View Full Version : Shiner 100

Half a Hundred
1/31/2009, 10:54 PM
Tastes like Shiner Bock, but has 6.7% alcohol content.

If you're a fan of regular Shiner, it's highly recommended :D

2/1/2009, 12:45 AM
Sweet, I'll have to try that. I like Shiner Bock

2/1/2009, 08:45 AM
I hope they sell it here.

2/1/2009, 12:16 PM
Shiner always puts out an anniversary edition, the 98 and 99 were a real good ones as well.

From the Shiner website (http://www.shiner.com/)
Shiner 100 Commemorator
Brewed in the Doppelbock tradition, this full bodied ale is as rich and robust as the 100 years of Shiner heritage it represents.