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View Full Version : Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero: World Tour

1/23/2009, 03:50 PM
I need your help. I'm wanting to jump into this genre, but I don't know where to start. When I played Rock Band, my favorite part was playing drums, but I hear that GHWT has a better drum set...in fact, better hardware all around. But I hear that RB2 has a better song list.

What I'm thinking about doing is buying the GHWT band kit for the instruments and then the Rock Band 2 game for the songs. They're fully compatible, right? Are there any drawbacks to doing it that way?

Frozen Sooner
1/23/2009, 04:00 PM
No drawbacks that I've found other than the second cymbal can throw you off a bit.

Song lists are pretty equivalent near as I can tell. RB2 does have better DLC and has the nifty option to import RB1 songs as well.

1/23/2009, 04:08 PM
Froz is right...I've got RB2, and the song list is better.

And I hear the Beatles are coming to RB2.

And if you buy RB2, you can get cymbal attachments for the RB2 drums...they plug in, and you can hit either the normal pad or the cymbal attachment. That's they way I would go.

Frozen Sooner
1/23/2009, 04:14 PM
Of course, I will say that RB2 angers me by constandly throwing that damn Alex Chilton song at me.

1/24/2009, 11:15 AM
i feel like sicem behind

I just bought guitar hero III last night. Figured that was an okay way to kinda jump in, especially since it was only $40 with the guitar

haven't played it yet though, played some soul caliber after i hooked up the new tv but was tired

1/24/2009, 01:59 PM
I have both games and RB2 is overall the better of the two. The song choice on the game is slightly better (though GH does have Beat It and Hot For Teacher, which is awesome), but its the downloadable song choice that really separates the two; RB2 owns GH on this one. I like the guitar play on the RB series better than GH, but they're both still good games.

I also still like the RB gigs being realistic whereas the GH guys still have the supernatural stuff going on, however they have tamed the characters down significantly. They used to be ridiculously over the top, but now you can get a guy and actually adjust the face so that he somewhat resembles you. On RB, you have a limited amount of dudes to look like.

If you have the money, get both (think Craigslist on this, NOT retail). I do like the hardware for GH better than RB, so maybe get the package with GH and then ala carte the RB game.

1/24/2009, 02:01 PM
Rock band downloadable songs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_band_downloadable_content

GH downloadable songs (this also includes the songs on the game): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guitar_hero_world_tour_song_list

1/24/2009, 02:04 PM
the nifty option to import RB1 songs as well.

Indeed that is a nice option...

and it's the "Nights filled with longer hours" song that kills me. It's like every other gig that song pops up. Either that or the Bob Dylan song which is the SAME riff the entire time, and it's a looooong time. I know it's Dylan and all, but sheez.

This thread got it on my mind to play since I haven't in a while, and I forgot the X-factor between the two games: Let There Be Rock. That is without a doubt the funnest and most awesome song to play out of both games entire series. Matter of fact AC/DC is the perfect band for these kind of games, and they're exclusive with the RB folks. If it's true that the Beatles will be exclusive to RB, check mate.

1/24/2009, 02:11 PM
If you have the money, get both (think Craigslist on this, NOT retail). I do like the hardware for GH better than RB, so maybe get the package with GH and then ala carte the RB game.

I probably won't get both band kits...but from the sound of it, if I only got one, RB2 would be the one to get, but getting the GHWT band kit with the RB2 disc might be a good option too?

No matter what, I'm getting the RB2 disc (either alone or with the kit) because of the DLC. I'm basically just trying to decide if the GHWT hardware is that much better than the RB2.

OUS4L, do you know how much more the cymbal attachment is for the RB2 drums? Since the drums are my favorite, that's the hardware I'm most interested in. By all accounts I've seen, GHWT's drums are noticeably better than RB2's.

1/24/2009, 02:54 PM
When I was saying to get both, I was saying get whichever equipment you want with the game included, then get the other game ala carte (sans hardware). It'd be we todd did to get both sets of hardware. ;)

GH does have better drum hardware, so it'd be a safe gamble to go that route.

I take it you played this over at a friends house and got hooked? RB parties are the best advertisement those games get. I went to a friends house one night and it wasn't long after I got the Xbox 360 and all the stuff I needed.

1/24/2009, 04:09 PM
OUS4L, do you know how much more the cymbal attachment is for the RB2 drums? Since the drums are my favorite, that's the hardware I'm most interested in. By all accounts I've seen, GHWT's drums are noticeably better than RB2's.

Several setups (review)


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