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1/4/2009, 11:29 PM
So, if Tim Tebow is the Best QB in all of College Football according to the talking heads, what is his weakest trait?

Is he a better passer or runner? Where can he hurt you more, staying in the pocket and passing or scrambling and running to set up his passing?

What if, just maybe, Franks was quietly given permission to say what he did.

What if part of your gameplan to beat Florida is to goad their quarterback to try and beat you with his weakest strength?

Saying Teabow would be the 4th best qb in the Big 12 and he only throws the ball 20 times a game might just get in his mind to try and prove you wrong.

Maybe that won't be a bad thing for OUr team!

Just wonderin......:pop:

1/5/2009, 12:14 AM
his only weakness: Kryptonite

1/5/2009, 12:19 AM
9 year old Cuban boys covered in KY.

1/5/2009, 12:23 AM
You wouldn't want Franks to lie would you?
Timmy is just a human, regardless of what the lovesick talking heads would have you believe, and he can fail just as easily as any other human. And he IS on a collision course with failure, BOOMER!

1/5/2009, 12:24 AM
9 year old Cuban boys covered in foreskin.


1/5/2009, 12:28 AM

Hahaha spek

1/5/2009, 12:30 AM
So, if Tim Tebow is the Best QB in all of College Football according to the talking heads, what is his weakest trait?

Is he a better passer or runner? Where can he hurt you more, staying in the pocket and passing or scrambling and running to set up his passing?

What if, just maybe, Franks was quietly given permission to say what he did.

What if part of your gameplan to beat Florida is to goad their quarterback to try and beat you with his weakest strength?

Saying Teabow would be the 4th best qb in the Big 12 and he only throws the ball 20 times a game might just get in his mind to try and prove you wrong.

Maybe that won't be a bad thing for OUr team!

Just wonderin......:pop:

Actually, that may have some validity. What will concern me most though, is if he falls back into last year's habit of looking for Percy on every pass, or, if he can't find Percy, tucking and running.

1/5/2009, 12:43 AM
Diabolical. I like it. Anything to get him to put in in the air more often.

1/5/2009, 12:49 AM
Franks got caught with his pants down, figuratively speaking.

So did Brandon Spikes... but nobody else seems to realize that. If we're getting pounded in the MNC game, you can bet the camera will focus on Franks and Thom Brenaman will be sure to bring up Dom's comments, along with Tebow's public apology speech after Ole Miss.

Every player who gets called out constantly, in this case, it's the OU defense and it's parts... every player will feel some resentment towards such comments. Keep in mind that no video, nor direct quote has shown up yet with Franks bashing Tebow. He simply stated that we've played three of the top QBs in the country, and field possibly the best. He said from everything I've read that they're used to talented QBs and receivers.

Then again, he's 21 years old and got a mic put on him right after practice... a time when guys still have their competitive hats on and are likely to sound dumb or down-right delusional. The only answer to stopping comments from being publicized is for Stoops to close practices... and we all know how much people **** and moan like little crying babies when he does that in the spring time every year.

If the players dont have cameras on them constantly and are scripted in every press conference, no bulletin board material... period. It seems very simple, doesn't it?

So Brandon Spikes saying 'without a doubt the SEC runners are top-to-bottom better than the runners in the BIG 12... all of them' won't show up in OU's locker room? You think Cale Gundy and the backs haven't heard that a hundred times yet? You think James Patton hasn't reminded the OL unit how the UF players keep saying we're slow in the BIG 12? You think Venables doesn't constantly remind his LB corps that Timmy Tebow "would like to have a shot at those BIG 12 defenses?"

I met a former Sooner LB back in 2004. He said in preparation for the 2001 Orange Bowl, him and the team were so disgusted with anything and everything FSU-related by the time the game rolled around that one of his buddies punched the wall where there was a picture of Weinke and his Heisman. He said it was like FSU stole something from them and the team took it personally. Professionally, he said by the end of the game it was high-fives and hand shakes... but from December to the end of the 4th in Miami, he said he had never seen a group of guys feel so disrespected and ready to pound someone.

I keep thinking to myself we need to put smiling Timmy Tebow pictures up in OU's locker room with the quote "I'd like to face one of those BIG 12 defenses..." up on it. As for the offense, play a nice little video of the chest-bumping "S-E-C... S-E-C... S-E-C!!!" retards from the last two MNC games and tell them they haven't faced a real defense yet. Tell the offense their accomplishments are a fluke and paste a big picture of Urban Meyer holding up the MNC crystal ball in their locker room as well.

Meyer and Florida, with quotes like Dom's will be able to come up with a scheme of their own... but they'd have to be a hell of a lot more creative considering no one's really slobbering over us and they're favored.

1/5/2009, 12:52 AM

Mind games...

1/5/2009, 06:15 AM
So, if Tim Tebow is the Best QB in all of College Football according to the talking heads, what is his weakest trait?

Is he a better passer or runner? Where can he hurt you more, staying in the pocket and passing or scrambling and running to set up his passing?

What if, just maybe, Franks was quietly given permission to say what he did.

What if part of your gameplan to beat Florida is to goad their quarterback to try and beat you with his weakest strength?

Saying Teabow would be the 4th best qb in the Big 12 and he only throws the ball 20 times a game might just get in his mind to try and prove you wrong.

Maybe that won't be a bad thing for OUr team!

Just wonderin......:pop:

you know, I was thinking, the talking heads were saying Tebow would not be a top pick because he is not a typical pro style QB. So, I was thinking he may try and sit back in the pocket to prove them wrong. Franks maybe baiting him to that as well. I hope it works:D