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1/9/2009, 01:00 AM
(1) The crowd was good, but not as good as for Tech. Within earshot, I was the only person who screamed the whole time UF was on offense. Disappointing.
(2) Our defense did much better than I thought it would. At halftime, I realized why: UF, as it played tonight anyway, is a run-oriented team. It's the first true run-oriented team we've played all year. This is a Stoops coached defense. Enough said.
(3) Our offense did much worse than I thought it would.
(3a) Our receivers kept dropping balls.
(3b) ... or worse, bouncing them up for grabs to be intercepted (both of Bradford's interceptions happened this way)
(3c) Wilson clearly didn't believe that we could win with field goals, which is why we behaved the way we did in the red zone. However, based on the way our defense played, I think he was wrong. Coaching error.
(3d) Whenever we were in the I, we seemed to do badly if we ran strong side. When we ran weak side, we were fine. Am I hallucinating, or did I pick up on something there?
(4) Without looking at the box score, I think Bradford outplayed Tebow, but our receivers just didn't finish the play (... or made it worse by bobbling the ball up to be grabbed by the defense). Tebow's interceptions, on the other hand, were QB error.
(5) Florida's speed is not what it was cracked up to be.

In short, our defense showed up and did enough to win the game, had the offense kept its end of the bargain.

That is all.

1/9/2009, 01:01 AM

(1) Was I hallucinating, or did UF players fake injuries all game long to slow the game down?
(2) **** you, refs, for slowing the game down in the first half. Timeouts that aren't timeouts? Penalties that aren't penalties? Reviews that aren't reviews? Seriously, **** you.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
1/9/2009, 01:04 AM
not to mention knocking the ball away from the center so he couldn't snap it. lots of gamesmanship going on.

1/9/2009, 01:10 AM
1) The refs definitely slowed us down
2) We need to refine the no huddle and stick with the original call more

1/9/2009, 01:10 AM
not to mention knocking the ball away from the center so he couldn't snap it. lots of gamesmanship going on.

I kept my cool most of the game (although the Gators certainly didn't "act like they've been there before"), until that happened...I lost it. WTF were the officials looking at??!!

1/9/2009, 01:22 AM
We should send all of the defensive players to a camp and teach them how to do a flying armbar.

Then, next year in our bowl game, any player from the other team that fakes an injury gets his arm ripped off.

Like this, but don't let him tap out. Just tear it off at the elbow.


VA Sooner
1/9/2009, 01:26 AM
Sloppy officiating in the first half squashed our no-huddle in the beginning. No doubt.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
1/9/2009, 01:27 AM
maestro and i called this one way before it happened. wilson is one of the best in the business as long as he doesn't get a) cute and b) greedy. i felt the entire first half we swung in a pendulum between the two.

we threw more go routes in the 1st half than we have all season - greedy
do we really need to change the play from the 6 inch line? QB sneak and go. - cute
on 4th down, signalling in a play without everyone looking and quick snapping so that your TE is looking at the sidelines instead of ahead causing him to miss his block and get stopped. - cute

i understand that we like to keep running backs fresh, but chris brown was on fire in the 2nd quarter. they should have left him in.

i know everyone is complaining about the defense in the second half, but it seemed our defensive gameplan was to hold florida in the first half and let the offense build a lead. to that end, we played all 3 DEs and both DTs. they just didn't have anything left in the tank in the 4th quarter.

1/9/2009, 01:31 AM
Anyone complaining about the defense needs to check themselves.

We held Florida to 24 points, of which what, 14 were off of turnovers? Or was it 10? (Note that I'm considering failing to convert on fourth a turnover here.)

If anyone had said before the game, "Your defense is only going to give up 10-14 points on its own account," we'd have taken it and been happy to.

1/9/2009, 01:58 AM
Anyone complaining about the defense needs to check themselves.

We held Florida to 24 points, of which what, 14 were off of turnovers? Or was it 10? (Note that I'm considering failing to convert on fourth a turnover here.)

If anyone had said before the game, "Your defense is only going to give up 10-14 points on its own account," we'd have taken it and been happy to.

I think if you had said we would hold them to 24 points period, I would've been happy. I really thought we would at least put 30 points on them

1/9/2009, 02:01 AM
jkm i agree