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1/22/2009, 04:27 PM

OU castoff Bomar out to prove he still

By Albert Breer - SportingNews

MOBILE, ALA.—It wasn’t a hard-and-fast rule that the Bomar family set.

But there was an understanding. If the Oklahoma Sooners came on television last fall, Rhett Bomar would change the channel. His dad, Jerry, too.

When Rhett was a high school senior, he and Adrian Peterson were featured in a Sports Illustrated story spotlighting how OU had raided Texas for the state’s two most heralded recruits. In 2005, Bomar, then a redshirt freshman, started 10 games, leading a youthful offense.

The Sooners went 8-4, their worst record this decade, but the future was bright: Six freshmen from that team started on 2008’s record-breaking offense, and that’s not counting Peterson, who left early for the NFL.

Bomar wasn’t one of them, booted off the team in the summer of 2006 for accepting a reported $7,406.88 in payment from a Norman car dealership for work never rendered, before transferring to Sam Houston State. Bomar lost a year of eligibility, per the NCAA, before returning to start 19 games and become the school’s all-time leading passer.

And now he’s here, where he figured to be all along, at the Senior Bowl, showcasing his talents in front of hundreds of NFL scouts, coaches and GMs.

As for the road he took to make it to Mobile, there’s still some pain lingering. That’s why he decided not to watch OU games last fall and kept himself from wondering what he could’ve done on the platform that propelled Sooners quarterback Sam Bradford to the Heisman Trophy and the team to the BCS Championship Game. “You’ll drive yourself nuts thinking, ‘Oh, I should be there,’ ” said Bomar. “I’m friends with all those guys, I wish them the best, but I wasn’t going to sit there and watch them.”

Instead, he focused on what he could do to resurrect his promise in relative anonymity in Huntsville, Texas, home to a state prison known for its death row.

So it’s been that the kid who still has the ability of the Golden Boy who won Holiday Bowl MVP honors in ’05 has done just that.

Scouts in Mobile buzz about Bomar’s practice sessions, the way the ball comes off his hand, how he can drive the ball into the deeper reaches of the field and toward the sideline and the poise he shows in operating an offense. At 6-2 and 224 pounds, he looks the part, too, standing tall in the pocket and displaying a classic release. But those, he knows, aren’t the big questions he’ll have to answer.

“You just tell them what happened,” Bomar said. “You’ve got to be honest with everybody and up front about it, be a man and tell them you made a mistake. Once you get past that, they’re fine with it and you talk about better stuff.”

Going through it has been just as tough, maybe even tougher, on Jerry, Bomar’s father, and also his high school coach. The dad couldn’t bring himself to watch college football at all last fall. Part of it was that he saw Oklahoma growing. Another was how, as he watched other quarterbacks across the country, he felt his son was equal to any of them.

But perhaps biggest was the circumstances under which all this came to be.

“He and I both know that Oklahoma got off light and he didn’t,” Jerry Bomar said Wednesday. “He’s never sold them out and he wouldn’t. They’re not innocent in this deal, trust me. … Bob Stoops comes across as ‘Mr. I Did the Right Thing’ and there’s stuff about Bob Stoops that if right now I told people, everybody being saying, ‘What?’ “But we’re not gonna do that. We’re not gonna go that way, and you can’t win those battles anyway. It’s in the past, it’s gone, this is America, everybody deserves a second chance.”

Father says he always knew, not thought, his son was a good kid. And he continually reminded him, “they may have taken you out of some of the publicity and the Heisman stuff, but they didn’t take your talent away.”

Then, he assured Rhett they would make it right.

“I told Rhett this: In the long run when this is over, someday, you’re going to be a great story,” Jerry says. “You’re going to show people that you can be knocked down, but you gotta get up. More power to Sam Bradford and Oklahoma; we have nothing against them.

“Rhett’s future is still good.”

He overcame a knee injury, he graduated and now he’s here—reunited with one of the guys he threw to at OU, Juaquin Iglesias.

“He handled adversity well, and he’s out here now,” said Iglesias, who was close with Bomar at OU. “You felt bad for him at first; he was young at the time and young people make mistakes, but he went through it and he’s here now.”

And Bomar is trying to prove, again, that he’s every bit the blue-chipper he was once purported to be.

“Once you get past (the controversy), you get to the important stuff, which is football,” said Bomar. “This week’s been great; it’s what I’ve been waiting for.”

This story first appeared in Wednesday’s edition of Sporting News Today. If you are not receiving Sporting News Today, the only daily digital sports newspaper, sign up today for free.

Staff writer Albert Breer covers the NFL for Sporting News. E-mail him at [email protected].

1/22/2009, 04:33 PM
Of course Stoops has skeletons in his closet. All the big time coaches have them. It's that way everywhere.

Coming from Jerry Bomar, it smells of sour grapes. Why they're still talking to that oaf is anyone's guess. Rhett's got all the talent in the world, and if he's got the skills he'll get drafted. Scouts don't care about who, what, where or why. They only care about "if".

1/22/2009, 04:41 PM
Jerry Bomar sounds as if he is an asshat. If Stoops is dirty, why didn't they give up the goods. I don't think our fanbase wants a dirty coach, doubt Boren does after the debacle with The King and the bad press. I don't think the Blowmars have anything and are spouting off to try to make little boy Blowmar seems better than the punk kid he was.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
1/22/2009, 04:44 PM
Of course Stoops has skeletons in his closet. All the big time coaches have them. It's that way everywhere.

Coming from Jerry Bomar, it smells of sour grapes. Why they're still talking to that oaf is anyone's guess. Rhett's got all the talent in the world, and if he's got the skills he'll get drafted. Scouts don't care about who, what, where or why. They only care about "if".

bullcrap, i think his dad just cost him some more money. who was the last player's dad who was this controversial before the draft? marinovich?

1/22/2009, 04:44 PM
"“He and I both know that Oklahoma got off light and he didn’t,” Jerry Bomar said Wednesday. “He’s never sold them out and he wouldn’t. They’re not innocent in this deal, trust me. …"

So OU made him take the money??????? That's right he'll continue to say that he's taken responsibility for what he did, but will continue to say, but its not my fault, because the coaches should have known and should have stopped me..... LOS

1/22/2009, 04:46 PM
bullcrap, i think his dad just cost him some more money. who was the last player's dad who was this controversial before the draft? marinovich?

Maybe Mr. Manning...don't pick my kid cause he ain't gonna play for you!

1/22/2009, 04:47 PM
i think jerry enjoys his time in the spotlight. had his son not done something so unbelievably and galactically stupid, nobody outside of grand prairie would know who jerry bomar was. asshat.

1/22/2009, 04:49 PM

i don't like the "OU castoff" in the title of the article. makes it sound like OU let him go... sorry folks, he let himself go the minute he (didn't) show up to work.

1/22/2009, 04:53 PM
I'm happy for Rhett but very disappointed in Rhett's father. He just needs to move on and continue to be proud of his son.

Boomer Sooner

1/22/2009, 04:54 PM
Sounds like Rhett has grown up a lot more than his dad. I wish Rhett well. Bygones at this point. The guy has some sick physical talent.

Dan Thompson
1/22/2009, 05:05 PM
I was suprised that he did not wind up at a bigger football program.

1/22/2009, 05:12 PM
Sounds like Rhett has grown up a lot more than his dad. I wish Rhett well. Bygones at this point. The guy has some sick physical talent.

Totally agree with it. I also will agree with Jerry Bomar's quote about Chuck Long not using Rhett to his capabilities. Everything else Jerry has said has been quite comical however.

When Kevin Wilson had one game with Rhett I saw tons of improvement in Rhett and the offense...Chuck was trying to run the same offense he did with White.......only this time with Bomar and Thompson.....different athletes all together.

1/22/2009, 05:13 PM
I read a different article on the whole deal that featured a quote from Iglesias where he said that OU would have had more success if Bomar were still the QB. I think it more likely that we would have had more success if we had a wide receiver who didn't let clutch passes skip off his frail, girlish hands and into the waiting grasp of a DB. :mad:

Oh, and Jerry Bomar can suck a dick.

1/22/2009, 05:13 PM
Could there be a bigger difference in football dads than Jerry Bomar and Kent Bradford?

1/22/2009, 05:14 PM
I know Jerry and this is typical, me, me, me.

The Maestro
1/22/2009, 05:18 PM
Yes, Jerry Bomar, after ten years in the spotlight Bob Stoops has proven he is a crook of the worst kind. Meanwhile, did your son even break Sam Houston State passing records?

Ahmed Kabba is rolling his eyes at Jerry Bomar.

1/22/2009, 05:24 PM
I like Kent Bradford better than Jerry.

Surprise surprise... Rhett:Sam::Jerry:Kent

1/22/2009, 05:26 PM
bullcrap, i think his dad just cost him some more money. who was the last player's dad who was this controversial before the draft? marinovich?
I'll go with Manning.

Jerry's an asshat of the highest order, but we all know Stoops has got some crud under his fingernails. Any "trouble" Jerry could pin on him would probably appear on any rap sheet of the top 50 coaches. He's just a dipwad blowing smoke.

1/22/2009, 05:27 PM
Just think of what Blake could have done with that talent!

1/22/2009, 05:28 PM
Who is this "Blomar" guy they're speaking of in the article? and why is his dad still talking? It's so nice to have a QB who's parents are as classy as he is.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/22/2009, 05:30 PM
I read a different article on the whole deal that featured a quote from Iglesias where he said that OU would have had more success if Bomar were still the QB. I think it more likely that we would have had more success if we had a wide receiver who didn't let clutch passes skip off his frail, girlish hands and into the waiting grasp of a DB. :mad:

Oh, and Jerry Bomar can suck a dick.

from early in the day (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2567932&postcount=37)

1/22/2009, 05:32 PM
My bad. :D

1/22/2009, 05:33 PM
Jerry raised a prima dona, period. I have a friend that coached at South Grand Prarie when Jerry was at Grand Prarie High and will tell you how much of a prick Rhett was in HS. There is something to say about recruiting character and Stoops and Co. missed the mark with Bomar.


jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
1/22/2009, 05:39 PM
can someone explain to me where we went wrong with our WR recruiting? it just seems like every time travis wilson, iglesias, or kelly open their mouth i die a little.

1/22/2009, 05:45 PM
I'm just shocked his dad didn't say they could've scored 800 points had Blomar been the guy.

1/22/2009, 05:48 PM
Maybe he will be drafted by Detroit

1/22/2009, 05:51 PM
Somehow i just can't shake this image i have of Jerry feeding Rhett fried chicken after games :D

1/22/2009, 05:56 PM
Bob Stoops did the right thing.

1/22/2009, 06:08 PM
I believe in second chances - I think it is the American way; but Jerry should STFU.

1/22/2009, 06:14 PM
If Idiot Sr. actually had something he could say about Bob, its pretty obvious he wouldn't (couldn't) keep his mouth shut. The guy is pathological about media attention.

1/22/2009, 06:27 PM
Deep down I will always feel bad for Bomar. I think he deserved a second chance but I also understand why Stoops had to swing the axe.

1/22/2009, 06:39 PM
Deep down I will always feel bad for Bomar. I think he deserved a second chance but I also understand why Stoops had to swing the axe.

there's no way in hell he deserved a second chance in Norman. You have to put into context the Kelvin Sampson thing at the time and how hard the school has worked to clean up the bad image left from the late 80's.

Do it somewhere else Rhett.

1/22/2009, 07:07 PM
You know, for the last 3 years , I've heard a few folks basically say, "If you think that's all that was going on, then you are naive."

One was Mark Rogers (who subsequently lost his sideline credentials), another was J.D Quin (who just got his 3rd DUI), and another is Jerry Bomar.

Al three of those were as close to the OU program as one could be.

You'd think that they'd try and back that **** up at some point. But they don't, even though one lost his job as the OU sideline reporter, another one got kicked off the team and the third one's son got booted from OU.

None of them have anything to lose, but have much to gain by proving their accusations. They owe nothing to OU, and their claims that "more was going on" would help to repair their damaged public image.

Yet they just don't back it up.

1/22/2009, 07:10 PM
There's a reason they aren't telling more about Stoops and it's not taking the high road. We heard all about Brett Romar's underage drinking despite the tight controls the Oklahoma football program has on "internal matters" like student disciplinary issues. Imagine how much more we could hear about his underage escapades... but we aren't. Secret keeping is give and take, it's never one-sided. The Bomars probably have a lot worse things to hide at a really bad time... as soon as RB's in the NFL (haha) we'll hear all about how Stoops wronged him... but Jerry's prized son doesn't need that now and Jerry definitely doesn't either. They'll bide their time and eventually ruin OU the way they feel OU ruined them... but not until it makes sense to.

All of this is speculation on my part of course. I have no evidence to prove any of the above. However, it just makes sense... especially the part about the Bomars not taking the high road based on what we know about both of them: A dad that could never shut up (until now) and a son that never followed the rules i.e. taking the high road (until now). Hmm...

1/22/2009, 07:33 PM
Ahmed Kabba is rolling his eyes at Jerry Bomar.


1/22/2009, 08:08 PM
I hate it for the ADs, Travis Lewis, and Mark Claytons to say this is -- this is what we get with texans.

1/22/2009, 08:08 PM
Jerry Bomar is a tool. We all know that...this isn't surprising.
Rhett should tell his dad to STFU. His sh*t gets real old. Just shut up and see if your boy gets drafted....and then if he gets drafting....stay shut up anyways. What an *** clown

1/22/2009, 08:16 PM
I'm sure the Tejas fans are squealing with delight over this tidbit.

1/22/2009, 08:24 PM
SAYING "I'm going to take the high road by not saying anything bad about OU and Coach Stoops even though I could" = TAKING THE LOW ROAD

Rhett, here's some free advice: if you're going to truly succeed not just in football, but in life, you are going to have to confront your dear old Dad and tell him to shut his yapper and quit getting in the way of your progress by treating you like a little boy that he needs to coddle and defend. Look him straight in the eyes and tell him that you're a man now and can take care of this. If you don't flinch or blink until he looks away, he'll most likely listen and honor your request. And it'll go a long way towards a healthier relationship with your Pops in a lot of other areas, trust me.

And Coach Bomar, I mean it with all sincerity when I say that you need to STFU and get back to minding your own business. Your son is man enough to handle his own problems. And it would appear, no thanks to your enabling/coddling ***. You have enough problems of your own to consider. For instance, how wide a berth do you think the major college programs/coaches are going to be taking to stay away from you and your high school given their concerns about your toxic ego? If you'll listen carefully, that quiet "whoosh" you hear and feel is actually the gentle breeze created by the swift exit of talented young football players from the S.G.P. school district . . . because their parents don't want your egomaniacal escapades over YOUR son to get in the way of the chances of success for THEIRS.

1/22/2009, 08:25 PM
I've had the displeasure of being around Jerry Bomar on multiple occasions. I still wish Rhett good luck. He screwed up and paid for his mistake big time. Jerry is one of those guys that never got the good old fashion a$s kicking he deserved for running his mouth so keeps on doing it.

1/22/2009, 08:28 PM
This is the same guy who blamed Bob Stoops for his sons seven... that's right... SEVEN fumbled snaps against UCLA.

1/22/2009, 08:48 PM
If you'll listen carefully, that quiet "whoosh" you hear and feel is actually the gentle breeze created by the swift exit of talented young football players from the S.G.P. school district . . . because their parents don't want your egomaniacal escapades over YOUR son to get in the way of the chances of success for THEIRS.

He actually left SGP the year prior to Rhett coming to OU. Has been at a small 2A school running his loud as$ mouth ever since.

1/22/2009, 08:50 PM
I agree Jerry needs to STFU , my son played for him 3 years, an odd man who could Coach the hell out of the O, Oh by the way he is not in GP no more left there and went to a 2a school to follow Rhett on satrudays, he actually married a lady from Norman, Meet Rhett a few times a very nice young man imho,i still have a few atuogragh shirts and caps , but Daddy needs to leave this stuff alone . Jerry speaks out of is a$$ before his brain thinks

1/22/2009, 08:53 PM
He actually left SGP the year prior to Rhett coming to OU. Has been at a small 2A school running his loud as$ mouth ever since.

it wasnt S.G.P. it was G.P.

1/22/2009, 08:59 PM
Oh. Thanks for the update on Bomar's coaching.

I'll bet he was going to get his arse fired anyway. His teams were mediocre at best while at SGP.

1/22/2009, 09:00 PM
it wasnt S.G.P. it was G.P.

Really? I always thought it was S.G.P. Well, thanks for the correction!

I feel dummer n Rhett Bomar.

1/22/2009, 09:22 PM
there's no way in hell he deserved a second chance in Norman. You have to put into context the Kelvin Sampson thing at the time and how hard the school has worked to clean up the bad image left from the late 80's.

Do it somewhere else Rhett.

The "Kelvin Sampson thing" is one reason he didn't get a second chance but that in no way meant he didn't deserve it. He deserved a second chance as much as Dusty did...maybe more. Unfortunately, Rhett's transgressions were in direct violation of NCAA rules where as Dusty's were not. To me that stinks but that's the way it is. Bob had to react to what could bring sanctions down on his program. Same goes for Ryan Broyles. You can steal gas or beat someone into a coma and get a second chance but take money without doing the work and you're outta here.

1/22/2009, 09:22 PM
there’s stuff about Bob Stoops that if right now I told people, everybody being saying, ‘What?’ “But we’re not gonna do that.

[second-grade singsong voice] I know something you don't know I know something you don't know I'm not going to tell you what it is But I know something you don't know I know something you don't know[/BS]

1/22/2009, 09:26 PM
Jerry never prepared his son to be a man and face the sort of challenges he'd encounter at the collegiate level. He babied him and vilified anyone who tried to challenge or correct his son's flaws. Rhett wasn't a bad guy. But he wasn't prepared. Much of that is his father's fault. Sorry.

I wouldn't trust one single thing that came out of Jerry Bomar's mouth in regards to Bob Stoops.

Rhett's problem was Jerry.

Josh Eisenteith
1/22/2009, 10:14 PM

[Bomar wasn’t one of them, booted off the team in the summer of 2006 for accepting a reported $7,406.88 in payment from a Norman car dealership for work never rendered,

Wow. I think Reggie Bush made that much every day and nothing happened to SUC. I feel bad for Rhett Bomar, he has to spend the holidays with his dad from now on.

Leroy Lizard
1/22/2009, 10:22 PM
Jerry is probably a little bitter over his son's departure and is lashing out a little. He's human.

Having said that, I don't care for the veiled allegations. If you want to stay quiet about something, stay quiet.

1/22/2009, 10:24 PM
Unfortunately, Rhett's transgressions were in direct violation of NCAA rules where as Dusty's were not.
technically, neither were charles thompson's "transgressions". maybe he should've gotten a second chance at OU.

1/22/2009, 10:50 PM
Its official. Bomars father = bug spit.

1/22/2009, 10:55 PM
I'm sure the Tejas fans are squealing with delight over this tidbit.
Well, they are having to deal with their Head Baseball Coach's DUI at the moment.....

technically, neither were charles thompson's "transgressions". maybe he should've gotten a second chance at OU.
I think making the cover of SI in an orange jumpsuit and cuffs and the bit of prison time took care of that....

1/22/2009, 11:20 PM
it wasnt S.G.P. it was G.P.

My bad. I never had any dealings with him until he came to Callisburg. Do you coach for him?

Crucifax Autumn
1/22/2009, 11:25 PM
Who cares who should or shouldn't have ever been kicked out in the history of the school. The important thing here that has nothing to do with any of that is that this guys a giant doosh and his son is a turd sandwich and between 'em they don't have enough sense to be South Park's mascot!

Desert Sapper
1/22/2009, 11:47 PM
can someone explain to me where we went wrong with our WR recruiting? it just seems like every time travis wilson, iglesias, or kelly open their mouth i die a little.

Wasn't Iggy Bomar's roommate? I'm sure he's just trying to prop the guy up. Rhett's done showing what he can do in college. Sam's not.

Besides, how wrong is he? For all his personality issues, Bomar is a very talented kid. I'm perfectly happy with Sam and think Sam has a better head for the game, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think Bomar had more physical skill.

1/23/2009, 12:49 AM
The "Kelvin Sampson thing" is one reason he didn't get a second chance but that in no way meant he didn't deserve it. He deserved a second chance as much as Dusty did...maybe more. Unfortunately, Rhett's transgressions were in direct violation of NCAA rules where as Dusty's were not. To me that stinks but that's the way it is. Bob had to react to what could bring sanctions down on his program. Same goes for Ryan Broyles. You can steal gas or beat someone into a coma and get a second chance but take money without doing the work and you're outta here.

How many chances do you think one person should get? I'm curious.

Crucifax Autumn
1/23/2009, 12:56 AM
2 and 3/4

1/23/2009, 01:45 AM
I read a different article on the whole deal that featured a quote from Iglesias where he said that OU would have had more success if Bomar were still the QB. I think it more likely that we would have had more success if we had a wide receiver who didn't let clutch passes skip off his frail, girlish hands and into the waiting grasp of a DB. :mad:

That's the article I read and I couldn't believe what I was reading. It made me want to throat punch the guy... Iglesias that is.

1/23/2009, 02:11 AM
Bradford and Gresham... 2009!!!!!

1/23/2009, 02:27 AM
I was here before Bomar....I met Bomar...and I am here after Bomar. And I say....non-issue. Nobody here now cares and few even "know" what happened then (speaking of the team). I believe our O-Line is gonna surprise people and our receivers will benefit greatly from Sammy B. If we beat Texas, we should be undefeated and in the MNC. If we lose any other game, I will be disappointed.

1/23/2009, 03:08 AM

“I told Rhett this: In the long run when this is over, someday, you’re going to be a great story,” Jerry says. “You’re going to show people that you can be knocked down, but you gotta get up. More power to Sam Bradford and Oklahoma; we have nothing against them.

you don't? Seriously?

Then wtf is this?

“He and I both know that Oklahoma got off light and he didn’t,” Jerry Bomar said Wednesday. “He’s never sold them out and he wouldn’t. They’re not innocent in this deal, trust me. … Bob Stoops comes across as ‘Mr. I Did the Right Thing’ and there’s stuff about Bob Stoops that if right now I told people, everybody being saying, ‘What?’ “But we’re not gonna do that. We’re not gonna go that way, and you can’t win those battles anyway. It’s in the past, it’s gone, this is America, everybody deserves a second chance.”

1/23/2009, 03:11 AM
How many MIPs did he receive while at OU?

2? The kid may have tons of talent, but does not have a clear head on his shoulders.

I really do wish him luck in the future. But between accepting money he knew would get OU and himself in trouble, and making other bad decisions. I am glad we have who we have now!

1/23/2009, 03:21 AM
Deep down I will always feel bad for Bomar. I think he deserved a second chance but I also understand why Stoops had to swing the axe.

1st Minor in Possession = Second chance.
2nd Minor in Possession = Third chance.

In fact, I do not think MIPs should grant hard discipline, even though he actually broke the law!

However, MIPs are not against the Major College Governing Body rules/laws/Bylaws. Accepting payments for work not rendered is!

I don't care what people want to say, what Bomar did was selfish and hurt the University and the football program. No second chance was warranted and Bob Stoops did the correct thing.

1/23/2009, 07:28 AM
Jerry Bomar sounds like an enabler that Rhett would do well to not listen to. If Rhett was caught doing drugs, Jerry would blame the dealer.

Rumor was Jerry was forever whining to Stoops about how his boy wasn't getting enough snaps & PT early in his career. I'm sure if that's true, Bob didn't appreciate his mentoring. Also, rumor was that Rhett was a ***hole deluxe & wasn't the type player you'd sacrifice for. They'd tolerate him, but not much love, my understanding.

I heard one knowledgeable financial/sports person say that Bomar's escapades cost him at least $10MM in draft position. If his Dad doesn't shut up, it may cost him more. Nobody likes prima donna malcontents. Rhett paid a heavy price for stealing $7K & had to pay it back at that.

Stoops did the right thing with Bomar, Quinn et al. What probably irks Jerry most of all, the Sooners probably are doing much better without him with Sam & Co. than with him, let alone the Heisman thing.

To Jerry, Rhett & all the other malcontents, whiners and crooks, I say good riddance. Peddle your whining and sour grapes elsewhere. Having said that, I wish Rhett well in whatever he does. I could care less if he or his Dad ever watches a Sooner game on TV or in person. Doubt if it'll affect the BCS at all. Doubt if I'll go to any trouble to ever watch Rhett playing in the NFL or his Dad pacing the sidelines.

1/23/2009, 08:04 AM
All men on this thread raise your right hand and repeat after me:

"I do solely swear..."

"That should my son become a football star..."

"And subsequently become the starter at the University of Oklahoma..."

"And subsequently drink underage constantly and eventually get kicked off the team for taking unearned money..."

"That I will not blame others in defense of my son..."

:D Tee hee, on that note, it's time to be a little fair to Jerry here. He is not just some overbearing guy looking to make millions off his son. Well, maybe he is, but he is also the guy's father. Parents will do whatever they can to help their kids, even if it might not make sense to the rest of us. Jerry loves his son, no questions. He feels bad about what happened to his son. He probably wants to do everything he can for his son. He probably just doesn't realize how much he is hurting his son's future in the process.

So anyways, if you're a guy out there and have a son or could potentially have a son in the future, just think how you would act in a similar situation. You'd probably do whatever you thought you could to help and be quite angry at how everyone's gone thus far. Cut the guy a little (but not a lot) of slack for being a father.

Then... go back to hating on him for acting like an idiot :D

1/23/2009, 08:41 AM
Here's what I took away from the article.

“You just tell them what happened,” Bomar said. “You’ve got to be honest with everybody and up front about it, be a man and tell them you made a mistake.

Sounds like Rhett is on his way to becoming a man. He should give his father lessons.

1/23/2009, 09:15 AM
1st Minor in Possession = Second chance.
2nd Minor in Possession = Third chance.

In fact, I do not think MIPs should grant hard discipline, even though he actually broke the law!

However, MIPs are not against the Major College Governing Body rules/laws/Bylaws. Accepting payments for work not rendered is!

I don't care what people want to say, what Bomar did was selfish and hurt the University and the football program. No second chance was warranted and Bob Stoops did the correct thing.

I already stated the difference between what Bomar did and what Dusty and Broyles did. I get it. I'm just looking at it from a moral perspective. If I were Bomar, I would really feel betrayed to see my coach embrace a guy who committed a violent crime while I wasn't given a second chance.

As for the MIPs, If you want to count those as prior offenses then fine. I'm sure he's the only player under Stoops who's ever had a beer before he was 21:rolleyes:

The Maestro
1/23/2009, 10:42 AM
Rhett had a decent season...but these are stats at SHS...I think Sam's stats at OU will suffice.

PASSING GP Effic Cmp-Att-Int Pct Yds TD Lng Avg/G
Rhett Bomar 10 135.30 245-436-13 56.2 3355 27 80 335.5

1/23/2009, 11:03 AM
I have to say that the comparison of Todd Marinovich and Rhett Bomar is about as close as you can get. Marinovich's father was more overbearing but Rhett's daddy is getting there.

1/23/2009, 11:57 AM
geez, wasn't this 3 years ago? shouldn't bomar sr. be hanging around all the nfl scouts and coaches and telling them what plays they need to run when his son gets drafted?

Hot Rod
1/23/2009, 12:43 PM
Every dad is going to defend his kid, but cmon, over that? Got what he deserved. It's been so long ago, and I don't hear the other guy's dad blabbing about this crap. They're just mad that he got caught.

1/23/2009, 06:53 PM
Most of you guys are either too young to have kids, or just plain old hypocrits, maybe both. All this crap about, Kent being classier than Jerry....c'mon, you don't know how Kent would have acted in the same situation that Rhett and his father went through. Ever hear about not judging a man until you walked a mile in their shoes? Rhett made a mistake. He's not the only kid who's made one. He's not even the only D1 qb that's made one, but he paid a huge price. If you don't think it's possible that the action was delivered so swift and severe so that people wouldn't continue snooping around, well then you're a OU homer that thinks Stoops walks on water. I'm not saying that's what happened, I'm just saying that unless we're firmly entrenched in the athletic department administration nobody knows.
Now you have a father who's seeing his son compete against his peers at an all star game, who's pissed off at what transpired. Who wouldn't be. Your kid chooses OU over just about every other major program in the nation, and you perceive he was made a sacrificial scapegoat as damage control. Now your talented son is at a 1AA school, while his old school is vying for the BCS championship. Factor that in with the monetary damage his son will suffer as a result....heck yeah he's got sour grapes. As a poster earlier said, he's human.
I love OU football. Spent 6 years in the state and have a lot of great friends there still. Have the pleasure of knowing one of their better O Linemen of the '90's....but a majority of the guys on this board are idiot fans. You sound like the typical whiny little kid that looks for reasons he didn't get what he wanted. ESPN has it out for us, bitch about the Florida QB, Bitch about Texas being pissed they weren't in the BCS. The Florida QB IS a great player, and if he were in Norman you would be his biggest fans. If you say you wouldn't you're full of it. And if the reverse happened in the BCS, you would be just as PO'd as the Longhorns. There are some really good posters here, as I've lurked around the board for about 3 or 4 years reading posts, but some of you must be little snot nosed kids that haven't even played the game. It's also pretty lame to lambaste a kid, who most of you were jumping up and down for after his frosh season. Alot of us have done some things we regret.

1/23/2009, 07:23 PM
My bad. I never had any dealings with him until he came to Callisburg. Do you coach for him?

No didnt Coach with him, My son played for him at Callisburg a couple years, I liked Daddy Bomar other then his mouth. Made Callisburg a whole lot better.

Rhett was there alot and helped the kids, and my Son really liked him

1/23/2009, 08:38 PM
I am glad these seniors are gone for the most part especially Iglesias who kept dropping passes. As for Bomar, his getting caught more then once drinking beer at the Hornet's games told a lot about the kid. He felt he didn't have to follow rules. Not to say others don't drink, but Bomar did it a a public event and got caught.

Do some of you forget Bomar's bonehead move in the Bowl Game at the end of the game? What if it had cost us the game? The kid may have talent but it was hard to see because of arrogance. Accepting money for not working as the quarterback of OU? Give me a break!

Give me Sam Bradford any day as our Quarterback! Was glad Bomar was given the boot!

1/23/2009, 09:03 PM
I am glad these seniors are gone for the most part especially Iglesias who kept dropping passes. As for Bomar, his getting caught more then once drinking beer at the Hornet's games told a lot about the kid. He felt he didn't have to follow rules. Not to say others don't drink, but Bomar did it a a public event and got caught.

Do some of you forget Bomar's bonehead move in the Bowl Game at the end of the game? What if it had cost us the game? The kid may have talent but it was hard to see because of arrogance. Accepting money for not working as the quarterback of OU? Give me a break!

Give me Sam Bradford any day as our Quarterback! Was glad Bomar was given the boot!

Yes, all of our other athletes only drink in private settings. He was also the only kid, in the history of OU sports to take money that wasn't rightfully earned. Give me a break! Was what he done right. Unequivocally NO. However, trying to act like he's the plague due to his actions is way overboard. You're a fan of the OU Sooners I assume. For you to have that holier than thou attitude is laughable. You might be really shocked if you ever found out that some other players have done the same or worse, they just haven't got caught. I also assume that based on Ryan Broyles prior history, you weren't cheering for him this season. You'll be happy to see him gone, I'm sure. Funny how you guys talk about Florida fans and the media acting like the Gator QB is holier than though, but apparently it's ok to do that here.

1/23/2009, 09:05 PM
No didnt Coach with him, My son played for him at Callisburg a couple years, I liked Daddy Bomar other then his mouth. Made Callisburg a whole lot better.

Rhett was there alot and helped the kids, and my Son really liked him

Oh okay. I noticed the name cburg sooner and thought maybe you worked with him.

1/23/2009, 10:14 PM
Most of you guys are either too young to have kids, or just plain old hypocrits, maybe both. All this crap about, Kent being classier than Jerry....c'mon, you don't know how Kent would have acted in the same situation that Rhett and his father went through. Ever hear about not judging a man until you walked a mile in their shoes? Rhett made a mistake. He's not the only kid who's made one. He's not even the only D1 qb that's made one, but he paid a huge price. If you don't think it's possible that the action was delivered so swift and severe so that people wouldn't continue snooping around, well then you're a OU homer that thinks Stoops walks on water. I'm not saying that's what happened, I'm just saying that unless we're firmly entrenched in the athletic department administration nobody knows.
Now you have a father who's seeing his son compete against his peers at an all star game, who's pissed off at what transpired. Who wouldn't be. Your kid chooses OU over just about every other major program in the nation, and you perceive he was made a sacrificial scapegoat as damage control. Now your talented son is at a 1AA school, while his old school is vying for the BCS championship. Factor that in with the monetary damage his son will suffer as a result....heck yeah he's got sour grapes. As a poster earlier said, he's human.
I love OU football. Spent 6 years in the state and have a lot of great friends there still. Have the pleasure of knowing one of their better O Linemen of the '90's....but a majority of the guys on this board are idiot fans. You sound like the typical whiny little kid that looks for reasons he didn't get what he wanted. ESPN has it out for us, bitch about the Florida QB, Bitch about Texas being pissed they weren't in the BCS. The Florida QB IS a great player, and if he were in Norman you would be his biggest fans. If you say you wouldn't you're full of it. And if the reverse happened in the BCS, you would be just as PO'd as the Longhorns. There are some really good posters here, as I've lurked around the board for about 3 or 4 years reading posts, but some of you must be little snot nosed kids that haven't even played the game. It's also pretty lame to lambaste a kid, who most of you were jumping up and down for after his frosh season. Alot of us have done some things we regret. We won't have to because Bradford isn't taking anything that he shouldn't and people were snooping around afterward. They are called the NCAA and they did there own individual investigation and found no reason to punish OU further. I agree that people should move on from the Rhett Blomar bull**** but last time I checked it was his father who can't seem to shut the **** up. This guy knows what he's doing when he makes a statement that implies there is some stuff going on at OU. He's trying to damage the reputation of Bob Stoops and OU and I can't think of any OU fan who is going to sit by and say that it's ok because his son got screwed. Nobody made Blomar take that money.

1/23/2009, 11:31 PM
We won't have to because Bradford isn't taking anything that he shouldn't and people were snooping around afterward. They are called the NCAA and they did there own individual investigation and found no reason to punish OU further. I agree that people should move on from the Rhett Blomar bull**** but last time I checked it was his father who can't seem to shut the **** up. This guy knows what he's doing when he makes a statement that implies there is some stuff going on at OU. He's trying to damage the reputation of Bob Stoops and OU and I can't think of any OU fan who is going to sit by and say that it's ok because his son got screwed. Nobody made Blomar take that money.

First off, apparently you aren't familiar with NCAA investigations. The NCAA doesn't go Matlock on universities. They expect schools to police themself and take proper means to ensure violations are handled according to NCAA regs. Many times schools hire lawyers to represent them during this process. The Sampson situation was a good example of this. However, Columbo isn't tailing players seeing if they accept cash from overzealous boosters. This you can be sure of.
The only one who knows for sure what kids are doing are the kids themselves. Coaches can be blindsided by some of these incidents. Sam, for all intent and purposes appears to be a great well rounded kid. However, the odds that all kids demonstrate his decision making is low. I don't know what happens on the inside of the program and neither do you. I will venture to bet that Bomar's dad has more insight than either of us, as his son was inside the program. I hope Bob is clean and everything is above board, but you're an idiot if you don't think impropriety is possible in any program, including ours. As for Jerry shooting his mouth off, haven't heard much from him in a couple of years regarding this situation. I'd be willing to guess the question was broached to him as he was attending his son's Senior Bowl practices. If he truly knows that his son got screwed and that there are many things that were covered up, he has every right to voice his opinion.

1/24/2009, 03:24 AM
I already stated the difference between what Bomar did and what Dusty and Broyles did. I get it. I'm just looking at it from a moral perspective. If I were Bomar, I would really feel betrayed to see my coach embrace a guy who committed a violent crime while I wasn't given a second chance.

As for the MIPs, If you want to count those as prior offenses then fine. I'm sure he's the only player under Stoops who's ever had a beer before he was 21:rolleyes:

I know you know about what I am going to say. But I have to say it anyway.
Bob Stoops suspended Dusty Dvoracek indefinitely for his issues. Dusty is an alcoholic and found treatment. He bettered himself in the process. Bob Stoops then gave the young man a second or third chance.

Ryan Broyles was suspended from playing a down his freshmen year and one game this past season for his actions. Ryan has since seemed to comeback to earth and got on the right track. Stoops gave him another chance to play and he is benefitting from it.

In both cases, though Dusty and Ryan may have broken the law, they did not do anything to ruin their amature status in the NCAA. They never broke any NCAA violations. They never took cash or extra benefits from boosters. They never put the football program, atheltics department or the university in danger of losing scholarships, wins, or any other form of punishment.

Bomar did. And for his actions he betrayed Bob Stoops, his OU teammates, the university, and the fans of OU!

If you want to look at a moral perspective, look no further than Coach Bob Stoops and his actions as a coach and a citizen of Oklahoma!

1/24/2009, 03:32 AM
First off, apparently you aren't familiar with NCAA investigations. The NCAA doesn't go Matlock on universities. They expect schools to police themself and take proper means to ensure violations are handled according to NCAA regs. Many times schools hire lawyers to represent them during this process. The Sampson situation was a good example of this. However, Columbo isn't tailing players seeing if they accept cash from overzealous boosters. This you can be sure of.
The only one who knows for sure what kids are doing are the kids themselves. Coaches can be blindsided by some of these incidents. Sam, for all intent and purposes appears to be a great well rounded kid. However, the odds that all kids demonstrate his decision making is low. I don't know what happens on the inside of the program and neither do you. I will venture to bet that Bomar's dad has more insight than either of us, as his son was inside the program. I hope Bob is clean and everything is above board, but you're an idiot if you don't think impropriety is possible in any program, including ours. As for Jerry shooting his mouth off, haven't heard much from him in a couple of years regarding this situation. I'd be willing to guess the question was broached to him as he was attending his son's Senior Bowl practices. If he truly knows that his son got screwed and that there are many things that were covered up, he has every right to voice his opinion.

Ok, first of all, you are pretty brave to start off on here posting stuff like you are posting. To be objective, I agree with a lot of the things you are saying. It is true that most of us have little knowledge of what truly went on. Bomar's dad probaby "does" have more knowledge. But I think some of the things you are saying about the posters on this site are unfair. Its not like there are 30 posters. There are many posters. We are fed up with the "holier than thou", "false idol" worshiping of Tim Tebow. But we know he is a good player. We don't deny that. If you had read as much as you claim to have read on this site, you would know that most people on this board agree that we would be pissed if we were in UT's position. So you are dead wrong there. We all know that stuff happens that goes under the radar. And we know that nobody is perfect. But Bomar did have several strikes against him. Big Red Sports was not his only strike. Did he get a raw deal? Maybe. We dont know all the details (and neither do you)....and we may never know, but he didn't have a good track record. To be honest it sounds like you had pre-existing hostilities against OU before posting. You have to realize though that when you read something, not all people feel that way, and when you hear something, its not always as cut-and-dry as it seems. We don't know what happened but don't put down all of the OU fans because you read something you don't agree with. I met Bomar and for what its worth, he seemed like a self-centric jerk. And he had the worst personality of all of the OU football players I have ever met (at least 40-50 players over 6 years). Again, not saying he was totally at fault, but he does "not" get my benefit-of-the-doubt.

1/24/2009, 03:39 AM
Most of you guys are either too young to have kids, or just plain old hypocrits, maybe both. All this crap about, Kent being classier than Jerry....c'mon, you don't know how Kent would have acted in the same situation that Rhett and his father went through. Ever hear about not judging a man until you walked a mile in their shoes? Rhett made a mistake. He's not the only kid who's made one. He's not even the only D1 qb that's made one, but he paid a huge price.

I have a son that plays football. He may not be in college right now, but he has a very promising future in the sport if he keeps a clear head.

If my son ever does anything like what Bomar did, I will definitely be disappointed in my son. I will defend him, but not make accusations about something that I am not prepared to back up. That is the difference between a real father and a father with an agenda.

If he has something on OU, why not bring it out to the open? Maybe it is the fact that Jerry knows his son, McRae, and a couple of others were the ones in the wrong and not OU or coach stoops?

If you don't think it's possible that the action was delivered so swift and severe so that people wouldn't continue snooping around, well then you're a OU homer that thinks Stoops walks on water. I'm not saying that's what happened, I'm just saying that unless we're firmly entrenched in the athletic department administration nobody knows.

Jerry Bomar, is that you? The action was done swiftly because the findings came out 2 weeks before 2006 season was to start! Ever think of not dragging it out so the team can prepare for the season without more controversy?

And if you do not know, then STFU and stop trying to assume something.

Now you have a father who's seeing his son compete against his peers at an all star game, who's pissed off at what transpired. Who wouldn't be. Your kid chooses OU over just about every other major program in the nation, and you perceive he was made a sacrificial scapegoat as damage control. Now your talented son is at a 1AA school, while his old school is vying for the BCS championship. Factor that in with the monetary damage his son will suffer as a result....heck yeah he's got sour grapes. As a poster earlier said, he's human.

Why should he be pissed at OU? The guys very own son is the one that got paid for work not rendered and had to pay the money back. He should be happy that the NCAA did not Jeremy Bloom his a$$ and make him ineligible! Maybe instead of being pissed about it, he should have been teaching his son a lesson between hard real work and theft!

I love OU football. Spent 6 years in the state and have a lot of great friends there still. Have the pleasure of knowing one of their better O Linemen of the '90's....but a majority of the guys on this board are idiot fans. You sound like the typical whiny little kid that looks for reasons he didn't get what he wanted. ESPN has it out for us, bitch about the Florida QB, Bitch about Texas being pissed they weren't in the BCS. The Florida QB IS a great player, and if he were in Norman you would be his biggest fans. If you say you wouldn't you're full of it. And if the reverse happened in the BCS, you would be just as PO'd as the Longhorns. There are some really good posters here, as I've lurked around the board for about 3 or 4 years reading posts, but some of you must be little snot nosed kids that haven't even played the game. It's also pretty lame to lambaste a kid, who most of you were jumping up and down for after his frosh season. Alot of us have done some things we regret.

And you are what? Better than us? Phuck off bitch and go back to the ECU boards!

FTR, I was not jumping up and down for Bomar after his freshman season. The kid has a lot of potential yes. But a season where he throws for 10 TDs, 10 INTs, loses over 6 fumbles, and fumbled 7 times in one game does not really excite me!

1/24/2009, 03:53 AM
Yes, all of our other athletes only drink in private settings. He was also the only kid, in the history of OU sports to take money that wasn't rightfully earned. Give me a break! Was what he done right. Unequivocally NO. However, trying to act like he's the plague due to his actions is way overboard. You're a fan of the OU Sooners I assume. For you to have that holier than thou attitude is laughable. You might be really shocked if you ever found out that some other players have done the same or worse, they just haven't got caught. I also assume that based on Ryan Broyles prior history, you weren't cheering for him this season. You'll be happy to see him gone, I'm sure. Funny how you guys talk about Florida fans and the media acting like the Gator QB is holier than though, but apparently it's ok to do that here.

I think to sum it up, since you have hard on about Rhett Bomar....

The kid made a mistake and had to pay the price. That price was scorn from OU fans, and the pink slip off the football team!

Where in the post by sooner mom did you read that Bomar was the only kid to take money for work he did not do? Where in her post did you read that he was the only kid to drink publically?

I will give you one bit of advice. Dont come in here acting like you are and expect to be received with open arms.

About some other posts you have made here.

1. There are plenty of us that admire Tebow and what he has accomplished on and off the field.
2. Threre are plenty of us that would be pissed if we would have beaten Texass and lost out on the Big 12 title game. However, unlike the Texass fans, we would not be renting airplance and banners. We would understand the rules and know them. We would not be happy, but to act like Texas fans, no we wouldn't.
3. Bomar was given countless chances. MIPs, team rule violations, and more. Then this....LOL...yeah, lets keep a kid that has total disregard for the rules and laws on the team!
4. You are not an OU fan, so please, stop acting like one!

1/24/2009, 03:58 AM
First off, apparently you aren't familiar with NCAA investigations. The NCAA doesn't go Matlock on universities. They expect schools to police themself and take proper means to ensure violations are handled according to NCAA regs. Many times schools hire lawyers to represent them during this process. The Sampson situation was a good example of this. However, Columbo isn't tailing players seeing if they accept cash from overzealous boosters. This you can be sure of.
The only one who knows for sure what kids are doing are the kids themselves. Coaches can be blindsided by some of these incidents. Sam, for all intent and purposes appears to be a great well rounded kid. However, the odds that all kids demonstrate his decision making is low. I don't know what happens on the inside of the program and neither do you. I will venture to bet that Bomar's dad has more insight than either of us, as his son was inside the program. I hope Bob is clean and everything is above board, but you're an idiot if you don't think impropriety is possible in any program, including ours. As for Jerry shooting his mouth off, haven't heard much from him in a couple of years regarding this situation. I'd be willing to guess the question was broached to him as he was attending his son's Senior Bowl practices. If he truly knows that his son got screwed and that there are many things that were covered up, he has every right to voice his opinion.

Wow, you could not be more wrong.

1. The NCAA does allow the schools to police themselves. But the NCAA does have a compliance office and OU is required to turn in their documents every so often.
2. The NCAA may not go all "Matlock" but they do incite a very formal investigation with lawyers and other investigators.
3. Though the NCAA does not have subpeona powers, they usually get the information they want and need. Big Red was not very helpful until the ownership change.
4. No sh!t that a lot of kids do not have a clear head. However to say it is rather low is not true either. Give me the stats of the kids that get in trouble and break NCAA rules compared to the ones that dont. You may be surprised. The number of kids that do the right thing outweighs the ones that dont.

1/24/2009, 04:09 AM
I'll go with Manning.

Jerry's an asshat of the highest order, but we all know Stoops has got some crud under his fingernails. Any "trouble" Jerry could pin on him would probably appear on any rap sheet of the top 50 coaches. He's just a dipwad blowing smoke.

Can you elaborate ? I would Love to hear what YOU and Jerry can tell us about Bob.

1/24/2009, 04:32 AM
First off, apparently you aren't familiar with NCAA investigations. The NCAA doesn't go Matlock on universities. They expect schools to police themself and take proper means to ensure violations are handled according to NCAA regs. Many times schools hire lawyers to represent them during this process. The Sampson situation was a good example of this. However, Columbo isn't tailing players seeing if they accept cash from overzealous boosters. This you can be sure of.
The only one who knows for sure what kids are doing are the kids themselves. Coaches can be blindsided by some of these incidents. Sam, for all intent and purposes appears to be a great well rounded kid. However, the odds that all kids demonstrate his decision making is low. I don't know what happens on the inside of the program and neither do you. I will venture to bet that Bomar's dad has more insight than either of us, as his son was inside the program. I hope Bob is clean and everything is above board, but you're an idiot if you don't think impropriety is possible in any program, including ours. As for Jerry shooting his mouth off, haven't heard much from him in a couple of years regarding this situation. I'd be willing to guess the question was broached to him as he was attending his son's Senior Bowl practices. If he truly knows that his son got screwed and that there are many things that were covered up, he has every right to voice his opinion.

Yer Rhetts Kid sister aint Ya ?:rolleyes:

1/24/2009, 04:37 AM
Yer Rhetts Kid sister aint Ya ?:rolleyes:

Read the message I posted on the hill?

1/24/2009, 04:40 AM
Read the message I posted on the hill?

The dude is posting from Bolivia bro .;)

1/24/2009, 07:44 AM
Heck, reading the articles about Rhett I'm more dissapointed in Iglesias more than anyone.
Rhett's dad is a butt no doubt but he wants to protect his son and believe in his son.
Rhett seems to be growing up and I hold no ill will toward him and hope he succeeds.

Iglesias on the other hand. OU gives this kid a scholarship and while while he was at OU I rooted hard for him and loved how he played the game most of the time.
However, wasn't it him that tipped the pass in the CU game that led to CU scoring a touchdown? Of course Reggie muffing the punt after that sucked more.
And wasn't it Iglesias that had two balls go off his hands in the NC game that turned into INTs? One at the goal line.

1/24/2009, 08:12 AM
Wow, you could not be more wrong.

1. The NCAA does allow the schools to police themselves. But the NCAA does have a compliance office and OU is required to turn in their documents every so often.
2. The NCAA may not go all "Matlock" but they do incite a very formal investigation with lawyers and other investigators.
3. Though the NCAA does not have subpeona powers, they usually get the information they want and need. Big Red was not very helpful until the ownership change.
4. No sh!t that a lot of kids do not have a clear head. However to say it is rather low is not true either. Give me the stats of the kids that get in trouble and break NCAA rules compared to the ones that dont. You may be surprised. The number of kids that do the right thing outweighs the ones that dont.

I hate to break it to you, but your little Johnny most likely won't be attending college. He has your gene pool and most likely is to f'cking stupid to pass the SAT. Seriously, you respond to my post by writing 3 separate posts. Then what's even more hilarious is the second one was your "summation", yet you manage to write another piece of worthless info a few minutes later. Heres' a tip for you, when you work the graveyard shift at the plant and stop off at your "friend" Brians' house to "knock a few back", don't immediately come home and start typing. The only thing I've noticed lower than your writing skills, was your reading comprehension.
The only thing I'm "assuming" here is that these athletes that some of you worship, like the guy on here who writes a 2 page open letter to Reuben Randle asking him to come to OU, are in fact 18-23 year old kids who make alot of boneheaded decisions. If you don't believe that to be true, you should read the recruiting article in the NY Times about our new DT from Lufkin. Bomar made a few bad mistakes, I have never said that he didn't. My point is that, neither your or I know if Jerry's blowing smoke and trying to ruin Stoops good name or he really has info on much more violations that were swept under the rug. I do know that him having a son who was the qb for this program would logically allow him more inside info as to the going ons than the people on this board have privy to. Doesn't mean he's being truthful, and it doesn't mean he's not. It means that we don't know. Read that again slowly so it sinks in this time.
I also love when you claim I don't know anything about an NCAA investigation and then basically reiterate my posts as you "explain" it to me. LOL. I actually finding myself feeling sorry for your son as I type this, because I realize he has to live with a dumbass like you. Poor kid.
Like I said initially, this board has many good posters who provide insightful and entertaining posts, but the majority on here are morons. Thank you for lending me factual support for that one Slingblade. I love it when you get in your tough guy stance and start spewing your '09 rendition of Tom Petty's "Don't Come Around Here No More". Have I entered your domain, almighty message board participant? No, I'm just a guy who truly likes OU football that can't stand when people such as yourself act like they know any of the inner dealings of the OU program. Speculate all you want, but demanding a father to stfu about his son because he implies other violations have occured on Stoops watch seems a little harsh. I read the article with an open mind, perhaps you should do that as well. Doesn't mean you have to believe what Jerry Bomar is saying. It just means that it might be true, and it might not...

1/24/2009, 08:31 AM
Ok, first of all, you are pretty brave to start off on here posting stuff like you are posting. To be objective, I agree with a lot of the things you are saying. It is true that most of us have little knowledge of what truly went on. Bomar's dad probaby "does" have more knowledge. But I think some of the things you are saying about the posters on this site are unfair. Its not like there are 30 posters. There are many posters. We are fed up with the "holier than thou", "false idol" worshiping of The Right Reverend Tim T. Messiah. But we know he is a good player. We don't deny that. If you had read as much as you claim to have read on this site, you would know that most people on this board agree that we would be pissed if we were in UT's position. So you are dead wrong there. We all know that stuff happens that goes under the radar. And we know that nobody is perfect. But Bomar did have several strikes against him. Big Red Sports was not his only strike. Did he get a raw deal? Maybe. We dont know all the details (and neither do you)....and we may never know, but he didn't have a good track record. To be honest it sounds like you had pre-existing hostilities against OU before posting. You have to realize though that when you read something, not all people feel that way, and when you hear something, its not always as cut-and-dry as it seems. We don't know what happened but don't put down all of the OU fans because you read something you don't agree with. I met Bomar and for what its worth, he seemed like a self-centric jerk. And he had the worst personality of all of the OU football players I have ever met (at least 40-50 players over 6 years). Again, not saying he was totally at fault, but he does "not" get my benefit-of-the-doubt.

I stated in a prior posts that there are good posters on here, but there are also a lot that are just idiots. You don't fall into the latter group, but you will notice there are a couple after you've posted that imo do. My only take on the whole story was obviously if the guy feels his kid got screwed he has a right to be bitter. He "might" know what he's talking about. Hey he "might" just be shooting his mouth off. The truth is, none of us know for sure. His son did screw up, I won't refute that. As for him being a jerk when you met him. I don't know. I live down in Katy TX and know 2 of the 3 kids from here that are playing at Sam Houston. One was their starting rb last year who said he's a pretty cool guy, that doesn't have an ego. However in talking with the other kid, I heard something a little different and more in line with what your saying. So it sounds like this kid is one of those people that if you like him, you really like him, and if you don't, you can't stand him.
By the way, when you state "we don't know all the details and neither do you", I've never implied that I do know what happened. That's pretty much the point I've been trying to get across, none of us know.

1/24/2009, 08:55 AM
Open letter to ECUtiger27,
STFU, I dont know who you are and frankly don't care. You sign up on this board and post your thoughts which is fine. But if someone does not agree with you or you don't agree with them does not give you the right to call them names.

Calling out a poster and saying kids wont make it to college is going to far.

you should be banded, I doubt you will ever be green again.
I hope your kids never disagree with you, it will show how stupid your wife is.

Now as far as Jerry Bomar is concerned, i am sure he feels his son got the short end of the stick, I am sure there were things said behind the scenes that we will never know. JB, probably thought Stoops should have stood up for his son and should have given him a 2nd chance. But if he knows something that makes us a dirty program he should come out with it or STFU.

1/24/2009, 09:22 AM
Open letter to ECUtiger27,
STFU, I dont know who you are and frankly don't care. You sign up on this board and post your thoughts which is fine. But if someone does not agree with you or you don't agree with them does not give you the right to call them names.

Calling out a poster and saying kids wont make it to college is going to far.

you should be banded, I doubt you will ever be green again.
I hope your kids never disagree with you, it will show how stupid your wife is.

Now as far as Jerry Bomar is concerned, i am sure he feels his son got the short end of the stick, I am sure there were things said behind the scenes that we will never know. JB, probably thought Stoops should have stood up for his son and should have given him a 2nd chance. But if he knows something that makes us a dirty program he should come out with it or STFU.

Wow, another guy that needs to go back and "slowly" read the thread. The namecalling was initiated by your buddy, or maybe "shut the phuck up bitch" is alright in your book. And now your telling me I will never be "Green" no more.:( I didn't call out anyone. I responded to a drunken idiot who wants to act like his opinion is gospel.

1/24/2009, 09:25 AM
....but a majority of the guys on this board are idiot fans. There are some really good posters here, as I've lurked around the board for about 3 or 4 years reading posts, but some of you must be little snot nosed kids that haven't even played the game.

Do us a favor and revert to lurking. Or better yet, find another board, after all the majority of us are idiots. You're Bomar's retarded second cousin aren't you?

1/24/2009, 09:30 AM
Do us a favor and revert to lurking. Or better yet, find another board, after all the majority of us are idiots. You're Bomar's retarded second cousin aren't you?

ok..thanks Brian. By the way you're another prime example of the idiots that frolic here. Nothing of substance to add to the discussion. I ask you, who are the "us" you refer to? And I hate to break the news to you Brian, but it's a message board on the internet. You don't own it, so telling someone to leave really doesn't have an affect. Now there is a guy above crying about telling #75 that his son unfortunately has his genes and will "most likely" fail the SAT. Yet, you want to claim Bomar has a mentally handicapped relative. Ah, the hypocrisy runs amok.

I Am Right
1/24/2009, 09:36 AM
and Jerry plays for who?

1/24/2009, 09:36 AM
You know, I may not have even replied to this thread if you hadn't said something about his kids. Oh I did go back and read the other post SLOWLY.

I saw where you called out most posters here as idiots. Again, I don't have problem with you standing your ground against another poster, But dont bring his kids into it.

1/24/2009, 09:58 AM
ok..thanks Brian. By the way you're another prime example of the idiots that frolic here. Nothing of substance to add to the discussion. I ask you, who are the "us" you refer to? And I hate to break the news to you Brian, but it's a message board on the internet. You don't own it, so telling someone to leave really doesn't have an affect. Now there is a guy above crying about telling #75 that his son unfortunately has his genes and will "most likely" fail the SAT. Yet, you want to claim Bomar has a mentally handicapped relative. Ah, the hypocrisy runs amok.

You clearly have anger management issues. It must be obvious to you that your opinion in the matter of Jerry Bomar's statements about OU and Bob Stoops are out of line with the majority of opinions here. Pretending to be an OU fan isn't going to get you any slack around here. Rhett's dad made remarks about Stoops and our program that were baseless and derogatory. You defended them. Now you are reaping what you sowed. Nobody likes you. And the remark about you being retarded wasn't intended as an insult to the Bomar family. Just to you.

1/24/2009, 10:02 AM
You know, I may not have even replied to this thread if you hadn't said something about his kids. Oh I did go back and read the other post SLOWLY.

I saw where you called out most posters here as idiots. Again, I don't have problem with you standing your ground against another poster, But dont bring his kids into it.

His kid is too stupid to make it to college....it's "his" kid. Now read that sentence again and look how it fits this thread. You see, I don't know his kid, him, or anyone in their family. For all I know his kid could be an A honor roll student, and perhaps go on to an Ivy League institution down the road. The point is since I'm not privy to the inner dealings of his family I have no idea as to his kids potential. I'm just basing it on the ridiculous rant his father made. Well it's the same thing here. Since none of us are on the inside, we have no idea at everything that took place in the Bomar situation. So posting things like, he needs to stfu imo seems way too strong. And if you come running to the aid of one of your fellow posters on someone saying something negative about their child, well then put yourself in Jerry Bomar's shoes. Whether he's right or wrong, he feels his son was screwed.

1/24/2009, 10:13 AM
Couldn't care less about what any of the Bomars have had to say about OU or any other topic. I skimmed through some of it just to see what the arguments were.
Name calling and the back and forth between people is what makes it fun to read...for ME anyways.

But when you bring someones kid into it refering to him as "little Johnny" you've stepped over the line IMHO.

So the large STFU about folks kids goes out to ECU.

1/24/2009, 10:18 AM
As for Rhett: I feel he's manning up & facing the issue...in fact, I think he's handled the situation well since day one, especially given his age.

As for Jerry: Asshat...he should learn from his son how to keep his mouth shut and avoid having to do damage-control.

1/24/2009, 10:24 AM
Couldn't care less about what any of the Bomars have had to say about OU or any other topic. I skimmed through some of it just to see what the arguments were.
Name calling and the back and forth between people is what makes it fun to read...for ME anyways.

But when you bring someones kid into it refering to him as "little Johnny" you've stepped over the line IMHO.

So the large STFU about folks kids goes out to ECU.

But when you bring someones kid into it refering to him as "little Johnny" you've stepped over the line IMHO.

Some of you are hilarious, I mean did I miss the thread where #75 came out and announced his child was a special needs kid? He brought his kid up, not me. If he wants someone to show compassion for his child, then he should consider that before writing Jerry Bomar needs to stfu. The hypocrits are coming out of the woodwork. I guess I missed your bleeding heart plea to the others to show respect for Jerry, because he's just supporting his son. By the way, never really said anything bad about the kid. I said it's most likely he won't go to college. Never said he wouldn't. I based that on his father's documented intelligence.

1/24/2009, 10:25 AM
So posting things like, he needs to stfu imo seems way too strong.

IF JB comes out with " I know something but I am not going tell", then yes he needs to STFU or spill what he knows.

I am done here

1/24/2009, 10:32 AM
Whats with all the hate for Iglesias? Im sure a reporter asked him "how do you think your team would have done had Rhett stayed at OU?"

He answered "we'd be as good or better...."

what do you want him to say? you want him to say "we would have been not as good because Rhett really blows donkey balls." ?

The whole article is about how Juaquin and Rhett are still friends. He's not going to throw his friend under the bus.

Now because he says something nice about his friend, everyone here starts talking about how he is a traitor to the Sooner nation and that he sucked at OU and had weak hands because he dropped one pass against Florida. are you freakin kidding me?! he was a consistent WR for 4 years at OU who kept his mouth shut, played hard and made some fantastic plays. Now his draft stock is skyrocketing and he will have the chance to make some bigtime NFL bucks next year. I wish him all the luck in the world.

1/24/2009, 10:34 AM
You clearly have anger management issues. It must be obvious to you that your opinion in the matter of Jerry Bomar's statements about OU and Bob Stoops are out of line with the majority of opinions here. Pretending to be an OU fan isn't going to get you any slack around here. Rhett's dad made remarks about Stoops and our program that were baseless and derogatory. You defended them. Now you are reaping what you sowed. Nobody likes you. And the remark about you being retarded wasn't intended as an insult to the Bomar family. Just to you.

Brian where do you perceive that I have anger management issues? You are the one using hostile remarks. My opinion is out of line with the majority of opinions here.....ummmm ok. What's my opinion on this Brian? That nobody knows for sure about the goings on of the program, except those on the inside? Seems pretty tough to argue that one Brian. Bomar's comments were baseless? How do you know? Maybe they're not. Maybe they are. Truth is I don't know and either do you. The difference is that idiots such as yourself, truly "think" you do know. By the way, pretty sure most people would take saying they had a retarded 2nd cousin, as an insult. Nice attempt at trying to clean that up though bud.

1/24/2009, 10:42 AM
Whats with all the hate for Iglesias? Im sure a reporter asked him "how do you think your team would have done had Rhett stayed at OU?"

He answered "we'd be as good or better...."

what do you want him to say? you want him to say "we would have been not as good because Rhett really blows donkey balls." ?

The whole article is about how Juaquin and Rhett are still friends. He's not going to throw his friend under the bus.

Now because he says something nice about his friend, everyone here starts talking about how he is a traitor to the Sooner nation and that he sucked at OU and had weak hands because he dropped one pass against Florida. are you freakin kidding me?! he was a consistent WR for 4 years at OU who kept his mouth shut, played hard and made some fantastic plays. Now his draft stock is skyrocketing and he will have the chance to make some bigtime NFL bucks next year. I wish him all the luck in the world.

Well written post. I agree entirely. Unfortunately many on here are quick to turn on a player based on their action/decision that they perceive to be wrong. They love the recruit when he verbals, but bash him when he decommits. They turn on a kid who has paid a huge price for a mistake he made at 19 years old. Of course many on here have never made a mistake, or changed their mind.

1/24/2009, 10:45 AM
Brian where do you perceive that I have anger management issues? You are the one using hostile remarks. My opinion is out of line with the majority of opinions here.....ummmm ok. What's my opinion on this Brian? That nobody knows for sure about the goings on of the program, except those on the inside? Seems pretty tough to argue that one Brian. Bomar's comments were baseless? How do you know? Maybe they're not. Maybe they are. Truth is I don't know and either do you. The difference is that idiots such as yourself, truly "think" you do know. By the way, pretty sure most people would take saying they had a retarded 2nd cousin, as an insult. Nice attempt at trying to clean that up though bud.

I give up. You have beaten me into submission by simply calling me Brian. You clearly have insight into the Bomar situation that I don't. And your internet dick is much bigger than mine. I bow to your superior message board skills. And fart in your general direction.

1/24/2009, 10:57 AM
I give up. You have beaten me into submission by simply calling me Brian. You clearly have insight into the Bomar situation that I don't. And your internet dick is much bigger than mine. I bow to your superior message board skills. And fart in your general direction.

I knew you were Brian when you came running to help your "buddy". Your homo comments just confirmed it.

1/24/2009, 11:19 AM
I knew you were Brian when you came running to help your "buddy". Your homo comments just confirmed it.

I didn't come running up to help anyone. You obviously have me confused with someone else. That's not surprising, people of your intellect confuse easily. I just strolled up up and called you out on your BS and you have responded with nothing but anger. You really need to get some help. And I'm done with you, you may have the last word if you wish.

1/24/2009, 11:31 AM
I didn't come running up to help anyone. You obviously have me confused with someone else. That's not surprising, people of your intellect confuse easily. I just strolled up up and called you out on your BS and you have responded with nothing but anger. You really need to get some help. And I'm done with you, you may have the last word if you wish.

ok, thanks Brian. Not confusing you with anyone, like I said your prior post served as confirmation. Don't know where you see anger, but I do realize guys like yourself are somewhat sensitive. I'm not judging. And I hope you don't think I was trying to "out you". If that's the way you roll, well hey, that's the way you roll. Thanks for "giving me the last word" Brian, I hope that it was truly an act of kindness and not that you were in a hurry to head out and pick up your assless chaps from the cleaners.:eek:

1/24/2009, 12:25 PM
ECU- I, for one, think you're a breath of fresh air. Keep it up.

1/24/2009, 12:26 PM
I know you know about what I am going to say. But I have to say it anyway.
Bob Stoops suspended Dusty Dvoracek indefinitely for his issues. Dusty is an alcoholic and found treatment. He bettered himself in the process. Bob Stoops then gave the young man a second or third chance.

Ryan Broyles was suspended from playing a down his freshmen year and one game this past season for his actions. Ryan has since seemed to comeback to earth and got on the right track. Stoops gave him another chance to play and he is benefitting from it.

In both cases, though Dusty and Ryan may have broken the law, they did not do anything to ruin their amature status in the NCAA. They never broke any NCAA violations. They never took cash or extra benefits from boosters. They never put the football program, atheltics department or the university in danger of losing scholarships, wins, or any other form of punishment.

Bomar did. And for his actions he betrayed Bob Stoops, his OU teammates, the university, and the fans of OU!

If you want to look at a moral perspective, look no further than Coach Bob Stoops and his actions as a coach and a citizen of Oklahoma!

Again, I understand the difference. The difference is that what Bomar did was against NCAA rules. There are no NCAA rules being broken when a kid steals gas or beats someone to a pulp. I GET IT. I'm also not indicting coach Stoops for not giving Bomar a second chance. He did what he had to do.
My entire opinion is that the system, as it is, stinks when something more heinous is no problem with the NCAA while a civil crime is.

1/24/2009, 12:33 PM
Again, I understand the difference. The difference is that what Bomar did was against NCAA rules. There are no NCAA rules being broken when a kid steals gas or beats someone to a pulp. I GET IT. I'm also not indicting coach Stoops for not giving Bomar a second chance. He did what he had to do.
My entire opinion is that the system, as it is, stinks when something more heinous is no problem with the NCAA while a civil crime is.

Unfortunately that's the time that the coach has to make a moral decision. Obviously, imo, Stoops looks at it pretty objectively in that I don't see it's purely based on a kid's talent or perceived value to the team. Kicking Jabroe off seems to prove this. However I think they need to be carefull that there is equity among violations. In other words, again imo, an NCAA Violation shouldn't necessarily be given more weight than criminal conduct.

1/24/2009, 12:52 PM
ECU- I, for one, think you're a breath of fresh air. Keep it up.

Thank you Spray. I truly don't have an opinion on the Bomar situation, other than no one outside of the program which precludes all of us, has anything more than superficial knowledge of what's transpired. I don't seek out personal attacks with people, but I also don't respond well being told to stfu bitch. Perhaps that makes me a minority on this board, but based on the majority of posters ludicrous rantings, that might not be such a bad thing. Again, just so someone doesn't try and twist my words again, there are alot of really good fans on this site, it just suck they are outnumbered by mindless buffoons.

1/24/2009, 01:01 PM
Unfortunately that's the time that the coach has to make a moral decision. Obviously, imo, Stoops looks at it pretty objectively in that I don't see it's purely based on a kid's talent or perceived value to the team. Kicking Jabroe off seems to prove this. However I think they need to be carefull that there is equity among violations. In other words, again imo, an NCAA Violation shouldn't necessarily be given more weight than criminal conduct.
I disagree that the coach in these situations has a "moral" decision to make. There's no doubt in my mind Stoops would have given Bomar another chance but how could he? Doing so would most certainly result in heavier sanctions since Bomars infraction was in violation of NCAA rules. It's not realistic to expect Stoops to react "fairly" when one players conduct puts the program in jeopardy while another players does not...no matter how worse it may seem morally.

1/24/2009, 01:19 PM
I disagree that the coach in these situations has a "moral" decision to make. There's no doubt in my mind Stoops would have given Bomar another chance but how could he? Doing so would most certainly result in heavier sanctions since Bomars infraction was in violation of NCAA rules. It's not realistic to expect Stoops to react "fairly" when one players conduct puts the program in jeopardy while another players does not...no matter how worse it may seem morally.

I see your point but I think you're failing to see the big picture. If you don't utilize some sort of moral compass, I think you risk having your program innundated with character concerns. Look at what happened to University of Miami. They didn't have any NCAA sanctions that I recall, but they allowed an environment that contained questionable character. As tough as it is to say it, look at the the 80's at OU. You don't think that cost us most of the 90's? If you create a system that puts the program above character, you're doomed for failure, imo. Seen it too many times.

1/24/2009, 01:23 PM
Jerry Blomar has had 3 years to slam the program. The problem is he doesn't have anything to use. He simply said that to take the heat off of what his son did. The OU compliance office turned in the info on the Bomar situation after it had happened and the NCAA still felt the need to do it's own investigation. After all was said and done they felt no need to sanction OU further. Blomar's daddy needs to either speak up about what he know or shut his ****ing mouth because he's just going to **** the unstable dart stabbing OU fans off.

1/24/2009, 01:28 PM
Most of you guys are either too young to have kids, or just plain old hypocrits, maybe both. All this crap about, Kent being classier than Jerry....c'mon, you don't know how Kent would have acted in the same situation that Rhett and his father went through. Ever hear about not judging a man until you walked a mile in their shoes? Rhett made a mistake. He's not the only kid who's made one. He's not even the only D1 qb that's made one, but he paid a huge price. If you don't think it's possible that the action was delivered so swift and severe so that people wouldn't continue snooping around, well then you're a OU homer that thinks Stoops walks on water. I'm not saying that's what happened, I'm just saying that unless we're firmly entrenched in the athletic department administration nobody knows.
Now you have a father who's seeing his son compete against his peers at an all star game, who's pissed off at what transpired. Who wouldn't be. Your kid chooses OU over just about every other major program in the nation, and you perceive he was made a sacrificial scapegoat as damage control. Now your talented son is at a 1AA school, while his old school is vying for the BCS championship. Factor that in with the monetary damage his son will suffer as a result....heck yeah he's got sour grapes. As a poster earlier said, he's human.
I love OU football. Spent 6 years in the state and have a lot of great friends there still. Have the pleasure of knowing one of their better O Linemen of the '90's....but a majority of the guys on this board are idiot fans. You sound like the typical whiny little kid that looks for reasons he didn't get what he wanted. ESPN has it out for us, bitch about the Florida QB, Bitch about Texas being pissed they weren't in the BCS. The Florida QB IS a great player, and if he were in Norman you would be his biggest fans. If you say you wouldn't you're full of it. And if the reverse happened in the BCS, you would be just as PO'd as the Longhorns. There are some really good posters here, as I've lurked around the board for about 3 or 4 years reading posts, but some of you must be little snot nosed kids that haven't even played the game. It's also pretty lame to lambaste a kid, who most of you were jumping up and down for after his frosh season. Alot of us have done some things we regret.

Wanted to quote this , since it was your Very 1st Post on this Board:D
Now , who started Calling Names 1st ????
May I give you a little hint His name starts with an E
Now I will addd My 2 cents
STFU bitch

1/24/2009, 01:37 PM
Bomar's dad reminds me of those parents whose kid's are never responsible for anything bad they do. It seems that Rhett has matured well past that level that his father attained.

I would say he reminds me of some of those parents on American Idol who keep telling their kids they can sing when they sound like a dying cow but Rhett does have talent whereas most of those kids don't. He needs to tell his father to stay home and be quiet and let him live his life. It seems he made a mistake and has learned from it where his father hasn't.

1/24/2009, 01:44 PM
Bomar's dad reminds me of those parents whose kid's are never responsible for anything bad they do. It seems that Rhett has matured well past that level that his father attained.

I would say he reminds me of some of those parents on American Idol who keep telling their kids they can sing when they sound like a dying cow but Rhett does have talent whereas most of those kids don't. He needs to tell his father to stay home and be quiet and let him live his life. It seems he made a mistake and has learned from it where his father hasn't.

Well said . I wish Rhett well in life . His Dad ? not so much;)

1/24/2009, 01:48 PM
Well, who did I call a name in that post? Why don't you be more detailed. Now the next step is to get someone to help you with your writing. Dude, please don't go out in public and claim to be an OU fan, and then let people see you write that way. Do you know when to use capital letters? Let me help you....it's not ****ing randomly. Look here Corky, I'm glad your caretaker let's you get on the computer at various times of the day. I'm a big fan of social programs like that. However, the fact that you don't actually have anything of substance in your posts, really in the end causes you to just be a waste of time.
Now keep telling yourself that you know what's going on inside the OU football program, and not just the information that allow released to the public. You obviously have much more knowledge than the father of the starting qb. Once you realize that you are merely a fan, I think you'll be much happier, and not have to type such hostile comments in big bold font. Well I see it's a quarter to one, time for your graham cracker and nap. See you soon Corky. Ask 75 for some more witty comebacks while you're giving him the reach around.

1/24/2009, 01:57 PM
Ya know little boy you Mentioned In Another Thread About taking it OutSide :P
It aint smart to call out an Old guy. Cause Ive lived a long full life and quite frankly dont give a ratsass about what you think of me.
however if we stepped outside as you so eloquently said . I aint gonna take an asswhoopin . Ill just shoot your stupid ***. :rolleyes:

1/24/2009, 01:58 PM
Jerry Blomar has had 3 years to slam the program. The problem is he doesn't have anything to use. He simply said that to take the heat off of what his son did. The OU compliance office turned in the info on the Bomar situation after it had happened and the NCAA still felt the need to do it's own investigation. After all was said and done they felt no need to sanction OU further. Blomar's daddy needs to either speak up about what he know or shut his ****ing mouth because he's just going to **** the unstable dart stabbing OU fans off.

Well, just a couple of things here. Again, despite what you might want to believe, you may not know the whole story. Of course you want to use the fact that the NCAA gave no further sanction as testement to this. Not a good leg to stand on, because you see, the NCAA also didn't sanction USC for the Reggie Bush incident. Do you believe there was no wrong doing there? Most of this board sure thinks that they got away with something. Maybe he did, and maybe he didn't, I sure don't know. However, people can't claim the NCAA to be the seal of program integrity one minute, and the next say they are giving favorable treatment to the Trojans. Don't know if you were in that large group of posters or not, but hopefully you get my point.
Now my next point is why do you and some other people say he needs to either tell what he knows or stfu? Perhaps that's not his belief system. There have been several times in my life that I know what a person did was wrong, but I kept it between us. Maybe he doesn't know jack and he's just trying to create controversy and problems for OU. I don't know, and again either do you.

1/24/2009, 02:02 PM
Concealing a Crime , Is a crime Einstein :rolleyes:
so By your own admission yer a ****in crook .:eek:

1/24/2009, 02:11 PM
Ya know little boy you Mentioned In Another Thread About taking it OutSide :P
It aint smart to call out an Old guy. Cause Ive lived a long full life and quite frankly dont give a ratsass about what you think of me.
however if we stepped outside as you so eloquently said . I aint gonna take an asswhoopin . Ill just shoot your stupid ***. :rolleyes:

*quivering while trying to block my IP Address*

Ahhh the sure sign of lower iq....the brain can not compete so it quickly looks for violence. Kind of like the two year old sitting in the high chair that can't figure his toy out, so he starts crying and slamming it down. Now here you go Corky, with exception to noting your struggles in writing, I've been more than fair to you. You began the direct name calling. I'm sorry you can't fully debate the topic, and your inferiority complex has you all worked up. And ummmm, old timer, have you heard the saying "he brought a knife to a gun fight"? Well your "shooting" comment is the pretty much the same thing on the internet. :confused:

1/24/2009, 02:13 PM
I think he doesn't know anything because he's one of those people who says that they know something only to say I can't or in this case won't say anything. He knows people are going to then continue to ask what he knows. He's only getting attention for himself and it has nothing to do with Rhett. Rhett athletic ability will speak for itself and I belief he will be successful in the NFL. I hate to see anybody who has talent screw it away with bad decision making(Lawrence Phillips,Marcus Dupree), so I hope only good things for Rhett. I was as mad as any OU fan after what he did to the OU program. He knew what he was doing was wrong and against NCAA rules and he chose to do it anyway. Nobody made Bomar take the money and you don't see the other 2 players or there parents saying anything against OU. If his dad does come forward and things are found out then i will have no problem eating crow but if you are not going to say anything then don't try to stir the pot.

1/24/2009, 02:19 PM
*quivering while trying to block my IP Address*

Ahhh the sure sign of lower iq....the brain can not compete so it quickly looks for violence. Kind of like the two year old sitting in the high chair that can't figure his toy out, so he starts crying and slamming it down. Now here you go Corky, with exception to noting your struggles in writing, I've been more than fair to you. You began the direct name calling. I'm sorry you can't fully debate the topic, and your inferiority complex has you all worked up. And ummmm, old timer, have you heard the saying "he brought a knife to a gun fight"? Well your "shooting" comment is the pretty much the same thing on the internet. :confused:

You be the one what said Step outside Ho.
Quite frankly I don't give a damn what you think .:rolleyes:

1/24/2009, 02:19 PM
Concealing a Crime , Is a crime Einstein :rolleyes:
so By your own admission yer a ****in crook .:eek:

You're almost there Corky! C'mon, now focus. Slow down and try to capture these thoughts and put them into a sentence. Not sure what you've done here, I see we still have that little capitalization problem. Also, don't know when I've advocated concealing a crime, but hey lets not nitpick. Right now lets just accentuate the positives. You didn't post how you were willing to commit a felony, and your name calling was much less severe. Although we still have zero substance, I think this has been a successful day. Please pass on my regards to your caretaker for the help provided.

1/24/2009, 02:24 PM
You be the one what said Step outside Ho.
Quite frankly I don't give a damn what you think .:rolleyes:

I love it, redneck gangster with that urban ebonic twang. Yes sir, I'm seeing the real you, and I'm liking what I'm seeing, bro.:D Yo dawg, you still gonna put a cap in my *** G? LOL. And what the **** is it with capital letters that you just randomly use them? Is that your schtick? Look this will help you from looking like a complete dumbass when you post, don't even touch the shift key. **** it, just type lower case. Alright dawg!!??!! You da man G.

By the way, the "Ho" comment....very nice. I see you're serious now. Still not an ounce of substance regarding OU football, but you are serious, home boy:cool:

1/24/2009, 02:25 PM
You're almost there Corky! C'mon, now focus. Slow down and try to capture these thoughts and put them into a sentence. Not sure what you've done here, I see we still have that little capitalization problem. Also, don't know when I've advocated concealing a crime, but hey lets not nitpick. Right now lets just accentuate the positives. You didn't post how you were willing to commit a felony, and your name calling was much less severe. Although we still have zero substance, I think this have been a successful day. Please pass on my regards to your caretaker for the help provided.

Where the **** is doleo when we need him ?

1/24/2009, 04:49 PM
Vet and 75, don't go into the gutter with this guy. I have to warn you guys, since you both did some namecalling too. But he's obviously over the line. Two weeks in the clink for him, for personal attacks on members among other things. ECUTiger, I only red carded 3 of about 10 posts that were personal attacks. If you come back in two weeks, I would discourage you from making blanket attacks on the OU fanbase, and will bet that someone besides me will probably permanently ****can you if you bring the same types of namecalling and personal attacks.

1/24/2009, 04:52 PM
And wasn't it Iglesias that had two balls go off his hands in the NC game that turned into INTs? One at the goal line. One was Iglesias. Manny tipped the ball at the goal line.

1/24/2009, 05:01 PM
ECU is gone for at least a month now. He kept calling people names in other threads too.

Now that he's in timeout, can the rest of you post without acting like 8-year-olds?

1/24/2009, 09:04 PM
Well he was asking for it...

1/24/2009, 09:14 PM
ECU is gone for at least a month now. He kept calling people names in other threads too.

Now that he's in timeout, can the rest of you post without acting like 8-year-olds?

How dare you ask me to change the way i post!!

1/24/2009, 09:21 PM
ECU is gone for at least a month now. He kept calling people names in other threads too.

Now that he's in timeout, can the rest of you post without acting like 8-year-olds?

I will.

1/24/2009, 11:46 PM
Like I said to BRJ....

I apologize to sf.com, but not that tool.

And rhino....why take the fun out of it?

1/25/2009, 07:36 AM
ECU is gone for at least a month now. He kept calling people names in other threads too.

Now that he's in timeout, can the rest of you post without acting like 8-year-olds?

HOLY CHALUPA BATMAN! You gys just banned Jerry Bomar!:D

1/25/2009, 08:28 AM
It seesm to me that Bomar gave us a lilttle insight into what he would have done for our program during the Senior Bowl.

I'll take Bradford over the other guy any day!

'Nuff Said.

I Am Right
1/25/2009, 10:43 AM
I give up. You have beaten me into submission by simply calling me Brian. You clearly have insight into the Bomar situation that I don't. And your internet dick is much bigger than mine. I bow to your superior message board skills. And fart in your general direction.


1/25/2009, 11:36 AM
The sad part about this is that people will take this to the bank and assume there's institutional, organized cheating at OU.

If there was, the Bomars would know the rules about cheating. To wit:

(1) Don't cheat.
(2) If you do cheat, don't get caught.
(3) If you get caught, shut your whore mouth before a guy named Guido visits you in your cell and shanks you.

1/25/2009, 12:55 PM
hate to break it to you, but your little Johnny most likely won't be attending college. He has your gene pool and most likely is to f'cking stupid to pass the SAT.
This wreaks of piece of ****. You try to liken this to what people are doing to rhett and his dad. the situations are so completely different.
what you did above is so wrong on so many levels that; i just don't want to continue with this any further.
if you don't have the sense enough to apologize for that statement, then you're not half as intelligent as you think you are.

1/25/2009, 01:27 PM
Whats with all the hate for Iglesias? Im sure a reporter asked him "how do you think your team would have done had Rhett stayed at OU?"

He answered "we'd be as good or better...."

what do you want him to say? you want him to say "we would have been not as good because Rhett really blows donkey balls." ?

The whole article is about how Juaquin and Rhett are still friends. He's not going to throw his friend under the bus.

Now because he says something nice about his friend, everyone here starts talking about how he is a traitor to the Sooner nation and that he sucked at OU and had weak hands because he dropped one pass against Florida. are you freakin kidding me?! he was a consistent WR for 4 years at OU who kept his mouth shut, played hard and made some fantastic plays. Now his draft stock is skyrocketing and he will have the chance to make some bigtime NFL bucks next year. I wish him all the luck in the world.


1/25/2009, 01:37 PM
But if someone does not agree with you or you don't agree with them does not give you the right to call them names.
What? This happens irregardless. I've been called a couple of names on here and i can go back thru and find where several others have been. we don't even hold this rule to each other. you might - but there are many others that don't. just sayn'

1/25/2009, 01:53 PM
I for one am happy that rhett took ownership and moved on; now if we can get quinn to do that

1/25/2009, 02:51 PM
I don't know how some of you guys made it through some of ECU's posts. The walls of text were way too much for me. And it seemed like all of his posts were just insult ridden. Can't even :pop: cause it's too hard to tell what's going on.

In regards to Rhett, good luck in the NFL. Show that you've grown up and learned from your experiences and don't become another PacMan Jones with causing problems or T.O. in complaining about your teammates.

In regards to Jerry, if I do end up coaching in the Dallas area, I look forwarding to trying to kick your :texan: ***. Man up. Rhett's had 5 years in college. If you have something, bring it forward. These blanket statements just make you look retarded. Did any of the other people that have problems put their team in question? No. Rhett and J.D. almost got 8 wins taken away from Stoops and his teammates and a trophy taken away from the school. Doubt an NFL GM will take your constant complaining. It's not a game anymore, it's business.

1/25/2009, 03:27 PM
As for the MIPs, If you want to count those as prior offenses then fine. I'm sure he's the only player under Stoops who's ever had a beer before he was 21:rolleyes:

But how many players were at the FORD Center in full public view??? :confused: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

1/25/2009, 04:33 PM
Looks like I missed everyone's fight with this guy. :D


1/25/2009, 04:51 PM
I don't know how some of you guys made it through some of ECU's posts. The walls of text were way too much for me. And it seemed like all of his posts were just insult ridden. Can't even :pop: cause it's too hard to tell what's going on.

In regards to Rhett, good luck in the NFL. Show that you've grown up and learned from your experiences and don't become another PacMan Jones with causing problems or T.O. in complaining about your teammates.

In regards to Jerry, if I do end up coaching in the Dallas area, I look forwarding to trying to kick your :texan: ***. Man up. Rhett's had 5 years in college. If you have something, bring it forward. These blanket statements just make you look retarded. Did any of the other people that have problems put their team in question? No. Rhett and J.D. almost got 8 wins taken away from Stoops and his teammates and a trophy taken away from the school. Doubt an NFL GM will take your constant complaining. It's not a game anymore, it's business.

Well the initial premise of my post is that it's understandable that his father is upset about what happened to his son. His son made mistakes, which he himself acknowledges, and paid a heavy price. This obviously cost a former Rivals #1 QB a significant amount of money in this year's draft. I have not argued that he caused that. However, unless you're truly inside the program you can't be sure if Jerry is shooting his mouth off or really does know of other things that have occured, but were swept under the rug while he son became the scapegoat. Again, I don't know what the full story is, but I do think it's unfair to say he needs to shut the f$ck up, when we don't either. Remember we're talking 18-23 year old kids here, he made a mistake, but why do we have to act like he's the plague. I'm sure most of us did things we regretted at that age.
I also went on to say that you can't necessarily use the NCAA's decision not to dish out further sanctions as a clear cut sign that there was nothing else done wrong. I noted that the NCAA also failed to administer sanctions to USC for the Reggie Bush fiasco. Again, maybe there is nothing else and it was just the dealership issue with JD and Rhett. However the ones that know the full story are the ones inside. Since Jerry is the father of Brett, it's possible, again it's possible that he does know something.
The insult tirade occured when 2 or 3 posters replied with (STFU Bitch, Rhett's Sister, Retarded 2nd Cousin) I responded accordingly and a pissing match evolved. Yet the moderators apparently didn't want to look at the entire thread so that they could see the issue in its true context. Perhaps that is the board policy, since the individuals that took part in it were not banned.
Oh yeah, I also noted how several posters on this board fall in made love with recruits/players while they adhere to their guidlines, yet when a recruit decommits or a player leaves/kicked out of school, the same player becomes a huge p.o.s. In fact a couple of posters in this thread slammed Ig for giving positive comments about a friend of his, Rhett Bomar. Now despite never being a problem, playing his heart out, and giving us tremendous production, he's suddenly this terrible person.
I'm sure I will be banned again for this post, but at least you have the Reader's Digest condensed version.

Desert Sapper
1/25/2009, 05:10 PM
The comments against Iglesias, despite the fact that his most unflattering moments happened to cause huge trouble for the team, are unwarranted. He was a damn fine receiver for the school for 4 years. His comments about Bomar, although we don't want to hear them, are likely true. The team would have done fine with Bomar as the QB, and many of us were anticipating his Sophomore year with baited breath. He showed flashes of brilliance for all his Fubars. It was sheer brilliance that enabled the team to overcome his loss.

Jerry Bomar is a jackass. He is, however, only attempting to make his son's violations seem less severe. 'Everybody was doing it' is the modern mantra of mitigation and often works with the soft-minded. The fact of the matter is that if many players were complicit, they most certainly are not now. Bob wants to win (probably more than anything else) and any form of NCAA investigation does not comply with that desire.

Feeding the Trolls is hazardous to your health.

Bomar is not so bad as everybody thinks, and despite what his jacktastic dad says, doesn't apparently harbor much ill will toward OU. Proof (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ7yziFHCfU).

Unfortunately, Jerry running his mouth may have led to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93J2VeQ8EMY&fmt=18). See the 1:20 mark. Big Phil does the ole thing with Ayers and bam!

Desert Sapper
1/25/2009, 05:13 PM
Well the initial premise of my post is that it's understandable that his father is upset about what happened to his son. His son made mistakes, which he himself acknowledges, and paid a heavy price. This obviously cost a former Rivals #1 QB a significant amount of money in this year's draft. I have not argued that he caused that. However, unless you're truly inside the program you can't be sure if Jerry is shooting his mouth off or really does know of other things that have occured, but were swept under the rug while he son became the scapegoat. Again, I don't know what the full story is, but I do think it's unfair to say he needs to shut the f$ck up, when we don't either. Remember we're talking 18-23 year old kids here, he made a mistake, but why do we have to act like he's the plague. I'm sure most of us did things we regretted at that age.
I also went on to say that you can't necessarily use the NCAA's decision not to dish out further sanctions as a clear cut sign that there was nothing else done wrong. I noted that the NCAA also failed to administer sanctions to USC for the Reggie Bush fiasco. Again, maybe there is nothing else and it was just the dealership issue with JD and Rhett. However the ones that know the full story are the ones inside. Since Jerry is the father of Brett, it's possible, again it's possible that he does know something.
The insult tirade occured when 2 or 3 posters replied with (STFU Bitch, Rhett's Sister, Retarded 2nd Cousin) I responded accordingly and a pissing match evolved. Yet the moderators apparently didn't want to look at the entire thread so that they could see the issue in its true context. Perhaps that is the board policy, since the individuals that took part in it were not banned.
Oh yeah, I also noted how several posters on this board fall in made love with recruits/players while they adhere to their guidlines, yet when a recruit decommits or a player leaves/kicked out of school, the same player becomes a huge p.o.s. In fact a couple of posters in this thread slammed Ig for giving positive comments about a friend of his, Rhett Bomar. Now despite never being a problem, playing his heart out, and giving us tremendous production, he's suddenly this terrible person.
I'm sure I will be banned again for this post, but at least you have the Reader's Digest condensed version.

For the love of Mike!!! Stop the text walls. Paragraphs, dude, paragraphs.

1/25/2009, 05:18 PM
The comments against Iglesias, despite the fact that his most unflattering moments happened to cause huge trouble for the team, are unwarranted. He was a damn fine receiver for the school for 4 years. His comments about Bomar, although we don't want to hear them, are likely true. The team would have done fine with Bomar as the QB, and many of us were anticipating his Sophomore year with baited breath. He showed flashes of brilliance for all his Fubars. It was sheer brilliance that enabled the team to overcome his loss.

Jerry Bomar is a jackass. He is, however, only attempting to make his son's violations seem less severe. 'Everybody was doing it' is the modern mantra of mitigation and often works with the soft-minded. The fact of the matter is that if many players were complicit, they most certainly are not now. Bob wants to win (probably more than anything else) and any form of NCAA investigation does not comply with that desire.

Feeding the Trolls is hazardous to your health.

Bomar is not so bad as everybody thinks, and despite what his jacktastic dad says, doesn't apparently harbor much ill will toward OU. Proof (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ7yziFHCfU).

Unfortunately, Jerry running his mouth may have led to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93J2VeQ8EMY&fmt=18). See the 1:20 mark. Big Phil does the ole thing with Ayers and bam!

Well written post. I agree with your comments. I think if you watch this clip it shows Bomar's feelings about what took place. Young kid made a stupid mistake. I feel bad for him, he lost a lot, whether he brought it entirely on himself or not.

1/25/2009, 05:29 PM
My How time Flies, Seems only yesterday some one was gone for a month and several others of us were red carded . :rolleyes:

1/25/2009, 05:38 PM
For the love of Mike!!! Stop the text walls. Paragraphs, dude, paragraphs.

That's not a text wall. There are paragraphs in there.

1/25/2009, 06:04 PM
That's not a text wall. There are paragraphs in there.I thought your ignert *** was bained:confused: You must have connections.

Desert Sapper
1/25/2009, 06:09 PM
That's not a text wall. There are paragraphs in there.

Spaces between them would help identify them better. As it is, it runs like a wall of text, impervious to all but the most well-tuned eye, and I'm mostly blind. For the four-eyed fans and many like us, please space your paragraphs for clarity (and try to limit your paragraphs to 4 or less sentences).


Paragraph 1.

Paragraph 2.

Paragraph 3.



1/25/2009, 06:09 PM
I thought your ignert *** was bained:confused: You must have connections.

you must be flaming.

1/25/2009, 06:11 PM
Spaces between them would help identify them better. As it is, it runs like a wall of text, impervious to all but the most well-tuned eye, and I'm mostly blind. For the four-eyed fans and many like us, please space your paragraphs for clarity (and try to limit your paragraphs to 4 or less sentences).


Paragraph 1.

Paragraph 2.

Paragraph 3.



Ok, I see what you are saying. I will double space, and keep my rants down to four lines. Sorry.

1/25/2009, 06:12 PM
you must be flaming.are you calling me ghey:confused:

Oh, and **** off dip ****.

1/25/2009, 06:15 PM
are you calling me ghey:confused:

Oh, and **** off dip ****.

LOL...now that's funny. I got a buddy over at Big Red Motors. He told me don't worry about a thing, he would take care of it.:)

1/25/2009, 06:25 PM
WTF ? :confused:

1/25/2009, 06:41 PM
LOL...now that's funny. I got a **** buddy with a big hairy ***, over at Big Red Motors. He told me don't worry about a thing, he would take care of me.:):eek:

1/25/2009, 07:27 PM
I'll bet Bob Stoops made him drink beer and get arrested at the Ford Center, too.

Desert Sapper
1/25/2009, 08:19 PM
The more we talk about this the more we think about it. I would prefer not to think about Jerry Bomar's big mouth or about some dumbass decisions a 19 year old kid made. I would rather just think that a former Sooner QB is likely going to get drafted and hopefully find success in the NFL. Success stories are much cooler than bad news stories.

1/25/2009, 08:33 PM

1/26/2009, 10:52 AM
The more we talk about this the more we think about it. I would prefer not to think about Jerry Bomar's big mouth or about some dumbass decisions a 19 year old kid made. I would rather just think that a former Sooner QB is likely going to get drafted and hopefully find success in the NFL. Success stories are much cooler than bad news stories.

Very good post and I agree !

1/26/2009, 10:51 PM
If Jerry Bomar has "proof" of any wrongdoing by Bob Stoops and/or his staff, then he needs to call a press conference, state his case and be ready to back up his accusations with solid facts and data. If he can't or won't do this, and continues harping & innuendo, then he's a blowhard with an ax to grind and there's no substance to what he says. Therefore, we're all wasting our time.

1/27/2009, 03:26 AM
This wreaks of piece of ****. You try to liken this to what people are doing to rhett and his dad. the situations are so completely different.
what you did above is so wrong on so many levels that; i just don't want to continue with this any further.
if you don't have the sense enough to apologize for that statement, then you're not half as intelligent as you think you are.

Seriously, who cares if he apologizes. I am not looking for one from that POS, nor will I accept one on such a blanket statement from a tool.

Crucifax Autumn
1/27/2009, 04:15 AM

1/29/2009, 10:47 AM
Found this on the Tulsa World's website. It's pretty interesting insight into Jerry Bomar's handling of his son's affair's.

Jerry Bomar still grinding Stoops ax
1/22/2009 1:49:30 PM

Sounds like Jerry Bomar is running his mouth again. That's one thing at which this guy excels.

In Wednesday's Sporting News, writer Albert Breer wrote a nice story looking in on Rhett Bomar, who is working out for NFL scouts at the Senior Bowl in Mobile, Ala.

My guess is Breer asked some innocuous questions of Jerry Bomar, father and one-time coach of the former child star, about his son bouncing back from exile at Oklahoma after he got paid for a no-show job, kicked off the team and, with J.D. Quinn, dropped the Sooners into NCAA probation; about landing on his feet at Sam Houston State and is keeping his NFL dream alive.

And my guess is Jerry Bomar took that as an opportunity to sound off.

"He and I both know that Oklahoma got off light and he didn't," Jerry Bomar said. "He's never sold them out and he wouldn't. They're not innocent in this deal, trust me. . . . Bob Stoops comes across as 'Mr. I Did the Right Thing' and there's stuff about Bob Stoops that if right now I told people, everybody (would be) saying, 'What?'
"But we're not gonna do that. We're not gonna go that way, and you can't win those battles anyway. It's in the past, it's gone; this is America, everybody deserves a second chance."

Oh, so it's somebody else's fault? Sounds familiar.

In 2005, I called Jerry Bomar for a magazine feature I was writing about his son. It was the Monday after OU's loss to Texas, in which Bomar went 12-of-33 for 94 yards with an interception, three sacks and a fumble that was returned for a touchdown. (Know that these magazine assignments are handed out weeks in advance, and this was a last-minute call, so, given Rhett's performance in the Cotton Bowl, the timing wasn't ideal for a feel-good story).

I introduced myself to Bomar's dad as a Tulsa World sports writer, and I explained that I was working on a freelance story on Rhett. I said I was looking for some colorful background, about what kind of kid Rhett was growing up, whether he was competitive or a momma's boy or whatever.

Thirty minutes later, we got around to actually talking about what kind of kid Rhett was growing up, whether he was competitive or a momma's boy or whatever. It seems Jerry Bomar – his guard up and poised to strike the first reporter who called – had another topic he wanted to discuss.

Among other things – a "burr under my saddle," he said – Jerry Bomar said Bob Stoops and Chuck Long mishandled his son's freshman year. Instead of redshirting, Jerry said, Rhett should have been allowed to back up Jason White in 2004. He even hinted maybe he should have been allowed to "push" the 2003 Heisman winner. Then he could have been named the starter in the spring, ahead of Paul Thompson and Tommy Grady, and gotten all the work he needed for the '05 season.

"I went up there at midseason (of 2004) and asked them, 'How's this kid going to compete for the starting quarterback job?' " Jerry Bomar told me then. "They knew all along he was the best player, but he didn't do anything. He's sitting around. They assured me, 'Oh no, there'll be plenty of reps in the spring.'

"Then they go into the spring and (snaps are) being divided by one-third. . . . Then they come back in the fall and it's being divided in half. So he's never had it where he's gotten all these reps. So everything now, he's basically catching up."

Long explained to me that making the QB job competitive, as opposed to awarding it to Johnny Fivestar, helps the quarterback gain the respect of his teammates. Watching Thompson in '06 and Sam Bradford these last two years, I buy that 100 percent.

Now Rhett Bomar is on the cusp of making an NFL team. He's good. Great arm. Quick feet. Good grit and determination; probably not the prima donna who was kicked out of Norman.

And here stands Jerry, still blaming someone else for his kid's problems. Something tells me when Rhett gets drafted in the fourth round and isn't immediately named the starter, some NFL general manager's going to get an earful.