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2/26/2009, 09:38 PM
Longhorns to learn nuances of BCS (http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=3937665) from ESPN.

Texas coach Mack Brown plans to invite several leading BCS pundits to meet with his staff and team to explain the nuances of the muddled system.

Brown's announcement comes after the Longhorns were nosed out of the Big 12 championship game because the BCS rankings were used as the fifth tiebreaker to decide a title game participant among South Division tri-champions Oklahoma, Texas Tech and Texas.

Tri-champions my arse. I guess he'll never let it go.

2/26/2009, 10:04 PM
maybe he should talk to the Big 12...

the BCS had really nothing to do with it

and it's not nearly as hard to understand as the old BCS formulas. what kind of moron is he?

my only real complaints about the BCS are the closed nature. everyone should have to report their vote and computer formulas

Leroy Lizard
2/26/2009, 10:47 PM
As a staff we're planning to bring in BCS gurus and the computer guys and talking to them," Brown said. "We want to find out where we fell short in those areas. Is it margin of victory? Was it not scoring more because if it doesn't matter to the computers it does to the human vote? We're looking at all those things now."

Rather than coming out and saying it, he is veiling his bitterness by ye olde "Help me understand" trick. So essentially he is still complaining about OU running up the score, but just in an jerk way.

The man is an *******. A number one, grade-A *******.

He's also stupid.

"I think the kids have a self-motivation," Brown said. "That was a huge disappointment for them. How many times do you get a chance to play for a national championship? Starting out today they think it is a viable chance for them if they go back if they go out and clean up in a few areas."

But they could have lost the national title game. According to Horn fans, beating a second-rate team in a bowl game is better, so what's the gripe?

2/26/2009, 10:53 PM
oh, by the way Mack, maybe you should take some of the Hostess out of your schedule

Salt City Sooner
2/26/2009, 11:30 PM
oh, by the way Mack, maybe you should take some of the Hostess out of your schedule
Texas' OOC:

La. Monroe
@ Wyoming
Central Florida

I'm thinking he didn't get that memo.

2/26/2009, 11:49 PM
Hey, in Mack's defense, he's planning for the future. If the Mountain West is on the verge of becoming a BCS conference, then it's only a matter of time before playing bottom-feeders from the Sun Belt and C-USA looks good on the ol' S.O.S.

2/27/2009, 12:25 AM
mack, ha

2/27/2009, 08:30 AM
Let him learn the nuances of the tie-breakers all he wants. We'll just beat him straight up next year.

2/27/2009, 08:59 AM
The RRR victory was the biggest win for Mack in 2008.

2/27/2009, 09:22 AM
I am perfectly fine with tri-SOUTH Champions, because that acknowledges that it was a THREE-way tie and not a TWO-way tie like Mack talking over our OSU game seemed to imply.

I am still a strong supporter of only having conference champions in the title game unless there is a playoff. My argument continues to be that (which is now timely!) the NCAA Tourney for basketball only guarantees bids to the tourney for mid-majors and does not let them declare co-champions to con the committee into getting additional bids. Thus, conferences should use the season (and especially a championship game) to determine who their sole champion is as the team eligible for the championship.

Tri-champions in the Big 12 South equals Mikey is a champion too, so I'm fine with that... so long as the sole Big 12 Championship only belongs to OU, because we earned it in KC

2/27/2009, 09:43 AM
Texas coach Mack Brown plans to invite several leading BCS pundits to meet with his staff and team to explain the nuances of the muddled system.

WTF can you tell the team and the coaching staff? You need to win. Every game, every time.
How much did he pay these people for that gem?

As to the people the "BCS pundits" should be talking with, Mack and Deloss Dodds, get a real schedule. That's about the only thing you can do besides win and get on your knees for votes. And Mack already does the latter.

It's really complicated, isn't it, Mack? :rolleyes:

2/27/2009, 09:54 AM
WTF can you tell the team and the coaching staff? You need to win. Every game, every time.
How much did he pay these people for that gem?

As we now know, he does not tell his coaching staff that. THIS is what he tells them:

Macky: Don't use bad words around the players, please.

Link (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/story?id=3597268)

The story linked bashes Texas to no-end and it's a good read if you haven't seen it already, but here's the key:

Johnson even said his college coaches were just as willing to treat players with a lighter touch. He said Texas coach Mack Brown had a rule that prohibited assistants from swearing at players when coaches were criticizing mistakes. So once Johnson joined the Chiefs as the 15th overall pick in the 2005 draft, he had to get accustomed to the daily arsenal of profanity that is the trademark of defensive coordinator Gunther Cunningham. Even though Johnson was a grown man, there were more than a few nights when those verbal shots bothered him as he sat at home.

2/27/2009, 10:08 AM
Thus, conferences should use the season (and especially a championship game) to determine who their sole champion is as the team eligible for the championship.


2/27/2009, 12:10 PM
As we now know, he does not tell his coaching staff that. THIS is what he tells them:

Macky: Don't use bad words around the players, please.

Link (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/story?id=3597268)

The story linked bashes Texas to no-end and it's a good read if you haven't seen it already, but here's the key:


2/27/2009, 12:53 PM
whats the word on the Big 10? I remember they were trying to get one more team, so they could have a conference tourney?

2/27/2009, 01:45 PM
My lord, what a whiney beyotch.

That's it, keep looking back, Mack. Just keep that focus on the past crystal clear, while we'll just keep focussing on the crystal.

2/27/2009, 01:49 PM
don't lose in November.

2/27/2009, 02:51 PM
Texas' OOC:

La. Monroe
@ Wyoming
Central Florida

I'm thinking he didn't get that memo.
They did try to schedule Wisconsin for an ESPN game next season but they couldn't come to an agreement on a Whorns trip to Madison.

So they "tried", doesn't that deserve a gold star?

2/27/2009, 03:12 PM
Isn't like this the 7th or 8th time mack has needed the BCS rules or Big 12 rules explained to him. I got both the very first time I heard them. (well as much as is possible in the case of the BCS) Mack must have a learning disability or something.

2/27/2009, 03:37 PM
he was just on college football live, still being a dbag

2/27/2009, 03:59 PM
It's a good thing Mack doesn't worry about looking ignorant.

2/27/2009, 05:13 PM
I would personally like to thank Mack Brown for reminding me what a ********* he is. I had almost started to feel an affinity for him until he started this up. Almost.

Leroy Lizard
2/27/2009, 06:56 PM
Here is my new take on this.

Mack is hurt. He feels the BCS jilted his team, and the bitterness just won't go away. And like anyone feeling sorry for himself, he wants public acknowledgment that his Texas team was robbed of what was rightfully theirs. And because the public is not going to give him the confessional he wants, he is threatening to retaliate by running up the score on his opponents this coming year.

Take a look:

"Is it margin of victory? Was it not scoring more because if it doesn't matter to the computers it does to the human vote? We're looking at all those things now."

Remember in I Love Lucy when Ricky finds out that Lucy bought a bunch of expensive furniture and he tells her she will have to cut back on expenses to pay for it? What did she do? She retaliates by cutting back on his food. Mack will be doing the same thing this coming year. "I'll show them!"

Or, he won't run up the score and will spend the rest of the week telling everyone how this will potentially hurt his chances of playing for the national title, but it's worth it because he has class, and that his team has class, and that the entire state of Texas has class, and that class exudes from every pore on his players' bodies...

I am not sure which version of Mack is more insufferable.

Mile High Sooner
2/27/2009, 07:27 PM
You can count on "Mack's Obsession" being a Talking Heads topic until one of two thngs happens next season:
1. We kick their arse (aka win) on the 2nd Saturday of October and decisively win the B12 South.
2. They win the B12S by a tie break and Stoops' only comment on the matter is something to the fact of "Good Job."

In the meantime we get the whole off season to relish in the fact that a real ****** Bag is the head coach of Fexas.

2/27/2009, 07:28 PM
Pssst... Coach Brown, Mr. Dodds...

You voted against the plus-one system, and you are all for the BCS that you're now ****ting on.

2/27/2009, 07:34 PM
the more he whines, the more the national media will (eventually) call him out on it. i remember hearing a bit of it as the season neared its end. with the exception of abc/espn, most seemed to be telling him, "shut the hell up." it promises to get get worse.

2/27/2009, 07:57 PM
Mack? Mack Brown? Get a clue! Stop embarrassing yourself, your team, and pretty much the entire state of Texas (which is what the rest of the country thinks of whenever anything about the school of the same name comes up).

I am really glad to see this, he won't let it go. Spending my working hours amongst juvenile and teenaged boys I am used to this kind of behavior. It demonstrates a lack of ability to connect cause with effect, they just can't see the consequences of their actions. Don't act like an adult, Mack. Your team is watching your every move and follow your lead.

2/28/2009, 12:23 AM
Austin being the self proclaimed land of intelligent people, im surprised they are having so much trouble getting this, seeing that they are so smart.

3/1/2009, 10:01 AM
BCS Gurus: Well, thanks for having us down here Mack. Lunch was really great.

Mack: My pleasure. Now, let's get down to business.

BCS Gurus: Oh, right. Umm, I think I speak for all the gurus when I say "Don't lose to Texas Tech." Then our formula doesn't matter, you win going away.

Mack: Check please.

3/1/2009, 10:27 AM
Couldn't he just have a conference call with these gurus instead of flying them in? Or is wine & dine the key here?

3/1/2009, 11:11 AM
BCS Gurus: Well, thanks for having us down here Mack. Lunch was really great.

Mack: My pleasure. Now, let's get down to business.

BCS Gurus: Oh, right. Umm, I think I speak for all the gurus when I say "Don't lose to Texas Tech." Then our formula doesn't matter, you win going away.

Mack: But...but...we're Texas...


Leroy Lizard
3/1/2009, 11:48 AM
Here is how the conversation will go:

Mack: If we had run up the score on our opponents, would we have played for the national title?

BCS: Well, it could have swayed a few voters, but I don't think...

Mack: So the BCS is admitting that we were denied our rightful place in the national title game because we are classy.

BCS: All we are saying is that some voters do pay attention to margin of victory, and

Mack: So it's all about margin of victory. The team that runs up the score the most gets the most votes.

BCS: There are other factors...

Mack: If I ran up the score on our opponents this year, would it increase our chances to play for the national title? Yes or no?

BCS: Well, possibly, but ...

Mack: I said, yes or no?

BCS: If you put it that way, yes, but...

Mack: Check!

Press release: Mack Brown, University of Texas football coach, has met with BCS pundits. "The BCS gurus told me, and they should know, that we were basically screwed out of our chance to play for the national title last year because we refused to run up the score on our opponents. But the entire nation knew that. I am just glad to hear the BCS admit it."

Even though his classiness cost the school and team a possible conference and national title, Coach Brown has decided to maintain honor and dignity in college football despite the BCS's recommendations. "They basically told me that if want to play for the national title next year, we would have to run up the score on our opponents. We know other coaches do that, but Texas has too much class to do such a thing."

3/6/2009, 04:08 AM
It's simple reason why OU jumped Texas. Texas lost to Texas Tech a month after OU lost to Texas. OU looked better than Texas because they thrashed Texas Tech whom had beaten Texas the previous week. The BCS isn't so complicated with that kind of logic.

Leroy Lizard
3/6/2009, 09:16 PM
The BCS isn't so complicated to most sensible peoplewith that kind of logic.


Dan Thompson
3/6/2009, 09:22 PM
Why is this issue taken up disk space on the OU forum?

Leroy Lizard
3/7/2009, 12:17 PM
Because it involves OU and Mack Brown.

I suppose we could talk about Hitler, abortion, or gun control.

3/9/2009, 06:47 AM
I may be wrong, but I think all this BCS talk is misguided. The BCS and how they do their work is what it is. I thought the "problem", according to Texas, was with how the Big 12 handled tiebreakers. My understanding is that if the Big 12 had in place the SEC rules regarding tiebreakers & BCS polls, a head to head last year would've allowed Texas to go to the Big 12 Championship Game.

I heard the Big 12 Commish mention it may be discussed, but I don't think anything has changed in the rules that would change anything. Does anybody have update?

Bottom Line.....it appears since the Big 12 didn't have the selection parameters in place to allow Texas' head to head with OU to count, that's what lead to OU going to the Big 12 Champ. Game + NC. Don't think anything has changed, has it?

3/9/2009, 07:24 AM
Someone wrote that a 16-team playoff with all 11 conference champions (and 5 "at large" bids) would solve issues like Smack Daddy's whining. Texas would have gotten an "at large," Texas would have beaten up a pansy conference champion and possibly another at large (like tOSU) en route to losing to a top opponent... Florida, Utah, USC... pick one.

I am absolutely intrigued by this possibility. We already watch a lot of football during the last two weeks of December or so, then the first two weeks of January. Conference championships in the first week of December (or moved back to the last week of November) means a week (or two) break for athletes to take early exams and heal from injuries, then have a true postseason that reflects the regular season.

Then again, should I be in favor of a system that ends/rewards Mack's whining (for now) and that's never brought ill fortune on OU?