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View Full Version : Will florida be shocked ?

1/5/2009, 09:44 AM
When things don't go as espn has been saying ? When Bradford burns their *** for 6 and we run the ball on them ? When our defence gets a couple of picks and tebow is ineffective ? They are expecting to run and pass at will and stop our offense but when the reality hits will they fold ? I say YES !

1/5/2009, 09:58 AM
Yes they will. Like the creep in sin city said, "they all scream." When Florida is getting murdered and they realize that Sam and the offense wont relent, i am sure they will fold. Tebow will scream, and one of his players will say "Shut up! Do you not see the score is 62-28?"

1/5/2009, 12:23 PM
When things don't go as espn has been saying ? When Bradford burns their *** for 6 and we run the ball on them ? When our defence gets a couple of picks and tebow is ineffective ? They are expecting to run and pass at will and stop our offense but when the reality hits will they fold ? I say YES !

Not sure the will fold, buy they will be shocked when we lead be 4 TD's and that is at the half!

Pieces Hit
1/5/2009, 12:30 PM
No disrespect to the Sooners,
But If all that happens I'll be shocked.

I'm expecting a heluva tough game.

1/5/2009, 12:41 PM
How shocked will the Sooner fans be when UF wins by 2-3 TDs? That's what I want to know. It will be a much bigger shock for you all. You think you are invincible. You think nothing can stop your incredible offensive machine.

The flight back to OK will be a long one, with no one daring to utter "BOOMER."

1/5/2009, 12:44 PM
How shocked will the Sooner fans be when UF wins by 2-3 TDs? That's what I want to know. It will be a much bigger shock for you all. You think you are invincible. You think nothing can stop your incredible offensive machine.

The flight back to OK will be a long one, with no one daring to utter "BOOMER."

The flight back will be a party after we kick your sec asses and show you how a REAL FOOTBALL TEAM plays..

1/5/2009, 12:50 PM
How shocked will the Sooner fans be when UF wins by 2-3 TDs? That's what I want to know. It will be a much bigger shock for you all. You think you are invincible. You think nothing can stop your incredible offensive machine.

The flight back to OK will be a long one, with no one daring to utter "BOOMER."

Who said anything about flying back?

With all the speed of FU, I figured you guys would give us a lift back to Norman.

That way TEBOW! could be first in line to see the two trophies he wasn't good enough to earn be unveiled in the Switzer center.

and also, BOOMER, B!tch.

1/5/2009, 12:57 PM
I say BAN every gator on here.. They are all a bunch of trolls and they know nothing about football.. OU will teach them a thing or two thursday night...

1/5/2009, 01:27 PM
I say BAN every gator on here.. They are all a bunch of trolls and they know nothing about football.. OU will teach them a thing or two thursday night...

you're awesome.....

1/5/2009, 03:18 PM
How do I football right

Hot Rod
1/5/2009, 03:25 PM
How do I football right


1/5/2009, 03:38 PM
How shocked will the Sooner fans be when UF wins by 2-3 TDs? That's what I want to know. It will be a much bigger shock for you all. You think you are invincible. You think nothing can stop your incredible offensive machine.

The flight back to OK will be a long one, with no one daring to utter "BOOMER."

you can stab us, you can shot us, you can punch us, but you can never take away our BOOMER

1/5/2009, 03:47 PM

ROFL, Hot Rod. Great pic for that response. GAWD, looks like we're gettin' a whole new crop of Phloridians here just before game day. Oh well, they won't be around long. :)

1/5/2009, 03:55 PM
How shocked will the Sooner fans be when UF wins by 2-3 TDs? That's what I want to know. It will be a much bigger shock for you all. You think you are invincible. You think nothing can stop your incredible offensive machine.

The flight back to OK will be a long one, with no one daring to utter "BOOMER."
When your Team loses...

You'll be so shocked that they'll put you on a milk carton. :pop:


1/5/2009, 03:57 PM
How shocked will the Sooner fans be when UF wins by 2-3 TDs? That's what I want to know. It will be a much bigger shock for you all. You think you are invincible. You think nothing can stop your incredible offensive machine.

The flight back to OK will be a long one, with no one daring to utter "BOOMER."

I actually wont be surprised if UF wins by 2 td's. I wont be surprised if OU is up by 28 after the first quarter and hangs 50 on UF either. Hoping for the latter...

In the immortal words of Dr. Gene Squatt
I got a realllly good feelin about this one...

1/5/2009, 03:58 PM
I say BAN every gator on here.. They are all a bunch of trolls and they know nothing about football.. OU will teach them a thing or two thursday night...

Waste of time banning them. If Oklahoma wins on thursday I doubt most of them will ever log on to this board again.

1/5/2009, 04:00 PM
Waste of time banning them. If Oklahoma wins on thursday I doubt most of them will ever log on to this board again.

Good point !

Hot Rod
1/5/2009, 04:01 PM
Waste of time banning them. If Oklahoma wins on thursday I doubt most of them will ever log on to this board again.

Some of them have been cool and will probably come back and congratulate us. The others are just tools. But, hey, you won't see me talking smack on their boards, when we win.

1/5/2009, 04:08 PM
Waste of time banning them. If Oklahoma wins on thursday I doubt most of them will ever log on to this board again.

I couldn't agree more.

At this point I'm just hangin' around smackin' me up some bitches.

Most of what's coming over here now are trolls anyway.

1/5/2009, 04:57 PM
Stoops is very familiar with being blown out in bowl games, so he doesn't have to worry about shock.

I would agree that Urban will be shocked if Florida is blown out.

1/5/2009, 04:59 PM

1/5/2009, 05:08 PM
Waste of time banning them. If Oklahoma wins on thursday I doubt most of them will ever log on to this board again.

I'll be back if OU wins, but not if UF* wins (except maybe do a bit of lurking) - at least not for a few months.

Curly Bill
1/5/2009, 05:49 PM
With the recent influx of gatorbaters it would seem that somewhere in Florida there is a trailer development that just got the innerwebs! Must be back in one of them swamps.

1/5/2009, 06:01 PM
FU will get prison raped by OU and all soonerfans will make gatortex our b*tch!

P3 Gator
1/5/2009, 06:09 PM
Waste of time banning them. If Oklahoma wins on thursday I doubt most of them will ever log on to this board again.

If OU wins, I will be here to congratulate you on a great victory. If UF wins, you'll not see me again.

1/5/2009, 06:09 PM
Not as shocked as when Ole Miss beat them at home.

1/5/2009, 06:22 PM
Not as shocked as when Ole Miss beat them at home.

True. It'll hurt worse, though.

1/5/2009, 06:30 PM
If UF wins, you'll not see me again.

Quit teasing us.

1/5/2009, 06:54 PM
This is why you suck: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc-2EGPQNVM

P3 Gator
1/5/2009, 07:25 PM
This is why you suck: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc-2EGPQNVM

Because of the two NC Basketball teams??? Guess you would feel that way.

1/5/2009, 08:40 PM
The flight back to OK will be a long one, with no one daring to utter "BOOMER."

Well, at least we'll be saving on jet fuel, since Tebow will be able to throw our plane all the way back to Oklahoma...

1/6/2009, 01:32 AM
All those in favor of changing Gatortex name to Kotex say "I"


1/6/2009, 01:51 AM
All those in favor of changing Gatortex name to Kotex say "I"



1/6/2009, 11:31 AM
All those in favor of changing Gatortex name to Kotex say "I"



1/6/2009, 12:40 PM
If OU wins I will be back to say congrats. If UF wins, I will be back with congrats for finishing 2nd. Most likely the latter.

1/6/2009, 12:51 PM
All those in favor of banning OU from future BCS games if they lay another egg on Thursday say "I".

OU and Ohio State could be charter members.

Hot Rod
1/6/2009, 01:00 PM
All those in favor of changing Gatortex name to Kotex say "I"


I don't think he would get it.

1/6/2009, 01:08 PM
How shocked will the Sooner fans be when UF wins by 2-3 TDs? That's what I want to know. It will be a much bigger shock for you all. You think you are invincible. You think nothing can stop your incredible offensive machine.

The flight back to OK will be a long one, with no one daring to utter "BOOMER."

Some of us are a little more grounded than others. I can see this game going many different directions. Win - Loss - Blowout - Close. In the back of our collective minds, we can't get that 2004 Orange Bowl out of our head, and secretly hope that doesn't happen again. That team was pretty damn good - with an arguably better defense. No one saw that coming - not even myopic USC fans.

This being said - IF the Sooners get hammered by 2-3 TD's - I don't think that people will be SHOCKED. We've been hearing how good your defense is for months -

I'm just about ready for this game to get here so we can all open our late Christmas present - some will be ecstatic - others . . . utter dissappointment opening up a box of socks.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/6/2009, 01:18 PM
All those in favor of banning OU from future BCS games if they lay another egg on Thursday say "I".

OU and Ohio State could be charter members.



Your Soonfans "Awesome Post Award" is in the mail.