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View Full Version : Proud of my young sooner fan

1/9/2009, 01:04 AM
My son has been waiting for this game like it was Christmas. At 7 this was the biggest day of his life. He set in the floor in his Sooner gear cheering and complaining about every play that went or didnt go our way.

After UF scored their last TD I was waiting for the tears but they never came he stood up and said "They are sooo lucky Murray was out...wait til next year."

I tucked him in after making him take off his OU cap. My son learned that is team will not always win but still thinks they are better....Made me proud.

1/9/2009, 01:15 AM
thats good. i cried when we lost to KSU. its good to learn early that you dont always win. or i might have done myself in tonight.

1/9/2009, 01:19 AM
What a great story and you have every right to be proud of this little guy.
There are a lot of grownups who could take a page from his book. Please excuse me now - my 25 year old daughter is breaking things.:P

1/9/2009, 01:23 AM
My son has been waiting for this game like it was Christmas. At 7 this was the biggest day of his life. He set in the floor in his Sooner gear cheering and complaining about every play that went or didnt go our way.

After UF scored their last TD I was waiting for the tears but they never came he stood up and said "They are sooo lucky Murray was out...wait til next year."

I tucked him in after making him take off his OU cap. My son learned that is team will not always win but still thinks they are better....Made me proud.

My son is 8, and this year he really became a fan. He plays football and everything he did all year, he had to relate it to the Sooners.

We started a tradition when we played Washington this season. He keeps stats during the game, for the whole game. Only about 10 players, but he keeps detailed stats. We live in Denver, and he wears his Sooner gear proudly.

Anyway, he too has talked about this like it was Christmas.

After the last 4th down we couldn't convert, he realized it was over. It took about 15 minutes, but he finally disappeared. I found him in the bathroom in tears. My heart has never been so broken and proud at the same time.

I looked at him and said, "I know it hurts, and we'll be cheering again before you know it" then he dried his eyes, and I looked back at him and said "you really are a true Sooner fan!".

It makes the loss a little harder.

1/9/2009, 01:23 AM
Give both of the little guys a big hug and a BOOMER SOONER! from all of us at Soonerfans! It's great to hear of little ones who love OUr SOONERS!

VA Sooner
1/9/2009, 01:33 AM
Boomer Sooner to the little man.

Boy do I feel sheepish right now after hearing that story.

1/9/2009, 01:44 AM
love it! its just a game, but it hurts like heck!

Boomer Sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leroy Lizard
1/9/2009, 02:45 AM
Sounds like your kids have their heads screwed on straight. Overzealous fandom is unhealthy. If any of my kids put up a poster of an athlete, I would tell them to take it down. Idolatry has no business in my household.

This is why I wonder about some of the Florida fans and Tebow. I mean, he is, what, 22 years old? I cannot imagine a fully grown adult idolizing any sports athlete. I never have. And my kids haven't either.

1/9/2009, 03:05 AM
At 30 years old, tonight was the first time I felt like I could cry b/c of watching a game. I didn't even well up, but man if I had "gone there" they would have streamed down.

1/9/2009, 08:02 AM
At 30 years old, tonight was the first time I felt like I could cry b/c of watching a game. I didn't even well up, but man if I had "gone there" they would have streamed down.

It is a college football game, grow up dude !

1/9/2009, 09:14 AM
I still remember crying after the '88 game.....My 5 years old gets sad about it, he just can't understand how OU can lose.

1/9/2009, 09:23 AM
My 6 year old son Rowdy fell asleep before the end of the game. The first thing this morning he storms into my room and asks if they won. When we broke the news to him he of course began to cry and crawled into bed with us. I told him the truth....the players tried their best but the other guys played better. I told him we should be proud that they did so well and got to the NC game. He said, "I know. I just wanted them to be the CHAMPION! I thought about it all day at school too....I just wanted to say I told you so to all of the kids that like the Broncos at school"......we live in Boise for the sake of clarity. I can't tell you you much more it hurts me as a lifelong Sooners fan to see my little boy get his hopes crushed as well. Between the BSU game and last night I'm afraid to let him care so much about the Sooners.

Defeat sucks for all of us, but it really wears on a kid that at the age of 4 fell in love with daddy's team. BSU, WV, and now Florida. The kid only has so much heartbreak in him. The only thing that made him feel better was that I told him when he's the starting middle linebacker for OU he can help them win.