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View Full Version : What?! Texas runs up the score too?!

1/5/2009, 02:16 PM

Article starts about OU and Florida running up the score to impress voters. Here's a little bit of it though:

Of the teams that finished the regular season in The Associated Press top five, only Alabama scored a smaller percentage of its points in the fourth quarter than Oklahoma -- the Crimson Tide scored 12.9 percent of their points in the final 15 minutes, Oklahoma 13.3 percent. Texas, whose fans were maddest at the Sooners because of their down-to-the-wire battle for a BCS berth, scored 21.8 percent of its points in the fourth quarter. Florida: 22.8 percent. And USC was the team most likely to pad its margin late at 23.6 percent.

I thought Texas was classy and didn't run up the score? :texan:

1/5/2009, 02:18 PM
I hope on Jan. 9 everyone is complaining that we ran up the score.

1/5/2009, 04:15 PM
I heard someone predict that Texass was going to hang 40 on Ohio St. tonight on the radio. They will be lucky to hang 24 on them. Hell they only had 28 in qtrs against A&M at home. No way they hang 40 on Ohio St. They will be lucky to win tonight IMHO!!!!

1/5/2009, 04:19 PM
I heard someone predict that Texass was going to hang 40 on Ohio St. tonight on the radio. They will be lucky to hang 24 on them. Hell they only had 28 in qtrs against A&M at home. No way they hang 40 on Ohio St. They will be lucky to win tonight IMHO!!!!

Damn dude CHILL OUT!!!!!

1/5/2009, 04:24 PM

1/5/2009, 06:19 PM
Bout fuggin time he figured it out. He spent 3-4 weeks ripping OU for running up the score after the TT game.

1/5/2009, 06:48 PM
What was weird about the article is the title implied OU and UF run up the score and then it presents data that it's not true compared to other schools. He claims we ran it up in the last 2 games, but dang we only had a 3 pt. lead in the 4th against OSU. The only time I thought you could say we ran it up was throwing to the endzone in the CCG at the end. And that almost cost us a pick as they had double coverage, so I guess we got punished for the attempt. But this "running it up" is all non-sense anyway when you are talking about a ranked opponent or a CCG. You have to respect your opponents ability to score and come back, so you have to secure the win.

1/5/2009, 06:59 PM
Dearest texas...you should have beat Tech on the road. How can you be so bold to think your going to wipe up the bucknutz when you couldn't handle Leach's Air Show in Lubbock? With the way your Coach and Fans have whined about all of this...I'm amazed that anyone will feel even remotely sorry for you guys if you don't pull this win out. You better win. You guys remember the year you were going to kill Oregon right? That didn't go your way...I remember how brutal it got for you then. This will be even uglier than that if you lose. It's a win win for us. You win...the Big XII wins. You lose...We get to pull your pants down whether we win ours or not.

I can't wait to watch this.

1/5/2009, 07:02 PM
What sucks about this article is that they list specific classless plays by Richt and Meyer, and they lump Stoops in there with those two classless jerks by using the "running up the score argument". He specifically calls out the last two games. It's obvious he didn't watch any OU games this season.

1/5/2009, 07:42 PM
yeah i had wished all seaon that the national media would have said what percentage of our points were scored in each quarter. Also a comparison of how our points in each quarted compared to our opponents points. I really think that would have shown how we pulled back a lot of the time at the end of games.

1/6/2009, 01:16 AM
They will be lucky to hang 24 on them.

Nailed it.

1/6/2009, 03:27 AM
Actually, if we had been better at scoring 4th quarter points UT would have nothing to gripe about.

1/6/2009, 08:58 AM
I heard someone predict that Texass was going to hang 40 on Ohio St. tonight on the radio. They will be lucky to hang 24 on them. Hell they only had 28 in qtrs against A&M at home. No way they hang 40 on Ohio St. They will be lucky to win tonight IMHO!!!!.

And, they were very lucky. A good spot on the 4th down conversion and the tOSU DB playing the ball instead of stopping the receiver - ball game.