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View Full Version : Lane Kiffin, Genius or Assclown?

3/26/2009, 04:55 PM
At first, I kinda felt bad for the kid, having to deal with Darth Davis in Oakland. Then he gets to Knoxville, and inserts his foot into his mouth at every opportunity.

Then the dude lands the highest touted recruit in the country, not to mention getting his dad (an NFL defensive mastermind) on board.

So, I ask you, is Kiffin a genius, that has a master plan behind all of the foolishness, or, is he clinging to a life boat in shark infested waters?

Will the Vols be national contenders in the next few years, or will he be gone by 2011?

3/26/2009, 05:03 PM
Tennessee fans can only hope he's their version of Les Miles. Not a great coach, but good enough to make things happen with a big program and big talent. Good enough to make up for being an *** clown. AKA... not Bill Calahan.

starclassic tama
3/26/2009, 05:15 PM
i think he will succeed. the guy knows football, but he is young

3/26/2009, 05:25 PM
Total ASSCLOWN! This guy can't coach for ****, but he'll bring in recruits that can play and that'll work for a while.

3/26/2009, 05:49 PM
I say he's being a no-talent assclown. He's trying to be Spurrier, but he comes off like Mike Leach without the charm.

Lott's Bandana
3/26/2009, 09:57 PM
My goal is to be an Assclown...

http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/5927/spwiveskiffin074.jpg (http://www.imagehosting.com/)

The Mrs. L Kiffin and spoor...

3/26/2009, 10:37 PM
if you look at the situation he was in at Oakland I would say he did a pretty good job

3/27/2009, 02:54 AM
if you look at the situation he was in at Oakland I would say he did a pretty good job

Yeah, the more I learned about that, the more I felt for Kiffin.

I really thought his verbal assault on Florida was funny at first. I'm sure he was playing to the boosters...tell 'em what they wanna hear.

But then, it just kept coming like a damn overflowing.

The thing is, he has everything in place to rebuild the Vols into a contender again (which I am all for, let them beat the hell outta each other). He's got the talent, and the people around him to make it all work.

It's just going to add a little reason to watch the UT/UF game.

I think under his assclownery, he may just be a mastermind.

We'll see.

3/27/2009, 07:58 AM
I wish you made this thread a pole :P

Assclown. It's one thing to get good recruits, but it's another thing completely to get every SEC team to put a target on your back.

Everyone wants to beat Tennessee now to make an example of this guy. If they could have flow under the radar this season, then Kiffin would be a genius. But, he's gonna end up losing 6, 7, 8 games because everyone's looking at him now.

3/27/2009, 11:12 AM
i think he is a no-talent mastermind.
yes while he is putting that target on their backs with the empty barn that fail fulmer left him he can say oh i spouted off early and thats my bad while they suck then with these new recruits and new systems of o and d they will catch some people off guard in a couple of seasons fight for a sec championship get paid then fail

its brilliant

3/28/2009, 01:14 PM
I think he will enjoy moderate success, though he is a total assclown. Perhaps he will be the clapper of the SEC. Talk every year about the recruiting class and always underwhelm.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/28/2009, 01:42 PM
If he can suck some recruits out of Florida, good for him.(but leave the OK kids alone, dammit)

3/28/2009, 07:42 PM
I think at some point it will be revealed that instead of being Monte Kiffin's son, he is actually Bill Callahan's.

3/29/2009, 12:21 PM
I figure if Al Davis hates him, then he must be good. When he beats Florida it will become official. If he should happen to accomplish that feat this year, I will be more than happy to give his wife a congratulatory kiss. ;)

3/29/2009, 02:41 PM
LK is an assclown, who has no business being a headcoach at any level but maybe highschool...

3/29/2009, 06:56 PM
He got the number 1 recruit somehow... very interesting....

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/29/2009, 08:56 PM
He got the number 1 recruit somehow... very interesting....ye$, it i$!

3/30/2009, 10:25 AM
Assclown and Mark Richt's favorite new coach since he took Urban's bullseye off of Georgia and planted it firmly on UT.

You can have the best talent in the world but without the discipline, they will get beat by a well coached, disciplined team everytime.

If he last two years, the NCAA will be so far up UT's arse that they will wish they never heard of Kitten and Muschump. You would think they had the top rated recruting class in the country last year to listen to the guy but they barely cracked the top 20. As he continues to show his arse, his recruiting will deteriorate among people with any form of intelligence. As much as I dislike UT, they deserve better than him.

9/19/09. A beatdown of epic proportions. Feel sorry for the UT players having to try and back up the check that Kitten's mouth wrote and their arse has to try and cash. Hope at least one of the coaches is miked for the postgame handshake, that would be interesting to hear.

3/30/2009, 10:39 AM
ye$, it i$!

I feel a chant coming on...

$-E-C! $-E-C! :rolleyes: