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View Full Version : Coach K at Duke is rumored to be retiring

2/16/2009, 07:48 AM
after the season here in the south, but it might just be the long year after the Olympics. I'll try to find the link, but this isn't good because you know Jeff Capel is on their radar and he will not turn down Duke !

It will come down to Johnny Dawkins (Stanford 15-8), Tommy Amaker (Harvard 10-12) and Caple (25-1)

2/16/2009, 09:05 AM
Not good news. :(

2/16/2009, 09:45 AM
Who are the Dukie Assistants right now? Wouldn't they get a look?

2/16/2009, 10:09 AM
I have seen nothing online, in print, or on television to suggest this and I'm sorry, rated r, but your track record works against you in starting rumors like this... but on the other hand, we all know that keebler elves only have nine lives or something so Coach K is bound to run out of time eventually and will inevitably retire.

Nothing is guaranteed in coaching except skipping higher income taxes through charity work and your fanbase calling for your coaching death following rival losses or whatever, so I don't see Coach K as one to stay around after a so-so season just to end on a high note. However, I don't see him retiring before some things happen:

1- Another Final Four. It's just something that has to happen since it hasn't in so long.
2- Beating UNC at home. Seriously, it's not just Tyler Hansborough, it's all of Duke that hasn't been able to stop their eight-mile-away rival.
3- Getting 900 or 1,000 victories. He's pretty close to both at about 820 currently, I think. 900 would be three seasons away or so, while 1,000 would be about seven or eight seasons away. That's not too much to top your career off with.
4- Another mark at the pro level. The gold medal was nice, but it must leave him wanting to test his coaching a bit more at the pro level, whether it be another Olympic showing or whatever.
5- A shot at a national championship. If they win it this year, he's probably on his way out. If they have another premature exit, look for a few more years of K.

So anyways - Sooner Nation, now is the time to make amends on past transgressions of not showing up to basketball games or holding off on traveling with the team come tourney time. If you have the ways and the means, an OU basketball team like this won't happen every year (unless we have Capel as coach, hehe).

2/16/2009, 10:13 AM
For the sake of argument, here's the Wikipedia coaching tree dirt sheet:

* Tommy Amaker (Seton Hall, Michigan, Harvard)
* Bob Bender (Washington)
* Mike Brey (Notre Dame)
* Neil Dougherty (Texas Christian)
* Quin Snyder (Missouri, NBDL Austin Toros)
* Jeff Capel III (Virginia Commonwealth, Oklahoma)
* David Henderson (Delaware)
* Johnny Dawkins (Stanford University)

Three former players (Steve Wojciechowski, Chris Collins, and Nate James) currently work under him as assistants at Duke. Another former player, Chris Carrawell, has been on staff since the 2007-2008 season.

Keep in mind that these are not current coaching jobs, but just reflect that these guys at one time or another had these jobs. We all know what happened to Quin-Quin at Mizzou. :D

2/16/2009, 10:14 AM
Nothing to see here, people. Just a troll trying to stir things up.

2/16/2009, 10:18 AM
I don't know when Coach K will retire, but if Coach Capel keeps OU within the top 10-20 on a yearly basis (which I have no doubts he will) you can go ahead and erase every other name listed in previous posts. He WILL be the next Coach at Duke.

He was taken two different schools to the tourney and has a shot to win a national title this year......he has the best resume of the bunch.

2/16/2009, 10:23 AM
*Unless he wins an NC here, then I think it will be tempting to stay and build his own legacy* :)

2/16/2009, 10:27 AM
I expect Coach K to be at Duke for a while yet,proably until he retires and I don't see that for at least another 5-10 years.After that I DO believe Capel would be #1 on the Duke wish list snd I am certain Jeff would jump at it.Either way I am not worried,what is the point? There is nothing OU can do to compete with Duke in terms of basketball allure.That would be almost as bad as Duke trying to compete with OU in football.

2/16/2009, 10:37 AM
I will say it again... you know, just in case Jeff Capel's reading this:


I hear that place still gets quite nasty on gamedays with thousands in attendance, all huddled together. Ew, ew, ew. Stay as far away from that disgusting, but spirited place as possible. I know it's tradition, but uggggh, if they won't take care of their most storied facility, how will take care of a new coach that might not be as successful right away as his predecessor?

Stay at OU where the athletic department takes care of you! Oh, and of course, there is ample air conditioning at LNC, too!

2/16/2009, 10:59 AM
and I doubt seriously they would just hand Capel the job.

My opinion is that Coach K will be around a long time due to the fact that he can erase many a record.

2/16/2009, 11:05 AM
Coach K ain't going anywhere. This is the first time I've ever heard such a rumor.

2/16/2009, 11:35 AM
Coach K ain't going anywhere. This is the first time I've ever heard such a rumor.

I've been watching a lot of BBALL over the past week, and there has been NO talk of this. I just watched three ACC games yesterday, and there was NO mention of it.

2/16/2009, 12:05 PM
Quit making **** up troll. :les: BANE!

2/16/2009, 12:12 PM
It will come down to Johnny Dawkins (Stanford 15-8), Tommy Amaker (Harvard 10-12) and Caple (25-1)

Why do you hate WoJo?

2/16/2009, 12:31 PM
What coach in his right mind would want to coach some "Dukies?" kinda sounds like your coaching a bunch of turds.

2/16/2009, 12:53 PM
People, pay attention! This troll starts a thread about once a month about one of our coaches leaving. He never has a link. He just makes up stories to rattle you people.


2/16/2009, 01:01 PM

Salt City Sooner
2/16/2009, 01:08 PM

2/16/2009, 01:19 PM
Behind every sheety rumor there is an ounce of fact, and so here's what we already know:

1- Coach K dedicated his past few offseasons to coaching USA Basketball en route to a gold medal at Beijing last summer/fall, an exhausting ordeal, to be blunt

2- Coach K has had health issues in the past, resulting in him missing some of his coaching duties.

3- Coach K is 62 years old.

These are three solid reasons why this thread is even going still. We all know he made it up, yes, but even if he did, there are tiny, tiny bits of fact out there that could make this rumor true, even if it hasn't been mentioned publicly.

I hope Capel realizes what a good thing he has going at OU right now and not to jump ship when another coaching opening - Duke or otherwise - becomes available. It's not every school where the top coaches of the big 3 programs (both basketball programs and football) get along so well and have such a supportive AD and university president.

2/16/2009, 01:20 PM
even if he's a troll, you can still beat down his tripe.

2/16/2009, 01:33 PM
I think he would be better off replacing the guy who replaced the legend, much like Roy Williams did not taking the job right after Dean Smith.

2/16/2009, 02:28 PM
I think he would be better off replacing the guy who replaced the legend, much like Roy Williams did not taking the job right after Dean Smith.

Right on. It's tough to replace a legend.

2/16/2009, 04:01 PM
I put Duke in my toilet every morning and OU in my heart.

2/16/2009, 04:06 PM
RatedR is always pulling this crap. Never listen to anything he/she says. Moving on.

2/16/2009, 07:22 PM
* Tommy Amaker (Seton Hall, Michigan, Harvard)
* Bob Bender (Washington)
* Mike Brey (Notre Dame)
* Neil Dougherty (Texas Christian)
* Quin Snyder (Missouri, NBDL Austin Toros)
* Jeff Capel III (Virginia Commonwealth, Oklahoma)
* David Henderson (Delaware)
* Johnny Dawkins (Stanford University)

Yikes. Only good coaches on there are Capel and maybe someday Dawkins.

2/17/2009, 09:54 PM
I put Duke in my toilet every morning and OU in my heart.

Much spek, and I'm even a Methodist.


2/17/2009, 09:58 PM
I put Duke in my toilet every morning and OU in my heart.

I usually put a Texas in my toilet every morning.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
2/17/2009, 10:48 PM
after the season here in the south, but it might just be the long year after the Olympics. I'll try to find the link, but this isn't good because you know Jeff Capel is on their radar and he will not turn down Duke !

It will come down to Johnny Dawkins (Stanford 15-8), Tommy Amaker (Harvard 10-12) and Caple (25-1)

Sure, Coach K is going to retire and pursue his dream job, Subway!

2/18/2009, 08:21 AM
He'd make a hell of a Sandwich Artist.