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4/27/2009, 11:07 AM
I think the 100 day mark is technically on Wednesday, but I'll be traveling on that day so I thought I'd post this today.

What I like:

Established a rational timeline for the withdrawal from Iraq and is doing a good job of allowing the commanders in Iraq to dictate exactly when we'll finally be out instead of sticking to an untenable mandate.

Has been much more open and deferential on the world stage than we had seen with the previous administration. Hopefully this is the beginning of a more reduced role on our part in terms of how we deal with international crises and lead to an end to our efforts at nation building.

What I don't like:

I feel like I underestimated the severity of this economic mess in advance of the election. I think that once he was elected and had a near supermajority in Congress that the American People were force fed a budget that we were scared into believing we had to have or else. Reminded me a lot of the way the Patriot Act was forced down our throats after 09/11.

Bringing his cabinet together and giving them 90 days to come up with a way to reduce $100 million in spending to show he serious about reducing the size of the Federal Government.

Final Grade: C-

The wreckless nature of his spending frightens me. His foreign policy gives me hope.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
4/27/2009, 11:23 AM
The wreckless nature of his spending frightens me. His foreign policy gives me hope.

it isn't just his wreckless spending, its the fact that he has zilch point nothing control over barney franks. that guy would have been a natural fit for the spanish inquisition.

4/27/2009, 12:21 PM
I think the 100 day mark is technically on Wednesday, but I'll be traveling on that day so I thought I'd post this today.

What I like:

Established a rational timeline for the withdrawal from Iraq and is doing a good job of allowing the commanders in Iraq to dictate exactly when we'll finally be out instead of sticking to an untenable mandate.

Has been much more open and deferential on the world stage than we had seen with the previous administration. Hopefully this is the beginning of a more reduced role on our part in terms of how we deal with international crises and lead to an end to our efforts at nation building.

What I don't like:

I feel like I underestimated the severity of this economic mess in advance of the election. I think that once he was elected and had a near supermajority in Congress that the American People were force fed a budget that we were scared into believing we had to have or else. Reminded me a lot of the way the Patriot Act was forced down our throats after 09/11.

Bringing his cabinet together and giving them 90 days to come up with a way to reduce $100 million in spending to show he serious about reducing the size of the Federal Government.

Final Grade: C-

The wreckless nature of his spending frightens me. His foreign policy gives me hope.

I commend your objectivity. Very well put.

4/27/2009, 12:49 PM
it isn't just his wreckless spending, its the fact that he has zilch point nothing control over barney franks. that guy would have been a natural fit for the spanish inquisition.

Barney Frank should be in jail.

And what foreign policy are we talking about?

4/27/2009, 01:13 PM
must be talking about TOTUS apologizing to the world for us, or the fact he is now BFF with Chavez???

4/27/2009, 01:18 PM
The best part of the "Historic First 100 Days" is now I have some new pictures to use besides Madame Albright toasting the Dear Leader.


4/27/2009, 01:19 PM

Sorry, couldn't resist!!

4/27/2009, 01:21 PM
Sorry Tuba, but fear tactics died back in January. Keep up.

4/27/2009, 01:24 PM
Obama kills kittens! I know I heard it on da intrawebs.

4/27/2009, 01:26 PM
Sorry Tuba, but fear tactics died back in January. Keep up.

Someone forgot to tell the DHS secretary that.

4/27/2009, 01:28 PM
Speaking of fear tactics, isn't that how TOTUS got the porkulus passed??

Sure is helping GM & those 21,000+ they are laying off today!!

4/27/2009, 01:33 PM
Someone should go to jail for this...

4/27/2009, 01:39 PM
How relevant and fresh, keep it up Tuba.

4/27/2009, 02:14 PM
It's not every day I can find a quote from this guy that I agree with, however:
The GOP: divorced from reality
The Republican base is behaving like a guy who just got dumped by his wife.

By Bill Maher
April 24, 2009

If conservatives don't want to be seen as bitter people who cling to their guns and religion and anti-immigrant sentiments, they should stop being bitter and clinging to their guns, religion and anti-immigrant sentiments.

It's been a week now, and I still don't know what those "tea bag" protests were about. I saw signs protesting abortion, illegal immigrants, the bank bailout and that gay guy who's going to win "American Idol." But it wasn't tax day that made them crazy; it was election day. Because that's when Republicans became what they fear most: a minority.

http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=8eeb5ac0c386c3113b68d3650f6fdd30&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg93.imageshack.us%2Fimg93%2F989 5%2Ftea.png (http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=8eeb5ac0c386c3113b68d3650f6fdd30&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg93.imageshack.us%2Fimg93%2F989 5%2Ftea.png)

The conservative base is absolutely apoplectic because, because ... well, nobody knows. They're mad as hell, and they're not going to take it anymore. Even though they're not quite sure what "it" is. But they know they're fed up with "it," and that "it" has got to stop.

Here are the big issues for normal people: the war, the economy, the environment, mending fences with our enemies and allies, and the rule of law.

And here's the list of Republican obsessions since President Obama took office: that his birth certificate is supposedly fake, he uses a teleprompter too much, he bowed to a Saudi guy, Europeans like him, he gives inappropriate gifts, his wife shamelessly flaunts her upper arms, and he shook hands with Hugo Chavez and slipped him the nuclear launch codes.

Do these sound like the concerns of a healthy, vibrant political party?

It's sad what's happened to the Republicans. They used to be the party of the big tent; now they're the party of the sideshow attraction, a socially awkward group of mostly white people who speak a language only they understand. Like Trekkies, but paranoid.

The GOP base is convinced that Obama is going to raise their taxes, which he just lowered. But, you say, "Bill, that's just the fringe of the Republican Party." No, it's not. The governor of Texas, Rick Perry, is not afraid to say publicly that thinking out loud about Texas seceding from the Union is appropriate considering that ... Obama wants to raise taxes 3% on 5% of the people? I'm not sure exactly what Perry's independent nation would look like, but I'm pretty sure it would be free of taxes and Planned Parenthood. And I would have to totally rethink my position on a border fence.

I know. It's not about what Obama's done. It's what he's planning. But you can't be sick and tired of something someone might do.

http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=dc61c4b7cad58f0f4221950339dd8006&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg93.imageshack.us%2Fimg93%2F133 4%2Fphotogetabrainmorans.jpg (http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=dc61c4b7cad58f0f4221950339dd8006&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg93.imageshack.us%2Fimg93%2F133 4%2Fphotogetabrainmorans.jpg)

Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota recently said she fears that Obama will build "reeducation" camps to indoctrinate young people. But Obama hasn't made any moves toward taking anyone's guns, and with money as tight as it is, the last thing the president wants to do is run a camp where he has to shelter and feed a bunch of fat, angry white people.

Look, I get it, "real America." After an eight-year run of controlling the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court, this latest election has you feeling like a rejected husband. You've come home to find your things out on the front lawn -- or at least more things than you usually keep out on the front lawn. You're not ready to let go, but the country you love is moving on. And now you want to call it a whore and key its car.

That's what you are, the bitter divorced guy whose country has left him -- obsessing over it, haranguing it, blubbering one minute about how much you love it and vowing the next that if you cannot have it, nobody will.

But it's been almost 100 days, and your country is not coming back to you. She's found somebody new. And it's a black guy.

The healthy thing to do is to just get past it and learn to cherish the memories. You'll always have New Orleans and Abu Ghraib.

And if today's conservatives are insulted by this, because they feel they're better than the people who have the microphone in their party, then I say to them what I would say to moderate Muslims: Denounce your radicals. To paraphrase George W. Bush, either you're with them or you're embarrassed by them.

The thing that you people out of power have to remember is that the people in power are not secretly plotting against you. They don't need to. They already beat you in public.

http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-maher24-2009apr24,0,927819.storyJust seemed a fitting response to a predictable Tuba-Gasm of hate/dumb posts.

4/27/2009, 02:19 PM
Sorry Tuba, but fear tactics died back in January. Keep up.

That's a pipe dream. Fear tactics are used by evarbardy theses days.

4/27/2009, 02:25 PM
That's a pipe dream. Fear tactics are used by evarbardy theses days.

Everybody with a trunk and tusks.

4/27/2009, 02:26 PM
Everybody with a trunk and tusks.

yeah ok. Dems never try to scare voters either. are you serious?


4/27/2009, 02:28 PM
Oh, and to get things back on track after Tuba's Tin-Foil-Threadjacking:

I'd give O a solid B.

His international diplomacy has been about what I hoped for/expected. His handling of the financial crisis has been less than I hoped for/expected (however I don't know exactly how is could have been handled BETTER, other than, maybe, keeping track of who got what and how much money).

His handling of the wars overseas has been good. I liked the smacking of the Pirates. That was nice.

I like it that he's opening up Cuba. I can't wait to go down there and open up a Casino/Resort. :D

I like that his merely being in power is making it easier to spot the crazy conspiracy theorists in this country. All the future Timothy McVeighs keep holding up idiotic signs and shouting at the camera. Now the FBI can start files on them. Like the one guy in OKC that they already arrested for threatening via his Twitter account to commit mass murder. Doofus.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
4/27/2009, 02:41 PM
you know, i'm a republican and i wouldn't have realized that i believed the things that maher just did.

i APPROVED of the tax increases, the 250k raising was a minor blip compared to the real tax reform - phasing out the deduction for charitable contributions by income. if he passes a change that phases out municipal bond interest by income then i might cry tears of joy. if he passes a law that requires those of incredibly high net worth to pay taxes on unrealized capital gains then holy crap he'd be my hero.

i just have a problem with guys like bill gates and warren buffet (both democrats, btw) creating vast amounts of wealth and then shunting it to their foundations to spend on their own personal pet projects without ever paying taxes on it. whereas if i wanted to do the same, i'd first have to give uncle sam his share.

my biggest concerns as a republican are simple -> where my oldest's fastpitch tournament is this weekend, barney franks threatening to take money from average workers at companies, the entire AIG bailout and who the money is going to (like all the goldman sachs money going to pay off buffett's warrants), is the chick working the coffee stand one that can actually make a decent chai, the tons of money flooding overseas, whether OU can find an offensive line. yeah, mostly stupid crap that you wouldn't care about bill.

4/27/2009, 03:12 PM
yeah ok. Dems never try to scare voters either. are you serious?


Not a whole lot of fear in Hope & Change, but whatev.


4/27/2009, 03:14 PM
Not a whole lot of fear in Hope & Change.

whatever man. Keep using a blind eye.

And that was one helluva novel campaign mantra. heh.

4/27/2009, 03:18 PM
Not a whole lot of fear in Hope & Change, but whatev.


I don't know comrade John.

One of my neighbors owns a gun shop. He can't keep them in stock. Ammo either. He said he went to the Tulsa gun show a few weeks back, and had to send his boy back to Lex to pick up more guns cause he sold out. He said people are buying guns that don't even know which end the bullet comes out.

Not just "assault rifles" or semi-auto pistols either. They're buying hunting rifles, shotguns, revolvers, and all the ammo they can lay their hands on.

Why? Cause they're scared. And just so you know, pretty much all my neighbors are yellow dog dems.

4/27/2009, 03:20 PM
And that was one helluva novel campaign mantra.

You're right, it was. It directly correlates to the second step in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

4/27/2009, 03:21 PM
seriously though. Hope and Change was not all his campaign was about (although he could have just smiled and some folks would have voted for him).

You are absolutely out of touch with reality if you think politicians from either side do not use scare tactics.

4/27/2009, 03:22 PM
You're right, it was. It correlates to the second step in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

I've been hearing "Change" in campaigns since I was eligible to vote.

4/27/2009, 03:27 PM
I don't know comrade John.

One of my neighbors owns a gun shop. He can't keep them in stock. Ammo either. He said he went to the Tulsa gun show a few weeks back, and had to send his boy back to Lex to pick up more guns cause he sold out. He said people are buying guns that don't even know which end the bullet comes out.

Not just "assault rifles" or semi-auto pistols either. They're buying hunting rifles, shotguns, revolvers, and all the ammo they can lay their hands on.

Why? Cause they're scared. And just so you know, pretty much all my neighbors are yellow dog dems.

They all use scare tactics. Hell Obama is scaring the **** out of gun owners/buyers and getting em to spend more money on guns and ammo. I guess thats one way to get some bucks back into the system ;)

4/27/2009, 03:29 PM
They all use scare tactics. Hell Obama is scaring the **** out of gun owners/buyers and getting em to spend more money on guns and ammo. I guess thats one way to get some bucks back into the system ;)

No ****. At the guns shop he's already got that poster up that shows the "Salesman of the Year" with a big picture of Curious Barack on it.

4/27/2009, 03:30 PM
I think the 100 day mark is technically on Wednesday, but I'll be traveling on that day so I thought I'd post this today.

What I like:

Established a rational timeline for the withdrawal from Iraq and is doing a good job of allowing the commanders in Iraq to dictate exactly when we'll finally be out instead of sticking to an untenable mandate.

Has been much more open and deferential on the world stage than we had seen with the previous administration. Hopefully this is the beginning of a more reduced role on our part in terms of how we deal with international crises and lead to an end to our efforts at nation building.

What I don't like:

I feel like I underestimated the severity of this economic mess in advance of the election. I think that once he was elected and had a near supermajority in Congress that the American People were force fed a budget that we were scared into believing we had to have or else. Reminded me a lot of the way the Patriot Act was forced down our throats after 09/11.

Bringing his cabinet together and giving them 90 days to come up with a way to reduce $100 million in spending to show he serious about reducing the size of the Federal Government.

Final Grade: C-

The wreckless nature of his spending frightens me. His foreign policy gives me hope.

Interesting, I'd give an overall grade of about the same, but his foreign policy frightens me as much as the spending. I don't like the "deferential" piece at all. I think you can show respect and a different course without it, and I believe it displays some naivete on Obama's part.

4/27/2009, 03:31 PM
Interesting, I'd give an overall grade of about the same, but his foreign policy frightens me as much as the spending. I don't like the "deferential" piece at all. I think you can show respect and a different course without it, and I believe it displays some naivete on Obama's part.

Who are you, and what have you done with Howzie?

4/27/2009, 03:32 PM
Howzit got drafted in foosball.

4/27/2009, 03:33 PM
I've been hearing "Change" in campaigns since I was eligible to vote.

You have got to be the only starving artist republican I've ever heard of. :cool:

4/27/2009, 03:34 PM
You have got to be the only starving artist republican I've ever heard of. :cool:

hey, I'm all about earning it.:D

and I honestly don't have the desire to defend my side anymore. they're all goobers.

4/27/2009, 03:35 PM
Who are you, and what have you done with Howzie?

He's chained in the basement waiting on The Gimp and looks way too excited about it.

4/27/2009, 03:37 PM
hey, I'm all about earning it.:D

and I honestly don't have the desire to defend my side anymore. they're all goobers.

All sides are goobers. :texan:

4/27/2009, 03:38 PM
All sides are goobers. :texan:
that was my drift.

do a few terms and go back to where you came from ya blowhard.

4/27/2009, 03:49 PM
So much for the fear stuff ending in Jan.
TOTUS just scared the bejebus out of lower-manhattan doing a photo-op.



4/27/2009, 03:53 PM
So much for the fear stuff ending in Jan.
TOTUS just scared the bejebus out of lower-manhattan doing a photo-op.

Somewhere, John McCain just shed a pride tear......

4/27/2009, 03:55 PM
I guess that's supposed to mean something???

4/27/2009, 03:56 PM
So much for the fear stuff ending in Jan.
TOTUS just scared the bejebus out of lower-manhattan doing a photo-op.



Let's see, if Bush pulled this stunt - an unannounced photo op over lower manhattan with Airforce 1 and a fighter in tow what do you think the fallout would be?

4/27/2009, 04:00 PM

Imagine all the enviro-loons out there screaming about Bush's "carbon footprint" doing this.

Thank GOD for TOTUS, our first green president!!

4/27/2009, 04:00 PM
Let's see, if Bush pulled this stunt - an unannounced photo op over lower manhattan with Airforce 1 and a fighter in tow what do you think the fallout would be?


4/27/2009, 04:02 PM
You have got to be the only starving artist republican I've ever heard of. :cool:

I'm also smart enough to realize that a country too far to the left will insure that I stay a starving artist.:cool:
You know Picasso and Dali were good little communists, all the while making a fortune off of the capitalist west.

As Perry Ferrell would say: "oh well."

4/27/2009, 04:07 PM
I admire JohnnyMack for stepping back and taking a good, hard look at Obama's first 100 days. I know JM was dead set against the previous administration, but it's refreshing he can see both the good and bad with the current one.

That said, this thread will not end well.

4/27/2009, 04:07 PM
I'm also smart enough to realize that a country too far to the left will insure that I stay a starving artist.:cool:
You know Picasso and Dali were good little communists, all the while making a fortune off of the capitalist west.

As Perry Ferrell would say: "oh well."

Well, look on the bright side, you've got eight more years to make your mark!

4/27/2009, 04:09 PM
Well, look on the bright side, you've got eight more years to make your mark!

Wanna bet?

4/27/2009, 04:16 PM
Wanna bet?

You know I should. I mean, we got to see so many heads explode on here the last time. I guess a few more wouldn't hurt.

On the other hand, Tuba my very well have a nervous breakdown right before our very eyes, so it might be worth it.

4/27/2009, 04:21 PM
Well, look on the bright side, you've got eight more years to make your mark!

you mean 12!

4/27/2009, 04:21 PM
You know I should. I mean, we got to see so many heads explode on here the last time. I guess a few more wouldn't hurt.

On the other hand, Tuba my very well have a nervous breakdown right before our very eyes, so it might be worth it.

In all fairness, Tuba's daily meltdown kinda pales in comparison to many of the daily hand-wringing and hate-filled vitriol freakouts we dealt with from you lefties over the past 8 years. Extremists on either side are goofballs.

4/27/2009, 04:22 PM
You know I should. I mean, we got to see so many heads explode on here the last time. I guess a few more wouldn't hurt.

On the other hand, Tuba my very well have a nervous breakdown right before our very eyes, so it might be worth it.

ah we'll be alright. your melon is still around after 2 terms with Bushie.

4/27/2009, 04:24 PM

In related news, Obama intends to let people know he's finally reversing Republican economic mismanagement, by sending them envelopes filled with unidentified white powder, intended to symbolize the 80s coke & junk bonds economy.

Because, you know, he's so darned smart 'n ****.

In other related news, White House spokesman David Gibbs asked rhetorically, "Why are people getting so freaked that a man raised in Indonesia sent a 747 buzzing some New York towers?"

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
4/27/2009, 04:28 PM
Let's see, if Bush pulled this stunt - an unannounced photo op over lower manhattan with Airforce 1 and a fighter in tow what do you think the fallout would be?

personally, i would have just thought he got lost again.

had it been clinton, i would have assumed that he'd just initiated his 100th intern into the mile high club ;)

4/27/2009, 04:31 PM

4/27/2009, 04:40 PM

Imagine all the enviro-loons out there screaming about Bush's "carbon footprint" doing this.

Thank GOD for TOTUS, our first green president!!

did you even read the damn article?

4/27/2009, 04:45 PM
So much for the fear stuff ending in Jan.
TOTUS just scared the bejebus out of lower-manhattan doing a photo-op.



yeah, I don't think you read it, the President was not doing a photo-op, the only time the article even mentioned him is when it said the plane involved is called Air Force 1 when he's aboard

wtf is TOTUS supposed to mean?

4/27/2009, 04:56 PM
yeah, I don't think you read it, the President was not doing a photo-op, the only time the article even mentioned him is when it said the plane involved is called Air Force 1 when he's aboard

wtf is TOTUS supposed to mean?

I don't know what totus is, but are you trying to say Brack didn't know his ride was involved in this stunt?

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
4/27/2009, 04:56 PM
teleprompter of the united states

limbaugh coined it to explain why obama will state one thing candidly that would fall in the liberal side of the spectum and then a day or 2 later give a speech with the teleprompter that is squarely in the moderate portion of the spectrum.

not one of his better bits.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
4/27/2009, 05:00 PM
I don't know what totus is, but are you trying to say Brack didn't know his ride was involved in this stunt?

dude, you work for the post office and you're asking this question?


4/27/2009, 05:06 PM
I don't know what totus is, but are you trying to say Brack didn't know his ride was involved in this stunt?

from reading the article it sounds as though this was planned by the FAA and then given the okay by a White House staff member, who took responsibility for it

it was not a photo-op for the President as tuba is trying to spin it

4/27/2009, 05:08 PM
So a White House Staff Member can just tell AF1 to go buzz NYC now??

That's awesome!!

4/27/2009, 05:11 PM
actually, I really do hope TOTUS wasn't this dumb to order something like this up. Good God talk about a pre-9/11 state of mind, or just completely stupid, or both!!

Anyway, check this video out. Man it just feels like a f'kn punch in the stomach thinking about 9/11.


4/27/2009, 05:15 PM
So a White House Staff Member can just tell AF1 to go buzz NYC now??

That's awesome!!

Heh, just who do you think should have authority over this sort of thing?

4/27/2009, 05:19 PM
Whitehouse office of scaring the crap out of people for a f'kn photo op?? The Sheriff of Terrifying NYC Flybys???

I'm sure it was written into the porkulus bill somewhere.

4/27/2009, 05:19 PM
actually, I really do hope TOTUS wasn't this dumb to order something like this up.

But...but...but.......why wasn't I notified!


Harry Beanbag
4/27/2009, 05:21 PM
actually, I really do hope TOTUS wasn't this dumb to order something like this up. Good God talk about a pre-9/11 state of mind, or just completely stupid, or both!!

Anyway, check this video out. Man it just feels like a f'kn punch in the stomach thinking about 9/11.


Wow, that is some crazy stupid **** right there, Barack. :mad:

4/27/2009, 05:24 PM
Whitehouse office of scaring the crap out of people for a f'kn photo op?? The Sheriff of Terrifying NYC Flybys???

I'm sure it was written into the porkulus bill somewhere.

Well, I'm just curious because of your incredulity that staff in the White House should be able to approve of this sort of thing.

If not a staffer in the White House, who?

Harry Beanbag
4/27/2009, 05:26 PM
Well, I'm just curious because of your incredulity that staff in the White House should be able to approve of this sort of thing.

If not a staffer in the White House, who?

I don't know either, but I do know that Bush was at fault for every single thing that went wrong for the last eight years. Barack needs to takes his medicine too.

4/27/2009, 05:27 PM
I mean, I was confused on this board during the bush administration, but this is ridiculous. At least it took 8 years of mistakes and idiocy to ramp the opposing nutjobs to this kind of fervor. If 100 days of poor management and bad photographs is causing this kind of vitriol, I can't imagine what will happen when he actually DOES something.

4/27/2009, 05:29 PM
I don't know either, but I do know that Bush was at fault for every single thing that went wrong for the last eight years. Barack needs to takes his medicine too.

No argument. Obama's the President. He's responsible for it.

I'm just saying, I find it kind of silly that someone's incredulous that someone in the White House would have the authority to authorize this sort of thing. It seems pretty reasonable to me that someone working directly for the President would have the authority, that's all.

Harry Beanbag
4/27/2009, 05:30 PM
...I can't imagine what will happen when he actually DOES something.

I think that's what people are afraid of. :)

4/27/2009, 05:32 PM
Why? The dude's not crazy or stupid, he's just liberal as all hell. The nation has survived it before and we'll survive it again. I take Sic'Em's look at things. If he screws up, then we're back to a more balanced congress when elections come around (which is what we all really want). If he doesn't screw up then that's good, right?

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
4/27/2009, 05:34 PM
I mean, I was confused on this board during the bush administration, but this is ridiculous. At least it took 8 years of mistakes and idiocy to ramp the opposing nutjobs to this kind of fervor. If 100 days of poor management and bad photographs is causing this kind of vitriol, I can't imagine what will happen when he actually DOES something.

honestly, obama doesn't bother me.

the mac/PC commercial looking press secretary annoys the crap out of me.

barney frank concerns me, mainly because he is semi-insane and seems to be on a joseph mccarthy roll.

hillary clinton i actually pity now. obama, in one deft stroke, ended her political career.

Harry Beanbag
4/27/2009, 05:34 PM
Why? The dude's not crazy or stupid, he's just liberal as all hell. The nation has survived it before and we'll survive it again. I take Sic'Em's look at things. If he screws up, then we're back to a more balanced congress when elections come around (which is what we all really want). If he doesn't screw up then that's good, right?

It was a joke. ;)

Some of his supporters are just as foaming at the mouth to defend him at every turn. Such is the current political climate I suppose.

4/27/2009, 05:51 PM
So a White House Staff Member can just tell AF1 to go buzz NYC now??

That's awesome!!
It's not Air Force One unless the President of the United States is onboard.

4/27/2009, 06:28 PM
I mean, I was confused on this board during the bush administration, but this is ridiculous. At least it took 8 years of mistakes and idiocy to ramp the opposing nutjobs to this kind of fervor. If 100 days of poor management and bad photographs is causing this kind of vitriol, I can't imagine what will happen when he actually DOES something.

I'm not seeing that much vitriol. I'm not personally hoping for an economic collapse or the death of the President.

And KC, never heard of a Republican artist? What about LAS?

4/27/2009, 06:33 PM
I'm not seeing that much vitriol. I'm not personally hoping for an economic collapse or the death of the President.

And KC, never heard of a Republican artist? What about LAS?

I thought LAS was a successful bar owner and acted on the side?

4/27/2009, 06:48 PM
My carbon footprint just got smaller. We're using a clothes line. :(


4/27/2009, 07:29 PM
But...but...but.......why wasn't I notified!


Stop insulting the messiah, guys. You're hurting KC's feelings.

4/27/2009, 09:00 PM

4/27/2009, 09:05 PM
Stop insulting the messiah, guys. You're hurting KC's feelings.

I'm more concerned about your stalking, freak. Hope you're not touching yourself while you're doing it.

4/27/2009, 09:17 PM
I give him an incomplete. We will know more come December.

4/27/2009, 10:12 PM
It's not Air Force One unless the President of the United States is onboard.


4/27/2009, 10:40 PM
I'm more concerned about your stalking, freak. Hope you're not touching yourself while you're doing it.

Do they sell tickets to the fantasy land you live in?

Thanks for the laugh though; I was starting to think all the Obama worship had stripped you of your sense of humor.

Harry Beanbag
4/27/2009, 10:51 PM
I thought LAS was a successful bar owner and acted on the side?

Are you his publicist or troll?

4/27/2009, 11:04 PM
Are you his publicist or troll?

Neither, but thanks for asking.

4/27/2009, 11:31 PM

Time for bed; I'm as tired as KC's posting routine.

4/27/2009, 11:34 PM

Time for bed; I'm as tired as KC's posting routine.

No more stalking tonight? Your slacking.

4/28/2009, 02:42 AM
I'm not seeing that much vitriol. I'm not personally hoping for an economic collapse or the death of the President.

And KC, never heard of a Republican artist? What about LAS?

I thought LAS was a successful bar owner and acted on the side?
For accuracy's sake, I'm a successful writer and a semi-successful bar owner/operator. I have acted. I do act occasionally. But it's not something I pursue or aspire to.

And yes, most of the stuff that I DID act in (professionally) is REALLY crappy and you guys would have a field day with it on here. And I would laugh along with you at my own expense. :)

4/28/2009, 06:40 AM
He's talking about porn.

Harry Beanbag
4/28/2009, 08:00 AM
Midget porn?

4/28/2009, 11:27 AM
gay porn

4/28/2009, 11:28 AM
I will be watching Fox on Wednesday.

4/28/2009, 12:42 PM
Gay midget porn?

4/28/2009, 01:05 PM
I will be watching Faux News on Wednesday.


4/28/2009, 01:39 PM
I will be watching Fox on Wednesday.

Kind of ballsy to turn down the messiah's request to take their primetime slot, wasn't it?

I like it.

4/28/2009, 07:06 PM

Poll: Obama gets high marks for first 100 days
NBC/WSJ poll shows Obama’s numbers are higher than Bush, Clinton

WASHINGTON - As he enters his 100th day in office, President Barack Obama enjoys higher marks from the American public than his most recent predecessors did at similar points in their presidencies, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

More than six in 10 approve of Obama's job, nearly two-thirds view him favorably, and a majority believe he has gotten off to a solid start during his first three months on the job.

Perhaps most significantly, Americans so far find him to be likeable. More than 80 percent in the poll say they personally like Obama, even if they don’t agree with all of his policies. And respondents give him high scores on his personality, demeanor and leadership qualities.

Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who conducted this survey with Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, says these numbers suggest “someone who is wearing well” with the public at this stage of his presidency. McInturff, in fact, even compares Obama’s early likeability to Ronald Reagan’s in the 1980s.

Yet the poll also contains a few cautionary numbers for Obama and his young administration: a growing number believe the president is liberal; a majority thinks he’s trying to take on too many issues; and there are concerns about all the government spending.

“The wind is at his back,” Hart says. But looking ahead to the next 100 days, the Democratic pollster adds that Obama might “face some pretty stiff headwinds in his future.”

Mr. Popular
Obama’s first 100 days have been marked by several highs (the economic stimulus’ passage, progress on a budget creating a framework for health-care reform, the rescue of Capt. Phillips from Somali pirates) and several lows (rising unemployment, confirmation troubles, furor at those AIG bonuses).

Despite these ups and down, the president remains quite popular. According to the poll, 61 percent approve of Obama’s job — that’s compared with George W. Bush’s 56 percent and Bill Clinton’s 52 percent at this same juncture in their presidencies.

Also, 64 percent view Obama favorably versus 23 percent who see him in a negative light — once again, higher than Bush’s and Clinton’s scores on this question.

In addition, 54 percent believe the president is off to a “great” or “good start;” 59 percent say he’s accomplished a “great deal” or a “fair amount;” and 64 percent feel more hopeful about the direction of the country with Obama in office.

What’s more, a whopping 81 percent say they like him personally (51 percent like him personally and approve of most of his policies, and another 30 percent like him personally but disapprove of his policies).

“How popular can this guy be?” Hart asks. “The answer is exceptionally popular.”

Indeed, as other recent national polls have shown, Obama’s early popularity has seemed to increase the number of Americans who believe the nation is headed in the right direction.

In the NBC/Journal poll, 43 percent say the country is on the right track, compared with an equal 43 percent who say it’s on the wrong track.

Yet that’s a 17-point jump since January, when just 26 percent believed the nation was on the right track. And it’s a 31-point increase since October 2008, when only 12 percent thought that.

“That’s an extraordinary movement,” McInturff says. “It means after 100 days that he has latitude to really govern with some potency.”

Warning signs for Obama
Still, the poll — which was taken April 23-26 of 1,005 adults (including 100 reached by cell phone), and which has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points — contains some warning signs for the Obama administration as it looks ahead to the next 100 days and beyond.

For starters, the number of Americans who view Obama as “very liberal” or “somewhat liberal” has spiked 10 points, from 49 percent in January to 59 percent now.

Moreover, 52 percent believe that the president is trying to take on too many other issues, versus 43 percent who say he has a clear and sharp focus on the economy.

And concern about the administration’s spending and the size of the budget deficit ranks in the poll as one of the public’s top two negative impressions about Obama. (Nearly seven in 10 think the budget deficit is a real number that has a direct impact on the average citizen.)

But the poll suggests a public appetite for Obama’s legislative priorities on health care and energy. By a 56-to-37 percent margin, respondents say they support expanding health insurance coverage and raising taxes on the wealthy to help pay for it.

And by a 58-to-35 margin, they favor charging a fee to companies that emit greenhouse gases — even if that will results in higher utility bills — and using that money to provide tax cuts for middle-class Americans.

A tough start for the GOP
While the poll finds that Obama is off to a solid start in these first 100 days, the same isn’t necessarily true for the GOP.

Just 29 percent have a positive view of the Republican Party, while 44 percent view it negatively — the 32nd consecutive NBC/Journal poll showing it with a net-negative rating.

By comparison, the Democratic Party has a net-positive rating, 45-to-34 percent.

Also, a majority of respondents in the poll say congressional Republicans have been too stubborn in their dealings with Obama. On the other hand, just 25 percent believe that Obama has been too stubborn, and 48 percent think the president has struck the right balance.

“While the Republicans are trying to be the loyal opposition, the public doesn’t see it that way,” says Democratic pollster Jay Campbell, who works with Hart.

And even though they’re no longer in office, the poll shows that George W. Bush (with a 26 percent positive rating) and **** Cheney (18 percent) remain unpopular.

Mixed takes on interrogation
In the last several days, President Obama’s release of old Bush administration memos detailing controversial interrogation practices has dominated the political discussion. According to the poll, 53 percent say the United States tortured detainees, versus 30 percent who say it didn’t.

However, a plurality — 46 percent — believe harsh interrogation techniques have helped extract important information to stop terrorism. Forty-two percent say those techniques have undermined the country’s moral authority and have inflamed anger in the Islamic world.

And more than six in 10 oppose any kind of criminal investigation into whether the Bush administration committed torture.

McInturff says these findings suggest that Americans don’t want to litigate the past. “This is a country that wants to move on,” he said. “What people are saying is, ‘Bad things may have happened… But whatever happened, it is in the past.’”

4/28/2009, 07:15 PM

Poll: Obama gets high marks for first 100 days
NBC/WSJ poll shows Obama’s numbers are higher than Bush, Clinton

WASHINGTON - As he enters his 100th day in office, President Barack Obama enjoys higher marks from the American public than his most recent predecessors did at similar points in their presidencies, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

More than six in 10 approve of Obama's job, nearly two-thirds view him favorably, and a majority believe he has gotten off to a solid start during his first three months on the job.

Perhaps most significantly, Americans so far find him to be likeable. More than 80 percent in the poll say they personally like Obama, even if they don’t agree with all of his policies. And respondents give him high scores on his personality, demeanor and leadership qualities.

Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who conducted this survey with Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, says these numbers suggest “someone who is wearing well” with the public at this stage of his presidency. McInturff, in fact, even compares Obama’s early likeability to Ronald Reagan’s in the 1980s.

Yet the poll also contains a few cautionary numbers for Obama and his young administration: a growing number believe the president is liberal; a majority thinks he’s trying to take on too many issues; and there are concerns about all the government spending.

“The wind is at his back,” Hart says. But looking ahead to the next 100 days, the Democratic pollster adds that Obama might “face some pretty stiff headwinds in his future.”

Mr. Popular
Obama’s first 100 days have been marked by several highs (the economic stimulus’ passage, progress on a budget creating a framework for health-care reform, the rescue of Capt. Phillips from Somali pirates) and several lows (rising unemployment, confirmation troubles, furor at those AIG bonuses).

Despite these ups and down, the president remains quite popular. According to the poll, 61 percent approve of Obama’s job — that’s compared with George W. Bush’s 56 percent and Bill Clinton’s 52 percent at this same juncture in their presidencies.

Also, 64 percent view Obama favorably versus 23 percent who see him in a negative light — once again, higher than Bush’s and Clinton’s scores on this question.

In addition, 54 percent believe the president is off to a “great” or “good start;” 59 percent say he’s accomplished a “great deal” or a “fair amount;” and 64 percent feel more hopeful about the direction of the country with Obama in office.

What’s more, a whopping 81 percent say they like him personally (51 percent like him personally and approve of most of his policies, and another 30 percent like him personally but disapprove of his policies).

“How popular can this guy be?” Hart asks. “The answer is exceptionally popular.”

Indeed, as other recent national polls have shown, Obama’s early popularity has seemed to increase the number of Americans who believe the nation is headed in the right direction.

In the NBC/Journal poll, 43 percent say the country is on the right track, compared with an equal 43 percent who say it’s on the wrong track.

Yet that’s a 17-point jump since January, when just 26 percent believed the nation was on the right track. And it’s a 31-point increase since October 2008, when only 12 percent thought that.

“That’s an extraordinary movement,” McInturff says. “It means after 100 days that he has latitude to really govern with some potency.”

Warning signs for Obama
Still, the poll — which was taken April 23-26 of 1,005 adults (including 100 reached by cell phone), and which has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points — contains some warning signs for the Obama administration as it looks ahead to the next 100 days and beyond.

For starters, the number of Americans who view Obama as “very liberal” or “somewhat liberal” has spiked 10 points, from 49 percent in January to 59 percent now.

Moreover, 52 percent believe that the president is trying to take on too many other issues, versus 43 percent who say he has a clear and sharp focus on the economy.

And concern about the administration’s spending and the size of the budget deficit ranks in the poll as one of the public’s top two negative impressions about Obama. (Nearly seven in 10 think the budget deficit is a real number that has a direct impact on the average citizen.)

But the poll suggests a public appetite for Obama’s legislative priorities on health care and energy. By a 56-to-37 percent margin, respondents say they support expanding health insurance coverage and raising taxes on the wealthy to help pay for it.

And by a 58-to-35 margin, they favor charging a fee to companies that emit greenhouse gases — even if that will results in higher utility bills — and using that money to provide tax cuts for middle-class Americans.

A tough start for the GOP
While the poll finds that Obama is off to a solid start in these first 100 days, the same isn’t necessarily true for the GOP.

Just 29 percent have a positive view of the Republican Party, while 44 percent view it negatively — the 32nd consecutive NBC/Journal poll showing it with a net-negative rating.

By comparison, the Democratic Party has a net-positive rating, 45-to-34 percent.

Also, a majority of respondents in the poll say congressional Republicans have been too stubborn in their dealings with Obama. On the other hand, just 25 percent believe that Obama has been too stubborn, and 48 percent think the president has struck the right balance.

“While the Republicans are trying to be the loyal opposition, the public doesn’t see it that way,” says Democratic pollster Jay Campbell, who works with Hart.

And even though they’re no longer in office, the poll shows that George W. Bush (with a 26 percent positive rating) and **** Cheney (18 percent) remain unpopular.

Mixed takes on interrogation
In the last several days, President Obama’s release of old Bush administration memos detailing controversial interrogation practices has dominated the political discussion. According to the poll, 53 percent say the United States tortured detainees, versus 30 percent who say it didn’t.

However, a plurality — 46 percent — believe harsh interrogation techniques have helped extract important information to stop terrorism. Forty-two percent say those techniques have undermined the country’s moral authority and have inflamed anger in the Islamic world.

And more than six in 10 oppose any kind of criminal investigation into whether the Bush administration committed torture.

McInturff says these findings suggest that Americans don’t want to litigate the past. “This is a country that wants to move on,” he said. “What people are saying is, ‘Bad things may have happened… But whatever happened, it is in the past.’”


4/28/2009, 07:16 PM

4/28/2009, 10:27 PM
Somehow I knew you'd duck the question.

4/29/2009, 07:57 AM
A) I'm shocked this thread hasn't jumped the rails. But Mack started it well.

B) Good lord, peeps, BHO was as pissed as anyone when he found out about the plane thing, and of course he didn't know about it until after the fact. He's the ****ing PRESIDENT, he doesn't have time to make decisions about what the POTUS air fleet is up to, and I don't think we want him wasting his time with such trivial matters as flight scheduling.

C) Calling Fox News "Faux News" is as gay as calling CNN the "Communist News Network."

D) I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of a H&K .40 USP Combat Competition. Figured if I'm going to buy into the gun paranoia, I'm gonna do it with style. :D

4/29/2009, 09:30 AM
The President could have smoked weed and listened to Rush every waking minute of his first 100 days and his approval rating would still be higher than Bush's. That's a terrible metric for the hype machine that is President Obama.