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Circle City Gator
1/9/2009, 07:05 AM
First, Bradford is great. Really great. He is incredibly accurate. Both interceptions were touched by Sooners first. Th efirst one ws a bobble, the second one was just a great play by Black, stealing the ball. Neither one should be dumped on Bradford's shoulders.

Chris Brown, too, impressed the heck out of me. He ran with power inside, speed outside, and picked up the passing game for the missing Murray.

Gresham. Huge. Really huge. That guy will have a great NFL career.

Your D did a great job of game-planning. You took away the runs through the middle for most of the game, but more important, we could not run outside at all. Your outside speed was impressive.

What the heck was with Nic Harris, trying to hurt Harvin?

Your O-line showed more footspeed than I expected, and did a great job protecting Bradford.

People are talking about Bradford and Tebow, Brown and Harvin, but the difference in this game was what I have been talking about here for weeks- Florida's defensive backs. They stole two passes, broke up a bunch more, and had Oklahoma's receivers (other than Gresham- he's scary) hearing footsteps all day. The name you didn't hear all night was Janoris Jenkins, and that is because he did such a great job on his assignment that Bradford just never threw his way. Florida's cornerbacks were huge in this game.

The other difference was Florida's play in the red zone. I really believe Oklahoma is better from the 15 than the 5, giving receivers space to run routes and Bradford room to find them. From the 5, though, that advantage disappears. Torey Davis made a huge play to stop Brown on the fourth-down play, and it looked like some of the wind went out of Oklahoma right there.

Harvin was a difference maker, even though it was obvious he was a lot more hobbled than he let on. That was not 90% Percy Harvin, more like 75%, but that's still a heck of a lot. If he can stay healthy he will have a heck of a career. I don't expect him back in Gainesville next year.

I also don't expect to see Gresham or Bradford back in college ball next year. Gresham is ready. Bradford is a QB, so the issue is not whether he's ready, but whether he will develop into an NFL QB better in the NFL or with another year of college. The answer is in the NFL. I know you want him back, but don't be surprised if he's not.

I know most of you are stunned by the score, but I'm not that surprised. I expected a tighter game. How many times did I say great athletes in man coverage would slow Oklahoma down a lot. Oklahoma's defense also did a great job. That is the other side of the coin we've been arguing about all along- Oklahoma's O looked better than it was because of the Big 12's defenses, but its defense was actually better than we thought, because of the Big 12's offenses.

Thanks for letting me hang out, folks. You've got a great board, and a great team. It was also a great game, one in doubt through 4 quarters. And let us all be thankful, together, that we did not have to watch another Big Can't Count Past Ten team get slaughtered in a bCS snorer.

1/9/2009, 08:29 AM
What the heck was with Nic Harris, trying to hurt Harvin?

Ummm, I guess you have never seen a football game before, but that happens on almost every play and wasn't dirty in the slightest. Harris pulled him back, not twisted his ankle. Defenders always pull the runners back, and runners always stretch the ball forward for the spot. So yeah, that crap they were saying about it being dirty is ridiculous, watch the play again. If he had been twisting his ankle then you can say it was dirty.

The other difference was Florida's play in the red zone. I really believe Oklahoma is better from the 15 than the 5, giving receivers space to run routes and Bradford room to find them. From the 5, though, that advantage disappears. Torey Davis made a huge play to stop Brown on the fourth-down play, and it looked like some of the wind went out of Oklahoma right there.

That is where not having Murray hurt. Brown is a great short yardage back, but Murray is unbelievable at finding a seem in the line somewhere to slip through. He made the O-Line look that much more impressive all year with it.

1/9/2009, 08:41 AM
The only intentional trying to hurt someone that I noticed in the game was during our first possesion when your safety cheap shotted Manny Johnson when he led with his helmet. I guess that shat is legal in the ACC, I didn't notice a flag. Also, you guys should send 95 back to the hood. But hey, overall you guys a have a great defense and they won the game for you.

1/9/2009, 08:59 AM
The only intentional trying to hurt someone that I noticed in the game was during our first possesion when your safety cheap shotted Manny Johnson when he led with his helmet. I guess that shat is legal in the ACC, I didn't notice a flag. Also, you guys should send 95 back to the hood. But hey, overall you guys a have a great defense and they won the game for you.

That is the best thing...I think I've ever seen on any message board. EVER.

1/9/2009, 09:01 AM
What the heck was with Nic Harris, trying to hurt Harvin?

If you think that was bad, I'd hate to hear what you think about your amazing DB that saw fit to punch Juaquin Iglesias in the face. That was away from the play. That wasn't called. That was right in line with the rest of the top flight thuggery your 4.4 and faster goon squad had displayed. We'll take our loss on the credit that we didn't get the right things done in a number of different facets, some of which was through Florida's execution.

But good Lord... Your squad is a basket of frickin' punks. That's some Jimmy Johnson caliber sh*t right there.

1/9/2009, 09:11 AM
Nice post from someone who isn't a sooner. I agree completely on the 'dirty ankle twist' There was nothing there. I certainly don't feel like I did after the last losses. We got beat by an evenly matched team, and we played extremely well.

I really wish other coaches taught their players how to win and loose with class like Stoops does. Saint Tebow's taunting in the 4th quarter ranks up there with Leinhards fit throwing in the 4th quarter of the "game that must not be mentioned" and the USC players saying "the best team didn't win tonight" after their loss to saxeT. I really thought Tebow was a good guy up until that point. Now - an overhyped little kid.

I was proud of OUr players and of Stoops last night. If you have to take a loss, I would rather have done it that way. (of course, I'll take a win any day of the week - that's why I'm a Sooner fan).

Circle City Gator
1/9/2009, 10:04 AM
I'm not talking about "pulling him back" during the play. After the play was over, he kept hold of Harvin's legs as he stood up. Look guys, it was a great game, and I'm not trying to get into a pi**ing match. I've just watch these guys for a while, and know that the only time I've ever seen Tebow taunt like that is when he feels like he's responding to somebody messing with one of his guys.

As for a DB hitting somebody in the face, I didn't see it, but if it happened, a flag should have thrown and he should have been tossed, WHATEVER uniform he was wearing.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/9/2009, 10:11 AM
the game was what it was...shoulda been calls here..shoulda been calls there...thats the way football games go..

I disagree with the nic harris trying to hurt harvin thing but what do I know...

you cant have guys killing you drives with penalties

you cant get into the redzone and come away with nothing

and you can't send your kicker in for a 49 yard fg when you ve barely used him all year except for EP and he struggled at times with those

Credit Florida..they did what they had to do to win

1/9/2009, 10:16 AM
I was ticked at Harris when I saw the play live. But on the replay, he clearly did *not* twist Harvin's ankle. He just pulled his feet up trying to do that head game stuff that players do all the time. Harvin must have felt the tweak on the tackle and he came back in a play later.

1/9/2009, 10:29 AM
story of the game. both teams had opportunities. UF capitalized. We did not.

Iglesias gets speared by UF safety (is it not a penalty to hit the receiver before the ball gets there? guess not) on the first drive on a long pass to "jar the ball loose" (lolZ).

Clapp whiffed on a block on the 3rd down run at the goal line. Otherwise, I think Brown walks in. The UF defender made a great play in the backfield.

Sam throws a perfect ball to Juaquin who lets the UF rip it from his hands. Good throw, great play by the UF defender. (anyone else thought the ball jarred loose from his hands upon hitting the ground and that the ball actually touched the ground? looked that way from replay, but whatever)

It was two pretty evenly matched teams. UF was a little better last night.

Probably a little sour grapes (although I've been of this opinion all year) but Tebow really rubs me the wrong way and comes across as a major prick to anyone who is not a UF fan or a slobbering media member. the media love affair makes it worse. for the sake of my sanity, I hope he declares for the NFL draft so I dont have to listen to ESPN continuously fellate him for another year.

Circle City Gator
1/9/2009, 10:34 AM

Iglesias gets speared by UF safety (is it not a penalty to hit the receiver before the ball gets there? guess not) on the first drive on a long pass to "jar the ball loose" (lolZ).

On that "spearing" question- go HERE (http://forums.gatorsports.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/3691038186/m/9641073628) and look at heversle's avatar. Wright and the ball got there at the same time, and Wright led with his shoulder, not his head.

1/9/2009, 10:36 AM
Mistakes get magnified in a game like this. But UF made their share of mistakes as well. 2 INTs and the roughing the punter call was as good as a turnover. The difference was they capitalized and we didn't. We got zero points out of those 3 events. I'm mostly bummed that DM didn't get to play. They got their 3-4 bigs plays from Harvin and I think DM would have matched them. Can't say we would have won, but it would have changed the game.

1/9/2009, 10:39 AM
Nice classy post CCG. All I'm hearin in response is sour grapes and excuses. I guess It doesn't pay to have class on here.

1/9/2009, 10:43 AM
Probably a little sour grapes (although I've been of this opinion all year) but Tebow really rubs me the wrong way and comes across as a major prick to anyone who is not a UF fan or a slobbering media member. the media love affair makes it worse. for the sake of my sanity, I hope he declares for the NFL draft so I dont have to listen to ESPN continuously fellate him for another year.

Oh man. You're going to hell for that one, dude. Straight to the pit.

1/9/2009, 10:46 AM
Nice classy post CCG. All I'm hearin in response is sour grapes and excuses. I guess It doesn't pay to have class on here.
Heh, that's rich, because your handle just screams "class."

You're right about the first part, though. It was a nice post by CCG.

1/9/2009, 10:48 AM
Nice classy post CCG. All I'm hearin in response is sour grapes and excuses. I guess It doesn't pay to have class on here.

Really? That's all you're hearin? Then you're ****ing deaf and dumb. I think everyone is giving UF their props.

It may come as a major shock to you guys down in the swamp, but not everyone is in love with Tebow's jock. Deal with it or go the **** away. Last time I checked, he has skid marks in his britches just like you and me. He made the plays in the 4th quarter and we didn't. On the sideline play the ball hit the defender in the back as he was drilling our guy out of bounds. How is that "simultaneous?" It ain't sour grapes or excuses. It's fact. Nobody is saying we should have won (even though we could have), we're just venting about the negative things that happened to us during the game.

1/9/2009, 10:48 AM
so much for "i'll be back if we lose, if we win i probably just lurk"

1/9/2009, 10:49 AM
Nice classy post CCG. All I'm hearin in response is sour grapes and excuses. I guess It doesn't pay to have class on here.

Ummm. What part of "gatorsownu2" is the classy part?

1/9/2009, 10:49 AM
Nice post CCG. Congrats!

1/9/2009, 10:54 AM
On that "spearing" question- go HERE (http://forums.gatorsports.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/3691038186/m/9641073628) and look at heversle's avatar. Wright and the ball got there at the same time, and Wright led with his shoulder, not his head.

I didnt Like the Nic Leg pulling thing either , as far as that spearing thing The Only Prob I saw was it looked Like he got there a tad before the Ball .

1/9/2009, 10:56 AM
Nice classy post CCG. All I'm hearin in response is sour grapes and excuses. I guess It doesn't pay to have class on here.
I thought the thread has been very tame and classy. All I see is discussing various points regarding the game.

Circle City Gator
1/9/2009, 10:56 AM
Nice classy post CCG. All I'm hearin in response is sour grapes and excuses. I guess It doesn't pay to have class on here.

That's not fair, or even true. This board has actually shown a lot more class than any I've ever seen right after losing a game like this, giving Florida credit, and even saying "hey guys, maybe Tebow is really that good after all." And that's cool, even if they add "but I don't like him" afterward.

You're a guest here. Act like it.

1/9/2009, 10:58 AM
That's not fair, or even true. This board has actually shown a lot more class than any I've ever seen right after losing a game like this, giving Florida credit, and even saying "hey guys, maybe Tebow is really that good after all." And that's cool, even if they add "but I don't like him" afterward.

You're a guest here. Act like it.

Thats why Yer Green and Hes Red :D

1/9/2009, 11:02 AM
I didnt Like the Nic Leg pulling thing either , as far as that spearing thing The Only Prob I saw was it looked Like he got there a tad before the Ball .

The Nic leg pulling was just that head game junk that many players do. I was ticked about it at first when I saw it live, but the replay showed there was no twisting at all. Harvin must have tweaked it on the tackle which was a clean ankle tackle.

I also thought the hit on Johnson was a tad late. But I had to see slow-mo replay to think that. It was a bang-bang play and I can't fault the refs for not catching it.

texas bandman
1/9/2009, 11:03 AM
Yep the ball hit the Florida player on the back of the helmet. He had already hit Manny. Terrible no call, but it happens.

1/9/2009, 11:12 AM
Nice post CCG.

I really wasn't upset by the helmet to helmet contact against Manny. I didn't feel like the refs were "out to get us", or that they "were blind". It was a bang-bang play, I could see how it was missed. I didn't see it live, and neither did anyone else crying about it. I saw it (like everyone else, on the replay). Either way, I really didn't see it as dirty.

Tebow isn't good. He's a great football player. That said, I am ready for him to move on. Repeating another poster's thoughts, Nobody outside of the Florida faithful and the media can stand the guy. He comes across as cocky and goody-goody. Hey, maybe he's not. Maybe he's really the greatest guy in the world. But I don't see it that way, and I know the media love fest doesn't help.

Nic didn't try to hurt Harvin. I've watched the play no less than 15 times on my DVR. He held his foot while getting up. Harvin was fine, and he knew he was fine. There was a lot of "hurt" Gators on the field last night. That tends to slow the tempo. Was it planned? Who knows. If it was, then I take my hat off to whomever came up with the idea. It worked.

I'm trying to keep my sour grapes in my mouth, but as you can tell, some are slipping out. Apologies.

Anyway, it was a nice post. I hope you stick around. We have a few fans from the SEC that have become part of the usual crowd. I think you'd fit in well around here.

Congrats to you and the Gators. I was a good win. Enjoy the next few days, I know I would! :(

1/9/2009, 11:24 AM
That's not fair, or even true. This board has actually shown a lot more class than any I've ever seen right after losing a game like this, giving Florida credit, and even saying "hey guys, maybe Tebow is really that good after all." And that's cool, even if they add "but I don't like him" afterward.

You're a guest here. Act like it.

You seem like a good guy and that was a really good game. I think that not scoring three times when we had the chance, two in the redzone really deflated the team. The DB made a great play when iglesias had the ball get ripped away or we might have driven down and taken the lead. Anyone who says we choked again is an idiot...that was two really good and really evenly matched teams and Florida just made more plays. Tebow isnt a great QB IMO but he is a great great Football player and you saw that in the 4th qt when he was making play after play. Florida deserved the win, they played better, thats that!

Bourbon St Sooner
1/9/2009, 11:48 AM
I didn't think Nic really did anything that would affect Harvin's ankle when he get up. He just lifted his legs up. I think it was more likely Harvin's ankle was tweaked on the tackle which was around the ankles.

I'm willing to give Tebow a pass on the trash talking because he's obviously a fiery player who gets heated in the moment. That being said, the last five minutes of the game with the announcers slobbering all over his **** made me throw up a little in my mouth.

1/9/2009, 11:52 AM
The Nic leg pulling was just that head game junk that many players do. I was ticked about it at first when I saw it live, but the replay showed there was no twisting at all. Harvin must have tweaked it on the tackle which was a clean ankle tackle.

I also thought the hit on Johnson was a tad late. But I had to see slow-mo replay to think that. It was a bang-bang play and I can't fault the refs for not catching it.

Agree on both accounts.

1/9/2009, 11:56 AM
I didn't think Nic really did anything that would affect Harvin's ankle when he get up. He just lifted his legs up. I think it was more likely Harvin's ankle was tweaked on the tackle which was around the ankles.

I'm willing to give Tebow a pass on the trash talking because he's obviously a fiery player who gets heated in the moment. That being said, the last five minutes of the game with the announcers slobbering all over his **** made me throw up a little in my mouth.

Did you notice that Nic and Tebow made it a point to congratulate each other immediately after the game? They were 2 competitors going after it all game and rightfully respected each others efforts.

1/9/2009, 12:04 PM
I just heard an ESPN radio update stating that "Tebow was motivated by Oklahoma's trash talking".

No ****, he's a competitor. Trash talking goes on in every game at pretty much all levels. Those that are surprised by it, or question if it happens, are the same ones who never played a sport outside of gym class.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/9/2009, 12:16 PM
I didnt Like the Nic Leg pulling thing either , as far as that spearing thing The Only Prob I saw was it looked Like he got there a tad before the Ball .

I see that crap all the time and I don't like it when any player does it. It was suspect when it was on Harvin. Did he mean for it to hurt Harvin? I don't know.

Bermuda Sooners Dad
1/9/2009, 12:17 PM
I finally lost it when Tebow got the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty and the announcer says " That is probably the first bad thing he has ever done"! Get real. Tebow is a good player but he is not the Messiah the sports media makes him out to be. Oh, but he spends time in leper colonies. Give me a break!

1/9/2009, 12:22 PM
I was ticked at Harris when I saw the play live. But on the replay, he clearly did *not* twist Harvin's ankle. He just pulled his feet up trying to do that head game stuff that players do all the time. Harvin must have felt the tweak on the tackle and he came back in a play later.

Can you show me any plays from this game or others (major bowls) where something like that happened so late after the play had occurred?

Known injury, known location, star player, punk play.

Did not see any punches, if so, agreed, should be thrown out doesn't matter who. Would like to see video of that if available.

Tebow's enthusiasm is trying to fir eup his own guys. He is emotional leader of the offense.

#95 is Torrey Davis. A + talent, C - attitude and work ethic. He is UF's best DT when he wants to play but gets very little time due to work ethic and attitude. Many suspect he may transfer and most believe he will be star at next level if he ever learns how to work.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/9/2009, 12:33 PM
Can you show me any plays from this game or others (major bowls) where something like that happened so late after the play had occurred?

Known injury, known location, star player, punk play.

Did not see any punches, if so, agreed, should be thrown out doesn't matter who. Would like to see video of that if available.

Tebow's enthusiasm is trying to fir eup his own guys. He is emotional leader of the offense.

#95 is Torrey Davis. A + talent, C - attitude and work ethic. He is UF's best DT when he wants to play but gets very little time due to work ethic and attitude. Many suspect he may transfer and most believe he will be star at next level if he ever learns how to work.

Shut the **** up, you idiot. I see it all the time. No one is going to go find them for you. Get the hell off this board. Don't you have celebrating to do? Are you to wrapped up being an ******* on the OU board?

Beat it.

1/9/2009, 12:33 PM
I thought the best DT on the field was Gerald McCoy. I think he deserves a ton of credit for his leadership on the field and off this year.

Tebow is a prick. He's a good football player and competitor but I didn't see him do anything on the field to tell me he's better than Colt McCoy who also beat us with his legs for several big 3rd downs. McCoy's throwing is also significantly better. The fawning that the national media does over him makes me hope some story comes out about him touching little boys. (I'm kidding....sort of.)

1/9/2009, 12:33 PM
Can you show me any plays from this game or others (major bowls) where something like that happened so late after the play had occurred?

Known injury, known location, star player, punk play.

Dude, get real. I see this crap all the time and I don't particularly care for it, but it's part of the game. He pick up *both* feet and raise them a bit in the air. Their was no grabbing or twisting at all of the injured ankle, but Harvin was tackled by that ankle cleanly on the play - I'm sure that didn't feel good. If UF players thought Nic was being dirty, you wouldn't have seen Tebow give him a hug at the end. Your team won, so go away.

1/9/2009, 12:53 PM
That's not fair, or even true. This board has actually shown a lot more class than any I've ever seen right after losing a game like this, giving Florida credit, and even saying "hey guys, maybe Tebow is really that good after all." And that's cool, even if they add "but I don't like him" afterward.

You're a guest here. Act like it.
He's not a guest anymore. Froze popped him.

1/9/2009, 12:58 PM
the game was what it was...shoulda been calls here..shoulda been calls there...thats the way football games go..

I disagree with the nic harris trying to hurt harvin thing but what do I know...

you cant have guys killing you drives with penalties

you cant get into the redzone and come away with nothing

and you can't send your kicker in for a 49 yard fg when you ve barely used him all year except for EP and he struggled at times with those

Credit Florida..they did what they had to do to win

I still hold my breath everytime he kicks a PAT

1/9/2009, 01:02 PM
Give it time.

There's a young man who, when it comes to field goals, will show us the (Tress) Way.

1/9/2009, 01:31 PM
I like Tebow's comment about our defense, when he said "they were hitting to whistle thats for sure".

1/9/2009, 01:49 PM
I'm not talking about "pulling him back" during the play. After the play was over, he kept hold of Harvin's legs as he stood up. Look guys, it was a great game, and I'm not trying to get into a pi**ing match.

I wasn't trying to start a pissin' match either, just telling you what happened. No, Harvin was not trying to get up, he was staying down the whole time, and Harris pulled him back. Dirty is when you are twisting the ankles or something like that.

I really am starting to think Troy Polamalo is right, and they are making this such a sissy sport.

Kinda funny that a conference's fans for a month said we couldn't play defense, now apparently we were too rough. :rolleyes:

1/9/2009, 01:55 PM
tim tebow didnt win this game for florida...

great (and i do mean GREAT) defense won this game for florida.

OU's defense kept a team that averaged 55 points a game to 24. our offense was just unable to get the ball in the endzone.

grats florida. enjoy this win.

1/9/2009, 02:00 PM
First, Bradford is great. Really great. He is incredibly accurate. Both interceptions were touched by Sooners first. Th efirst one ws a bobble, the second one was just a great play by Black, stealing the ball. Neither one should be dumped on Bradford's shoulders.

Chris Brown, too, impressed the heck out of me. He ran with power inside, speed outside, and picked up the passing game for the missing Murray.

Gresham. Huge. Really huge. That guy will have a great NFL career.

Your D did a great job of game-planning. You took away the runs through the middle for most of the game, but more important, we could not run outside at all. Your outside speed was impressive.

What the heck was with Nic Harris, trying to hurt Harvin?

Your O-line showed more footspeed than I expected, and did a great job protecting Bradford.

People are talking about Bradford and Tebow, Brown and Harvin, but the difference in this game was what I have been talking about here for weeks- Florida's defensive backs. They stole two passes, broke up a bunch more, and had Oklahoma's receivers (other than Gresham- he's scary) hearing footsteps all day. The name you didn't hear all night was Janoris Jenkins, and that is because he did such a great job on his assignment that Bradford just never threw his way. Florida's cornerbacks were huge in this game.

The other difference was Florida's play in the red zone. I really believe Oklahoma is better from the 15 than the 5, giving receivers space to run routes and Bradford room to find them. From the 5, though, that advantage disappears. Torey Davis made a huge play to stop Brown on the fourth-down play, and it looked like some of the wind went out of Oklahoma right there.

Harvin was a difference maker, even though it was obvious he was a lot more hobbled than he let on. That was not 90% Percy Harvin, more like 75%, but that's still a heck of a lot. If he can stay healthy he will have a heck of a career. I don't expect him back in Gainesville next year.

I also don't expect to see Gresham or Bradford back in college ball next year. Gresham is ready. Bradford is a QB, so the issue is not whether he's ready, but whether he will develop into an NFL QB better in the NFL or with another year of college. The answer is in the NFL. I know you want him back, but don't be surprised if he's not.

I know most of you are stunned by the score, but I'm not that surprised. I expected a tighter game. How many times did I say great athletes in man coverage would slow Oklahoma down a lot. Oklahoma's defense also did a great job. That is the other side of the coin we've been arguing about all along- Oklahoma's O looked better than it was because of the Big 12's defenses, but its defense was actually better than we thought, because of the Big 12's offenses.

Thanks for letting me hang out, folks. You've got a great board, and a great team. It was also a great game, one in doubt through 4 quarters. And let us all be thankful, together, that we did not have to watch another Big Can't Count Past Ten team get slaughtered in a bCS snorer.

I watched that replay on Nic Harris' tackle, and didn't see anything wrong with it. I think that you are right - Harvin was not healthy, and ANY kind of contact on him and his ankle as going to affect him. That looked like the most contact on his legs all night.

Congratulations on your big win. You guys deserve the BCS and AP Titles.

Good analysis and comments on the game. Pretty much dead on.

1/9/2009, 02:13 PM
I wasn't trying to start a pissin' match either, just telling you what happened. No, Harvin was not trying to get up, he was staying down the whole time, and Harris pulled him back. Dirty is when you are twisting the ankles or something like that.

I really am starting to think Troy Polamalo is right, and they are making this such a sissy sport.

Kinda funny that a conference's fans for a month said we couldn't play defense, now apparently we were too rough. :rolleyes:

Not worth beating too much to death, turns out he mostly walked it off, but I did see it, had it on TIVO, and replayed it about five times. It is pretty clear he did keep hold of his ankle while Harvin was down on his stomach, and then OU guy got up, still holding his ankles, twisting Harvin's ankle backward. Immediately after Harvin turned over in pain. The guy knew Harvin had a bad ankle, and was intentionally trying to aggravate the injury.

Just sayin for the record. I am not saying there wasn't other stuff going on elsewhere by either side that none of saw. It just looked like a low class move, but again, what is done and done and thankfully the impact didn't seem to serious.

1/9/2009, 02:19 PM
Not worth beating too much to death, turns out he mostly walked it off, but I did see it, had it on TIVO, and replayed it about five times. It is pretty clear he did keep hold of his ankle while Harvin was down on his stomach, and then OU guy got up, still holding his ankles, twisting Harvin's ankle backward. Immediately after Harvin turned over in pain. The guy knew Harvin had a bad ankle, and was intentionally trying to aggravate the injury.

Just sayin for the record. I am not saying there wasn't other stuff going on elsewhere by either side that none of saw. It just looked like a low class move, but again, what is done and done and thankfully the impact didn't seem to serious.

I really don't think you have ever seen a football game then. Most tackles have someone pulling the runner back, with the runner stretching the ball forward for more yardage. Believe it or not, I have a DVR as well, and have watched it plenty of times as well, and pulling the guy back is not twisting an ankle.

Secondly, I'm guessing you have never played football, and been in a pile. You have no idea what goes on in there and you are going to call this dirty?

Jello Biafra
1/9/2009, 02:33 PM
What the heck was with Nic Harris, trying to hurt Harvin?

eat a bag full of dix...

tell tebow he can stop biting pillows.

tell the fugin referees to pull the yellow hankies out of their sponge holes.....

cheating phukkers.....

let me elaborate in order......

pass interference/helmet to helmet same play

bad spot

worthless, unnecessary measurement

2nd half, first kickoff, harvin steps out of bounds then returns it for 25+ yards.

no flag on holding

illegal man downfeild on a shuttle/shovel/shuffle pass

illeagal block below the waist

illegal man downfield on a shuttle/shovel/shuffle pass

linebacker kicking the ball out of our centers grip

pass interference

tebow taunting initially didnt draw a flag. he had to get into the face of nick harris a 2nd time for the flag to be dropped.

shall i continue?

Leroy Lizard
1/9/2009, 02:36 PM
Probably a little sour grapes (although I've been of this opinion all year) but Tebow really rubs me the wrong way and comes across as a major prick to anyone who is not a UF fan or a slobbering media member.

Tebow is the Boz of 2009, a player that the home fans worship and no one else in the country can stand.

I think Tebow is probably a great guy. In the age of thuggery, it's nice to see a player that elevates the importance of doing good things. But my feeling is that Tebow does a lot to make sure that everyone KNOWS what a great guy he is. If he donates anything to charity, he will let everyone within earshot know about it. And it is easy to root against someone that self-absorbed.

A little modesty would help him greatly.

Jello Biafra
1/9/2009, 02:42 PM
Tebow is the Boz of 2009, a player that the home fans worship and no one else in the country can stand.

I think Tebow is probably a great guy. In the age of thuggery, it's nice to see a player that elevates the importance of doing good things. But my feeling is that Tebow does a lot to make sure that everyone KNOWS what a great guy he is. If he donates anything to charity, he will let everyone within earshot know about it. And it is easy to root against someone that self-absorbed.

A little modesty would help him greatly.

bah...hes a coxmoker


1/9/2009, 02:55 PM
Not worth beating too much to death, turns out he mostly walked it off, but I did see it, had it on TIVO, and replayed it about five times. It is pretty clear he did keep hold of his ankle while Harvin was down on his stomach, and then OU guy got up, still holding his ankles, twisting Harvin's ankle backward. Immediately after Harvin turned over in pain. The guy knew Harvin had a bad ankle, and was intentionally trying to aggravate the injury.

Just sayin for the record. I am not saying there wasn't other stuff going on elsewhere by either side that none of saw. It just looked like a low class move, but again, what is done and done and thankfully the impact didn't seem to serious.

I have a TIVO too and yours must not have updated firmware. There was nothing there and I'm a guy that gets dissed on this board for being a sissy. I'll call out our players in a second.

1/9/2009, 03:04 PM
bah...hes a coxmoker


Holy Shiite!! :D

Jello, is that a fark or the real thing?

Jello Biafra
1/9/2009, 05:35 PM
real thing...

sooner ngintunr
1/9/2009, 05:43 PM
worthless, unnecessary measurement

linebacker kicking the ball out of our centers grip

Seriously!!! WTF was up with those two? I thought I was the only one who saw that kick!!! Were the zeebs even watching the game?

Desert Sapper
1/9/2009, 06:03 PM
Tebow is the Boz of 2009, a player that the home fans worship and no one else in the country can stand.

Okay, let's get this straight. Boz was a total self-absorbed a**hole and didn't pretend to be anything but. Tebow, on the other hand, is a total self-absorbed a**hole, but he disguises it with this guise of sanctity.

I think the Boz of this game was your MLB - Spikes. He is not afraid to let everybody in the universe know what an a**hole he is. Like the Boz, he backed it up on the first OU run of the game. And like the Boz, he spewed every bit of colorful insult he could at the only people that could do nothing to him - our D.

Tebow's bull****e piousness is what drives everybody so nuckin futs. He blathers on and on and on and on about how much he does for the world and how he's a shining example of Christ in the flesh...but I'm pretty sure Christ would be shaking his head and sighing grief-stricken at the attitude and self-worship his self-proclaimed disciple spews forth from any and every media outlet he can spew forth from. I'm pretty sure Christ wouldn't have approved of Tebow's message last night, either. But Tebow's lucky. Christ forgives people for their self-worship much more easily than man does. He just has to ask for it.

That being said, for the 4th best QB in the Big XII, Tebow's a helluva football player.

1/9/2009, 06:41 PM
I think tebow might be bipoloar (seriously). I just think the way he acts sometimes that there is something not right about his head.

1/9/2009, 06:47 PM
Tebow's bull****e piousness is what drives everybody so nuckin futs. He blathers on and on and on and on about how much he does for the world and how he's a shining example of Christ in the flesh...

For example?

It's everyone else who does all the blathering. Yes, he answers questions, but his actual statements are a far cry from your characterizations.

1/9/2009, 06:49 PM
When do the Gator posters go home...geeezzz....

1/9/2009, 06:54 PM
I really don't think you have ever seen a football game then. Most tackles have someone pulling the runner back, with the runner stretching the ball forward for more yardage. Believe it or not, I have a DVR as well, and have watched it plenty of times as well, and pulling the guy back is not twisting an ankle.

Secondly, I'm guessing you have never played football, and been in a pile. You have no idea what goes on in there and you are going to call this dirty?

This happened well after the tackle, motion was stopped, and the play was whistled dead. He was getting up. He pulled the leg up, not back.

I think Gators are somewhat irritated by this stuff because about 8 years ago Darnell Dockett intentionally injured Earnest Graham at the bottom of the pile, injured his knee well after the play was blown dead. Next game we lost a close one to TN, clearly missing Graham, as he was our only solid back. We probably win with Graham, then go on to play a fairly average LSU team in SEC championship(who UF beat by about 40 in the regular season) and then play Miami in the MNC.

Its too bad this conversation has been a big part of the thread, because I don't think that was the intent of the original post.

1/9/2009, 06:58 PM
When do the Gator posters go home...geeezzz....

When Sooner fans stop posting in threads started by Gators?

Don't feed the trolls.

1/9/2009, 07:01 PM
For example?

It's everyone else who does all the blathering. Yes, he answers questions, but his actual statements are a far cry from your characterizations.


Cats and I have argued extensively on the subject of religion, and I think he can attest I am not always the most tolerant of people who wear their religion on their sleeve. However, I don't really see that with Tebow. Sure, he says "thank you God" or something like that but that is about it. Unlike many others, he backs it up with good deeds. It is he media that is hyping all this. I have never seen Tebow hyping any of this stuff. WHile I disagree with religious views of the likes of Tebow and Wuerfel (still can't spell it to this day) I do have tremendous respect what they do in their actions.

Jello Biafra
1/9/2009, 07:01 PM
This happened well after the tackle, motion was stopped, and the play was whistled dead. He was getting up. He pulled the leg up, not back.

I think Gators are somewhat irritated by this stuff because about 8 years ago Darnell Dockett intentionally injured Earnest Graham at the bottom of the pile, injured his knee well after the play was blown dead. Next game we lost a close one to TN, clearly missing Graham, as he was our only solid back. We probably win with Graham, then go on to play a fairly average LSU team in SEC championship(who UF beat by about 40 in the regular season) and then play Miami in the MNC.

Its too bad this conversation has been a big part of the thread, because I don't think that was the intent of the original post.

was darnell dockett a gator? then I DOOONNNT GIVE A FUGG! fugg you guys your pillow biting christ on a fuggin pogo stick and your lil john wanna be fuggin mlb...

Jello Biafra
1/9/2009, 07:18 PM
When Sooner fans stop posting in threads started by Gators?

Don't feed the trolls.

Phukk you in the earhole. hit the bricks before we cast a spell on your old lady when she leaves the house tonight....

btw, she charges by the ounce so make sure you weigh her, ask her for your cut and buy something real purty for the trailer...
she pleasured damn near everyone on this board including vet so hose her off before she comes inside or your hovel will smell like yeast and cottage cheese for the next couple of days.

1/9/2009, 07:49 PM
Nic Harris did nothing wrong on that play at all.

If you've never seen a player do what he did, you've never watched football.

Whats his name had a high ankle sprain. He was ankle tackled for the first time in the game. Of course it was going to hurt. I'm guessing you've never had a high ankle sprain. If you had, you'd know that any movement like htat would hurt like hell on a tackle like that.

1/9/2009, 08:51 PM
I'm not talking about "pulling him back" during the play. After the play was over, he kept hold of Harvin's legs as he stood up. Look guys, it was a great game, and I'm not trying to get into a pi**ing match. I've just watch these guys for a while, and know that the only time I've ever seen Tebow taunt like that is when he feels like he's responding to somebody messing with one of his guys.

As for a DB hitting somebody in the face, I didn't see it, but if it happened, a flag should have thrown and he should have been tossed, WHATEVER uniform he was wearing.

The play on Manny was ridiculous! To fly into someone head first right as the ball was ariving was blatant pass interference and of course it wasn't called! Watch replay and see the ball hit the safety in the back. I had a great view of it as I was back right behind the endzone of which it occured. The officiating was complete crap. I will not blame that for our loss though.

Circle City Gator
1/9/2009, 08:58 PM
eat a bag full of dix...

No thank you. You will have to find somebody else to share with.

tell tebow he can stop biting pillows.

You have a bit of a fixation, don't you? Do you think you're compensating for something?

tell the fugin referees to pull the yellow hankies out of their sponge holes.....

Yup, compensating.

cheating phukkers.....

Oh do tell.

let me elaborate in order......

I can hardly wait.

pass interference/helmet to helmet same play

Really? Your receivers wear their helmets under their chins (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o90ZtV9DKQA)?

bad spot

both ways. the refs sucked.

worthless, unnecessary measurement

Happens all the time. Who did it hurt?

2nd half, first kickoff, harvin steps out of bounds then returns it for 25+ yards.

IT'S A MIRACLE! It must be, since Harvin didn't return kickoffs.

no flag on holding

Yeah I know. The Sooner linemen were tackling people all night.

illegal man downfeild on a shuttle/shovel/shuffle pass

You're like the magic man. You should get a job grading refs. Unfortunately, I don't think they have role for grading the violations of invisible imaginary 12th men.

illeagal block below the waist

There's that compensating again. Really, we don't want to know what you did at halftime.

illegal man downfield on a shuttle/shovel/shuffle pass

"I see dead people."

linebacker kicking the ball out of our centers grip

Yeah, that's what cost you the game.

pass interference

Interception is spelled i-n-t-e-r-c-e-p-t-i-o-n, not i-n-t-e-r-f-e-r-e-n-c-e.

tebow taunting initially didnt draw a flag. he had to get into the face of nick harris a 2nd time for the flag to be dropped.

They were taunting each other. You were lucky not to get double penalties called.

shall i continue?

Do you want to? Don't you have some illegal blocking below the waist to do?

1/9/2009, 09:14 PM
Phukk you in the earhole. hit the bricks before we cast a spell on your old lady when she leaves the house tonight....

btw, she charges by the ounce so make sure you weigh her, ask her for your cut and buy something real purty for the trailer...
she pleasured damn near everyone on this board including vet so hose her off before she comes inside or your hovel will smell like yeast and cottage cheese for the next couple of days.

U R funny.

1/9/2009, 09:18 PM
U R funny.

Thanks , Us In the Posse Like the Jerk :D

1/9/2009, 10:15 PM
That Major dude can hit Manny as hard as he wants for all I care. It wasn't really helmet to helmet.

I just have one request...Can you wait till the ball gets there you prick!

1/9/2009, 10:51 PM
That Major dude can hit Manny as hard as he wants for all I care. It wasn't really helmet to helmet.

I just have one request...Can you wait till the ball gets there you prick!


I think it could be called either way- it was close. As I see it, Wright hit Manny at the exact time the ball hit Manny's hands. As far as I know there is no rule that prohibits the defender to get between the receiver and the ball, only that defender does not make significant contact prior to the ball arriving.

You can take the video above, and if you pause it just right, you will see Wright making contact at the same moment it hits receivers hands. With the velocity in which Wright hit him, if he had hit him before the ball arrived, there is no way the ball hits the receivers hands. If Wright had hit him at the exact same instant from the side or back, there is probably no argument - it just looks weird how Wright got between the ball and the defender, but it looks pretty clean to me.

1/9/2009, 11:01 PM

I think it could be called either way- it was close. As I see it, Wright hit Manny at the exact time the ball hit Manny's hands. As far as I know there is no rule that prohibits the defender to get between the receiver and the ball, only that defender does not make significant contact prior to the ball arriving.

You can take the video above, and if you pause it just right, you will see Wright making contact at the same moment it hits receivers hands. With the velocity in which Wright hit him, if he had hit him before the ball arrived, there is no way the ball hits the receivers hands. If Wright had hit him at the exact same instant from the side or back, there is probably no argument - it just looks weird how Wright got between the ball and the defender, but it looks pretty clean to me.

Who the **** Cares?Game Over Yall won Enjoy yer Crystal
What ever Happened was a Non Call . dont mean nuthin .
Grats on a Great Game .
Hope to Meet Yall again in the near Future.

Desert Sapper
1/10/2009, 09:16 AM

I think it could be called either way- it was close. As I see it, Wright hit Manny at the exact time the ball hit Manny's hands. As far as I know there is no rule that prohibits the defender to get between the receiver and the ball, only that defender does not make significant contact prior to the ball arriving.

You can take the video above, and if you pause it just right, you will see Wright making contact at the same moment it hits receivers hands. With the velocity in which Wright hit him, if he had hit him before the ball arrived, there is no way the ball hits the receivers hands. If Wright had hit him at the exact same instant from the side or back, there is probably no argument - it just looks weird how Wright got between the ball and the defender, but it looks pretty clean to me.

I watched the video. I watched it on my DVR a couple times before that. Ball hit Wright in the back. Nuff said on that.
Your guys made many more plays than that on D that counted for a whole lot more and were much cleaner. Congrats on having a D that was everything it was cracked up to be. And congrats on another crystal football.

Desert Sapper
1/10/2009, 09:32 AM
For example?

It's everyone else who does all the blathering. Yes, he answers questions, but his actual statements are a far cry from your characterizations.

My point is that Christ called for humility rather than grandstanding. Christ called for subjugating self for God. Christ called for prayer in private, rather than public spectacle. God knows the good works you do. God knows the things you do in private that don't draw attention to YOU. However you want to characterize what Tebow does, it is seemingly the antithesis of what Christ called for. If you want an example of humility, look no farther than Sam Bradford. Kid won the Heisman this year, and Tebow was all over every major media outlet. Figure that one out.

Maybe Tebow is a super nice guy, but the things I've seen him do as a 'competitor' and as the guy who didn't win the Heisman this year make me think the opposite. With all the media folks trying so desperately to paint him perfectly, you'd think he would show up that way without them having to try so hard.

I've got nothing against the man as a football player. I just think he doesn't need to draw attention to himself to elevate Christ in his life. Of course, I'm not a huge fan of televangelism, either. Some folks think that's the right answer. It's an opinion.

My 4th best QB in the big XII comment was unjustified. He isn't the best passing QB in the universe, but he is a damn fine football player. I would just rather that his good works reveal themselves rather than him calling constant attention to them.

1/10/2009, 12:14 PM
My point is that Christ called for humility rather than grandstanding. Christ called for subjugating self for God. Christ called for prayer in private, rather than public spectacle. God knows the good works you do. God knows the things you do in private that don't draw attention to YOU. However you want to characterize what Tebow does, it is seemingly the antithesis of what Christ called for. If you want an example of humility, look no farther than Sam Bradford. Kid won the Heisman this year, and Tebow was all over every major media outlet. Figure that one out.

Maybe Tebow is a super nice guy, but the things I've seen him do as a 'competitor' and as the guy who didn't win the Heisman this year make me think the opposite. With all the media folks trying so desperately to paint him perfectly, you'd think he would show up that way without them having to try so hard.

I've got nothing against the man as a football player. I just think he doesn't need to draw attention to himself to elevate Christ in his life. Of course, I'm not a huge fan of televangelism, either. Some folks think that's the right answer. It's an opinion.

My 4th best QB in the big XII comment was unjustified. He isn't the best passing QB in the universe, but he is a damn fine football player. I would just rather that his good works reveal themselves rather than him calling constant attention to them.

If I were in you shoes, I would probably be saying the exact same thing. I have no patience for the hypcrisy of some of those on the religious right or some of those who wear religion on their sleeve. When Tebow gets out there pumps the crowds up, when he taunts people (on occasion, not often) when he participates in a jabber exchange while at the same time sporting "John 3:16" you are calling attention to yourself and are going to attract some criticism.

I grew up in a fundamentalist christian church, but am pretty much an sort core atheist. Observing from inside and outside the church, christian seems to mean a lot of different things to different people. In judging Tebow, I think you have to judge him as a person and football player, and leave the christian aspect out of that. He is a ferocious competitor, he is clearly a team leader, he is an excellent football player, and off the field he carries himself very well and engages very charitable deeds. That is more than you can say for 99% of the other players, and 99% of the population. The fact that he gets pumped up for a football game and comes across as overly confident on occasion in interviews should not take away from that.

1/10/2009, 12:19 PM
I watched the video. I watched it on my DVR a couple times before that. Ball hit Wright in the back. Nuff said on that.

Not arguing with that, but the ball hit the receivers hands at the same time it hit Wright in the back, which was the same time Wright hit the receiver's chest, because the receivers arms were extended. It is really unusual that it played out this way - usually the defender would have hit the receivers arms and that would have been interference. But Wright actually ran between the extended arms, he came in a bit of an angle.

Like I said, it can be argued either way, it was very close.

1/10/2009, 12:28 PM
Not arguing with that, but the ball hit the receivers hands at the same time it hit Wright in the back, which was the same time Wright hit the receiver's chest, because the receivers arms were extended. It is really unusual that it played out this way - usually the defender would have hit the receivers arms and that would have been interference. But Wright actually ran between the extended arms, he came in a bit of an angle.

Like I said, it can be argued either way, it was very close.

There is a photo on SI.com of that play where Wright's helmet is hitting Johnson's pad and the ball is still a couple of feet away. BTW, I guarantee in the NFL that one's flagged as hit on defenseless receiver regardless of the timing. College has a similar rule, but they don't seem to call it same or as consistently. But as everyone says, it was a close play, those things happen. I thought the flag on Robinson was a worse call; it was ticky tack and he just pushing the guy when he tripped over someone else. But the refs didn't determine this game - calls or non-calls like that happen in every game and the number of them were low and went both ways. Now if you want to talk about the UT game...

Desert Sapper
1/10/2009, 07:05 PM
In judging Tebow, I think you have to judge him as a person and football player, and leave the christian aspect out of that.

I'm not qualified to judge any man, especially one I have never met. I'll leave that to the blameless. I'm just calling it as I see it through the media and from live television.

If I were a gator fan, I'd probably be bristling at the one from my own herd that posted the original comparison of Tebow to Boz. I merely observed that the comparison is valid, but that for Boz it was consistent. He was an a**hole, proud of it, and not afraid to let everybody in the universe know that he was the king of all a**holes. For Tebow, it seems a little contradictory to be both Boz-like and Christ-like.

1/10/2009, 09:48 PM
There is a photo on SI.com of that play where Wright's helmet is hitting Johnson's pad and the ball is still a couple of feet away. BTW, I guarantee in the NFL that one's flagged as hit on defenseless receiver regardless of the timing. College has a similar rule, but they don't seem to call it same or as consistently. But as everyone says, it was a close play, those things happen. I thought the flag on Robinson was a worse call; it was ticky tack and he just pushing the guy when he tripped over someone else. But the refs didn't determine this game - calls or non-calls like that happen in every game and the number of them were low and went both ways. Now if you want to talk about the UT game...

Believe me, Gator fans are used to getting screwed by ACC refs!! I am not going to argue further on the interference / not interferance, maybe it was, but it was close, and if interference penalties, or lack of them, were reviewable (I don't think they are) I don't think there would be sufficient evidence to overrule the ruling on the field.

I didn't really think the ref's favored one way or the other, but between the penalties, the commercials and other interruptions, I did feel like that disrupted the effectiveness of OU's hurry up offense a bit.

1/10/2009, 09:55 PM
I'm not qualified to judge any man, especially one I have never met. I'll leave that to the blameless. I'm just calling it as I see it through the media and from live television.

If I were a gator fan, I'd probably be bristling at the one from my own herd that posted the original comparison of Tebow to Boz. I merely observed that the comparison is valid, but that for Boz it was consistent. He was an a**hole, proud of it, and not afraid to let everybody in the universe know that he was the king of all a**holes. For Tebow, it seems a little contradictory to be both Boz-like and Christ-like.

As I said in the other thread, the Tebow man love by the media is somewhat embarrassing, but I don't hold that against Tebow. As to whether he is a good christian, that is subjective, because it depends on how you define christian, and is a never ending discussion, because from a point of view as an atheist - its all kind of made up anyway. What you can do is look at his accomplishments as a person, and from what I have seen, they are considerable. Does he have flaws, sure, but on balance I consider his flaws fairly minor compared to his virtues.

I didn't see the Boz comparison, and no I don't particularly like that, but I will just let that one lie.

Desert Sapper
1/10/2009, 11:48 PM
I'll say this last thing.

Tebow is a fiery competitor. Every bit what was promised.

He does much more good than harm. It would be great if every future millionaire helped other people the way he does.

1/10/2009, 11:49 PM
Can we close all gratuitous Gator threads....gross...

1/11/2009, 03:34 AM
Thought it was interference when i saw it live, and after watching several replays i still think it's interference; i also don't think Manny ever touched the ball, but again this play didn't cost us the game by any means; would have just been 15 yards and we still were a long way from the end zone

1/11/2009, 03:59 AM
Believe me, Gator fans are used to getting screwed by ACC refs!! I am not going to argue further on the interference / not interferance, maybe it was, but it was close, and if interference penalties, or lack of them, were reviewable (I don't think they are) I don't think there would be sufficient evidence to overrule the ruling on the field.

I didn't really think the ref's favored one way or the other, but between the penalties, the commercials and other interruptions, I did feel like that disrupted the effectiveness of OU's hurry up offense a bit.

Dude STFU ok ?
Who the **** Cares the Call wasn't Made
Yall won
end Of story

1/11/2009, 04:00 AM
On that "spearing" question- go HERE (http://forums.gatorsports.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/3691038186/m/9641073628) and look at heversle's avatar. Wright and the ball got there at the same time, and Wright led with his shoulder, not his head.

My friend you need to look at that again. He did lead with helmet, he is just a little sideways but before the hit he dips his head and he is actually between Johnson and the ball. He lead with the helmet and got there a split second early. Johnson never touched the ball. The only thing Johnson did wrong was not going up and getting the ball with his hands.

1/11/2009, 04:03 AM
My friend you need to look at that again. He did lead with helmet, he is just a little sideways but before the hit he dips his head and he is actually between Johnson and the ball. He lead with the helmet and got there a split second early. Johnson never touched the ball. The only thing Johnson did wrong was not going up and getting the ball with his hands.

Bro Like Ive said
Let the Little Hides enjoy the crystal .
WE are OKLAHOMA we will be Back;)