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View Full Version : Nuclear Predictions

1/3/2009, 10:18 AM
OK....we've had quite a bit of talk here lately about skirmishes, wars, religion, politics, etc. When or even if and who do you think will use a nuclear weapon either as an agressive assault on a neighboring country or as a terrorist tool.

What say you folks?

Opinions are welcome.

I for one have always hoped that we'll never see another one...ever. There is plenty of documented proof that they shouldn't ever be used agressively but there is also plenty of proof that our World is full of folks who cannot get along and many times have a completely opposite view of who would be happy with a World hell bent on the destruction of everyone they don't like.

It's a sickening thought I know...especially the folks who think we can somehow get rid of them.

Have at it.

1/3/2009, 11:25 AM
Iran Is gonna Keep On developing themselves a Bomb . Israel aint Gonna Like it so they gonna Nuke Iran , Iran Is gonna retaliate But their **** will be so ****ed up that It Hits India . India Is gonna Blame Pakistan and Nuke them , Pakistan Is gonna Nuke whoever Is left .
Then Yellowstone Blows Up and the World Ends .
What I win ?

1/3/2009, 11:38 AM
I would think Iran is definitely going to try and develop one, and that it will be used in a Terriost fashion - where as you can not directly link Iran easily with the creation of the Bomb. The target will be Jerusalem & one bomb would potentially take out the entire area.

Pakistan and India - will continue throwing grenades over the border at each other and really do not pose much threat.

I think Isreal stands the biggest chance to get hit with a nuke and likely Terriost fashion.

Bush today said we need to stop weapons to Hamas, laying ground work for support if they continue to play patsy with a pissed off Isreal. Hamas being a legit Government - is now able to get sanctioned and targeted as an aggressive country.

There fore I think Palastinian's are next to go down at the hands of Isreal - if Iran doesn't like it - the above mentioned could happen.

Then Yellow stone blow's up and we are all screwed....

1/3/2009, 07:18 PM
See...I knew that Yellowstone stuff had something to do with it all.

Frozen Sooner
1/3/2009, 07:20 PM
I think if it's smaller than an atom, we can know where it is or how fast it's going, but not both, making predictiosn rather tricky.

1/3/2009, 07:50 PM
In truth, I'm more worried about a low-yield "dirty bomb" going off in one of the countless thousands of sea-land containers arriving in NY harbor each day than a big 'ol mega-ton nuke being popped.

Such a thing would shut NYC down for at least a year, with devastating results on the rest of us.

1/3/2009, 08:32 PM
See...I knew that Yellowstone stuff had something to do with it all.

AS Long as we Make It to 2012 . Im good .;)

1/3/2009, 08:55 PM
2012? Sooners 12th NC? :D