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View Full Version : Heres a Pole I think every one has an Opinion on

3/13/2009, 08:23 PM

Newbomb Turk
3/13/2009, 08:29 PM
so far 86% say leave it as it is.

too bad it's not 100%

3/13/2009, 08:36 PM
so far 86% say leave it as it is.

too bad it's not 100%

But Hell I bet the totals would be the same from Posters here :D

3/13/2009, 08:39 PM
14% of any group would vote to eat **** so who is surprised...

Chuck Bao
3/13/2009, 09:14 PM
Definitely get rid of it. I don't want or need God's name on my stinking money. If I'm going to lie, steal and cheat to get it, I don't want to add blaspheme to the mix. I am going to burn in Hell as it is.

To add “In God We Trust” to our money is the height of human arrogance. We should live it, not print it on our money as some sort of money theology, as in God wants you to be rich.

Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s with his face on the coin of the realm at that time. Camel through an eye of the needle ring a bell with anyone?

3/13/2009, 10:55 PM
As a Christian it is somewhat Ironic now that you mention it that we put Gods name on the main source of greed, selfishness, and evil in our country

3/13/2009, 11:11 PM
yep I don't really mind it. I bet half the people in American don't even know its on there... but if they got ride of it, most Christians would raise hell lol. I am one, but I wouldn't mind it. But since its been on this long, might as well keep it.

Frozen Sooner
3/13/2009, 11:15 PM
I've made no bones about believing that religion has no place in governance.

That being said, I can't imagine ever even caring about this. I guess if someone asked me "Should this be on there, and if it's not it won't end up making a ****-ton of people all crazy and mad?" then I'd say "Sure, take it off." Otherwise? Just not a battle worth fighting like at all.

3/14/2009, 03:48 AM
seems odd that it's there to me

3/14/2009, 06:18 AM
I agree with Froze. While I'm big on separation, I think MSNBC worded the poll options pretty well.

3/14/2009, 10:25 AM
Maybe it should be on there to serve as a reminder to not be so greedy, selfish or evil?

Heck most of the greediness in this Country doesn't happen with printed money anyway.

Also...the poll throws this in....

Results may not total 100% due to rounding.

I guess we even rounded up to 86%...lol

3/14/2009, 10:28 AM
I'm not particularly religious anymore, but I don't see how it's hurting anything by being there. Leave it as it is.

3/14/2009, 10:33 AM
I'm not particularly religious anymore, but I don't see how it's hurting anything by being there. Leave it as it is.
You probably just need an 8th Miracle to help get you back on track. ;) :D

Hot Rod
3/14/2009, 11:01 AM
And we all know how much of a paper-less society we've become lately.