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12/23/2008, 02:11 PM
You have been banned for the following reason:
Language like f*cktard is not allowed

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

haha! any1 else been banned?

12/23/2008, 02:16 PM
You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never

For this:

[typical SEC response]
If Ole Miss is blown out it obviously means nothing. If Tech is blown out, it means what we already know, that the SEC's vastly superior defenses blahblahblah...
[/typical SEC response]

12/23/2008, 02:18 PM
Wait. I thought Gator fan boards didn't ban opposing team trolls? I'm confused.

12/23/2008, 02:19 PM
That is not correct.

12/23/2008, 02:22 PM
You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never

For this:

[typical SEC response]
If Ole Miss is blown out it obviously means nothing. If Tech is blown out, it means what we already know, that the SEC's vastly superior defenses blahblahblah...
[/typical SEC response]

ya i saw that one.. mine was in the same thread...

they really get butt hurt about SEC smack:rolleyes:

12/23/2008, 02:27 PM

Free board that has some good posters, and like everywhere else, some not so good posters.

Pretty hard to get banned at that site. Have a political section for folks interested in those types of discussions too.

12/23/2008, 02:31 PM
You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never

For this:

[typical SEC response]
If Ole Miss is blown out it obviously means nothing. If Tech is blown out, it means what we already know, that the SEC's vastly superior defenses blahblahblah...
[/typical SEC response]

Hmmm, looks like the gator board moderators have some of the same personality disorders as the whorns. Go figure.


12/23/2008, 02:33 PM
If I want to Talk smack on other teams I do it here ;)
I very seldom Visit other teams Boards .

Scott D
12/23/2008, 02:34 PM
I'm impressed that the two of you found the hornfans.com of gator land.

12/23/2008, 02:36 PM
Wait. I thought Gator fan boards didn't ban opposing team trolls? I'm confused.

Hehe. Easily confused nowadays huh?


12/23/2008, 02:42 PM
You do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

You made a post that contradicts our stupid opinions.

I can't access any forum over there and the few posts I made, which weren't bannable by any forum's standards, have been erased.

12/23/2008, 02:55 PM
I love that the date of the ban lift is "never." Perhaps we can invent a gator-specific ban message for their infractions?

You've been uber tebowned!
Reason: Making Baby Jesus cry.
Date of next Florida championship: Never, especially not Jan. 8, 2009

12/23/2008, 03:12 PM
I guess this board has a form of probation or work release before banning. (insert laugh emoticon here)

I do not have permission to start a thread. I was going to start a Merry X-Mas thread from a Gator who has respect for OU and their program but the gods would not permit it so I will post it here.

Merry X-Mas to you and yours. I wish you all good health and perspective on what is really important in life.

Look forward to a good game.


12/23/2008, 03:15 PM
Yeah, I got banned too. I guess I proved my points too well.

12/23/2008, 03:20 PM
Yeah, I got banned too. I guess I proved my points too well.

for what? proving that your name ment sooner on fire? :D tools

12/23/2008, 03:20 PM
I just... don't see the appeal of other fanbase sites. Particularly since I don't really feel anything about Florida one way or another. Sure, it was obnoxious when they assumed Stoops would come running just because they felt like having him as their head coach, but other than that, they've got very little to do with us.

'Course, having their fans spend a month talking about how tachyonic they are sorta does get old. Guess, given time, *any* team can become one I really hate. With a little effort by its supporters.

12/23/2008, 03:28 PM
Heh. I forgot about their jihads on here when Stoops was rumored to be a candidate for that job.


12/23/2008, 03:29 PM

12/23/2008, 03:30 PM

12/23/2008, 03:30 PM

12/23/2008, 03:31 PM

12/23/2008, 03:32 PM
Man, I sure do miss those days.

12/23/2008, 03:32 PM
I guess this board has a form of probation or work release before banning. (insert laugh emoticon here)

I do not have permission to start a thread. I was going to start a Merry X-Mas thread from a Gator who has respect for OU and their program but the gods would not permit it so I will post it here.

Merry X-Mas to you and yours. I wish you all good health and perspective on what is really important in life.

Look forward to a good game.


And a Merry Christmas to you....maybe not so happy of a New Year :D

I don't think anyone with under 100 posts is allowed to start a thread....fwiw

12/23/2008, 03:36 PM
And a Merry Christmas to you....maybe not so happy of a New Year :D

I don't think anyone with under 100 posts is allowed to start a thread....fwiw

I hope they put that rule back in place.

12/23/2008, 03:36 PM
Man, I sure do miss those days.

"And BRJ rose above the trailer trash, and thus did he look back at his single wide and bid it adieu."

12/23/2008, 05:21 PM
You do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

You made a post that contradicts our stupid opinions.

I can't access any forum over there and the few posts I made, which weren't bannable by any forum's standards, have been erased.

First things first: I apologize to any that have been banned. For the most part, I think banning is a poor approach. Granted, there are some people that deserve to be banned, but by and large, it is a silly reaction from thin-skinned busy bodies who have little to do. In an strange sense, I liken it to when Andy Taylor went to Raleigh for the weekend and returned, only to find everyone else locked up in jail.

Moderators are far too much like Barney Fife and not nearly enough like Andy Taylor.

Secondly, as for that particular response: "You do not have permission to access this page ..." That is probably because you were trying to go to a membership only board. They have them mixed in together. For that matter, every once in a while, some twit posts a link from a "premium" board to an open board. Of course the link works fine for premium members, but doesn't for the rest. The worst part is that people will just start carrying on about whatever the topic is, and it's a giant waste of time. If you want to discuss something from a premium board, then please do everyone a favor and do so on the premium board.

12/23/2008, 06:37 PM
i havent been banned yet. but the koolaid drinking is pretty fierce there. according to them, gresham wouldnt even start if he were at florida. phil loadholt is a below average LT; fat, slow, giant slob who cant block.

more to come.

12/23/2008, 06:44 PM

Free board that has some good posters, and like everywhere else, some not so good posters.

Pretty hard to get banned at that site. Have a political section for folks interested in those types of discussions too.

Then the OU posters can also weigh in on what former Gator great QB will be the next offensive coordinator! Or whether Spurrier is a Gator or a Traitor!!

12/23/2008, 06:47 PM
i havent been banned yet. but the koolaid drinking is pretty fierce there. according to them, gresham wouldnt even start if he were at florida. phil loadholt is a below average LT; fat, slow, giant slob who cant block.

more to come.

Yup, and everyone here is levelheaded and not biased at all =P

12/23/2008, 07:00 PM

12/23/2008, 07:42 PM
Yup, and everyone here is levelheaded and not biased at all =P

Has anyone here said your star players wouldn't start at OU. I'm pretty sure Harvin, Demps, ect. could get playing time here. To say otherwise is freakishly ignorant.

12/23/2008, 08:17 PM
i havent been banned yet. but the koolaid drinking is pretty fierce there. according to them, gresham wouldnt even start if he were at florida. phil loadholt is a below average LT; fat, slow, giant slob who cant block.

more to come.

This after seeing that DT at Bama. I don't know if he's good or not, and don't care. I do recall he was a bit on the sloppy side of fat though.

Boomer Mooner
12/23/2008, 08:26 PM
First things first: I apologize to any that have been banned. For the most part, I think banning is a poor approach. Granted, there are some people that deserve to be banned, but by and large, it is a silly reaction from thin-skinned busy bodies who have little to do. In an strange sense, I liken it to when Andy Taylor went to Raleigh for the weekend and returned, only to find everyone else locked up in jail.

Moderators are far too much like Barney Fife and not nearly enough like Andy Taylor.

Secondly, as for that particular response: "You do not have permission to access this page ..." That is probably because you were trying to go to a membership only board. They have them mixed in together. For that matter, every once in a while, some twit posts a link from a "premium" board to an open board. Of course the link works fine for premium members, but doesn't for the rest. The worst part is that people will just start carrying on about whatever the topic is, and it's a giant waste of time. If you want to discuss something from a premium board, then please do everyone a favor and do so on the premium board.

Surely you will agree that's not the case on this site (and before you say it I didn't call you Shirley). A lot of the gator fans have been pretty damn obnoxious on here and still weren't banned without first getting a warning. Don't know about all the premium board BS...it's all pretty primo here.

12/23/2008, 09:38 PM
I guess this board has a form of probation or work release before banning. (insert laugh emoticon here)

I do not have permission to start a thread. I was going to start a Merry X-Mas thread from a Gator who has respect for OU and their program but the gods would not permit it so I will post it here.

Merry X-Mas to you and yours. I wish you all good health and perspective on what is really important in life.

Look forward to a good game.


I know. I can't start threads either. I was gonna start one that talked about the game and the game only. Now I have to say what I was gonna say in like 20 different threads.

And yes....Merry Christmas to all. Whether you are a Sooner or Gator. But not you Texas or FSU people. Y'all have fun playing for 4th or 30 place. Means no different to me.

Boomer Mooner
12/23/2008, 09:57 PM
I know. I can't start threads either. I was gonna start one that talked about the game and the game only. Now I have to say what I was gonna say in like 20 different threads.

And yes....Merry Christmas to all. Whether you are a Sooner or Gator. But not you Texas or FSU people. Y'all have fun playing for 4th or 30 place. Means no different to me.

There is a thread called "Can we talk about the game", you know that someone started for people to talk about the game and the game only. That's why they don't let you start you're own threads for awhile, even if you're an OU fan so don't take it personal.

12/24/2008, 06:08 PM
They should rename that forum "Swamp A.S.S."

12/24/2008, 08:03 PM
Did that guy just make a Mayberry reference?

12/24/2008, 08:31 PM

12/24/2008, 08:49 PM
Hornfan.com are the biggest bunch of whinebags, their moderators feel they have to shelter the little whorns from the rest of the world...

Also banned from Shaggybevo.com for putting "39-33 65-21" in a thread titled "45-35"

We encountered a problem. The reason reported was:

You have been banned from making further posts on the On The Field board. The reason for this:

sooner flamer

12/25/2008, 12:09 AM
Gatorcountry has a big stick up their butt. I'm not surprised you got banned. If you want to say f**ktard, you should visit thegatorboard.com... we say it all the time, and have been waiting for some sooners to drop in. We actually have some solid sports talk sprinkled amongst the silliness.

12/25/2008, 01:50 AM
I would rather stay on this board. People on here post in a good way.

Crucifax Autumn
12/25/2008, 05:56 AM
Same here. If I'm gonna get banned anywhere it's gonna be here goldarnit!

12/25/2008, 10:16 AM

12/25/2008, 11:44 AM

That tears it - now ban yourself.

12/26/2008, 08:43 PM
i didn't get banned but my videos that i put up to prove my point(about how there are a lot of backs w/ break-away speed)got taken off... i think because this was one of the videos

12/27/2008, 03:43 AM
i didn't get banned but my videos that i put up to prove my point(about how there are a lot of backs w/ break-away speed)got taken off... i think because this was one of the videos

Dang you for making me see that.:mad:
However, that wouldn't get you banned at thegatorboard.com. Ridiculed perhaps, or rebutted with a Boise State or Texas clip, but not banned.:cool:

12/27/2008, 03:49 AM
And a Merry Christmas to you....maybe not so happy of a New Year :D

I don't think anyone with under 100 posts is allowed to start a thread....fwiw

I only have 10 posts, but it says I can start a thread. Then again, I've been registered here for 3 years.

Crucifax Autumn
12/27/2008, 09:42 AM
Wow...that vid is certainly a great example of Florida's awesome defensive speed and their physical toughness!

12/27/2008, 11:47 AM
Wow...that vid is certainly a great example of Florida's awesome defensive speed and their physical toughness!

I think someone said that it was special effects.

12/27/2008, 02:31 PM
Don't get too caught up in that video, ppl. Remember that Ole Miss is playing in the SEC, so they obviously have SEC speed that we can only WISH OU had.