View Full Version : The Alamo Bowl...... or.... Booger Bowl

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12/29/2008, 11:47 PM
i was hoping to see booger's family one more time. what's the over-under for OT on that?

12/29/2008, 11:47 PM
they deserved that by not trying to get closer. i predict a Daniel INT in OT.

Crucifax Autumn
12/29/2008, 11:47 PM
...and the balloons stay cozy in their ceiling nets.

That sounds rather "scrotal"! lol

12/29/2008, 11:47 PM
It's like they are both trying to lose the damn game...

MI Sooner
12/29/2008, 11:47 PM
I'd much rather have run the ball for four yards than give up three. 37 yarder is much easier than 44.

Lott's Bandana
12/29/2008, 11:47 PM
Good thing Herr Boog lost those three yards moving the ball 17 centimeters towards the middle...well played.

12/29/2008, 11:48 PM
what a bunch of losers.

i thought this was their all-universe kicker.

Nope but he did make First Team All Galaxy.

Crucifax Autumn
12/29/2008, 11:48 PM
they deserved that by not trying to get closer. i predict a Daniel PICK in OT.


12/29/2008, 11:48 PM
Chase Daniel's sister looks like the kid that wants to be a dentist in that animated rudolph the red nosed reindeer flick.

12/29/2008, 11:48 PM
Ok. the video of the people behind Chase' parents celebrating until they are told it missed is hilarious.!

heh. +1 on that

12/29/2008, 11:49 PM
Did I see Booger holding some Asst Coach from behind? NTTAWWT

Crucifax Autumn
12/29/2008, 11:49 PM
Chase Daniel's sister looks like the kid that wants to be a dentist in that animated rudolph the red nosed reindeer flick.

Better than looking like booger

12/29/2008, 11:50 PM
Chase lost the toss too. Mad mojo!

Crucifax Autumn
12/29/2008, 11:50 PM
"back side of the snapper"? Ain't that the taint?

Lott's Bandana
12/29/2008, 11:50 PM
I remember thinking that Alamodome was a pretty trailerpark facility. Bad sightlines, skinny concourse....meh.

12/29/2008, 11:51 PM
i'm glad we're getting the OT details. the last 12+ years of watching college football has left me unaware of the rules.

Lott's Bandana
12/29/2008, 11:52 PM
Misery meh. Maclin I like.

12/29/2008, 11:52 PM
No wonder Ou made history with the 60 pt. wins. A big 12 conference title contender getting handled by a Big 10 team! Mizzo represents the big 12 well, a no game conference top to bottom, North to South outside its own conference. Northwestern? Talk about getting in the back door to the National Championship game. Backdoor Sooners! WHAT A JOKE!!!!

MI Sooner
12/29/2008, 11:52 PM
Maclin kinda pusses out on the end of all his runs, doesn't he?

12/29/2008, 11:52 PM
Now we know why Chases' mom was crying. Someone needs to get them a "but...but..but we're Missouri" sign

12/29/2008, 11:53 PM
td mizzou!

12/29/2008, 11:53 PM
That was a nice play.

12/29/2008, 11:53 PM
seems like there'd be some success getting Maclin the ball out of the backfield (either passing or handing off/option). guess that's not Chase's game.

Lott's Bandana
12/29/2008, 11:53 PM
i'm glad we're getting the OT details. the last 12+ years of watching college football has left me unaware of the rules.

That's just in case Donovan is watching.

12/29/2008, 11:53 PM
advantage - Booger

12/29/2008, 11:54 PM
No wonder Ou made history with the 60 pt. wins. A big 12 conference title contender getting handled by a Big 10 team! Mizzo represents the big 12 well, a no game conference top to bottom, North to South outside its own conference. Northwestern? Talk about getting in the back door to the National Championship game. Backdoor Sooners! WHAT A JOKE!!!!

Thanks for playing

12/29/2008, 11:55 PM
No wonder Ou made history with the 60 pt. wins. A big 12 conference title contender getting handled by a Big 10 team! Mizzo represents the big 12 well, a no game conference top to bottom, North to South outside its own conference. Northwestern? Talk about getting in the back door to the National Championship game. Backdoor Sooners! WHAT A JOKE!!!!

Isn't there an S-E-C! team playing somewhere you can go pleasure yourself to?

12/29/2008, 11:55 PM
i do not believe mizzou can stop them.

or anyone for that matter.

but definitely not them.

12/29/2008, 11:55 PM
No wonder Ou made history with the 60 pt. wins. A big 12 conference title contender getting handled by a Big 10 team! Mizzo represents the big 12 well, a no game conference top to bottom, North to South outside its own conference. Northwestern? Talk about getting in the back door to the National Championship game. Backdoor Sooners! WHAT A JOKE!!!!

Bless your heart.

12/29/2008, 11:55 PM
Anyone actually think Mizzou gets a stop here??

12/29/2008, 11:57 PM
Mizzou's D going to pull this out??

12/29/2008, 11:57 PM
Oh my, that was sad.

12/29/2008, 11:57 PM
maybe, MAYBE, missouri can hold them here on 4th and goal from the 32.

Lott's Bandana
12/29/2008, 11:57 PM
No wonder Ou made history with the 60 pt. wins. A big 12 conference title contender getting handled by a Big 10 team! Mizzo represents the big 12 well, a no game conference top to bottom, North to South outside its own conference. Northwestern? Talk about getting in the back door to the National Championship game. Backdoor Sooners! WHAT A JOKE!!!!


Another mullet heard from.

Keep talking penis-state rooter. You forget we had more points against this Jewel of the North than both these teams have in this game combined.

12/29/2008, 11:57 PM
4th down on the 32 yard line.

If NWstern scores a TD here, Missouri should give up football forever.

12/29/2008, 11:57 PM
what a gift

12/29/2008, 11:58 PM
They calling that a fumble or an incomplete pass?

12/29/2008, 11:58 PM
Did Booger's dad just flash the number 1 sign? Apparently he slept through the season and just woke up.

12/29/2008, 11:58 PM
Ole Bobby "waterboy" Boucher just got his *** handled....

12/29/2008, 11:59 PM
Why is Booger's mom crying?

i think she's crying because she's watching his last football game.

12/29/2008, 11:59 PM
How ridiculous to be laying on the field. Good lord.

12/29/2008, 11:59 PM
well I'll be damned. they pulled it out.

Lott's Bandana
12/30/2008, 12:00 AM
Where be the balloons?

12/30/2008, 12:00 AM
Chase's dad was just seen mouthing, "THAT'S MY BOY" immediately after a clip of Chase holding his #1 finger in the air.

Wow. Mizzou = epic succage.

12/30/2008, 12:00 AM
chase daniel has hot sisters

12/30/2008, 12:00 AM
No wonder Ou made history with the 60 pt. wins. A big 12 conference title contender getting handled by a Big 10 team! Mizzo represents the big 12 well, a no game conference top to bottom, North to South outside its own conference. Northwestern? Talk about getting in the back door to the National Championship game. Backdoor Sooners! WHAT A JOKE!!!!

You are the joke sir. Look at the polls. What are they ranked? Mizzou is 20 and Northwestern is 22 per the AP poll. Okay, so you say Mizzou plays no defense. Ergo, the whole Big XII plays no defense? Well, they've scored 30 on Northwestern, so their defense must suck too, huh? And the Big 10 all sucks, huh? Man, I guess it's just the S-E-C! and some other squads trying to field 11 men.

12/30/2008, 12:02 AM
chase daniel has hot sisters

You have low standards.

12/30/2008, 12:03 AM
Aight Soonerfans. I'm out. Been fun :)

Lott's Bandana
12/30/2008, 12:04 AM
Funny ballcaps:

Alamo Bowl

12/30/2008, 12:04 AM
what're you talking about? brunettes...good teeth, high cheekbones, good lips, not fat, none of the daniel babyfat. decent rack under that jersey. how are they not hot?

MI Sooner
12/30/2008, 12:05 AM
Someone should coach up the Mizzou DBs and teach them to go up and meet the ball, not wait for it to nestle gently in their chest while the opposing team waits on pins and needles to see if they make the INT.

12/30/2008, 12:06 AM
Funny ballcaps:

Alamo Bowl

kinda like

special Olympics

12/30/2008, 12:06 AM
what're you talking about? brunettes...good teeth, high cheekbones, good lips, not fat, none of the daniel babyfat. decent rack under that jersey. how are they not hot?

I studied the tape. I rule.... Not hot. :D

12/30/2008, 12:08 AM
No wonder Ou made history with the 60 pt. wins. A big 12 conference title contender getting handled by a Big 10 team! Mizzo represents the big 12 well, a no game conference top to bottom, North to South outside its own conference. Northwestern? Talk about getting in the back door to the National Championship game. Backdoor Sooners! WHAT A JOKE!!!!

Looking over your 5 posts, you claim to be a Sooner fan. Up until this post, I was willing to accept that you were just a mildly addled, socially maladjusted Sooner fan. However, my ****-credulity index just hit a new low with this post. Say buh-bye.

Crucifax Autumn
12/30/2008, 12:08 AM
Do they eat boogers? That's the tiebreaker between you hot or not guys.

12/30/2008, 12:09 AM
No wonder Ou made history with the 60 pt. wins. A big 12 conference title contender getting handled by a Big 10 team! Mizzo represents the big 12 well, a no game conference top to bottom, North to South outside its own conference. Northwestern? Talk about getting in the back door to the National Championship game. Backdoor Sooners! WHAT A JOKE!!!!

WTF? I wanted to neg this idjit to bolivia, but for some reason i can't; totally ruined my night. :D

12/30/2008, 12:13 AM
Nice mascara, ya poo pusher.

Really, we've suffered all sorts of fools from Steve Taylor to Less Smiles. But you, Chase Daniel, are the most complete TOOL ever, in the history of the Big 8 or Big XII.

Congrats to you and your jock-sniffing family. I hope they cheer you just as loudly when you complete your first total home-n-car care insurance package sale.

You, sir, are the winner...."Biggest Dou*he in the Universe". John Edwards, step aside.

Congrats, Chase!

12/30/2008, 12:15 AM
WTF? I wanted to neg this idjit to bolivia, but for some reason i can't; totally ruined my night. :D

I got one in before he was sent to Banland. ;)

12/30/2008, 12:17 AM
what're you talking about? brunettes...good teeth, high cheekbones, good lips, not fat, none of the daniel babyfat. decent rack under that jersey. how are they not hot?

They never call him.

12/30/2008, 12:44 AM
what're you talking about? brunettes...good teeth, high cheekbones, good lips, not fat, none of the daniel babyfat. decent rack under that jersey. how are they not hot?

[OBLIGATORY REMARK] This thread is worthless without a pic! [/OBLIGATORY REMARK]

Crucifax Autumn
12/30/2008, 12:55 AM
[OBLIGATORY REMARK] This thread is worthless without a pic! [/OBLIGATORY REMARK]


12/30/2008, 02:51 AM
And, NW is not better than Ole Miss... they have a very, very good coach now and are tougher than you think.

I needed a good laugh like that coming back from my Christmas vacation. Ole Miss has a very, very good coach? Uh, check back with me in two years when the last of Coach O's players hit the road and he continues to lose home games to the likes of Vanderbilt and Kentucky. That's what the national pundits fail to realize when they continually sing the praises of that oaf; for every major upset he has a tendency to pull each year, he also goes two steps backward with head-scratching losses in the same season. Just wait and see what Texas Tech does to Coach O's players come Friday. After all, this "very, very good" coach has as many bowl wins as Bumbling Bill Stewart.

(says the poster who's also a Razorback fan; therefore, speaking from experience).

Crucifax Autumn
12/30/2008, 02:55 AM
But I thought you were all about the O???? :P

12/30/2008, 02:59 AM
But I thought you were all about the O???? :P

I am; just got some other teams I like to follow as well. However, when they play the Sooners, I root for OU first and foremost.

12/30/2008, 02:59 AM
I needed a good laugh like that coming back from my Christmas vacation. Ole Miss has a very, very good coach? Uh, check back with me in two years when the last of Coach O's players hit the road and he continues to lose home games to the likes of Vanderbilt and Kentucky. That's what the national pundits fail to realize when they continually sing the praises of that oaf; for every major upset he has a tendency to pull each year, he also goes two steps backward with head-scratching losses in the same season. Just wait and see what Texas Tech does to Coach O's players come Friday. After all, this "very, very good" coach has as many bowl wins as Bumbling Bill Stewart.

(says the poster who's also a Razorback fan; therefore, speaking from experience).
See: Wake Forest. Vandy. South Carolina.

12/30/2008, 03:04 AM
See: Wake Forest. Vandy. South Carolina.

I would've cut the Gator guy a break and not told him that last season Mississippi State had more wins than a Nutty-coached Razorback team that had a backfield featuring three future NFL players. But, as they say, the truth may be told.

Texas Tech will stomp the Rebels come Friday. Personally, I would like to see Harrell throw for 500 yards and seven TDs and Crabtree catch five of those and see that "very, very good coach" pacing nervously chewing his fingernails.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/30/2008, 11:41 AM
I would've cut the Gator guy a break and not told him that last season Mississippi State had more wins than a Nutty-coached Razorback team that had a backfield featuring three future NFL players. But, as they say, the truth may be told.

Texas Tech will stomp the Rebels come Friday. Personally, I would like to see Harrell throw for 500 yards and seven TDs and Crabtree catch five of those and see that "very, very good coach" pacing nervously chewing his fingernails.Not so sure I want our Sooners to see anything that might swell their egos, before they play FU.

12/30/2008, 11:46 AM
Tech did not look good against Baylor and that was at home. I think our game demoralized them badly as they went from BCS title contender to completely out of any BCS bowl in less than 1 hour. It will be interesting to see how well they are prepared for the cotton bowl.

Anyone know if Crabtree will be 100%?

12/30/2008, 02:26 PM
Nice thread. I'm sorry I was away from the computer.
I was just gonna say:
1. Agree that Mizzou looked like OUr team in the last 2 Fiasco Bowls ('cept they managed to win despite the lack of focus and imnpiration).
2. Booger's mom looks realy good to me.
3. The sisters (or whatever) are not exactly "hot," but I wouldn't complain about 'em
4. The UFla trolls added a certain something to the party - like turds in the punch bowl
5. Booger Daniel has NO NFL potential, except maybe as a holder on FGs
6. "The most accurate kicker in the history of _____" always misses the key kick at the end
7. uhh.... a bunch of other stuff that woulda been funny last night :O

12/30/2008, 02:37 PM
Nice thread. I'm sorry I was away from the computer.
I was just gonna say:
1. Agree that Mizzou looked like OUr team in the last 2 Fiasco Bowls ('cept they managed to win despite the lack of focus and imnpiration).
2. Booger's mom looks realy good to me.
3. The sisters (or whatever) are not exactly "hot," but I wouldn't complain about 'em
4. The UFla trolls added a certain something to the party - like turds in the punch bowl
5. Booger Daniel has NO NFL potential, except maybe as a holder on FGs
6. "The most accurate kicker in the history of _____" always misses the key kick at the end
7. uhh.... a bunch of other stuff that woulda been funny last night :O

1. Yep. NW just needed 1 more skill player or 1 more break to win. Without Maclin, MU would have gotten stomped.

6. That was karma pushing that FG wide right. When a team starts playing for the FG too early and doesn't try to get the TD or at least get closer, they miss.

Won't comment on the mom/sister/girlfriends looks, but watching their reactions was more entertaining than the game.

12/30/2008, 05:24 PM
i think she's crying because she's watching his last football game.

Nah, no Heisman, no Big XII Championship, no NC game = no NFL for sonny boy and no easy street for Mommy. Glad this is Booger's last game. I am tired of watching his parents slobber on each other during broadcasts.