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View Full Version : Cat torturer caught

2/15/2009, 09:07 PM
Some turd made a video of himself torturing a cat and posted it on youtube. As it turns out, the internet is not a place you can remain anonymous. Someone saw it and it was posted on various large webboards, and by the time the day was over, his name and address was found, police called, and the story made the local news.

(this link is not of the cat being tortured)



2/15/2009, 09:24 PM
The little sick **** . :mad:

2/15/2009, 09:25 PM
one sick mofo.. They need to has there *** kicked

2/15/2009, 10:11 PM
I don't condone hurting cats, but a little tape on the paws never hurt anyone.:D

2/15/2009, 11:05 PM
Time for a couple of you good ol' Rednecks to hop in a truck and roadtrip to Lawton to administer a little back country lesson for our "future serial killer."

What a POS.

2/15/2009, 11:53 PM
That almost brought me to tears, that kid has issues and it is too bad that he will probably get off

2/16/2009, 12:43 AM
Almost as sick as this guy.

2/16/2009, 06:12 AM
Check this out. He posted the video Sunday morning and by Sunday evening, this was up:


UPDATE: Sheriff Stradley of Lawton, OK said: "The horrifying day may be over for the cat, but it is just getting started for its abusers. We'll put it together and take it to the D.A. It will be up to the D.A. whether or not he files charges or not. Our job is to put the investigation together as a case and take it to the DA and that's what we'll do".

Stradley says the teens responsible were released to their parents by the DA and they and their lawyer will meet with investigators to determine their fate on Tuesday. Dusty, the cat, is alive and was taken to a veterinarian where it will remain until the investigation is complete.

2/16/2009, 07:30 AM
He wasn't actually hurting the cat by hitting it or pushing it against the wall, but was more just freaking it out, especially the water. You can tell by watching it he's not hitting it that hard and the "slams" against the wall are pretty soft too. Still pretty mean, but nothing like its being made out to be.

2/16/2009, 09:34 AM
Stupid kid.

2/16/2009, 09:38 AM
Here's some info about these sick MOFOs


2/16/2009, 10:38 AM
The kid needs to get a job,or a girlfriend,something to keep him busy.Failing that he can post on sports message boards.Given his INTREST in animals I suggest Orangepower.com . :)

2/16/2009, 11:16 AM
He should have to spend a few minutes In this dudes cell :eek:

2/16/2009, 11:51 AM
I would beat the living sh*t out of that effer and abuse him to the point he would lose his manhood. I have 2 cats and that freakin pissed me off. Animal abusers deserve to be shot and have their lives ruined.

That cat may be ok but it will forever be scared and scarred when held again.

2/16/2009, 12:08 PM
Embarrassing that these little monsters are from Oklahoma and Lawton. These 2 punks are juveniles so I doubt the legal consequences will be very harsh. Maybe their peers will not be too amused by the video.

2/16/2009, 12:12 PM
He wasn't actually hurting the cat by hitting it or pushing it against the wall, but was more just freaking it out, especially the water. You can tell by watching it he's not hitting it that hard and the "slams" against the wall are pretty soft too. Still pretty mean, but nothing like its being made out to be.

You are wrong on so many levels, not only was that cat terrified but also in pain. Imagine someone 20 times your size just barely hitting you in the head and slamming you against the wall and floor :rolleyes: :mad:

2/16/2009, 12:53 PM
I can proudly say I had a pretty good hand in catching this guy. /b/ was the guys who got ahold of the video and sprang into action. My part was admittedly small compared to others who are much better at the online investigation/hacking it takes to find information on this. Nevertheless, most people see 4chan as a horrible place to frequent, but now and again they do something worth while.

2/16/2009, 07:19 PM
Animal or not, it was defensless and im glad this kid has been busted...good work to anyone who helped find him

Czar Soonerov
2/16/2009, 08:43 PM
I thought this thread was gonna be about why Norm hasn't been posting. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/8459/rimshot5118513mn6.gif (http://imageshack.us)

Srsly that is fk'd up, there are some sick people in this world.

2/16/2009, 10:58 PM
I can proudly say I had a pretty good hand in catching this guy. /b/ was the guys who got ahold of the video and sprang into action. My part was admittedly small compared to others who are much better at the online investigation/hacking it takes to find information on this. Nevertheless, most people see 4chan as a horrible place to frequent, but now and again they do something worth while.

the fact that he got 4chan'd is hilarious

there was more info from the comments in the link above


and why did he have to be in OK?

2/17/2009, 12:52 AM
I can proudly say I had a pretty good hand in catching this guy. /b/ was the guys who got ahold of the video and sprang into action. My part was admittedly small compared to others who are much better at the online investigation/hacking it takes to find information on this. Nevertheless, most people see 4chan as a horrible place to frequent, but now and again they do something worth while.

Ya mean yer part of this ?:eek:

2/17/2009, 01:02 AM
and you thought the South Oval was bad :D

2/17/2009, 01:03 AM
and you thought the South Oval was bad :D

Hell I thot we wuz Tame bro .:D

2/17/2009, 09:51 AM
I checked out 4chan which I had never heard of before this thread. One description on the web is 4chan is a site where the human spirit goes to die.

After looking at the site I would add it is a place where brain cells go to die. If you are over 19 years old OR your IQ is over 105 don't bother.

2/17/2009, 10:34 AM
1. Cats are worthless animals. I'll pet them if they come up and rub on me, but that's about as far as it goes.

2. I've euthanized plenty of them - especially after inconsiderate selfish *******s have dumped them in the country. Cats can survive in the wild, but eventually they'll die a slow, painful death out there. Some of the cats I've shot are so full of ticks, worms, and sores/disease it's pathetic.

3. People who torture any animal need their head caved in. This includes worthless cats. People who torture animals are the weakest of the weak.

2/17/2009, 11:24 AM
1. Cats are worthless animals. I'll pet them if they come up and rub on me, but that's about as far as it goes.

They serve no more or no less of a purpose than a dog, especially these little lap dogs that girls have these days. I have a cat and a dog, love both of them. Neither are real useful but I dont hunt so they really dont need to have an occupation other than making you happy.

3. People who torture any animal need their head caved in. This includes worthless cats. People who torture animals are the weakest of the weak.

Agreed completely! If you abuse animals or kids you deserve to be castrated

2/17/2009, 12:19 PM
Agreed completely! If you abuse animals or kids you deserve to be castrated

If all you want is something to sit there and get fed, petted, and taken to the vet for outlandish $$, then I'd agree that a lap dog and a cat are =.

Dogs have personality. Dogs have many humanistic traits - like loyalty, obedience, an ability to feel sad, happy, and be completely in-tune with their master. Dogs can tree a squirrell, round up livestock, fetch downed birds, protect property and people, sniff out drugs, explosive, and corpses. They can detect cancer in very early stages, track prison escapees, catch frisbees, and even haul you rum in the mountains when you're freezing to death.

Cats are soulless little spawn straight from Satan's loins who are adequate mousers - when they feel like it. Usually they just play with the mouse and torture it. Kinda like what this kid did to the cat - of course the cat doesn't know better so it can be semi-forgiven for being a cruel, heartless torturer of weaker things.

Besides, if your neighbor breaks out the Uber Friskies with real tuna, your cat just became your neighbor's cat.

2/17/2009, 12:28 PM
LOL! True on some levels, although the past two cats ive had were very loyal to me and had very strong personalities. For the lack of loyalty you get in some cats you get the equivalent stupidity in some dogs, its a fair trade

2/17/2009, 01:08 PM
Ya mean yer part of this ?:eek:

Although it's not quite as bad as those articles make it seem, it's certainly nowhere to frequent unless you are insanely bored. Most people on their are your garden variety losers.

That being said, when that cat video went up on their, I was shocked at how quick action was taken. It's quite scary to see just how good some people are at hacking or whatever you want to call it.

From an anonymous youtube video, posted with a newly created youtube account and no other information at all, they were able to find this dudes name, phone number, address, all relative's names and addresses, as well as contact all police authorities, animal shelters, PETA, other animal groups, his school, several counselors and mental hospitals, as well as news stations to make sure this kid got splattered everywhere on the internet.

All that in approx. ~2 hours. Amazing.

2/17/2009, 03:02 PM
Think about this, as unlikely as it is there is still a decent chance that by doing this a columbine or Virginia Tech incident may have been avoided down the line...seriously

2/17/2009, 04:15 PM
If all you want is something to sit there and get fed, petted, and taken to the vet for outlandish $$, then I'd agree that a lap dog and a cat are =.

Dogs have personality. Dogs have many humanistic traits - like loyalty, obedience, an ability to feel sad, happy, and be completely in-tune with their master. Dogs can tree a squirrell, round up livestock, fetch downed birds, protect property and people, sniff out drugs, explosive, and corpses. They can detect cancer in very early stages, track prison escapees, catch frisbees, and even haul you rum in the mountains when you're freezing to death.

Cats are soulless little spawn straight from Satan's loins who are adequate mousers - when they feel like it. Usually they just play with the mouse and torture it. Kinda like what this kid did to the cat - of course the cat doesn't know better so it can be semi-forgiven for being a cruel, heartless torturer of weaker things.

Besides, if your neighbor breaks out the Uber Friskies with real tuna, your cat just became your neighbor's cat.


I've always been a dog person, but I have a cat now.

He's about 2.5 feet long from head to ***, his shoulders are about 6 inches wide and he weighs 25lbs. He's solid white with green eyes, has a tremendous personality, comes every time when you call his name and I've watched him tree and kill an opossum, not to mention the rats and mice around here. And we've got some rats, lemme tell ya.

He's also addicted to catnip like a crack addict and, upon getting his "fix," proceeds to run around acting like a retard which gets us laughing so hard we almost fall over. He has never, even once, crapped or peed outside of his litter box and the only thing he's ever scratched is his scratching post, which I have to have custom built because of how big he is.

The weirder thing? He can sense when I'm gonna get one of my migraines even before I can. He starts meowing and acting funny, then climbs up on top of me and starts purring and trying to rub his face against mine, I **** you not. And if my meds don't work and I end up getting a full blown migraine, he won't leave my side until it's over, only lets my girlfriend in the room, and if anyone else tries to come near me he stands up, arches his back, and GROWLS. Not hisses. GROWLS.

Even my friends who hate cats say that he's the coolest damn cat they've ever seen.

Oh, yeah...and he was a rescue as a kitten from under a house in Orange County near Newport Beach.

While I agree that there are some retarded and annoying cats out there, there are also some pretty damn rad ones. As for retarded dogs, I have yet to meet a Chocolate Lab with any kind of discernable intelligence whatsoever. Loveable? Yes. But retahded. (the yellows and blacks are pretty awesome, though. I've had one of each)

2/17/2009, 04:20 PM
i've seen more retarded dogs than cats ;)

i like both, cats are a lot easier to deal with in a house though

i do love black labs. one of the best dogs i've been around was my grandmother's black lab/chow mix

2/17/2009, 04:35 PM
LAS, holy sh*T! I have to agree with you here, my cat is a rescue cat and ppl can say what they want but that cat appreciates me. Anytime me and my gf argue she gets between us and meows and rubs on us, anytime one of us doesnt feel well she will lay down beside us. Cats are very smart, beyond smart and they are very compassionate. Not that dogs arent, but anyone that says cats are dumb is incorrect

2/17/2009, 04:38 PM
I think there are many parallels between ones animal preference and choice of spouse:

Dogs = 1950's housewife

Cats = modern working woman


2/17/2009, 04:49 PM


He ate her later on that night.

By the way, I'd like to see the cat torturer try those shenanigans with this monster. He's got all his claws and they are all about 1/2"-3/4" long. Tear his friggin' FACE off.



2/17/2009, 04:53 PM
LAS, holy sh*T! I have to agree with you here, my cat is a rescue cat and ppl can say what they want but that cat appreciates me. Anytime me and my gf argue she gets between us and meows and rubs on us, anytime one of us doesnt feel well she will lay down beside us. Cats are very smart, beyond smart and they are very compassionate. Not that dogs arent, but anyone that says cats are dumb is incorrect
I think most people who "hate" cats or say that cats have no personality or serve no purpose either haven't ever really owned a cat or were around cats who thought that they were dickheads.

Yes. Cats can think that you suck. Most dogs don't ever think anyone sucks.

2/17/2009, 04:56 PM
I think that is one of those ligers that escaped from Vegas. Be careful LAS.

2/17/2009, 05:13 PM
I think most people who "hate" cats or say that cats have no personality or serve no purpose either haven't ever really owned a cat or were around cats who thought that they were dickheads.

Yes. Cats can think that you suck. Most dogs don't ever think anyone sucks.

Oh I've owned lots of cats. My primary beef with them is the fact they're cruel when they kill, they're aloof and independent, and that they're whores of the highest order. I guess some people find that attractive in an animal.

That fatassed cat in your picture with the mardi gras ear headlight looking thingy looks like a fat stripper from Walter Mitty's I used to know.

2/17/2009, 05:22 PM
Yeah. I think most of the cats you've known thought you were a dick. That's why you felt they were "aloof."


And while I'll admit that my cat has a layer of fat on him (under his thick coat of fur) he's got an even thicker layer of muscle under that. Just try getting him into his cage to go to the Vet.

Hey! That's something ELSE he's got in common with your stripper-ex! They both had thick coats of fur, a thicker layer of muscle and they both went to the Vet instead of doctors!


2/17/2009, 05:56 PM
Oh I've owned lots of cats. My primary beef with them is the fact they're cruel when they kill

They are still technically hunting animals despite the fact that they have been domesticated ya know ;) Just look at that dip **** in Vegas who decided he would play with Tigers on a daily basis, eventually that cat got bored with it all and ripped his face off