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View Full Version : Who controls the TOTUS?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/21/2009, 02:18 PM
Who IS the TOTUS? IOW, Who does Mr. Soetoro report to? Since it doesn't appear to be the citizens of the USA, just who the heck is it?

NYC Poke
3/21/2009, 02:29 PM
It looks like it's an LLC, so you could probably look that information up in the company filings of whichever state it's registered in.


NYC Poke
3/21/2009, 02:31 PM
Or if you're talking about this, then perhaps the Pope, ultimately. I'm not Catholic so I'm not sure how that all works.


NYC Poke
3/21/2009, 02:32 PM
This one's based in Gibraltar, so it might be little more difficult finding information.


NYC Poke
3/21/2009, 02:34 PM
This one's in the Phillipines and it looks kinda fishy to me. They're seeking "activity partners."


3/21/2009, 04:34 PM

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/23/2009, 10:38 AM
It's almost as if some folks don't know what the TOTUS is...

3/23/2009, 10:49 AM
Your Barry Soetoro joke remains hilarious. I mean that. Truly funny.

3/23/2009, 10:49 AM
sorry, i missed Rush's show last week. what is the TOTUS?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/23/2009, 11:09 AM
sorry, i missed Rush's show last week. what is the TOTUS?Take a guess. hint: it makes perfect sense-very logical, and timely.

3/23/2009, 11:25 AM
Your Barry Soetoro joke remains hilarious. I mean that. Truly funny.

Isn't it though?

Somewhere John McCain is wiping a proud tear from his eyes......

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/23/2009, 11:50 AM
Your Barry Soetoro joke remains hilarious. I mean that. Truly funny.Is he the first president with an alias?

3/23/2009, 11:58 AM

3/23/2009, 11:59 AM
Isn't it though?

Somewhere John McCain is wiping a proud tear from his eyes......

So, is that two tears now?

3/23/2009, 12:05 PM

3/23/2009, 12:12 PM

Whew, nothing gets by you....


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/23/2009, 12:14 PM
http://www.theage.com.au/ffximage/2008/05/02/Parrot_080430102918650_wideweb__300x375,1.jpgfrom Pavlov's Canine. Good show!

3/23/2009, 12:26 PM
Whew, nothing gets by you....


Forgive me for not trolling all threads which have anything critical to say about the annointed one. I guess I should strive to be more like you.

It really must be hard for you Crimson; for the last 8 years you've had someone to blame everything on. Bad law passed by congress? it's Chimpy McBushHitler's fault! Failed economy due to predatory lendors given a free pass by Barney Frank and his cronies? Bush's fault!

But now you get to reap what you and your ilk have sewn. The annointed one, who the left have all but told the American people will save us from ourselves, is nothing more than a marxist idiot; a college softmore who writes about equality and wealth-spreading, but hasn't a freaking CLUE about how the real world works. And all your posturing about how any knock on Obama is either a) racist b) sour grapes isn't going to change the fact that this pathetic excuse for a president is going to make Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan when he is done.

And besides, you have to expect a little schadenfreude from us conservatives; after all, we tried to tell you that electing a guy with 2 years political experience, questionable ties to terrorists, and an all but admitted marxist is akin to hiring a suspected sex-offender to watch your kids.


3/23/2009, 12:40 PM
Forgive me for not trolling all threads which have anything critical to say about the annointed one. I guess I should strive to be more like you.

It really must be hard for you Crimson; for the last 8 years you've had someone to blame everything on. Bad law passed by congress? it's Chimpy McBushHitler's fault! Failed economy due to predatory lendors given a free pass by Barney Frank and his cronies? Bush's fault!

But now you get to reap what you and your ilk have sewn. The annointed one, who the left have all but told the American people will save us from ourselves, is nothing more than a marxist idiot; a college softmore who writes about equality and wealth-spreading, but hasn't a freaking CLUE about how the real world works. And all your posturing about how any knock on Obama is either a) racist b) sour grapes isn't going to change the fact that this pathetic excuse for a president is going to make Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan when he is done.

And besides, you have to expect a little schadenfreude from us conservatives; after all, we tried to tell you that electing a guy with 2 years political experience, questionable ties to terrorists, and an all but admitted marxist is akin to hiring a suspected sex-offender to watch your kids.


Meltdown much?

Forgive me for not trolling all threads which have anything critical to say about the annointed one. I guess I should strive to be more like you.

It was on the top half of the page. A blind elephant could of saw it.


What's a softmore?

And all your posturing about how any knock on Obama is either a) racist

I have NEVER EVER said that anywhere. Funny how you guys always like to fall back on that, because really, that's all you have.

And besides, you have to expect a little schadenfreude from us conservatives;

Funny, and our Schadenfreude is watching your head explode.


3/23/2009, 12:53 PM
Meltdown much?

It was on the top half of the page. A blind elephant could of saw it.

What's a softmore?

I have NEVER EVER said that anywhere. Funny how you guys always like to fall back on that, because really, that's all you have.

Funny, and our Schadenfreude is watching your head explode.


So, calling someone a "imbred redneck" because he had the odassity to question the annointed one isn't racist? Whatever you say, chief.

And nice spelling correction, ace. Nothing says "my response is well-reasoned" like pointing out spelling errors. Maybe next time you could look for grammatical errors too. I hear that's all the rage.

And as for my head exploding, actually I'm in a good place. I get to sit back and watch Obama prove to everyone once and for all why he was the wrong choice, without conservatives having to lift a finger. Not saying McCain was much better; the choice was like choosing between cancer and AIDS.

But at least with cancer, you have a chance of curing it before it kills you.

(and thanks for the neg spek Crimson; it's good to see my comments are having that effect on you).

3/23/2009, 12:58 PM
(and thanks for the neg spek Crimson; it's good to see my comments are having that effect on you).

Same to you. Gray is my favorite color.....