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4/19/2009, 01:55 PM
Champ cheer
Last year, OSU players wore bracelets inscribed with the date of the Big 12 Championship game as part of an effort to encourage what Gundy called a "Championship mentality.”
Bracelets haven’t been spotted yet, but the Cowboys closed the spring game with a team cheer of "Big 12 Champs.”

Pretty nice of them to remember and to honor the 2008 Big 12 Champions like that. :D

4/19/2009, 02:10 PM
6 teams in the BIG 12 South, three shared the South crown... even on one of their best years in school HISTORY, they were 4th place.


4/20/2009, 09:48 AM
Just another season in the life of Okie Lite. :D

4/20/2009, 09:52 AM
Dear OSU,

Thank you for your spirited cheer. It was very nice of you to recognize your big brother's accomplishments from the past several seasons.

However, should your chant have been an attempt to inspire such greatness for yourself and not for OU (how selfish of you!), we must heartily remind you that you will never win the Big 12 South so long as you cannot beat OU. Gundy has never beaten OU as long as he has been the man, a man, or whatever he tirades next.

~Big Brother Sooner

PS: Yes, that means you are the little sister.

4/20/2009, 10:09 AM
Here are some snippets from my commentary on OSU and conference superiority right before last season:

"Their only (ONLY!!) opportunity to take over the state passed in 1999 when Stoops took over and rebuilt the OU football program. Perhaps if Boone was chucking dollar bills at the Cowboy program at that time, they COULD have become a reasonable contender in the state and the B12. But OSU is always going to be compared to OU when athletes are contemplating their athletic future, and a good 90% of the time (if not more), OU will win that battle. So the best time to take advantage would have been during the Gibbs/Drunkenberger/Blake years.

Another problem is that OU has out-done OSU in basketball the majority of the time, also. When you hang your hat on a sport that features men in groin-hugging apparel as your only method of competing against an in-state rival, AND your mascot was an original member of the Village People, you're hosed."

"There was a small sliver of time in the 90s where OSU may have been able to build a contender. But that time has passed. And with the strength of the current B12 South and the SEC West, there won't be another time like that one anywhere in the foreseeable future. I personally think that OSU is hosed for at least the next 5-10 years. They might be able to slip in there while AtM rebuilds under Sherman, but that's not saying much."

Too little, too late. They suffer from bad timing and poor choice of team colors. I agree completely with go8, their best team ever resulted in a 4th place finish in the B12 South. As I predicted, they might be able to replace AtM while they rebuild under Sherman...but that only netted them a 4th place finish in the south. Such is life...history repeats itself...lather, rinse, repeat...and any other cliche you can think of when it comes to OSU. It'll never end for them. That's what happens when you define success as beating OU twice in a decade.

4/20/2009, 10:21 AM
my gosh they are so worthless and embarrassing

4/20/2009, 11:34 AM
as if the OU monkey on their back isn't bad enough, the haven't beaten Texas since '97

they have a ways to go to win the South every year

4/20/2009, 11:48 AM
as if the OU monkey on their back isn't bad enough, the haven't beaten *Texas* since '97

they have a ways to go to win the South one time ever!

Fixed :D

4/20/2009, 11:50 AM
heh, i meant:

"every year they have a long way to go to win the South"

4/20/2009, 04:40 PM
6 teams in the BIG 12 South, three shared the South crown... even on one of their best years in school HISTORY, they were 4th place.


careful what you say. using poke logic, if you have 3 teams tie for first; that would mean if you finished next in line, you are actually second.

4/20/2009, 08:46 PM
The cow tippers did take over the state of Oklahoma at least during a stretch that overlapped with OUr two worst coaches and into Stoops tenure, winning 5 of 8 from 1995-2002. When a team beats another more times than not over a length of time longer than five seasons, I'd call that "taking over".

Fad, so long as that's poke logic you are off the hook. Whenever there is a tie ahead of you, you still finish where you would if they hadn't tied.

4/20/2009, 09:42 PM
yeah but we've "quietly" run off 6 in a row since that 5/8 "domination"

Crucifax Autumn
4/20/2009, 11:24 PM
Quiet my butt...A few were louder than a sheep yelling "40!"