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View Full Version : Everyone left on American Idol sucks monkey balls

4/22/2009, 10:13 AM
In honor of Earth Day, I've chosen to not recycle the old thread (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=129768&highlight=american+idol), but rather, just come out and say that it wasn't the blind guy that sucked monkey balls as previously stated, but the entire remaining roster is full of crappy singers.

Granted, they can all sing better than me, but unless you join us for a session of Guitar Hero World Tour, you won't ever have to hear me sing anything except the national anthem (not ending in "Sooners," cuz that makes NP upset) at Owen Field.

American Idol suckfest continues. Don't just send two home, send them all home and spare no expense in making them all feel like unrecordable artists. Go back to drilling for oil or whatever you all used to do!

4/22/2009, 10:17 AM
Your just watching the wrong show.

This one has all the hawt chicks. :D


4/22/2009, 10:21 AM
I agree, that was an awesome performance that's I've already watched a few times :D

America's Got Talent is a more diverse show because it isn't limited to just singing... I loved the puppet dude from a few years ago and they always have at least one good dance group and magic act every season.

As for Idol, I have to wonder if the voters didn't have more control early-on if we would be enjoying better quality singing now than we have thanks to having a "top 36" and only 3 from each group of 12 going through with wildcards or whatever.

Crucifax Autumn
4/22/2009, 10:24 AM
Puppet dude is a Vegas staple now...just like I said he'd be back then.

Scott D
4/22/2009, 11:03 AM
it's called something that jumped the shark years ago baj.

4/22/2009, 11:14 AM
it's called something that jumped the shark years ago baj.

:D yup... and when i said "everyone left," I meant absolutely EVERYONE LEFT, form Ryan Seacrest, to the judges, to the theme music.

I checked Dial Idol to see what was up... and all of the numbers are high for each contestant, indicating that there were very few busy signals if you dialed for your favorite contestant last night. Either Idol got a few more lines for people to call or ratings just took a nosedive :D