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View Full Version : There is no way this kind of spending can be maintained

2/26/2009, 07:52 PM
A 4 trillion dollar budget, a trillion dollar stimulus, a trillion dollar TARP, maybe tarp II and stimulus II on the way, 2 wars, tax revenue is sure to go to sh** because of the economy, universal health-care, paying people's mortgages, and the baby-boomers are on the verge of retirement with social security heading for the tank and no politician can touch it.

We are headed for a collapse like you can't believe. It may happen soon if China decides to slap us around in the bond market.

This cannot sustain itself. I think one thing to do is talk with an accountant and figure out how you either get no return back on your taxes or you owe very little at the end of the year, because they are bound to issue IOU's (not this year but early next decade). Don't set too much back in with-holding because you are asking to get screwed.

We simply don't have the wealth to pay for all of this.

Czar Soonerov
2/26/2009, 08:11 PM
There is no way this kind of spending can be maintained

You obviously have not met my wife. http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/9922/rimshot.gif

2/26/2009, 08:25 PM
Will that much money I'll bet you could circle the earth almost 18,000 times if you laid each bill end to end!!

2/26/2009, 08:50 PM
we'll get all the money from rich people!

everyone that makes over $24,000/yr is rich and needs to be taxed more and more!

Change you can believe in! Yes, we can (tax the **** out of you)!

Kool-Aid for everyone!!!!

2/26/2009, 08:58 PM
They want us to be government dependent. This is part of the big plan. Before long the government , feed us, house us, etc....

2/26/2009, 09:06 PM
They want us to be government dependent. This is part of the big plan. Before long the government , feed us, house us, etc....

The mistake they're making is that they think once tax rates are hiked up then, voila, revenues will magically increase. They are going to get bitten on the arse HARD.

We simply don't have the wealth for this; it's a pipe dream.

2/26/2009, 09:10 PM
I'd be more inclined to give Keynesian economics a chance if we weren't already 11 TRILLION dollars in debt.

2/26/2009, 09:36 PM
They know we can't tax the country out of this mess! You hit the nail on the head - they want more of the population dependent on the government - it is a voting bloc!

King Crimson
2/26/2009, 09:39 PM
we could keep fighting multiple wars in the middle east forever though.


the PNAC.

2/26/2009, 09:49 PM
Yes, just wait until the "rich" is defined by $24k and your taxes are increased, then let's see your attitude towards this regime!

King Crimson
2/26/2009, 09:55 PM
Yes, just wait until the "rich" is defined by $24k and your taxes are increased, then let's see your attitude towards this regime!

heck, 24K! that will be rich when you "true conservatives" eliminate higher education and literacy altogether.

i guess i'll just have to live off my daddy and mummy or uncle sam instead of working...

2/26/2009, 10:00 PM
or join the army ;)

King Crimson
2/26/2009, 10:15 PM
or join the army ;)

i read an article in the commie NY Times about enlistment going up as the economy went south.....you wonder why? government subsidized health care, a good wage, retirement...sounds like socialism and people who are afraid to "take a chance" as Rush has been saying on the air this week about "entrepreneurs" who are the last hope against the creeping dark cloud of Mordor and Authoritarianism and the sheep people of the left and the systematic abuse of the constitution by our new Big Brother.

which, after the last 8 years is kind of funny. but ideology, as Marx will tell you is all about white is black, and black is white. Camera Obscura.

Harry Beanbag
2/26/2009, 10:22 PM
i read an article in the commie NY Times about enlistment going up as the economy went south.....you wonder why? government subsidized health care, a good wage, retirement...sounds like socialism and people who are afraid to "take a chance" as Rush has been saying on the air this week about "entrepreneurs" who are the last hope against the creeping dark cloud of Mordor and Authoritarianism and the sheep people of the left and the systematic abuse of the constitution by our new Big Brother.

Who said the military was a democracy? I swear we've had this discussion in the last two weeks. I don't know if it's a good wage now or not, it wasn't 12 years ago. And I would venture a guess that 98% of enlistees don't retire from the military.

Was King Crimson tagged "it" for today by the resident communists? ;)

King Crimson
2/26/2009, 10:28 PM
Was King Crimson tagged "it" for today by the resident communists? ;)

naw, i don't speak for any of the other sub 100 IQ grunts. i'm just playing advocatus diabolis a little.

i work for the State of Colorado and i pay my own crappy, overpriced health insurance (it's a total screw job)....and I've forgone about as lucrative a career as you could have in law or some other profession to educate the mindless young out of some sense of civic purpose.

and by educate, i mean "indoctrinate into extremist leftist ideology".

2/26/2009, 10:37 PM
Just wondering, were any of you complaining about this during the Bush years? He was running a fat deficit too, y'know.

Harry Beanbag
2/26/2009, 10:39 PM
Just wondering, were any of you complaining about this during the Bush years? He was running a fat deficit too, y'know.

If you paid much attention, yeah, that's biggest problem every conservative had with W.

2/26/2009, 10:42 PM
and by educate, i mean "indoctrinate into extremist leftist ideology".

Well at least yer honest .

King Crimson
2/26/2009, 11:00 PM
Well at least yer honest .

aw hell, college kids have so many other outside influences they consider authoritative, a Leninist like me has no chance to creep into their minds when they could be loving on John Mayer or Miley or whatever crapass reality TV show they watch. or what brands they need to buy. trust me, a critique of capitalism is not floating with today's college student that drinks "G2" for breakfast to keep up their electrolytes for the "sport" of being a simpleton.

2/27/2009, 05:54 AM
Just wondering, were any of you complaining about this during the Bush years? He was running a fat deficit too, y'know.

Yes, we were.

The last 30 days we have spent more money than the Iraq War, Afghanistan War, and Katrina COMBINED.

2/27/2009, 06:07 AM
The numbers are so big, I can not even wrap my brain around it. I do know that the so called rick folks can not pay this off by them selves. If they tax companys, they will increase their prices, or lay folks off.

My vision of the future is bleak, It amazes me how anybody can see any positives spending this kind of money without a plan. The billions set aside from the last go around for health care is just crazy. No plan for health care but they have the money for it

2/27/2009, 09:39 AM
The proposed budget spending over the next 8 years, if Barack isn't "Jimmy Cartered" in 4 years....

is 3X W's 8 year total that BHO and everyone else was complaining/campaining about.


Idealistic and historic Liberal president
Liberal congress
scared as hell citizens
Current economic free fall
http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/8951/0201perfectstorm.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

sooner KB
2/27/2009, 03:16 PM
Yes, just wait until the "rich" is defined by $24k and your taxes are increased, then let's see your attitude towards this regime!

Wow, Whet says something blatantly false with almost every post. For instance, Obama has always said he is raising taxes on those making over $250k. Whet knows he doesn't have a strong enough argument using the real number and knows he is unable to actually make arguments based on substance and facts (go through and look at all of his posts), so he makes something up like randomly lowering the number to "24k." Notice people like him usually don't argue against what policy change Obama is actually advocating, but say "just wait until.." and say something that is ****ing absurd after that. What Obama is actually proposing (rolling back the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250k to where the rates were throughout the 90's) is not radical or extreme at all, especially considering the debt and the need to reduce the budget defecit. If raising these taxes means we will be plunged into a socialist society, it means we lived in a socialist society through the 90's (a very prosperous decade), and then suddenly became non-socialist the moment Bush cut taxes for the wealthy at the beginning of his presidency.

Notice that with all of his posts where he brings up something that has to do with Obama he fails to bring up some philosophical aspect, historical context, social research, statistics, or even any discussion that is remotely intelligent or original. Instead, he chooses to bypass any kind of educated discourse and almost always just ends up calling Obama a Nazi and runs off.

When our only response to proposed tax cuts, tax increases, or whatever is to simply call the other side "communists" or "socialists" or "nazis" it distracts from the real topic at hand and prevents intelligent conversation. People in this country tend to be uneducated about the issues in part because of this kind of discourse.

It is also interesting to note that he also is probably one of these outraged uneducated people that are bascially reduced to calling whoever they don't like Hitler, but seems to think college professors are evil, ignorant people.

My advice to Whet: go to the library. Seriously. And don't just go and grab one of Rush's books, find books written about political philosophy, sociology, and history. A challenge you to read at least one book in the next month. It will be great for you.

2/27/2009, 03:57 PM
I just don't get Obama's motive? Just so he can say he helped every poor person in America? Maybe he should start by donating some of his money??? Don't get me wrong some people had some hard breaks in life, but most are in situations because they chose to be.

2/27/2009, 04:09 PM
his motive for what?

what is he doing that only affects poor people?

if things keep going the way they are going there would be a lot more poor people...

2/27/2009, 04:12 PM
I guess i have not figured him out yet. (didn't really figure bush out either). I hope it works. But i could see this hurting as much as it could help the economy. I think its hit or miss. hope it hits

2/27/2009, 04:17 PM
in 50 years we might know

the R's will still probably be saying he made it worse and last longer, and the D's will say he got us through, or got it started or some such

i'd be happy if we just stopped funnelling all our money to Asia

2/27/2009, 04:21 PM
We'll i didn't vote for Obama, but i sure hope he gets some things going. It's hard not getting my religion (Christianity) mixed with political views, which tend to be conservative.

2/27/2009, 05:58 PM
in 50 years we might know

the R's will still probably be saying he made it worse and last longer, and the D's will say he got us through, or got it started or some such

i'd be happy if we just stopped funnelling all our money to Asia

If by "make it though," you mean "the government became insolvent, the economy collapsed, and we had to start all over"

Wait...let me start all over...

"funneling money to Asia" We are dependent on Asia to keep buying our T bonds to fund all of this bullsh*t, and when they decide to quit buying them then the party is over.

I still don't think you guys get it. We are looking at a complete collapse of our government and economy.

2/27/2009, 06:03 PM
i meant Asia for oil too

and yeah, i guess i'm assuming that our government and economy aren't going to totally collapse

but i don't think we've seen the worst of it

Harry Beanbag
2/27/2009, 06:07 PM
if things keep going the way they are going there would be a lot more poor people...

Are you talking about the punitive taxation that is on the horizon? ;)

2/27/2009, 06:14 PM
i'll be happy to pay taxes if it means i still have a job

2/27/2009, 06:28 PM
i'll be happy to pay taxes if it means i still have a job

If you had money to invest in a business and hire people would you do that right now knowing that taxes are fixing to go sky-high?

I know it's popular to bash the rich man, but I've never been employed by a poor man.

Curly Bill
2/27/2009, 06:33 PM
I just don't get Obama's motive? Just so he can say he helped every poor person in America? Maybe he should start by donating some of his money??? Don't get me wrong some people had some hard breaks in life, but most are in situations because they chose to be.

Gotta play to those that elected you. In Brack's case that's the poor, and to those loony lefties that think government is the answer to all of life's problems. There my young friend is Brack's motive.


2/27/2009, 09:46 PM
Bill Gates' taxes will pay for it all. :)

2/27/2009, 09:54 PM
If you had money to invest in a business and hire people would you do that right now knowing that taxes are fixing to go sky-high?

That is, in fact, exactly what I'm doing.

It doesn't seem to be bothering Warren Buffet either, for that matter.

2/27/2009, 10:43 PM
Gotta play to those that elected you. In Brack's case that's the poor, and to those loony lefties that think government is the answer to all of life's problems. There my young friend is Brack's motive.


what ever satisfies the poor ya know? lets give them the benefit of the doubt. :D ... the poor did absolutely nothing to be in that situation. Don't get me wrong, some people are less fortunate than others, but some people are in the situation because they chose the lifestyle they wanted. ... I love you CB!!! Olevet posse!!!!!

sooner KB
2/27/2009, 11:57 PM
some people are in the situation because they chose the lifestyle they wanted.

Can you elaborate on this?