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4/7/2009, 02:27 PM
GO here: http://okcblunder.blogspot.com/

I seriously thought it was a parody site until I left a comment there.

It makes me doubt my faith in humanity a bit.

starclassic tama
4/7/2009, 08:58 PM
i like the poll questioning who is responsible for us not being very good this season:
Presti - couldn't coach the paint to dry

because we all know sam presti is the coach. what's worse about that, he was the GM back when they were in seattle. so this guy doesn't know jack about his own former team.

4/7/2009, 10:37 PM
i like the poll questioning who is responsible for us not being very good this season:
Presti - couldn't coach the paint to dry

because we all know sam presti is the coach. what's worse about that, he was the GM back when they were in seattle. so this guy doesn't know jack about his own former team.

Reading the site is like being inside the mind of a 12 year old after the school bully takes his lunch money.

It's funny in a pathetic way.

Sooner LockJaw
4/11/2009, 10:09 AM
what a group of idiots. whiny-titty-baby losers!

4/29/2009, 05:30 PM
They're funny, kinda like the kid that picks on people until they get bigger than him and then he/she kisses their *sses is funny.

If they wanted to keep their team, they should have gotten some fans to come out and WATCH their team. They should have gotten their city behind a new arena. They didn't. We didn't play with that toy, but we don't want anybody else to play with it either.

...especially when they do a better job of it...



starclassic tama
5/4/2009, 08:24 PM
i like the poll questioning who is responsible for us not being very good this season:
Presti - couldn't coach the paint to dry

because we all know sam presti is the coach. what's worse about that, he was the GM back when they were in seattle. so this guy doesn't know jack about his own former team.

i posted this as a comment under his newest blog entry, no surprise he deleted it

5/5/2009, 11:48 AM
The Smithereens - Sick of Seattle