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View Full Version : Who's over it?... I am....How 'bout you?

1/10/2009, 02:16 AM
Man... How much rice can a Chinaman eat?

'Scuse the racial insensitivity and hello history.

We have played for a National Championship in 4 of the last 9 years.

Condsidering Bob, no coach other than Bud has guided such a run.

I am very excited for next year. Why wouldn't you be?


HEY TEXAS!.... WHO IS THE BIG XII CHAMP!!?!? C'mon... just between you and me... who rules the last decade?!?!?

Allow me to re-phrase...

What has two thumbs and supports the winningest program this decade....

That's right....


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

'bout 30 days 'til National signing day...

'bout 2 months 'til Spring Ball...

'bout 8 months 'til the hunt for number 8!!!!

Love ya, Bob!


1/10/2009, 02:22 AM
P.S. It was one hell of a thrill ride this year, and if you can't see beyond the last game then you are a ****ing moron!

Consider the game against Texas Tech.... There are college football programs right now that would sell their souls to have that one moment on national T.V. that we had this year against Tech.... and we have those moments a couple-three times EVERY year!!!!!!!!


1/10/2009, 02:29 AM
I agree COMPLETLY with your last 2 posts. After some pain....I'm ready to move on.
Football season is over....but it never ends. Soon my weather intrest will kick-in and take over from now thru fall.

I still love Bob (in a creepy man way) and the team, the school, the program...etc.. Can't wait until BYU!

I agree on the Texas Tech deal. That was one night/game I'll never forget, even from watching on TV.

Crucifax Autumn
1/10/2009, 02:29 AM
I'm just kicked back and hoping to go into a coma for 8 months!

1/10/2009, 02:34 AM












1/10/2009, 02:37 AM
I had my doubts about Venables......SHAME ON ME!

OUr defense was spectacular last night. If McCoy comes back, we have 9 of 11 back.... and next year's edition is going to KILL the competition!!!

1/10/2009, 02:54 AM
Yea, even if Sam goes. I'm confident that our defense will be BEAST. and our defense can carry young Landry Jones to the promise land.

now if Bradford is back. I think there's a chance we COULD be a better team than last yr. Not better offense. But better overall team, offense and defense.

but amen to the point about Tech. That will def ALWAYS stay with me. amazing night.

I kick myself every day for the last second decision not to go to the game :(

1/10/2009, 03:28 AM
I was NEVAR under it . so Why do I need to Get Over it ?
12-2 Baby Played for ALL the Marbles ;)

Crucifax Autumn
1/10/2009, 03:34 AM
I'm just fine knowing we have 7 and we're already an early favorite to snag another next year.

And I'll talk smack and love my Sooners all off-season, season, and in the BCS game next January.

1/10/2009, 06:07 AM
Let's wind the clock back 10 years. If sooner fans at the time had been told:

You can have 6 Big 12 titles
4 national title game appearances
5 game winning streak against texas
1 rose bowl victory
3 other deep runs into november in the national title chase

But you will only win one of those four appearances

Not one of us would not have taken that deal on the spot.

1/10/2009, 06:56 AM
Great thread! For all the complaining some people want to do, how many teams can say they have had more satisfying results during the time Bob Stoops has been here? I count about 3 - USC, LSU, Florida. That's it, 3 teams and the only qualifier is they've had 2 titles each (one of USC's shared) to our one. We've lost two close NC games to great national champions with NFL laden talent. The Boise State loss was by an over achieving 8-4 OU team, an overtime thriller to an undefeated and under appreciated team with a great coach which today the world has finally recognized to be a pretty darn good program. We lost badly to arguably USCs best team during a decade long run which most football historians will attach the label "dynasty". Some nights everything goes wrong that could go wrong, and if I remember right, the receivers on the other team catch everything in sight. We had an embarrassing Bowl loss last year in a game that several key players missed, and after whacking the #1 team in the conference championship, a lot of players were down that they didn't get to play for the title. The team obviously didn't have the talent to win that NC game last year, but that doesn't change what was probably the mindset going into the WVA game.

As an out of towner who only attends games once every couple of years, the Tech game this year was a memory of a lifetime. and who could not be thrilled with the way the season went?

I was actually "over it" before the game with Florida was played. Yes, I was dying to see us win, and to put to rest some of the other recent disappointment. But, being honest with myself, I recognized that history is filled with dominant offenses being limited or stopped by dominant defenses, and I couldn't fool myself about what roles were played by the two teams in this game. I knew our defense has a lot of talent, but it was the offensive explosion that got it the notoriety. I would have felt more confident going in like in 2003, when we had that dominant defense in our favor. If these teams played 10 games we would definitely win some of them, but there would be others that the Florida defense would again step up and make big plays like they did this time. Nothing to be ashamed of.

I'm excited about next year. If McCoy stays, we could have one of those nightmare defenses, that makes for bad days for media darling QBs like the one in Austin TX. The 2nd half of this year the defense started to show signs of what's to come, with Jeremy Beal and Frank Alexander emerging as speed pass rushers. Throw in a healthy Austin English, Austin Box, and Ryan Reynolds, and a year more experienced Gerald McCoy and Adrian Taylor, plus some of the recruits like R.J Waashington and it could get fun counting QB sacks next year. Oh, did I forget to mention a returning Red Shirt Freshman who just broke Brian Bosworth's tackles record?

I cant wait - only 8 more months and we get to do it again.

1/10/2009, 12:19 PM
I knew deep down that our best chance to win the title was extinguished on the first play of the CCG when DM got hurt. We just didn't have a playmaker they had to respect in the open field.

But I was so proud of the defense for keeping it so close that we were actually driving for the lead in the 4th qtr. That inexperienced defense that felt shakey at times all year now has 14 games under its belt. Next year they will have another spring and fall camp behind them and it looks like we get some real studs taking off their redshirts. McCoy's decision will be key, but we may have a real scary defense next year. Scary for the opponent, that is. :)

Boomer Mooner
1/10/2009, 12:33 PM
Over what?

Can't wait for fall and the new season!


1/10/2009, 12:43 PM
Bob's just trying to thin out the bandwagon folks who pile on and buy NC tickets...and sit on their hands when they get to the game.

1/10/2009, 12:46 PM
not to be the only Debbie Downer here...but Im still stinging a bit. I was on hand in Miami..and man it stung knowing the opportunities missed in this game.

Then last night Fox Southwest replayed the game and like an idiot I watched it on TV. It stung even worse to see it the 2nd time and see the relative ease with which we moved the ball from the 20 to thier 5 yd line. We are were a couple of mistakes away from the floodgates coming open (in the right direction)

This one will take me a while I think...becuse we really played like the better team for the majority of the game

5 - Wide
1/10/2009, 12:51 PM
the big 12 only has 1 team that can compete with us ( TEXAS ) so why should we care, we will get another free ride to the NC soon anyway

1/10/2009, 01:00 PM
It hurt. It's done. Now I can't wait till next year. I REALLY want us to beat down texass next year. Another 60 point humiliation. They've got it coming. And I don't care who we've got playing as long as we've got Bob Stoops coaching. We all think we should have won an MNC or couple more than we have, and we all know we should have won more of the BCS games we've played. But WHO other than Bob Stoops knows what its like to be in 4 BCS Championships in 9 years? What other coach knows what its like guiding the OU freight train? What other program knows what it's like to be OU? There are other great programs out there, but I say the bluest of the bluebloods is none other than the University of Oklahoma. We get everybody's best shot. Just playing us makes other programs better. When teams beat us, its remembered for years. Yes, my friends, losing is not fun but as the premier college football team in America, who else should shine as the example to show others how to handle defeat. And when we win another MNC in the next few years, all will see how we did it. And I can't wait.

1/10/2009, 01:18 PM
Bob's just trying to thin out the bandwagon folks who pile on and buy NC tickets...and sit on their hands when they get to the game.

Dan Thompson
1/10/2009, 01:23 PM
I am getting over it, but it still hurts. I have begun looking at next years team and can only wonder what a great time we will have watching them. I have an idea it will be just as good as this year, maybe better in some areas.

1/10/2009, 01:32 PM
I'm a Sooner for Life.

Nothing will ever change that....


Thanks to Bob and all of the Sooner Players for all of the great Football I saw.

I'll see you guys at the Red and White Game.


1/10/2009, 01:35 PM
Good posts all of you. We have alot to be exited about. Truth is I am devastated and will be for a while. I'm trying to move on. I know I am making progress .

Anyway thinks for bringing out the sunny side.

1/10/2009, 01:42 PM
Am over it and letting everyone know!! The players played their hardest and we were one of 2 teams in the NC!!!
Will wear my OU shirts with pride now and all year!

Thanks to the team and the coaches for a great year!

Boomer Mooner
1/10/2009, 02:19 PM
Thanks for starting this thread.

I'm way over it. And proud to be a Sooner fan.


1/10/2009, 04:09 PM
I found it interesting today while at Walmart. Several people wearing the crimson and cream. And the athletic apparel section, nothing from OU on clearance. Not even the BCS national title game shirts. On the contrary, several OSU items were on clearance.

We are so lucky to be Sooner fans. I love my Sooners and can't wait for August.

Oh, I've heard recently from strangers, colleagues, etc, the Chokelahoma moniker. My response to them is, well, your team sure wasn't there, was it? And they just kind of shut up or change the subject. There were only 2 teams that could be in that game and we were one of them. How special is that? Did we want to win? hell yeah, of course we did. But I'm proud of our guys and coaches.
Boomer Sooner!!!

MyT Oklahoma
1/10/2009, 07:43 PM
Bottom line.... "Glad to be a Sooner".

1/10/2009, 08:43 PM
I'm not over it one bit. I'm still jacked up about the amazing job Stoops has done here and how he has revived this program to glory I never thought I would see again.