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View Full Version : Goldman Sachs reports $1.5 billion profit. Legit?

4/13/2009, 04:47 PM
So Goldman Sachs reports a $1.5 billion profit. Is this legit or is this just a consequence of no longer requiring mark-to-market accounting?

I think it's the latter. I think this is all a game to convince us everything is fine but I really have no idea so I'm asking you.....

4/13/2009, 06:41 PM
I'm not going to be convinced that everything is fine until the FED stops monetizing our debt. And as of last week, they were still doing it.

I have talked about this ... maybe too much

But if everything was hunkie dorie then they would not be doing that, and risking the destruction of our dollar's value.

I think this idea that 'all we need is a little inflation' is sort of voodoo. Watch for it to blow up in their faces. Because they are trying to manipulate a normal market correction that probably needed to happen. 1200 sq/ft houses in California at $250,000 and 20% annual appreciation? Bullshut.

Hey, if what I'm saying is bs, I'll be happy.

4/13/2009, 06:56 PM
Let me try this again...I've been drinking

What has changed lately? Where is the wealth coming from? Have we started producing, manufacturing, and exporting GOODS or are we just consuming because we borrowed a sh*t-ton full of money?

4/14/2009, 08:58 AM
1200 sq/ft houses in California at $250,000 and 20% annual appreciation?

Where were you able to find a 1200 square foot house in California for $250k? I think you meant $500k..... ;-)

4/14/2009, 09:11 AM
Where were you able to find a 1200 square foot house in California for $250k? I think you meant $500k..... ;-)

he said he had been drankin
pay tention .:P

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
4/14/2009, 02:24 PM
So Goldman Sachs reports a $1.5 billion profit. Is this legit or is this just a consequence of no longer requiring mark-to-market accounting?

I think it's the latter. I think this is all a game to convince us everything is fine but I really have no idea so I'm asking you.....

didn't they just get a $30 billion payout from AIG?