4/28/2009, 10:35 PM
I wouldn't mind the kid doing well. Seemed to be a good guy, and can't fault him for leaving, he saw where his place would be for a while had he stayed at OU. Good luck Nichol

4/28/2009, 10:44 PM
nothing but good wishes for Nichol

4/28/2009, 10:45 PM
It just lets the likes of Michigan State know where they stand. ;)

Nah, seriously... I was a fan of this kid all along, though I never thought he stood a chance after watching him in the spring game of 2007. I already heard Halzle and Bradford had 1a and 1b locked up prior to the Boise Bowl, and heard rumors about how "fascinating" Bradford was to watch in bowl practices. In the Spring game, I could tell he was quite a bit farther along than PT was and he had things going for him that JH didn't. Nichol was still struggling with the speed of the game even with a scaled-down playbook. Wilson wanted to open up the offense in 2007 to Gresham, more RB passes, more spreading the ball around than just run, run, pass. I knew pretty much all along it was Bradford's job, I just didn't expect 36 TDs and only 8 INTs and SB playing with such style like he did. It was like he was possessed with JW's accuracy and Heupel's patience and maturity.

I will admit, I thought by spring camp in 2008, I felt he should have been a solid #2 guy that maybe we could have had a couple of packages and looks for KN, but he was gone before they really even got the no huddle stuff in place. Michigan State to him was what OU is to Bradford, his heart and best oppurtunity was there all along.

4/29/2009, 10:01 AM
I would gladly cheer on the Spartans....

Hopefully Nichol wins the job outright......no splitting time.

4/29/2009, 11:38 AM
[QUOTE=The_Red_Patriot;2610119]I would gladly cheer on the Spartans....

I keep forgetting my Greek history, what's the difference between a Spartan and a Trojan?

4/29/2009, 12:15 PM
Spartans were bad azzes, trojans were ghey pretty boys?

4/29/2009, 12:30 PM
Michigan State thread, eh? Pucker pucker! ;)

Seriously, though - Meatchicken State is a team on the rise (where have we heard that before?) and came really close, like a few tiebreakers and a win, to winning their conference last season (where have we heard that one before?)

It is a good program for Nichol to be at (where have we... ahhh, eff it) and I wish him the best in all of his future endeavors. I seriously thought after seeing a deep ball for TD in a spring game that "Iceman" would be the future QB of the Sooners... but it just wasn't meant to be.

Nichol and Bradford both deserve to be starters, they just can't both be starters at the same program. Good luck, Keith!

4/29/2009, 02:37 PM
....trojans were ghey....

They still are....

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/30/2009, 11:54 AM
He didn't pick us first. he went back to where he first committed to.Didn't he accept the OU offer shortly after it came?

King Crimson
4/30/2009, 12:07 PM
[QUOTE=The_Red_Patriot;2610119]I would gladly cheer on the Spartans....

I keep forgetting my Greek history, what's the difference between a Spartan and a Trojan?

Sparta was a town on the Peloponnese, part of mainland contemporary Greece. Troy was likely in (then) Persia....modern day Turkey.

Trojans=not Greeks.

Bourbon St Sooner
4/30/2009, 12:16 PM

Sparta was a town on the Peloponnese, part of mainland contemporary Greece. Troy was likely in (then) Persia....modern day Turkey.

Trojans=not Greeks.

I don't know if the Trojans were Greek or not, but Anatolia was mostly Greek back in those days. The Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church still resides in Istanbul.

King Crimson
4/30/2009, 12:29 PM
[QUOTE=King Crimson;2610793]

I don't know if the Trojans were Greek or not, but Anatolia was mostly Greek back in those days. The Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church still resides in Istanbul.

technically, at the time of the Trojan War....there wasn't a "Greece" as we understand modern nation states. the "Greeks" were group of confederate city states called in Homer, the Achaians. this was 1000 years before the birth of Christ....so the Orthrodox Church isn't in play.

the concept of "national identity" for Greeks really doesn't come into play until after the Peloponnesian War 700 or 800 years later.

5/1/2009, 01:32 PM
[QUOTE=The_Red_Patriot;2610119]I would gladly cheer on the Spartans....

I keep forgetting my Greek history, what's the difference between a Spartan and a Trojan?

Gee, when I started this reply, I thought Trojans were used condoms (kinda like USC) and Spartans were the ones who used them. And the Greeks kept getting confused between the two.

5/1/2009, 03:04 PM
[QUOTE=Bourbon St Sooner;2610802]

technically, at the time of the Trojan War....there wasn't a "Greece" as we understand modern nation states. the "Greeks" were group of confederate city states called in Homer, the Achaians. this was 1000 years before the birth of Christ....so the Orthrodox Church isn't in play.

the concept of "national identity" for Greeks really doesn't come into play until after the Peloponnesian War 700 or 800 years later.

Friggin Letters Major

5/1/2009, 03:58 PM
[QUOTE=King Crimson;2610809]

Friggin Letters Major

Yeah, but at least you have a job. ;)

The Remnant
5/1/2009, 04:12 PM
Spartans= bad *** warriors.....just ask Xerxes and Darius

The Remnant
5/1/2009, 09:13 PM
My last statement got me thinking. I'm not sure Darius even faced the Spartans, at least not at Marathon.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
5/1/2009, 11:46 PM
My last statement got me thinking. I'm not sure Darius even faced the Spartans, at least not at Marathon.

Darius didn't even make the trip to Marathon for that matter. One of his generals did.

Oh, and I wish Nichol the best. Based on what I've read and heard second hand he liked his time at OU and left on good terms.