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View Full Version : Speed, Speed, Speed.

1/8/2009, 03:43 PM
All we've heard over the last month is how fast the Florida team is and how OU lacks that kind of speed, so I pose this question. Who are the fastest players to come out of the SEC and the Big12/Big8?

1/8/2009, 03:57 PM
not that it matters

Nolan Cromwell was pretty fast :pop:

Circle City Gator
1/8/2009, 04:10 PM
All I know is that the Gatorsports message board is one heck of a lot faster than this one.

1/8/2009, 04:15 PM
Trindon Holliday from LSU is a freak of nature.

Antonio Perkins was pretty fast, but that may have just been due to him being shifty for punt returns.

Circle City Gator
1/8/2009, 04:26 PM
Trindon Holliday from LSU is a freak of nature.

Antonio Perkins was pretty fast, but that may have just been due to him being shifty for punt returns.

Trindon Holliday is truly a freak of nature.



He is also .01 second slower than Jeff Demps. :D

1/8/2009, 04:32 PM
Anthony Stafford - Sooner Running back and Sprinter in the 80s
Everett Marshall - 2d team Sooner Running Back behind Greg Pruitt, and Big 8 indoor 60 Champ in the early 70s

Circle City Gator
1/8/2009, 04:57 PM
I would have to say, among football players, Demps will turn out to be the fastest ever out of the SEC, and simply the fastest ever, until somebody faster turns up.

In late June, at the Olympic track and field trials, Demps ran even faster, setting a national high school record of 10.01 and matching the world junior record for the 100 — a time equal to the seventh-place finish at the Beijing Games.

Trindon Holliday, as noted above.

Other SEC speed:

Herschel Walker- Georgia
Bo Jackson- Auburn
John Capel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Capel)- Florida
Willie Gault- Tennessee

1/8/2009, 05:02 PM
I just hd an interview, and they could tell I didn't care, why is time slowing down? I cant take it anymore guys, I cant

1/8/2009, 05:19 PM
Bo Jackson was easily the fastest out of the SEC. Demps can't touch him. Jackson ran a 4.12 at the Louisiana Superdome in 1986.

1/8/2009, 05:25 PM
Bo Jackson was easily the fastest out of the SEC. Demps can't touch him.

You are just wrong here. Demps is easily faster than Bo ever was but Demps is not as puishing a runner as Bo was.

Circle City Gator
1/8/2009, 05:33 PM
Bo Jackson was easily the fastest out of the SEC. Demps can't touch him. Jackson ran a 4.12 at the Louisiana Superdome in 1986.

Given that Demps ran the fastest 100 meters in junior track EVER, that's a hard conclusion to reach.

Jackson best reported time in the 100 was 10.39. Demps ran a 10.01 in the Olympic trials. That's not a hand-held football 40, but laser-timed Olympic trails.

John Capel ran longer sprints, but at one time he had the fastest 200 meters in the world. He also made the Olympic finals in the 200, but laid an egg thinking there had been a false start (the kid was a pot-head, so no big surprise he was in the ozone in the biggest race of his career).

Herschel Walker was also faster than Jackson, with a 10.22 in the 100.

But the fastest guy out of the SEC, or at least out of Florida, was not a football player. That would have been Dennis Mitchell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Mitchell), who was not only the US champ in the 100 meters, and the fourth-place runner at the '96 Olympics, but also had the best excuse ever for a doping (testosterone) scandal:

His defense of "five bottles of beer and sex with his wife at least four times...it was her birthday, the lady deserved a treat." was accepted by the USA Track and Field but not by the IAAF.

1/8/2009, 05:35 PM
Trindon Holliday is truly a freak of nature.



He is also .01 second slower than Jeff Demps. :D

That must mean alot at the track meet. I suppose it could matter on the field if they both run a streak route with no DB covering them. Other than that...eh.

1/8/2009, 05:37 PM
I know this has nothing to do with how sharp they are but the SLOW MINDED GATOR TROLLS on this web sight may be a little faster in the special olympics.

gator fans yOU suck!

1/8/2009, 05:42 PM
This measurement down to the hundredth of a second is starting to annoy me. If you want to take it as a scientific measurement, where the hell is the margin of error on this stuff? Oh, I know, there isn't one because to do so would waste the time of everyone involved, just like saying someone is .0343 seconds faster than someone else.

I guess someone using a stopwatch justifies using hundredths of a second. So accurate and precise.

1/8/2009, 05:57 PM
I heard Usain Bolt is a big sooner fan...

1/8/2009, 06:54 PM
Jamaal Charles personal best is 10.23; and in football a 100m means absolutely nothing. Like one the guys said, "unless your running a streak route."

1/8/2009, 07:00 PM
Given that Demps ran the fastest 100 meters in junior track EVER, that's a hard conclusion to reach.

are we still here???

this IS NOT a track meet.