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Viking Kitten
1/12/2009, 01:32 PM
Sounds like a good name for a goth stripper.

"Gentlemen please welcome to the main stage Crystal Darkness!"

*cue Closer by Nine Inch Nails*
*this girl shows up*

Okay but really, if you're in Oklahoma unless you've live under a rock you know it refers to this: http://www.crystaldarknessoklahoma.org/

And the state's airwaves are getting taken over tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. so we can all watch a documentary about how meth is bad, m'kay?

I really have to wonder how effective this is going to be. Course it's not like I have any better ideas other than mandatory sterilization of methheads so I don't have to support their kids.

Anyone else want to weigh in?

1/12/2009, 01:44 PM
i was really hoping this was about a goth stripper

and i guess i was under a rock :O

1/12/2009, 01:44 PM
It killed an ex-inlaw of mine. And by "it," I mean the tweaker that she escaped from treatment with -- to go do meth together -- killed her and left her body in a park. She was a really nice, bright person, and the downward spiral her life took after getting involved with meth was pretty astounding. It's an ugly, ugly thing.

1/12/2009, 01:48 PM
This Might Come as a shock to some . I like My Booze , Ive Nevar seen the attraction Fer that Meth **** :eek:

1/12/2009, 02:25 PM
In all my years...I have never seen a drug worse than this one.

It's methods of making have been transformed as the push to get it off the streets began to strengthen. What these folks are putting into their bodies is absolutely poison. They are slowly killing themselves and even if they stop after a time...I believe they are messed up forever.

There may be the occasional user who did it and didn't like it....but what I have seen usually is someone who gets hooked very quickly and can't stop until they have completely hit rock bottom, landed in jail or die.

Awful stuff.

I applaud the Gov. in his attempt to out the makers of this poison. They need to be put away.

1/12/2009, 02:35 PM
It would make a sweet title for an '80s fantasy movie or an RPG, too.

1/12/2009, 02:56 PM
Back in the mid-90's we used to do it farily regularly (it was called crank back then). I had a couple of buddies get hooked and become full on tweakers (scabs, extreme paranoia, etc), but I never did. I'd pull an all nighter and that was it for me. I don't see how people would stay up for 5-10 days in a row. The lack of sleep alone is enough to make you go insane (and is indeed the primary reason for the mental problems), not to mention the garbage going into your system. It's a bad, dirty, nasty drug, but I don't see any way to slow it down.

1 line of coke = 30 minutes bumping, then hard crash needing more
1 line of crank = 8 hours bumping, then crash

Same cost/gram

It's amazing to me that coke is even around any more...

1/12/2009, 03:39 PM
i was really hoping this was about a goth stripper


Viking Kitten
1/12/2009, 03:52 PM
In all my years...I have never seen a drug worse than this one.

It's methods of making have been transformed as the push to get it off the streets began to strengthen. What these folks are putting into their bodies is absolutely poison. They are slowly killing themselves and even if they stop after a time...I believe they are messed up forever.

There may be the occasional user who did it and didn't like it....but what I have seen usually is someone who gets hooked very quickly and can't stop until they have completely hit rock bottom, landed in jail or die.

Awful stuff.

I applaud the Gov. in his attempt to out the makers of this poison. They need to be put away.

I've got an extended family member hooked on this crap right now. She had all kinds of promise, but has basically decided to throw her life away. It's sickening. We told her over and over why she should stay away from the stuff, but she wouldn't listen. That's why I'm questioning whether showing a documentary about it will do any good.

Part of tomorrow night's campaign includes the state's 211 phone banks all on standby to take calls from people seeking help with meth addiction. I suppose if even a few people are helped it will have been worth it. I'm just a little bitter and cynical I guess.

1/12/2009, 04:03 PM
Anybody remember when "Reefer Madness" came out? We had to watch it when I was in junior high. Scared me for about a week, then when my sister was in the backyard lighting up a cigarette that was yellow and telling me "don't believe that crap, here, take a hit..." the rest was history.

People are stupid. This has been documented. They're gonna do crack, crank, coke, and every other thing they can get their hands on. Some will survive, most won't.

For me personally though, I think weed is just as bad as meth. Seriously. No, you don't chain smoke, stay up for days without eating, twitch like a gerbil fixin' to get a one way ticket to some fag's large intestine, and steal from your own granny, but it kills you all the same. Just much more slooooooooowly.

With meth, in a few years you're homeless, penniless, toothless, friendless and better off dead. With weed, one day you wake up, you're 60 years old, and realize you just pissed away your entire life barely getting by. Each case is tragic.

1/12/2009, 04:03 PM
It's about time we got a Reefer Madness for this century.

1/12/2009, 04:04 PM

1/12/2009, 04:04 PM

1/12/2009, 04:13 PM
Who needs 30 minutes? Just give Pee Wee 60 seconds and he could stop people from doing meth, just like he stopped people from doing crack...


1/12/2009, 04:46 PM
So this girl does meth???;)

I'd still hit it.

1/12/2009, 05:01 PM
I was kinda surprised that it's only a 30-minute long program.

Hopefully, it'll impact at least a few people out there that are thinking about trying it or aren't too far gone just yet. From my experience, it won't even make a dent in the ones already all jacked up on it. But maybe it can help some folks somehow.

It's an evil thing. And if you've ever been close to it or seen/loved someone that was/is you know it's painful and destructive and horrible. Dang.

1/12/2009, 05:42 PM
Hasn't the new laws limiting certain decongestant sales to behind the counter been extremely successful in reducing meth use?

1/12/2009, 05:51 PM
So this girl does meth???;)

I'd still hit it.

Like the fist of an angry God.

1/12/2009, 05:53 PM
Hasn't the new laws limiting certain decongestant sales to behind the counter been extremely successful in reducing meth use?

In a Word NO , the Cooks just go to Deadlier Ingredients :eek: :mad:

Viking Kitten
1/12/2009, 05:57 PM
Hasn't the new laws limiting certain decongestant sales to behind the counter been extremely successful in reducing meth use?

No. It HAS been successful in reducing the amount of meth made in Oklahoma. Demand is still high as ever. So now they're just trucking it in from Mexico.

1/12/2009, 06:15 PM
No. It HAS been successful in reducing the amount of meth made in Oklahoma. Demand is still high as ever. So now they're just trucking it in from Mexico.


1/12/2009, 09:50 PM
A few nights ago I saw where there had been an accident with a vehicle transporting fire extinguishers. They were meth-heads.....apparently they get some chemical out of the fire extinguishers.

1/12/2009, 10:25 PM
Also, fire extinguishers come in handy when they blow up their meth labs. BONUS!

1/12/2009, 11:21 PM
I was kinda surprised that it's only a 30-minute long program.

Hopefully, it'll impact at least a few people out there that are thinking about trying it or aren't too far gone just yet. From my experience, it won't even make a dent in the ones already all jacked up on it. But maybe it can help some folks somehow.

It's an evil thing. And if you've ever been close to it or seen/loved someone that was/is you know it's painful and destructive and horrible. Dang.

Dean nailed it. These PSA's don't deter anybody. The kids that never smoked weed were never going to smoke weed. No amount of "Just say no" or any other anti-drug propaganda had anything to do with that. Same thing with meth. If anything they just reinforce the kids that already know what the drug is all about, but there's no way they can convince somebody it won't happen to them. "It won't happen to me that way".

I remember as a kid the effects of drugs on my Mom and Dad made me HATE all things drug related. All it took was one of my buddies to smoke a joint. At first I was ticked, then I figured I'd just give it a shot. Then I figured that'd be it. I was convinced acid would make you go crazy and you'd never come back... then I had access to it, tripped out, and kept on rolling down drug road for years until I was saved from my sin.

Viking Kitten
1/13/2009, 12:10 AM
For me personally though, I think weed is just as bad as meth. Seriously. No, you don't chain smoke, stay up for days without eating, twitch like a gerbil fixin' to get a one way ticket to some fag's large intestine, and steal from your own granny, but it kills you all the same. Just much more slooooooooowly.

My take is that I know people who smoke pot recreationally and are able to lead productive lives, just like I know people who often get drunk in their spare time and manage to do the same. Of course, there are some idiots who f**k that up and get high and/or drunk all the time and screw things up for the rest of us.

Meth is a different animal though. I've yet to come across any meth users who aren't complete screw ups. What's worse, the chicks tend to spit out multiple children they won't take care of. Makes me furious.

Sure, I guess pot is a gateway drug. But before people try pot, they usually try beer and cigarettes, so aren't those gateway drugs too?

1/13/2009, 12:41 AM
Breathing is a gateway drug!!!

1/13/2009, 01:36 AM
In a Word NO , the Cooks just go to Deadlier Ingredients :eek: :mad:

Not only did Olevet hit the nail on the head...

From what I understand....Not all states have our decongestant law. So...you just get a guy to go into another state and bring it in. Of course when they start running low they do exactly like OV said. They mix poison in that stuff.

The PSA might not help...I haven't seen it. Once I do...I'll chime in a little to let you know if it was a waste of time. Folks who are jacked up on it might not stop...maybe the ones who think they can use occasionally like some pot users do...will think twice if they would see how and where some of this stuff is made.

Hitler and his bunch evidently made some really effective drugs. You can see just how far it got them and the effect they had on our World.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/13/2009, 10:05 AM
Our program is one of the sponsor's of this program tonight. I, like most of you, am pretty cynical of this attempt. I just picture people taking meth while they are watching the show and cracking up about it.

Traveling nationally talking about this stuff, its not the users or makers I really am concerned about. It's their children and their future that bothers me. What bothers me is the pictures I have from the OSBI of kids that reached up on a counter thinking they were grabbing a glass of water only to pull it down and have a drink of some type of acid. Or the ones who spilled it on their face. Or the guy in Washington who stood up during a presentation I was giving and said all the statistics were a lie and that he uses it all the time in the home and that his family is ok....all the while holding a 1 year old girl in his arms.

Currently, over 55 %(I know its a little more but I don't have the current % in front of me) of the children in Oklahoma's foster care are children of meth users/makers.

I couldn't care less about adults who are idiots. But its terrible that a child would have to pay the price for their ignorance.

1/13/2009, 10:22 AM
What STEP said +1
Several years ago My Daughter was In the Middle Of a Meth bust . she wasnt Using Or Cooking or Dealing .
Just wrong Place wrong time .:mad: ( I told Her I wanted to Beat datass of hers )
Short story Long . I heard abouth the Bust and Went to Get MY Grandkids
The sweet 16 told me to GTF away the Kids would Go into Foster Care .
Now Im really Pizzed . Cause The Kids are gettin Traumitised By seeing their Mom Busted, Plus Having to Go into Foster care when They Can see their Papa right There .
Thank GOD there were NO drugs around .
But a Loving Caring Granpa Cant Take the Kids and Talk to em . NO the STATE wants to Hurt the Kids also .
end Of Rant

1/13/2009, 10:33 AM
you're homeless, penniless, toothless, friendless and better off dead. one day you wake up, you're 60 years old, and realize you just pissed away your entire life barely getting by. Each case is tragic.

You are describing drugs, and not the qb position with the Tennessee Vols right?

1/13/2009, 12:02 PM
Not only did Olevet hit the nail on the head...

From what I understand....Not all states have our decongestant law. So...you just get a guy to go into another state and bring it in. Of course when they start running low they do exactly like OV said. They mix poison in that stuff.

I thought it was an FDA regulation over the sales of pseudephedrine?

Everytime I buy it, I have to produce ID, has seemed to make a difference the state.

They just switched to getting it from mexico, where it's an unregulated product.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/13/2009, 12:17 PM
In some states you can't even get decongestants without a prescription from a doctor

1/13/2009, 12:17 PM
I thought it was an FDA regulation over the sales of pseudephedrine?

Everytime I buy it, I have to produce ID, has seemed to make a difference the state.

They just switched to getting it from mexico, where it's an unregulated product.

No I can go to Arkie and Buy it , Plus I can still Buy it On line .:eek:

1/13/2009, 12:42 PM
There are also a few other really good programs out there to sit down and watch with your kids. Lisa Ling did one for the National Geographic Channel called 'Meth: The World's Most Dangerous Drug' and it's pretty good. Shows the epidemic here and in other countries, too. It ain't just for 'Mericans. You'd be surprised to see how it's viewed by other cultures.

Another good one is 'Meth Mountain'. It's a branchout of the A&E series 'Intervention'. It focuses on a little town in Alabama that is having a critical problem with meth.

HBO did one a while back called 'Crank' that was just repulsive. I mean, it was good in that it showed things that network TV can't show and all but it did get into how meth effects people sexually and how some addicts are obsessed with sex and deviant behavior. One woman they talked to said that if it meant getting a hit when she needed it she would have had sex with her own son without even thinking about it. She said that's how messed up your head is. Really twisted stuff like that. Turned my stomach. They talked about what goes on in meth houses. It ain't just selling of the drug. It's some really bad, twisted stuff.

If you want to really open your older kid's eyes, make them watch that one. It will shock the **** out of them. I have done lots of research on this junk simply to educate myself on what it is and how it works...the culture it breeds and the evil it harbors. It's done some serious damage to my family and I wanted to understand it better. When you learn the really ugly stuff and then apply it to your own family members...dang. Just dang.

1/13/2009, 12:53 PM
BSG I think everyone Here Is in agreement .
The Ones that do that **** will sell their kids in to Prostitution To get another Hit .:mad:
I KNOW a Crack Ho . ( No I nevar hit it )
That had 2 young girls 3 and 5 She Lost em to an Uncle that wouldnt Give em Back till she had walked the Straight and Narrow for 3 years .
What in the Hell causes someone to Do that crap ?????:mad: :eek:

Chuck Bao
1/13/2009, 12:54 PM
This just sickens me that our culture has come to this.

And, in context, two adult men who want to live their life together is the focus of such social negativity?

1/13/2009, 12:59 PM
Butt secks is a gateway drug


1/13/2009, 12:59 PM
This just sickens me that our culture has come to this.

And, in context, two adult men who want to live their life together is the focus of such social negativity?

I agree Chuck .
I would Much Rather Have you and Nope as Neighbors as any Meth heads Ive evar known ;)

1/13/2009, 01:00 PM
Butt secks is a gateway drug


Butt it Only Hurts the Catcher .:eek:

1/13/2009, 01:16 PM
It would hurt my eyes.

1/13/2009, 01:17 PM
as long as it's over before American Idol starts.

1/13/2009, 01:19 PM
I still don't think Dancing with the Stars is ready for the NTTAWWT crowd.

Viking Kitten
1/13/2009, 01:33 PM
So I just talked to a 16 year old girl, (in treatment, four months sober now) who at age 14 sold the family dog that she'd had since she was a little girl to get money to buy meth. She says she's pretty sure she's going to wake up thinking about meth every day for the rest of her life. Jebus. Just...Jebus.

1/13/2009, 01:39 PM
It's hard to accept when someone is on that road to ruin.

In this Life there are those who are survivors and those who are not.

Sounds like she's making a choice of whether or not she's going to think about it everyday while in prison or everyday till they throw dirt on her.

It's sad to watch VK.

1/13/2009, 01:57 PM
Just talked to My friend
His 12 Year old Daughter is going to a Schoolmates Funeral
He was 14
Hung Himself .
was Meth a Part ? I would Guess Yes .

1/13/2009, 01:59 PM
VK you May be able to Give More Info .
It happened In Canute Ok .

Viking Kitten
1/13/2009, 02:07 PM
Yikes. Hadn't heard about that one.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/13/2009, 02:09 PM
We have a lady that we talk about in our presentation who used for 4 years and never injected...She is in her 40's and will have to wear adult diapers the rest of her life because she has no control over her kidneys or bowels....

1/13/2009, 02:11 PM
Yikes. Hadn't heard about that one.

The Funeral is today in Canute . What a waste either way .

1/13/2009, 02:13 PM
We have a lady that we talk about in our presentation who used for 4 years and never injected...She is in her 40's and will have to wear adult diapers the rest of her life because she has no control over her kidneys or bowels....

Makes Me appreciate MY Natty .:eek:

1/13/2009, 02:40 PM
I really didn't know things were that bad up there. I don't know if the problem just isn't as bad here in Dallas, or if there are just too many other crazy things going on for it to make much news.

1/13/2009, 02:49 PM
I really didn't know things were that bad up there. I don't know if the problem just isn't as bad here in Dallas, or if there are just too many other crazy things going on for it to make much news.

Its as Bad there Bro
Ya just got More peeps to spread it around .

1/13/2009, 02:54 PM
when I was working for Dish, I was involved in the hiring process. HR told me that they more drug failures for meth then everything else combined.

1/13/2009, 02:55 PM
I agree Chuck .
I would Much Rather Have you and Nope as Neighbors as any Meth heads Ive evar known ;)

you sure? Maybe Nope is a screamer?

stoops the eternal pimp
1/13/2009, 03:05 PM
when I was working for Dish, I was involved in the hiring process. HR told me that they more drug failures for meth then everything else combined.

When Chili's opened here in McAlester, only 12 of the first 93 applicants passed the test..most failed because of meth or marjuana..

Lowes was even worse than that...only 150 of the first 1000 passed

I think the reason it is so rampant here is because it is cheap to make and/or buy...Low income people can afford to just make it themselves...

What we are seeing now though is that heroin and cocain dealers have lowered the prices on their drugs as to match up with what the meth labs are charging and sell more of their drug..

1/13/2009, 03:16 PM
Meth house next door: property values plummet

Chuck and Nope move in next door: HELLO, PROPERTY APPRECIATION!

1/13/2009, 03:27 PM
Only if the neighbor is into pseudo dungeon look

1/13/2009, 03:36 PM
when I was working for Dish, I was involved in the hiring process. HR told me that they more drug failures for meth then everything else combined.

When Chili's opened here in McAlester, only 12 of the first 93 applicants passed the test..most failed because of meth or marjuana..

Lowes was even worse than that...only 150 of the first 1000 passed

I think the reason it is so rampant here is because it is cheap to make and/or buy...Low income people can afford to just make it themselves...

What we are seeing now though is that heroin and cocain dealers have lowered the prices on their drugs as to match up with what the meth labs are charging and sell more of their drug..

Wait a second...meth heads actually try to get jobs?

Are you sure?

Chuck Bao
1/13/2009, 04:09 PM
Meth house next door: property values plummet

Chuck and Nope move in next door: HELLO, PROPERTY APPRECIATION!

I think that is generally true. Nope and I turned a failed restaurant into pretty nice living quarters and condo unit values in our building have risen since in a very down market.

We aren’t flying the rainbow flag or anything like that, although I’d very much like to raise the multi-colored banner of freedom and equality.

Nope and I have never tried meth, coke, crank, crunk or whatever and I think both of us would agree that it’s all pretty bad and self destructive. We aren’t into that, nor would we allow each other to slide into that. We just want to make our way, the best we know how. You can think buttsecs all you want, but it isn’t about that either.

I have a farm and land and I refuse to believe that a rural community would turn its back on two pretty good guys living together. That isn’t part of the character issue or property values issue that started this post, but on second thought maybe it is.

1/13/2009, 04:12 PM
Wait a second...meth heads actually try to get jobs?

Are you sure?

Well, they gotta do something with all that extra energy.

1/13/2009, 04:26 PM
Well, if they got on at Lowes, there is quite a bit of stuff to steal and sell for the meth. I've worked at restaurants back in the day and never met a short order cook who didn't enjoy some doobie. ;)

Viking Kitten
1/13/2009, 04:44 PM
Nope and I have never tried meth, coke, crank, crunk or whatever and I think both of us would agree that it’s all pretty bad and self destructive. We aren’t into that, nor would we allow each other to slide into that. We just want to make our way, the best we know how. You can think buttsecs all you want, but it isn’t about that either.

I have a farm and land and I refuse to believe that a rural community would turn its back on two pretty good guys living together. That isn’t part of the character issue or property values issue that started this post, but on second thought maybe it is.

Wait, Chuck and Nope are the Dukes of Hazard?

1/13/2009, 04:45 PM
When I was doing it, there never was any all out debauchery going on, but more just stupidity. I'd carry on for hours and hours with some of the stupidest people in Oklahoma and think I was having the conversation of my life. One time over 2 days these two buddies of mine designed multiple patterns of braids for one of the dudes hair while the other did it. Multiple designs, in a cranksters hair, and they believed they were on par with Michelangelo.

Growing up was a different story. When I was a kid, my mom was into that scene (crystal back then), and there were some crazy things going on. Fortunately I was shielded by a lot of it from my grandparents, but I went to her house every second weekend and sometimes some bad stuff went down. I guess its different when its a bunch of dumb high schoolers than when its career criminals in their 20's and 30's.

Viking Kitten
1/13/2009, 04:52 PM
Tbl, You went to your mother's house every second weekend, meanwhile you lived with their grandparents. That pretty much sums it up right there.

Did you guys know that Oklahoma leads the nation in the number of grandparents raising their grandchildren? Want to take one good guess as to why? And so then the kids, who see that mom loves her dealer boyfriend more than she loves them, start raiding Granny's medicine cabinet at age 12.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Chuck Bao
1/13/2009, 05:04 PM
Wait, Chuck and Nope are the Dukes of Hazard?

Except we aint cousins and Daisy would be left buying some totally kick *** hooker boots.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/13/2009, 05:15 PM
Tbl, You went to your mother's house every second weekend, meanwhile you lived with their grandparents. That pretty much sums it up right there.

Did you guys know that Oklahoma leads the nation in the number of grandparents raising their grandchildren? Want to take one good guess as to why? And so then the kids, who see that mom loves her dealer boyfriend more than she loves them, start raiding Granny's medicine cabinet at age 12.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

VK I just did 2 grandparents raising grandchildren conferences( 1 in OKC, 1 in Washington) and your spot on...And what makes this thing bad is that the average grandparent isn't gonna know why their grandkid is sleeping all day or having mood swings or even keep up with the oxycontin disappearing from their medicine cabinets. They don't know why their child all of a sudden doesn't want to play sports anymore. Especially in the tribes I deal with a majority of the time.

42 percent is the national average of grandparents raising grandkids

58.5 percent of grandparents are raising them in Oklahoma

1/13/2009, 05:20 PM
Wait, Chuck and Nope are the Dukes of Hazard?

Well, their domestic partnership is just a little bit more than the law will allow.

Red states, FTW! :D

Chuck Bao
1/13/2009, 05:22 PM
When I was doing it, there never was any all out debauchery going on, but more just stupidity. I'd carry on for hours and hours with some of the stupidest people in Oklahoma and think I was having the conversation of my life. One time over 2 days these two buddies of mine designed multiple patterns of braids for one of the dudes hair while the other did it. Multiple designs, in a cranksters hair, and they believed they were on par with Michelangelo.

Growing up was a different story. When I was a kid, my mom was into that scene (crystal back then), and there were some crazy things going on. Fortunately I was shielded by a lot of it from my grandparents, but I went to her house every second weekend and sometimes some bad stuff went down. I guess its different when its a bunch of dumb high schoolers than when its career criminals in their 20's and 30's.

That's pretty sad and congrats for turning out as the better man, tbl, despite the very negative influences. And, kudos to your grandparents. Debached is a good word to destribe this unfortunate drug addiction.

Viking Kitten
1/13/2009, 05:26 PM
VK I just did 2 grandparents raising grandchildren conferences( 1 in OKC, 1 in Washington) and your spot on...And what makes this thing bad is that the average grandparent isn't gonna know why their grandkid is sleeping all day or having mood swings or even keep up with the oxycontin disappearing from their medicine cabinets. They don't know why their child all of a sudden doesn't want to play sports anymore. Especially in the tribes I deal with a majority of the time.

42 percent is the national average of grandparents raising grandkids

58.5 percent of grandparents are raising them in Oklahoma

Yep. It is f***ing insane. I'm going to make sure my kids are well aware that after they are done with college, I'm done with child rearing. Done. Bye! I'll send you a post card from Tahiti. I'll babysit sometimes, but I ain't raising your kids for you. Sorry.

Chuck Bao
1/13/2009, 05:30 PM
Well, their domestic partnership is just a little bit more than the law will allow.

Red states, FTW! :D

Just 8 inches more than the US State Department will allow.

1/13/2009, 05:34 PM

1/13/2009, 05:36 PM

Czar Soonerov
1/13/2009, 06:31 PM
It would hurt my eyes.

NSFW (language)
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/gOSBH84Wqtg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/gOSBH84Wqtg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

1/13/2009, 06:56 PM
When I was doing it, there never was any all out debauchery going on, but more just stupidity. I'd carry on for hours and hours with some of the stupidest people in Oklahoma and think I was having the conversation of my life. One time over 2 days these two buddies of mine designed multiple patterns of braids for one of the dudes hair while the other did it. Multiple designs, in a cranksters hair, and they believed they were on par with Michelangelo.

Growing up was a different story. When I was a kid, my mom was into that scene (crystal back then), and there were some crazy things going on. Fortunately I was shielded by a lot of it from my grandparents, but I went to her house every second weekend and sometimes some bad stuff went down. I guess its different when its a bunch of dumb high schoolers than when its career criminals in their 20's and 30's.

Now we Know How you Got 1.25 Mil Posts . :D

1/13/2009, 10:16 PM
I'm sorry C & C...but there is no f'n way pot is even close to as bad as meth...no way...

1/14/2009, 06:56 AM
So I read through all four pages here... did anybody actually buckle down for a half hour and watch the special last night? We decided not to, but I was hoping to hear your South Oval verdict on it.

Something tells me it's not the same type of TV special that I had thrown at me as a kid:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/z6vY4gpsiSE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/z6vY4gpsiSE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Viking Kitten
1/14/2009, 08:45 AM
I watched it. I was underwhelmed. I think meth needs to scare the bejeezus out of people, especially teenagers, and that particular documentary didn't tell us anything new. I've seen that HBO show BSG talked about...she's right, it's awful. It's graphic, but it does a much better job of conveying how scary this crap is.

1/14/2009, 09:49 AM
I forgot to watch it too. There is an Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs agent who gives an incredible lecture on meth and how/why it's so addictive. Meth gives people a euphoria that can't be matched naturally and they can keep it going for days. They spend the rest of their lives searching for that high. They know if they stop, they will never feel that good again. Ever. It would be hard to stop once you've felt that good.

1/14/2009, 09:54 AM
I watched it. agree with VK about it.

1/14/2009, 09:58 AM
I forgot to watch it too. There is an Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs agent who gives an incredible lecture on meth and how/why it's so addictive. Meth gives people a euphoria that can't be matched naturally and they can keep it going for days. They spend the rest of their lives searching for that high. They know if they stop, they will never feel that good again. Ever. It would be hard to stop once you've felt that good.

Kinda like a Hole-In-One, THAT euphoria is hard to come by.

6 - iron. 186 yards. It. was. beautiful.

1/14/2009, 10:12 AM
Kinda like a Hole-In-One, THAT euphoria is hard to come by.

6 - iron. 186 yards. It. was. beautiful.

You Talking about the Blind Dude ? :P

Viking Kitten
1/14/2009, 10:12 AM
Have you ever slept with some dude in exchange for green fees though, 4Life?

1/14/2009, 10:18 AM
Have you ever slept with some dude in exchange for green fees though, 4Life?

not yet.

1/14/2009, 10:18 AM
wait, is this going to lead into a story you did?

Viking Kitten
1/14/2009, 10:22 AM
Time for an intervention. And maybe a wax.

1/14/2009, 10:27 AM
pffft, my one vice is golf.

well that and food.

ok, two vices.

1/14/2009, 10:42 AM
Wait, Chuck and Nope are the Dukes of Hazard?

Does that make olevet Uncle Jesse?

and most importantly, who's Daisy

1/14/2009, 10:42 AM
Have you ever slept with some dude in exchange for green fees though, 4Life?

not yet.

Nobody slept. :eek:

1/14/2009, 10:50 AM
cue the blue oyster bar music...

1/14/2009, 10:50 AM
My oldest couldn't find her remote so she watched it. I watched about 10 minutes and it was like: "Meth is bad, M'Kay."

I was much more impressed when I was in 11th grade and the inmates came to our school and did a scared straight program and told us all about getting "punked out."

1/14/2009, 10:54 AM
not yet.

What about lick the tip? :D ;) :pop:

1/14/2009, 11:04 AM
I promise you...I could take your kids around Tulsa...point out the tweakers for them...then go down to the Police Station. Once there I can let them know why I'm talking to my kids about this crap and they can probably lead you to a number of sources to show just what most Meth Labs look like. Now take them to a legitimate drug company. Show that what a real lab looks like. Now...from there...we can start looking through a PDA. Once we find a few drugs that have become street drugs of choise lets say a timed-released oxicontin for example....we can can have them read about the drug interactions, side effects and warnings. Now....we can head back to the meth lab and take a good long look at what they've cooked up for our little kiddies to snort, smoke and shoot. What...they don't have a list of side effects for their product? OK...lets go down to the nearest Hospital Emergency Room....say...Saturday Night. If I can find a Nurse that has a few moments maybe we can ask her if she's seen any folks who use meth come through there and she can tell my kids what kind of symtoms she viewed by these most unfortunate junkies.

I'm pretty sure my kids won't be doing any of it once I educate them.

Don't wait...do it now. If you love your kids....try something to educate them...don't let peer pressure or a girl friend/boyfriend be the one to teach them.

1/14/2009, 11:12 AM
My misses could tell you some lovely stories about how these kids are born into DHS custody at 25-30 weeks already addicted to the crank. It is lovely.

1/14/2009, 11:18 AM
I promise you...I could take your kids around Tulsa...point out the tweakers for them...then go down to the Police Station.

You could be like those daytime television shows that send bratty, drug-addicted, often-arrested trouble making kids to jail for a night so that the convicts can tell them how stupid they are and how little they want to spend the rest of their lives behind bars.

1/14/2009, 11:20 AM
What about lick the tip? :D ;) :pop:

Maybe for Augusta.

of course, then I'd have to kill them.

1/14/2009, 12:46 PM
Here's my drug talk to my kids.

"Kid, don't do drugs"
"ok mom."

texas bandman
1/14/2009, 12:59 PM
42 percent is the national average of grandparents raising grandkids

58.5 percent of grandparents are raising them in Oklahoma

I guess my boys should feel lucky that they're being raised by both parents. (We're just old enough to be their grandparents. :D )

stoops the eternal pimp
1/14/2009, 01:24 PM
I was raised by my grandparents and am glad for it...now that I m 32 and have 2 kids, I can't imagine starting over raising kids after retirement

1/14/2009, 11:52 PM
I promise you...I could take your kids around Tulsa...point out the tweakers for them...then go down to the Police Station. Once there I can let them know why I'm talking to my kids about this crap and they can probably lead you to a number of sources to show just what most Meth Labs look like. Now take them to a legitimate drug company. Show that what a real lab looks like. Now...from there...we can start looking through a PDA. Once we find a few drugs that have become street drugs of choise lets say a timed-released oxicontin for example....we can can have them read about the drug interactions, side effects and warnings. Now....we can head back to the meth lab and take a good long look at what they've cooked up for our little kiddies to snort, smoke and shoot. What...they don't have a list of side effects for their product? OK...lets go down to the nearest Hospital Emergency Room....say...Saturday Night. If I can find a Nurse that has a few moments maybe we can ask her if she's seen any folks who use meth come through there and she can tell my kids what kind of symtoms she viewed by these most unfortunate junkies.

I'm pretty sure my kids won't be doing any of it once I educate them.

Don't wait...do it now. If you love your kids....try something to educate them...don't let peer pressure or a girl friend/boyfriend be the one to teach them.


6333 E. Skelly Drive. 12 & 12 rehab. A refurbished hotel full of crank heads, drunks, and every other type of substance abuse you'd ever want. If I had a dollar for every time I've had to tie a God damned junkie up in a knot because he was having "breathing difficulties" or "chest pain" and promptly tried to strongarm one of my guys or some hapless, witless EMSA donk, I'd have a whole bunch of dollars.

If I had a dollar for every junkie that's so junked out he/she is scratching at scratches in an effort to die even quicker than the drugs are killing 'em, I'd have a whole bunch of dollars. Soda pop can suicide attempts, playtime Oscar winning seizure performances and award winning contortions of pain, in an effort to get a clueless paramedic to drop an IV and push some meds. There's example after example of folks who find the path and rise up. But I can't help but look at every lost cause and tremble. Not in fear of the victim, but in fear of my own precious daughter falling under the spectre of death this whore of a problem casts. It scares me more than anything I have known, more than anything I have faced.

I just hope to hell what I'm doing to expose my baby to this and reinforce not the danger, but the almost certain death of it all is what needs to happen to make it stick. I honestly don't know what I'd do if it didn't.

1/16/2009, 12:36 PM
Tbl, You went to your mother's house every second weekend, meanwhile you lived with their grandparents. That pretty much sums it up right there.

Did you guys know that Oklahoma leads the nation in the number of grandparents raising their grandchildren? Want to take one good guess as to why? And so then the kids, who see that mom loves her dealer boyfriend more than she loves them, start raiding Granny's medicine cabinet at age 12.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Fortunately I ended that cycle, though its only by Gods grace. I just don't see how parents can abandon their kids, though I think an overwhelming percentage of parents that do have drug problems, most of them the hard drugs. Still, there's something wrong with people that do that, regardless of the drugs. My older sister and I take care of our kids and can't imagine being without them (as is the norm for most parents out there), but it looks like my younger sister has that same flaw my Mom had. She's on pills real bad and just cannot understand that she's a Mom now and stop messing around to raise her daughter. So now my Mom, who completely regrets all the screwups in her life as a Mother, is now raising her grandchild. Crazy how the cycle repeats, especially by somebody that KNOWS what its like.

1/16/2009, 12:42 PM
I forgot to watch it too. There is an Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs agent who gives an incredible lecture on meth and how/why it's so addictive. Meth gives people a euphoria that can't be matched naturally and they can keep it going for days. They spend the rest of their lives searching for that high. They know if they stop, they will never feel that good again. Ever. It would be hard to stop once you've felt that good.

Well... it can be matched naturally, as the drug itself just increases the surge of chemicals already in your brain and can at times be at the same level naturally as when using the drug. The night of the National Championship I felt JUST like I used to when I was tweaking. I was on edge, heart racing nonstop, couldn't eat, and my whole mind was racing 100 MPH. I do agree that the drugs produce that same feeling for an extremely extended period of time, which outside of battle or extreme situations like that, can't be duplicated naturally.

1/16/2009, 01:37 PM
You have first-hand experience that I don't, but that's how it was explained to me by a neuro-behavioral guy as to why it's so addictive.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/16/2009, 01:45 PM
Our statistics show that only 6 out of 100 can get off of it and stay off it once its started..so big kudos to those who can get off of it..

And Doc, thats the way we present it as well. And then it gets to where they can never get that feeling again, so they take more and more of it just trying to get that same high.

Another thing is that there is no such thing as a lethal dose of meth, because everybody makes it different. You may take one guys mix and take it over and over, while you may get another lab's stuff and it kill you the first time, because they all use different amounts and different kinds of stuff to make it

Viking Kitten
1/16/2009, 03:10 PM
Fortunately I ended that cycle, though its only by Gods grace. I just don't see how parents can abandon their kids, though I think an overwhelming percentage of parents that do have drug problems, most of them the hard drugs. Still, there's something wrong with people that do that, regardless of the drugs. My older sister and I take care of our kids and can't imagine being without them (as is the norm for most parents out there), but it looks like my younger sister has that same flaw my Mom had. She's on pills real bad and just cannot understand that she's a Mom now and stop messing around to raise her daughter. So now my Mom, who completely regrets all the screwups in her life as a Mother, is now raising her grandchild. Crazy how the cycle repeats, especially by somebody that KNOWS what its like.

As BSG pointed out, drug abuse in general and meth abuse in particular often leads to some freaky sexual behavior. Then you throw in the women who prostitute themselves to get drugs, and what you end up with is a whole lot of unwanted pregnancies. Who knows what the hell goes through the heads of women who seem to think that they will somehow be able to pull it together and take care of their children. Maybe they really think they can, or maybe they think having a kid will just mean they score some foodstamps or something.

I think we all know what happens to the kids entirely too often though. Think murdered family in El Reno this week, or Caylee Anthony, or the dog that killed the baby in Tulsa last summer while mom was asleep stoned. The list goes on, and those are just the ones that die. How about all the ones that just repeat the cycle and wind up on drugs themselves?

Don't really have a solution here. I'm just pointing out that why it makes me sad. And really p***ed off.

Viking Kitten
1/16/2009, 03:20 PM
Although one solution I would be down with is immediately and PERMANENTLY revoking parental rights if a baby is born with meth in its system.

1/16/2009, 03:27 PM
You have first-hand experience that I don't, but that's how it was explained to me by a neuro-behavioral guy as to why it's so addictive.

Think about it though. The shot of adrenaline I was getting from that game happens very rarely in life. We all get a taste here and there, but that night it was extended for a couple of hours and it was killing me. The difference is, when you're taking speed you're typically in a good mood, whereas my natural high was from stress, excitement, and adrenaline. I wasn't enjoying the way I was feeling at all, but back in the day when I'd take speed just to party it was AWESOME.

The difference with speed and other drugs is you're essentially sober, just cranked up a notch. It's easy to see why people get addicted b/c you feel great. That's the hook.

You really do feel like you're on top of the world, extremely intelligent, relevant, creative, insightful, and everything you're saying and doing is going to have a serious impact the world. Then you wake up after your 23 hour sleep to realize all you've done is spend countless hours getting inside the head of the scum of the earth, took apart three VCR's and unsuccessfully put any of them back together. "Time to get high again, because I feel like crap now."

It's the crash back to reality that makes speedsters come back for more. They suddenly realize they are indeed losers, completely irrelevant to society, and nothing they say/do will ever make an impact at all. It makes winners out of losers. Happy people out of sad people. Driven people out of lazy people. The sad thing is its an illusion in their own minds, but they can't see it. It's a drug that draws people completely into themselves (selfishness, what most drugs appeal to), and ultimately leads to the destruction of relationships with those that aren't strung out with them (children, parents, friends, siblings, etc)... and eventually their own lives.

When a serious user gets off the drug, they will always have emotional problems. I've seen this personally and don't need to see the studies to know its true. It's bad news, but anybody that ever tries it always thinks "yeah but that won't happen to me"... and it usually does.

1/16/2009, 03:33 PM
Although one solution I would be down with is immediately and PERMANENTLY revoking parental rights if a baby is born with meth in its system.

I don't know about permanently, b/c like I've said I've seen people get straight and seriously regret all the things they did as druggies... but doing dope while pregnant is extremely sorry and should be punished by jailtime. My Mom, as wacked as she was back then, somehow would get straight for the duration of her pregnancies, then jump right back on after we were born. Makes no sense...

Viking Kitten
1/16/2009, 03:39 PM
But if the baby was born with meth in its system, that would mean the mother did not get straight for the duration of the pregnancy. And if a mother can't do that, I don't believe she will ever have that child's best interests at heart.

Viking Kitten
1/16/2009, 03:41 PM
And yes, I understand people can and do get straight, but I don't think we as a society should take the gamble that a mother might be able to clean up in time to raise this child properly, especially during a child's early years when good parenting is the most critical.

1/16/2009, 03:48 PM
this thread is bringing me down, I wish I had something to make me euphoric.

Viking Kitten
1/16/2009, 03:54 PM
I've got a bunch of Girl Scout Cookies for sale. I'm dealing them illicitly from work. Would that help?

1/16/2009, 04:04 PM
yes, actually.

1/16/2009, 04:05 PM
but i'm sure it's a temporary high.

the fat left on my ***, however would last for a while

1/16/2009, 04:18 PM
this thread is bringing me down, I wish I had something to make me euphoric.

Pocket Aces?

1/16/2009, 04:21 PM
Think about it though. The shot of adrenaline I was getting from that game happens very rarely in life. We all get a taste here and there, but that night it was extended for a couple of hours and it was killing me. The difference is, when you're taking speed you're typically in a good mood, whereas my natural high was from stress, excitement, and adrenaline. I wasn't enjoying the way I was feeling at all, but back in the day when I'd take speed just to party it was AWESOME.

The difference with speed and other drugs is you're essentially sober, just cranked up a notch. It's easy to see why people get addicted b/c you feel great. That's the hook.

You really do feel like you're on top of the world, extremely intelligent, relevant, creative, insightful, and everything you're saying and doing is going to have a serious impact the world. Then you wake up after your 23 hour sleep to realize all you've done is spend countless hours getting inside the head of the scum of the earth, took apart three VCR's and unsuccessfully put any of them back together. "Time to get high again, because I feel like crap now."

It's the crash back to reality that makes speedsters come back for more. They suddenly realize they are indeed losers, completely irrelevant to society, and nothing they say/do will ever make an impact at all. It makes winners out of losers. Happy people out of sad people. Driven people out of lazy people. The sad thing is its an illusion in their own minds, but they can't see it. It's a drug that draws people completely into themselves (selfishness, what most drugs appeal to), and ultimately leads to the destruction of relationships with those that aren't strung out with them (children, parents, friends, siblings, etc)... and eventually their own lives.

When a serious user gets off the drug, they will always have emotional problems. I've seen this personally and don't need to see the studies to know its true. It's bad news, but anybody that ever tries it always thinks "yeah but that won't happen to me"... and it usually does.

Truest words I've ever read about meth..

1/16/2009, 04:22 PM
Meth is worse. There are actually several well published studies that demonstrate that long term methamphetamine use actually causes permanent changes and damage to the cerebral cortex and nerve conduction. Some drugs you can stop and get back to a pre-drug state after discontinuation. Long term meth use is not one of them.

1/16/2009, 04:36 PM
Note to users..
Quit now.
get new friends.
Eat good, take vitamins.
You are going to be depressed, get help for it.
Its gonna REALLY suck for 8 or 9 months.
If you can make it thru that, I swear you can have something like a normal life... If that is what you want.
But do it now.. tomorrow it will be harder.

1/16/2009, 04:45 PM
Meth is worse. There are actually several well published studies that demonstrate that long term methamphetamine use actually causes permanent changes and damage to the cerebral cortex and nerve conduction. Some drugs you can stop and get back to a pre-drug state after discontinuation. Long term meth use is not one of them.

That's what I was talking about. When I say speed, crank, crystal, etc., its just other words for methamphetamine. Indeed that study is true. It's the same thing for crackheads or cocaine addicts. The drugs operate in the same manner by radically increasing dopamine levels in the brain. Too much abuse of this and the brain ends up being unable to control dopamine levels on its own, thus making you an emotional wreck the rest of your life... much like your average woman. ;)

1/16/2009, 04:45 PM
For me personally though, I think weed is just as bad as meth. Seriously. No, you don't chain smoke, stay up for days without eating, twitch like a gerbil fixin' to get a one way ticket to some fag's large intestine, and steal from your own granny, but it kills you all the same. Just much more slooooooooowly.

I appreciate that you said "for me personally". I've read your posts about your youth and appreciate your point of view. I, too did every drug known to man and didn't stop until I was almost thirty. I loved me some quaaludes and and mushrooms but when I stuck that first eighth gram of meth in my arm I was absolutely addicted. All the other stuff I could pick up and put down but this stuff I couldn't do without.

By the Grace of God I saw it ruin enough friends lives and had enough to live for and finally saw my future on meth and put it down.

Weed, on the other hand I gave up reluctantly. If it were legal I'd probably smoke a bowl every evening and not miss a beat. And I'm a high paid professional and ****. I bet you were one of those guys who had a puff or two to start the day and stayed high all day long. I've known some like that and you're right, they're killing any chance they might have to amount to anything.

1/28/2009, 12:37 AM
Anybody remember when "Reefer Madness" came out? We had to watch it when I was in junior high. Scared me for about a week, then when my sister was in the backyard lighting up a cigarette that was yellow and telling me "don't believe that crap, here, take a hit..." the rest was history.

People are stupid. This has been documented. They're gonna do crack, crank, coke, and every other thing they can get their hands on. Some will survive, most won't.

For me personally though, I think weed is just as bad as meth. Seriously. No, you don't chain smoke, stay up for days without eating, twitch like a gerbil fixin' to get a one way ticket to some fag's large intestine, and steal from your own granny, but it kills you all the same. Just much more slooooooooowly.

That's not true. It is physically impossible for marijuana to kill you by itself. You'd have to be driving and get in a wreck. Marijuana is actually a pretty harmless substance. I believe it's safer than alcohol and a much better alternative than tobacco.

1/28/2009, 07:50 AM
That's not true. It is physically impossible for marijuana to kill you by itself. You'd have to be driving and get in a wreck. Marijuana is actually a pretty harmless substance. I believe it's safer than alcohol and a much better alternative than tobacco.

While I generally agree that pot is not as bad as meth in that it is a slower process, it is the same social dynamic. Addiction is addiction, only the substance differs. Meth is an accelerator in that it gets you to the bottom quicker, but an addict will get there eventually whether it is meth, pot, alcohol, food, whatever.

One story I relate is the conversation I overheard at a funeral of a guy who died of liver failure. His wife was lamenting the fact that he just could not seem to quit drinking even though it was killing him. When someone asked if he ever tried AA, she replied, "Oh no, he was never that bad".

If you are an addictive person, Pot is that bad. And whoever it was nailed it. Pot addicts wake up one day 60 years old an wonder how they managed to waste away their life blissfully buzzed and non-productive. The big problem with addiction, in whatever form, is that the addict is almost always the last one to know he/she has a problem.

1/28/2009, 08:22 AM
Although one solution I would be down with is immediately and PERMANENTLY revoking parental rights if a baby is born with meth in its system.

The ACLU would air drop in a battalion of their lawyers if a jurisdiction tried that.

And you know what else? While its not DHS's fault, I don't trust DHS to keep tweakers' kids substantially safer than their own extended families. Nationally, the state DHS folks who are charged with administering and monitoring childen in foster homes are pitifully understaffed and underresourced.

1/28/2009, 08:38 AM
One of my employees, who really did a fine job, went to jail for 1 year because of meth. The sad part, is that he got busted with it shortly after I hired him...this was apparently not his first time to get caught. The court system took well over a year to sentence him to jail. But during that time, we had several discussions about life, and the consequence of poor decision making. The job was really good for him, and I never suspected him to be high while he worked for me. So it was a bad deal all around. He should be getting out this March, I'll likely give him a job again - hoping he can get a fresh start.

But I don't get it either..drinking some beer or smoking a little weed in college is one thing, but putting this poison in your system is nuts. The number of people addicted to this crap is scary. Thank god he has no kids. Lives with his mother etc...I guess she is enabling him... Not sure if he would be any better off if she kicked him out, he would probably quickly end up in a bad place.

Teach your children well.

1/28/2009, 09:43 AM
Teach your children well.

Their father's hell did slowly go by?

1/28/2009, 09:43 AM
And feed them on your dreams

The one they picked, the one you'll know by.

1/28/2009, 09:57 AM
I never suspected him to be high while he worked for me.

You probably just thought he was an awesome worker. Obviously so, if you want to give him a job after he gets out. That's the dangerous thing about meth. At first, and with controlled use, you can actually be very productive in whatever it is you're doing. I mean that's kinda the point. The problem is it never stays that way for too long.

1/28/2009, 05:02 PM
That's not true. It is physically impossible for marijuana to kill you by itself. You'd have to be driving and get in a wreck. Marijuana is actually a pretty harmless substance. I believe it's safer than alcohol and a much better alternative than tobacco.

I guess the weed you're smoking is keeping you from reading what I typed.

I never said pot will kill you by itself. It kills your life. To me, that's the same thing. I know a lot of people (many my own family members and close friends) who've been lifelong potheads. A few of them hold down decent jobs, and almost all of them have a job of some sort. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM functions so far below their potential it makes me ill to watch.

One of my sisters is 54 years old and has smoked pot continuously for over 40 years now. She did all the other drugs through the 70s and 80s, quit them all, but has continued with the weed. She still maintains that pot is safe, non habit forming, and much safer than alcohol or tobacco - just like you do. Let me tell you a little about my sister:

She's got 5 kids from 3 different men. She's not married to any of them anymore. She has diabetes, is on social security and welfare and food stamps, lives in a trailer house my mom owns (and my mom pays her electric bills, etc.) has several out of wedlock grandchildren, and has never done anything in her life except wait tables. She can't do that anymore because of neuropathy from the diabetes. Basically she gets up, does some bongs, eats, lays around, does some more bongs, eats, and sometimes goes and picks up a grandkid or two to babysit. That's her entire ****ing life.

And she's actually not one of the worst potheads I know. A kid I went through school with still works for the same POS construction company in Tucson that he did when he dropped out of high school. I saw him a couple years ago and he vaguely remembers me (we hung out for 5 straight years getting high together). He goes to work (still laboring for a mason crew), hits the bar for lunch and blows a joint, back to work, back to the bar, then home. It's his life. No wife anymore. His kids haven't seen him in years.

And both of these people are completely satisfied with their lives if you ask them. They're gettin' by. It's good enough - when you're a stoner.

I could go on and on but I won't bore you. Smoke your weed if you want. Don't come whining to me in 30 years when you ain't got a pot to **** in or a window to throw it out of. Sure, you'll be alive, but you won't be living.

1/28/2009, 07:50 PM
Well said. There comes a point when it's no longer cute to smoke weed. Christ, especially if you have other responsibilities.

1/29/2009, 08:21 AM
but it's harmless...it's for medicinal purposes....it's

a crutch is what it is. Just like the others. A weakness within oneself. imo.

1/29/2009, 09:22 AM
Yeah, I don't see how it's a "better" alternative to tobacco.

1/29/2009, 10:41 AM
you smoke less?

i don't know many pot smokers that don't smoke cigarettes though. at least with weed you might just be getting weed

i think the "weakness" is there regardless, that just happens to be the drug of choice for the lazy lots of the time

the difference is that with weed you aren't sucked in almost immediately like you are with meth or crack or heroin, you can casually use it

i think most of those family stories weed could be replaced with alcohol and applied to just as many if not more families

did someone give up on life and start drinking/smoking or start drinking/smoking and then give up on life?

1/29/2009, 10:48 AM
I'm going out on a limb here and say the 'just say no' campaign isn't really working.

Viking Kitten
1/29/2009, 11:13 AM
Ace brought up a really another really good point too... how to integrate recovering addicts back into society. Some employers will take a chance and hire them, but many won't. In fact, if they've spent time in prison, they stand very little chance of getting a job. So if they can't work, what do they do? Usually get right back on drugs no matter how sincerely they want to kick it.

Another statistic: Oklahoma leads the nation, and possibly the world, in the number of incarcerated women. About 80 percent of them are there either directly or indirectly as a result of drugs. Most of them, without rehab, are back using drugs within hours of release from prison. A LOT of those women have children.

Anybody got a solution for this one?

1/29/2009, 11:16 AM
I'm going out on a limb here and say the 'just say no' campaign isn't really working.

kinda like abstinence education :rolleyes:

1/29/2009, 11:29 AM

1/29/2009, 11:30 AM
Ace brought up a really another really good point too... how to integrate recovering addicts back into society. Some employers will take a chance and hire them, but many won't. In fact, if they've spent time in prison, they stand very little chance of getting a job. So if they can't work, what do they do? Usually get right back on drugs no matter how sincerely they want to kick it.

Another statistic: Oklahoma leads the nation, and possibly the world, in the number of incarcerated women. About 80 percent of them are there either directly or indirectly as a result of drugs. Most of them, without rehab, are back using drugs within hours of release from prison. A LOT of those women have children.

Anybody got a solution for this one?

chicks, man.

1/29/2009, 11:53 AM
Ace brought up a really another really good point too... how to integrate recovering addicts back into society. Some employers will take a chance and hire them, but many won't. In fact, if they've spent time in prison, they stand very little chance of getting a job. So if they can't work, what do they do? Usually get right back on drugs no matter how sincerely they want to kick it.

Another statistic: Oklahoma leads the nation, and possibly the world, in the number of incarcerated women. About 80 percent of them are there either directly or indirectly as a result of drugs. Most of them, without rehab, are back using drugs within hours of release from prison. A LOT of those women have children.

Anybody got a solution for this one?

1. They get rehabbed in prison.

2. They get out and choose to start using again.

3. Rehab doesn't work - unless the person truly wants to quit. In most cases, rehab is a complete and total waste of time, energy, and $$.

4. The only truly rehabbed people I know are the ones who've sworn off the ****, hate it, and wouldn't even think of doing it again. All rehab does is tell you how much you'll be addicted to this **** for the rest of you life, that failing at rehab a few times is "normal", one day at time, blah blah blah.

5. I know a female in OK who just go arrested again (for the 6th time) this past December. Trafficking in meth. She is now looking at what will essentially be a life sentence. She's gone to prison several times, has come out clean and sober, and the first thing she does is find her some meth. She's stupid, weak, and has ruined several people's lives (most notably her ex-husband - who I work with - and her 2 daughters). **** her. In the A. When someone simply won't help themself - even after all that - I've got 0 sympathy anymore.

1/29/2009, 04:24 PM
For the most part, I wholeheartedly agree with Deans breakdown of potheads, but as always there are exceptions. I know there are people that smoke weed who hold down very good jobs, and as a whole are successful people... but they are definitely the exception, not the rule.

Alcohol abuse is just as bad though. While a guy that drinks or gets drunk occasionally won't have the same "meh" attitude that dopeheads do, the overall effects can be worse. Drunk driving is obviously bad. Blackouts don't typically turn out too well. Daddy walking into the kids room and peeing in the kids closet b/c he's wasted out of his mind is pretty bad too, and I know MULTIPLE people that have done this, and I literally mean multiple. What kind of image is that to paint for your kids?

I know a lot of you guys here will disagree, but I think an adult getting drunk is just as ridiculous as an adult smoking a joint. Getting drunk only makes a person act like a fool, and you only need be a sober person around drunks to know this is true.

1/29/2009, 05:42 PM
Well, I think this particular employee of mine will do just fine. We have had several discussions, and he really needs to stay away from his old "friends" once he is out. I swear, some of these employees become your kids.

Viking Kitten
1/29/2009, 06:48 PM
Man, take it from me, don't hang yourself out on too much of an emotional limb for him. I've got so much addiction s**t baggage in my family, I can tell you from experience, it just seems like more often than not they end up disappointing you. I think it's great that you are willing to give him another chance and all, but still. Trust, but verify.

1/29/2009, 07:42 PM
I've got so much addiction s**t baggage in my family, I can tell you from experience, it just seems like more often than not they end up disappointing you. I think it's great that you are willing to give him another chance and all, but still. Trust, but verify.

Dang! I had no idea Czar was that bad. Hang in there kid! Maybe he'll get straightened out someday.;)

Czar Soonerov
1/29/2009, 08:33 PM
Porn addiction mostly. :O

2/16/2009, 04:00 AM
You can still believe the stereotypes that almost all people who smoke marijuana are worthless,apathetic and do nothing but that's not logical or true. It is simply because it's used by so many different types of people in terms of race, financial status, job that are successful. There are doctors and lawyers that indulge in it. Theoretically I believe you could consider a doctor that after he gets home or perhaps late at night he smokes a bowl everynight a pothead? I think you could and yet they have enough discipline to wait until late at night or when they have free time. There will always be people of any substance that will abuse it and that will ruin their lives and that's what the government has been doing for years. They've been trying to show only one side of the story, the unsuccessful marijuana smokers. It's merely propaganda in a futile war against a substance that can't be stopped. I think it's a better alternative to alcohol and tobacco because it simply doesn't measure up to either one in terms of deaths caused, lives ruined and pure stupidity like the stupid things people do when they're drunk. I drink too but I would be very biased if I did not admit to the problems that alcohol can cause.

2/18/2009, 08:45 AM
I think it's a better alternative to alcohol and tobacco

umm, yeah....it's the ONLY one of those three that's illegal.....so it's a better alternative?

Dude, fire up a bowl and tell yourself whatever you need to to keep using, but the fact is, there is no good argument for illegal drug use, or legal drug abuse....but hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.

be sure and tell the cops when they show up after busting your kid with pot that 'it's better than alcohol and tobacco'...and then send him to his room with a bag of Doritos.

2/20/2009, 04:20 PM
umm, yeah....it's the ONLY one of those three that's illegal.....so it's a better alternative?

Dude, fire up a bowl and tell yourself whatever you need to to keep using, but the fact is, there is no good argument for illegal drug use, or legal drug abuse....but hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.

be sure and tell the cops when they show up after busting your kid with pot that 'it's better than alcohol and tobacco'...and then send him to his room with a bag of Doritos.
It's a better alternative because it's safer. The most dangerous thing about it is that it's illegal and for stupid reasons I might add. I don't really smoke anymore since I don't buy it anymore because I'm busier with work and raising my family. However after experimentation with both alcohol and cannabis in high school and college I have my opinion on which drug is safer and less dysfunctional in society. I'll go with the green on that one.