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View Full Version : My Bloody Valentine in 3D

1/18/2009, 02:21 AM
I don't know who else here has saw it in 3D, but I just saw it tonight. It actually surprised me. I don't know if it was because the 3D feature or the movie it's self, but I enjoyed it. The 3D was pretty awesome. It'd be awesome if a lot of other movies started using it in the future.

But little stuff that would go unnoticed in a regular movie just stuck out more. When they move a flashlight, when it's aimed at you it actually appears to cause a glare. Looking down the barrel of a rifle looks crazy. Then...


when he rips a guys jaw out, it goes flying right at you. That was crazy.

Overall, was good experience. If you haven't, I think it'd be worth a look. I usually don't enjoy these kinds of movies, but this one was good.

1/18/2009, 09:07 AM
I hate the current trend of remaking the beloved slashers of my youth. Hate. When I first saw the trailer for this in the theater, I was rolling my eyes and all full of anger that they were f*cking with the greatest Canadian slasher ever made. (And don't give me any of that Black Christmas noise, either. That movie is way overrated.) Then at the end, they said "IN 3D!" and I was all, "Oh f*ck yes." So I guess that's all it takes to get me on board with the 80's slasher remake trend - make it in 3D and I'm cool with it.

1/18/2009, 09:27 AM
Black Christmas sucked donkey balls, hard. I heard at Aint it Cool News that the trend is for MORE 3D movies in the future but alot of the theatres have catching up to do in regards to the screens in many of them.
Bri, what is your opinion of the new Friday the 13th movie? The remake(I know, I said remake)but instead of the lumbering slow plodding Jason...we get Usain Bolt with a machete!!!!! :D


1/18/2009, 10:00 AM
Black Christmas and Cannibal Holocaust are two of the movies that I always heard were must-see classics of the genre, and they both suck hard. Boo.

You know, here's the thing about the new Friday the 13th...I can tolerate a running Jason. If they had just announced it as another sequel, fine. But it's the whole remake/reboot thing that just sucks. You don't have to start the franchise over again; look at all the reboots they've had within the continuity of the series. He went into SPACE, for f*ck's sake.


1/18/2009, 10:11 AM
Nothing like seeing blood floating in space, brother. :D

Heh, Cannibal Holocaust, ever watched Demon Island (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_Island)?

Or as it's otherwise known as Pinata Island.

1/18/2009, 10:49 AM
Where there any naked chicks in this?:D

1/18/2009, 11:54 AM
Not naked, but Jaime Pressley...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm good!

1/18/2009, 01:28 PM
Nothing like seeing blood floating in space, brother. :D

Heh, Cannibal Holocaust, ever watched Demon Island (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_Island)?

Or as it's otherwise known as Pinata Island.

Dude, when he freezes the chick's face with liquid nitrogen and then smashes it on the counter? Classic.

No, I'll have to check that one out. It can't be any more boring than Cannibal Holocaust, plus it's got Xander! :D

1/18/2009, 01:47 PM
Is this one of those chic flicks I can take the kids too? :D ;)

1/18/2009, 01:57 PM
Yep! It's educational, too. They'll learn all about the mining industry. :D

1/18/2009, 02:19 PM
The Last House On The Left remake is complete. I wonder if it will have the scene?

I hate remakes.

1/18/2009, 02:28 PM
Where there any naked chicks in this?:D

LOL yes, for like a whole scene. **** was funny

1/18/2009, 02:38 PM
The Last House On The Left remake is complete. I wonder if it will have the scene?

Probably, because they can spin it as a strong statement of the power of women or some such hooey. By that reasoning, Day of the Woman/I Spit On Your Grave is the greatest feminist movie EVER. :D

1/18/2009, 02:43 PM
I wonder if they'll ever remake Humanoids From The Deep That used to freak my *hit when I was a little tyke.

1/18/2009, 02:44 PM

1/18/2009, 05:02 PM
C.H.U.D. nuff said. :D

1/18/2009, 05:02 PM
Oh wait, "Children shouldn't play with dead things" I soooooo forgot that one.

1/18/2009, 05:23 PM
City of the Living Dead will always stand out for me, if only because of the chick literally puking her guts up. :D

1/18/2009, 08:41 PM
IM actually looking forward to the new Friday the 13th, it looks pretty good. If you take away the horrible dialogue, the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween that shows how he became a psycho killer all the way to his death was actually pretty good I thought

1/18/2009, 08:45 PM
IM actually looking forward to the new Friday the 13th, it looks pretty good. If you take away the horrible dialogue, the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween that shows how he became a psycho killer all the way to his death was actually pretty good I thought

Horrible dialogue IS a requirement for a good horror/slasher movie, if it ever becomes thought provoking...then i'm staying away. :D

1/18/2009, 08:58 PM
I still need to see Death Bed: The Bed That Eats.


Crucifax Autumn
1/19/2009, 02:09 AM
Any possibility of someone making an original movie in the genre soon? PLEASE????

1/19/2009, 08:56 AM
Saw this movie on Friday. 3D made it worth it and was really cool. Lots of killing, blood and about a 5 minute full nude scene. Overall 3 1/2 stars.