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View Full Version : Chavez invites Russian Bombers

3/14/2009, 08:53 AM
...and they say "OK".

It's the big headline on Drudge this morning.

Is it "Stormchaser" on here who's the resident AF radar plane guy? Life will prolly get busy for him now. This is one of those tests a new American president gets to enjoy. And his reaction will be carefully gauged by our enemies, presaging more or less to come.

3/14/2009, 09:10 AM
...and they say "OK".

It's the big headline on Drudge this morning.

Is it "Stormchaser" on here who's the resident AF radar plane guy? Life will prolly get busy for him now. This is one of those tests a new American president gets to enjoy. And his reaction will be carefully gauged by our enemies, presaging more or less to come.

AWACS is used to manage air to air battles over areas where we lack adequate ground-based radar coverage. We can paint Cuban airspace perfectly from our radar sites in Florida. We can also see some pretty amazing things on Cuban airfields with our satellite imagery. Ditto Venezuala.

That said, I doubt we'd need AWACS to keep track of a couple Russian bombers using a Venezualan island or Cuba as a refueling base.

3/14/2009, 09:31 AM
Raptor food.

3/14/2009, 09:37 AM
I'm seeing reports that Cuba offered it's airfields as well.

3/14/2009, 11:10 AM
Wolverines, its time to get ready.

3/14/2009, 11:20 AM
Wolverines, its time to get ready.


3/14/2009, 11:43 AM
Is it "Stormchaser" on here who's the resident AF radar plane guy? Life will prolly get busy for him now. This is one of those tests a new American president gets to enjoy. And his reaction will be carefully gauged by our enemies, presaging more or less to come.

Yah, that's me.

Life has already been busy as hell for me this past month. I just got back from a 3-week Red Flag at Nellis last night...and I'm out the door on the 24th of next month for my 4-month deployment.

That said...don't think that we're not already monitoring this situation (not literally, of course...but we have in the past).

3/14/2009, 11:46 AM
Raptor food.

Oh man...you shoulda seen those guys out at Red Flag...I can't go into detail onto , but let's just say that we didn't lose a single one in the exercise.

3/14/2009, 11:59 AM
So sometimes you do lose them? :D ;)

3/14/2009, 12:02 PM
So sometimes you do lose them? :D ;)

Considering that the past two RF's were the first times the 22's came out for the exercise, the results so far are insanely awesome.

3/14/2009, 12:18 PM

Seriously...I know you guys do a great job.

Keep up the good work.

3/14/2009, 12:45 PM
SSC - have you ever seen this? It's insanely awesome video.


3/14/2009, 12:54 PM
Wow...are they that bored in Russia?

3/14/2009, 01:35 PM
Not only are they bored...they have HP laptops and NEC monitors.

Good to know we don't make them figure out how to make their own stuff anymore.

3/14/2009, 05:20 PM
Yah, that's me.

Life has already been busy as hell for me this past month. I just got back from a 3-week Red Flag at Nellis last night...and I'm out the door on the 24th of next month for my 4-month deployment.

That said...don't think that we're not already monitoring this situation (not literally, of course...but we have in the past).

OK, moment of truth time Lt. Please tell me you did NOT fly Mrs. SSC out to Vegas while you were at Red Flag.:pop:

3/14/2009, 10:10 PM
Yes I did...TWICE! (For the record: I cashed out a boatload of airline miles that were set to expire at the end of this month)

C'mon...she just got laid off fer cryin out loud...and we just had our fourth m/c. Of course I'm gonna bring her out there...my DetCo brought his wife out as well...as did about 1/4 of our 110 man contingent.

It's not like she's gonna get to come where I'm being deployed to...

3/15/2009, 07:14 AM
Of course I'm gonna bring her out there...my DetCo brought his wife out as well...as did about 1/4 of our 110 man contingent.


3/15/2009, 08:48 AM
Here's the RF pics: