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View Full Version : Funny note on The Right Reverend Tim T. Messiah by Bill Simmons

1/14/2009, 01:27 PM

Q: Which current athlete is most likely to give an impassioned speech that breaks down long-held prejudices (like how Rocky ended the Cold War)?
-Travis S., New Jersey

SG: I vote for The Right Reverend Tim T. Messiah. Fox's Thom Brennaman spent 15 minutes with him before the (BASEketball alert!) FedEx Orange Bowl and raved about the experience three different times during the telecast, like his life had been irrevocably altered. Can you think of anyone you've ever met for just 15 minutes—in your life—who would turn you into a blubbering stalker on live TV? I say we send The Right Reverend Tim T. Messiah to the Middle East. He can start with Al Qaeda.

1/14/2009, 01:34 PM
Thom Brennamananaman = "blubbering stalker on live TV"

1/14/2009, 01:42 PM
That is awesome!!! Or as my buddy said, "Man, watching the Fox broadcast was as close to gay porn as I ever want to get."

1/14/2009, 02:45 PM
lol found this:

Q: Being a Sooners fan feels like I met a great girl, and because we had the best sex any couple has ever had, I married her. But then she had a religious awakening and has since refused anything but the most basic, lights-off sex. We pretend to enjoy this joyless ritual, but what I really want is grounds for a divorce she'll never provide. Can I get a "Ladies and gentlemen, the Bob Stoops Era"?
-Travis A., Tulsa, Okla.
SG: What is this, Mailbag Karaoke? Okay, fine: Ladies and gentlemen, the Bob Stoops Era!

lol :(

and of course The Tebowner himself made an appearance

Q: Which current athlete is most likely to give an impassioned speech that breaks down long-held prejudices (like how Rocky ended the Cold War)?
-Travis S., New Jersey
SG: I vote for Tim Tebow. Fox's Thom Brennaman spent 15 minutes with him before the BCS Championship Game and raved about the experience three different times during the telecast, like his life had been irrevocably altered. Can you think of anyone you've ever met for just 15 minutes—in your life—who would turn you into a blubbering stalker on live TV? I say we send Tebow to the Middle East. He can start with Al Qaeda.


1/14/2009, 03:09 PM
I just wanted to try this: Tim Tebow