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Partial Qualifier
12/16/2008, 09:56 AM
During the banquet, Sims served for the third year in a row as auctioneer of a football signed by 26 Heisman winners (the ball was sold for $25,000). But before he began, Sims spoke in hushed tones about his performance Saturday.

"I've been getting some bad press," he said. "I apologize to the Bradford family and the Heisman Trust if I crossed a boundary. But, there's no way I'd try to upstage your son's day.

"I love the university so much," he said, choking back tears. "I try to be a spokesman for them. And I will continue to be myself and let people know about the great state of Oklahoma. And I will never, ever stop saying 'Boomer Sooner,' regardless of who don't like it."

Damn straight, Billy. We are proud of you.

And Talk about 'detracting' from something.. shame on all the ****ing dip****s (especially in the media) who made Billy feel like he needed to apologize.

Pieces Hit
12/16/2008, 10:05 AM
I vote everyone goes to his restaurant, yells BOOMER when they come in, and spends loads of cash.

It would be kinda like the ending of "It's a Wonderful Life".

12/16/2008, 10:38 AM
Some people made Billy feel bad about being Billy. May those people be pelted by the soles of 2000 shoes, throw by 1000 Arab reporters.

12/16/2008, 10:57 AM

NEW YORK — On the biggest night of his life, Sam Bradford had a message for Billy Sims.

"I love Billy," Bradford said.

Bradford was formally welcomed into the Heisman family Monday night during a black-tie banquet at the New York Hilton in midtown Manhattan. Bradford, the 73rd winner of college football's most prestigious award, was moved by the presence of 20 previous Heisman winners, by his acceptance into one of the sports world's greatest fraternities, by his new place in the universe.

Throughout the four-hour event, he stared at his trophy, spoke at length with Heisman Trust president William Dockery and, for a few minutes, was a little kid again while chatting it up with NHL legend Pat LaFontaine, who was presented the Heisman Humanitarian Award for his work with sick children.

But afterward, Bradford wanted OU fans who were upset by Sims' overtures on Saturday night — 11 times he shouted "Boomer!" after Bradford was announced this year's winner — to chill out.

Radio shows and message boards were lit up Monday with complaints that Sims' antics — the same antics he used at Jason White's announcement in 2003 — detracted from Bradford's moment, that Sims' uncontrolled shouts embarrassed himself, Bradford and the university.

No way, Bradford said.

"I didn't feel like he took anything in any way away from me," Bradford said Monday during a VIP post-party reception. "I think he made my moment even more special by sharing the traditions of the university with me as I accepted the award. So I had absolutely no problem whatsoever with Billy yelling 'Boomer.' "

During the banquet, Sims served for the third year in a row as auctioneer of a football signed by 26 Heisman winners (the ball was sold for $25,000). But before he began, Sims spoke in hushed tones about his performance Saturday.

"I've been getting some bad press," he said. "I apologize to the Bradford family and the Heisman Trust if I crossed a boundary. But, there's no way I'd try to upstage your son's day.

"I love the university so much," he said, choking back tears. "I try to be a spokesman for them. And I will continue to be myself and let people know about the great state of Oklahoma. And I will never, ever stop saying 'Boomer Sooner,' regardless of who don't like it."

At that, a shout of "Boomer!" rose from the audience, and Sims shouted back, "Sooner!"

As Sims offered his apology, Kent Bradford — Sam's father, who was among Sims' blockers in 1978 and '79 — edged forward from his chair and smilingly waved Sims' apologies back at him.

"That complaint did not come from the Bradford family," Kent Bradford said later. "I want that made very clear. That apology wasn't needed. It's just Billy being Billy. He's proud of the University of Oklahoma, and that's the way he shows it."

"I honestly didn't think Billy did anything wrong, and he got up there tonight and apologized for it," Sam Bradford said. "I was kind of like, 'What are you doing? That's what you do.' He said (Boomer) tonight and no one yelled 'Sooner.' I was disappointed. I wanted to stand up and yell 'Sooner' for him."

Sims, standing behind a podium with an OU pennant draped from it, turned and looked Bradford in the eye.

"Sam," he said, "your dad and I were teammates, and he was a part of my Heisman Trophy-winning years. And that's why I am so happy for you and the University of Oklahoma."

Sanford Wurmfeld, the Heisman trustee who made Saturday's announcement, admired Sims' passion.

"If anyone thinks the Trust got to him, that's not the case," Wurmfeld said. "He's a fine gentleman. We're very proud to have him as a member of this fraternity."

The past Heisman winners sat on the front row of the dais, and other dignitaries — Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops, OU athletic director Joe Castiglione among them — sat on the top row. Bradford's was the seat of honor, beside the podium and just in front of a 12-foot poster of himself.

On either side of the poster were similar shots of 1958 winner Pete Dawkins of Army and 1983 winner Mike Rozier of Nebraska. They were honored on their silver and gold anniversaries.

Dawkins, a Rhodes Scholar and retired brigadier general, spoke reverently about the Heisman tradition. He spoke on the notion of team and how at the root of a team is loyalty.

"Every one (of the winners) has come here and accepted that award on behalf of their team," he said. "The notion of team has become indelibly embedded in what the Heisman stands for.

"Sam Bradford is someone I'm convinced will carry the Heisman banner and carry it triumphantly. It's my privilege to stand here on this stage and dream that dream with him."

Afterward, Bradford sat alone in a private booth, still dressed in his black tuxedo vest and jacket, a crimson cast on his left hand and a Sharpie pen in his right. He was deeply moved by Dawkins' words.

"Obviously there's been a lot of thoughts go through my mind since I won the trophy, and I've thought about it some," he said, "but listening to him speak and talk about me carrying on some of the values and traditions that come with the Heisman, his thoughts, his confidence in me to represent the name 'Heisman Trophy Winner,' I think that probably meant more to me than anything anybody else said to me."

12/16/2008, 11:00 AM
Way to go you idiots (yeah I said idiots, you deserve it). You made our greatest RB of all time cry. How dare you talk bad about Billy, after everything he did for our program. I'm in no way embarassed by Billy, however I'm sorely embarassed by OUr fans who thrashed him.

12/16/2008, 11:02 AM
You should be embarassed for starting a whole nother thread on this when it's already being talked about here.


12/16/2008, 11:04 AM
I don't fully understand why so many people had an issue with Billy Sims yelling Boomer in the ceremony. He's Billy Sims for the love of Pete! He can yell whatever he wants to yell. Not only is he one of the greatest Heismans of all time, he's also over the age of 50 and doesn't need to be reprimanded... leave the man alone.

12/16/2008, 11:05 AM
DITTO- we can not be so conservative to the point of being weak... Please

Like I said - I want Billy to HIGHSTEP us onto the field for the NC!

Lott's Bandana
12/16/2008, 11:08 AM
You should be embarassed for starting a whole nother thread on this when it's already being talked about here.


At least he spelled his name correctly.

12/16/2008, 11:10 AM
I love Billy and think he's a great ambassador for the university. I wish he would have maybe said "Boomer" only a few times. I thought it was a little much, but hell, in the end, Sam and his family didn't really care, so I dont care.

12/16/2008, 11:11 AM
Sam says obviously a lot

12/16/2008, 11:11 AM
You should be embarassed for starting a whole nother thread on this when it's already being talked about here.


No, that was the "Simms" thrash thread. This is the "Sims" redemption thread.

Most people aren't going to go to page 13 to see that the case is closed. It needed its own thread.

12/16/2008, 11:18 AM
where are the merge mods when you need them :gary:

12/16/2008, 11:19 AM
DITTO- we can not be so conservative to the point of being weak... Please

Like I said - I want Billy to HIGHSTEP us onto the field for the NC!

That would be Awesome how can we get it to happen??

12/16/2008, 11:20 AM
DITTO- we can not be so conservative to the point of being weak... Please

Like I said - I want Billy to HIGHSTEP us onto the field for the NC!

That would be Awesome how can we get it to happen??

12/16/2008, 11:23 AM
DITTO- we can not be so conservative to the point of being weak... Please

Like I said - I want Billy to HIGHSTEP us onto the field for the NC!

That would be Awesome how can we get it to happen??

12/16/2008, 11:26 AM
Some people have nothing better to do than b*tch...quit being such big babies. Im proud to not only have Sims as a Sooner but to see the way in which he has turned his life around

12/16/2008, 11:38 AM
Even if Sam was displeased, it's not like he's going to rip Billy to the media.

Wow, what a great retort this was!!!!

12/16/2008, 11:45 AM
At least he spelled his name correctly.


where are the merge mods when you need them :gary:

They're merging all the 'Murray not playing in the NC Game' threads that deserve their own thread. God love 'em.


12/16/2008, 11:47 AM
It's the media who made all of this. Sitting there being all "high-and-mighty", its college sports, it's supposed to be FUN! Let Billy yell BOOMER, it's not like it was during Sam's speach!! Booooooo the Sports Animal Booooooo these men!

12/16/2008, 12:45 PM
:P NP and I had Billy Sims yesterday and IT. WAS. WONDERFUL.

(and btw, it always is)

Like I said, I was only concerned on behalf of Sam, who seemed a little rattled, but you know what?! If Sammy's fine with it, his parents are fine with it, Stoops and Switzer are fine with it and all of Heisman nation are fine with it, then dag nabbit, give him a megaphone and a pep band next time :D

... ok, maybe that would take it a little too far :D

12/16/2008, 12:53 PM

I hope he says it 20 times next time.

12/16/2008, 12:57 PM

I hope he says it 20 times next time.


12/16/2008, 12:59 PM


12/16/2008, 01:12 PM

12/16/2008, 01:18 PM
I’m sorry that people want this to just die. But, it is probably one of the more interesting debates here in a while.

It is funny how people want to defend Billy on him being a legend, etc. , and that he didn’t offend Sam or his family, etc.

People. The debate is about what Billy DID in the ceremony. How many of you honestly think that if another university’s Hiesman winner carried on like that, that you wouldn’t still be flaming about it being inappropriate on this board? If Barry Sanders was up there doing the ‘pistols up’ and acting like a clown, we’d just now be picking ourselves up off the floor from laughing! Defending what Sims did at the ceremony is akin to something like my kid whipping it out in public and taking a wiz. You’d be scowling and disgusted; wouldn’t you? But, hey, if your kid does it, then hey it’s alright isn’t it…huh?

.-Come on. Just because he’s OUR guy shouldn’t give him carte blanche to stand up there at the Vatican of college football and do what he did. Let’s not have a double standard here.

12/16/2008, 01:50 PM
Well, well, Mr. OklaUalum, in case you missed it, it's about understanding where Billy comes from and how Billy normally acts and what the people that REALLY matter think about it, not what opponent's fans think, not what ESPN tells us to think, not what you, a single fan who happens to have a lot of neg spek, thinks.

We, as Sooner fans, understand Billy. We know that he comes from Hooks, Texas. We know how much he cares about this university. We know how much the Heisman trophy and attending the ceremonies mean to him. We also know that he played with Sam's dad while they were both at OU.

And now, a few days later, we also know that Sam is 100 percent fine with what Billy did. We know that other Heisman winners are fine with it, that OU legend Barry Switzer and current coach Bob Stoops is fine with it. Sam's parents are fine with it! The Heisman ceremony people are fine with it!

Thus, I am fine with it, and many people are fine with it. I do not give a flaming f*** if Texas fans do not approve, because this is just among many things they do not approve of, like us being in the Big 12 Championship, like us being in the national championship, like us having a fifth Heisman Trophy winner. I give even less of a flying f*** what other fans think of it, because they either view us as John Steinbeck Okies (certain cali skewl), fairweather fan cheatin' gooners (pokies), or just arrogant fans (everyone else).

The main thing is that WE know who we are. We know we aren't backwards rednecks or effing hillbillies, or cheaters, or land thieves or whatever. And we know Billy. We know he's had it rough, but we know from his OWN words that he wasn't trying to steal Sammy's spotlight! His word is good enough for me and it should be good enough for you.

On that note, we have bigger fish to fry...
Sooner :)

12/16/2008, 01:58 PM

They're merging all the 'Murray not playing in the NC Game' threads that deserve their own thread. God love 'em.


youve added nothing to this thread

12/16/2008, 02:10 PM
BOOMER SOONER!!!!!!!!!! People should be ashamed they caused Billy to Cry!! Now lets make Timmy Cry!!!

12/16/2008, 02:11 PM
youve added nothing to this thread

I never intended to.

Oh, and I believe it was 'contributed'...

12/16/2008, 02:42 PM


12/16/2008, 02:43 PM

12/16/2008, 04:36 PM
youve added nothing to this threadHeh

12/16/2008, 07:17 PM
I’m sorry that people want this to just die. But, it is probably one of the more interesting debates here in a while.

It is funny how people want to defend Billy on him being a legend, etc. , and that he didn’t offend Sam or his family, etc.

People. The debate is about what Billy DID in the ceremony. How many of you honestly think that if another university’s Hiesman winner carried on like that, that you wouldn’t still be flaming about it being inappropriate on this board? If Barry Sanders was up there doing the ‘pistols up’ and acting like a clown, we’d just now be picking ourselves up off the floor from laughing! Defending what Sims did at the ceremony is akin to something like my kid whipping it out in public and taking a wiz. You’d be scowling and disgusted; wouldn’t you? But, hey, if your kid does it, then hey it’s alright isn’t it…huh?

I wouldn't give a **** if they did it, especially if someone from their school won. This isn't the ****ing No Fun League, this is college ball. We're here to celebrate out school spirit, and pride. Those who are ashamed, can frankly, go **** off. Anytime a Sooner wins any award, fans should be there to shout Boomer Sooner and reward him with our cheers and support.

Lott's Bandana
12/16/2008, 07:40 PM
People. The debate is about what Billy DID in the ceremony. How many of you honestly think that if another university’s Hiesman winner carried on like that, that you wouldn’t still be flaming about it being inappropriate on this board? If Barry Sanders was up there doing the ‘pistols up’ and acting like a clown, we’d just now be picking ourselves up off the floor from laughing! Defending what Sims did at the ceremony is akin to something like my kid whipping it out in public and taking a wiz. You’d be scowling and disgusted; wouldn’t you? But, hey, if your kid does it, then hey it’s alright isn’t it…huh?

.-Come on. Just because he’s OUR guy shouldn’t give him carte blanche to stand up there at the Vatican of college football and do what he did. Let’s not have a double standard here.

1. Priest Holmes flashed the devil-sign at the BigXII awards banquet and when they showed that on the big screen in Arrowhead, 70K+ fans booed and hiss roundly, including myself. I would wager that there is less than ZERO threads on whorn boards complaining about his obvious love of that 40 acre compost pile.

2. "Vatican of College Football''? :confused: Does that now make Sam the pope or something? How about "The Crimson Cardinal"? I've never even heard of the building where they gave the award. Used to be the Downtown Athletic Club, now they were calling it the Hall of Jockwearing Snotknockers or something...same building, different name?

3. Jim Thorpe said, "Thanks King". Another Oklahoma legend can say "Boomer" eleventybillion times. Hey, it sells his meat don't it?

12/16/2008, 08:15 PM
Sounds to me the only one being a whiny little b!tch is the ones that thinks his antics are perfectly fine.

Then show me all the crybaby little threads I've started decrying Billy's "embarrassing behavior."

Here's a tissue, ya whiny bitch.

There is a time and place to act childish...an award banquet such as the Heisman is not one of those times or places.Really? Did Grandma teach you that when you were growing up out in Ponca City?

Go win a Heisman, Fatty McFatterson, and then I'll listen to ya. As it is, I'm tired of you crying like an insecure little baby who is afraid someone will notice you in the room and make fun of ye.

Who freakin' cares if the Whorns or Seminoles or Irish think Billy acted Silly? They ain't Sooners. And judging from your crying, neither are you.

By the way...the same impulse of insecure embarrassment which causes SOME people to be "ashamed" by Billy being "Sooner Proud" and yelling out BOOMER is why our stadium isn't nearly as loud as it could be EVERY Saturday and why Bob had to call our fanbase out just to get us loud for the Tech game this year. Think on that.

12/17/2008, 11:49 AM
All this talk about comparing Billy to AD. AD's blown up records in college and the pros. They played in different eras, both were great. Had AD been in the wishbone, though, you would have seen video game numbers.

12/17/2008, 11:56 AM
It's not BBQ, it's Boomer-Q

12/17/2008, 12:34 PM
I’m sorry that people want this to just die. But, it is probably one of the more interesting debates here in a while.

It is funny how people want to defend Billy on him being a legend, etc. , and that he didn’t offend Sam or his family, etc.

People. The debate is about what Billy DID in the ceremony. How many of you honestly think that if another university’s Hiesman winner carried on like that, that you wouldn’t still be flaming about it being inappropriate on this board? If Barry Sanders was up there doing the ‘pistols up’ and acting like a clown, we’d just now be picking ourselves up off the floor from laughing! Defending what Sims did at the ceremony is akin to something like my kid whipping it out in public and taking a wiz. You’d be scowling and disgusted; wouldn’t you? But, hey, if your kid does it, then hey it’s alright isn’t it…huh?

.-Come on. Just because he’s OUR guy shouldn’t give him carte blanche to stand up there at the Vatican of college football and do what he did. Let’s not have a double standard here.

Trust me, logic is not understood by many on here. ;) You make a great point if Barry Sanders or Ricky Williams had done something like this 99% of guys would be ripping them for acting like fools.

I heard he apologized and that's good enough for me. I think Billy is a legend, but that doesn't give him the right to act like a fool. Plus, if we can't debate things here where can we?

12/17/2008, 12:43 PM
Trust me, logic is not understood by many on here. ;) You make a great point if Barry Sanders or Ricky Williams had done something like this 99% of guys would be ripping them for acting like fools.

Apples and Oranges. (or should we be saying "Fiestas and National Championships?")

I have never seen so much concern for other people's feelings this time of football season as I have since November. Are we really that considerate? ;) Do we really want to make everyone feel happy about our success that badly and won't enjoy our success as much if others don't as well?

We don't have to worry about Barry Sanders, because
1- Barry's quiet.
2- OSU will never have another Heisman winner.

Ricky Williams yelling Hook 'em will make Sooners upset regardless, because
1- Texas is our rival
2- There is no number two.

So really, all we have left is the fact that other fans are not appreciative of our celebratory manner after
1- We BCS'd our way into the Big 12 Championship game.
2- We beat an overrated Mizzou to take the Big 12 Championship.
3- Our Big 12 Championship got us into the National Championship.
4- We have another Heisman to add to our quartet.

Oh noes! They don't like how successful we are and disagree with the methods we got our success and thus, the way we celebrate our success!

They will get over it. I can't believe everyone here can't get over it too. :(

12/17/2008, 03:50 PM
Need another Valium??

12/17/2008, 03:55 PM

Then show me all the crybaby little threads I've started decrying Billy's "embarrassing behavior."

Here's a tissue, ya whiny bitch.

Really? Did Grandma teach you that when you were growing up out in Ponca City?

Go win a Heisman, Fatty McFatterson, and then I'll listen to ya. As it is, I'm tired of you crying like an insecure little baby who is afraid someone will notice you in the room and make fun of ye.

Who freakin' cares if the Whorns or Seminoles or Irish think Billy acted Silly? They ain't Sooners. And judging from your crying, neither are you.

By the way...the same impulse of insecure embarrassment which causes SOME people to be "ashamed" by Billy being "Sooner Proud" and yelling out BOOMER is why our stadium isn't nearly as loud as it could be EVERY Saturday and why Bob had to call our fanbase out just to get us loud for the Tech game this year. Think on that.

Right on

12/17/2008, 04:06 PM
I wouldn't give a **** if they did it, especially if someone from their school won. This isn't the ****ing No Fun League, this is college ball. We're here to celebrate out school spirit, and pride. Those who are ashamed, can frankly, go **** off. Anytime a Sooner wins any award, fans should be there to shout Boomer Sooner and reward him with our cheers and support.
Good post,,Rock on BILLY

12/17/2008, 04:26 PM
I actually just completely agreed with and speked LosAngelesSooner

that's how ****ed up some of you people are...

12/17/2008, 04:40 PM


12/17/2008, 05:16 PM
Just want to say when I heard the "BOOMER" I knew it was Billy. I remember how fast he was slicing through defenses. If I was embarassed I'll take it every year. Those of us who remember those years know how special he was.

12/17/2008, 05:39 PM
Just want to say when I heard the "BOOMER" I knew it was Billy. I remember how fast he was slicing through defenses. If I was embarrassed I'll take it every year. Those of us who remember those years know how special he was.Maybe you're on to something. Maybe its those of us who went to school with Billy, celebrated victories with Billy, shared nachos with Billy and partied with Billy who are more understanding because we know Billy. Who didn't love Billy Sims? Back in the day, if you knew Billy, and almost everyone did, you couldn't even walk past Billy on campus that he didn't give you a Boomer. I raised my kids to respect and always answer a Boomer. Maybe some Sooner parents are more reserved for some weird reason? Who knows? Who cares?

The fact that the very people he ran his heart out for are calling him out over something so petty as a few Boomer's is heart wrenching to me. Shame on all of you. Did he not earn the right to be afforded some silence in the face of your embarrassment? Can he not be himself, filled with exuberant happiness over the success of his former teammates son? He was so happy for that young man and when Billy is happy he says Boomer. When he is real happy, he says lots of Boomer's. Its that very enthusiasm that won games for us back in those days; games you all brag about. I live in a very tea sipping world and I cringed a little but I had enough manners and appreciation for Billy to not mention a word about it. Get over yourselves already.

You make me want to puke! [hairGel]

12/17/2008, 05:48 PM
Maybe you're on to something. Maybe its those of us who went to school with Billy, celebrated victories with Billy, shared nachos with Billy and partied with Billy who are more understanding because we know Billy. Who didn't love Billy Sims? Back in the day, if you knew Billy, and almost everyone did, you couldn't even walk past Billy on campus that he didn't give you a Boomer. I raised my kids to respect and always answer a Boomer. Maybe some Sooner parents are more reserved for some weird reason? Who knows? Who cares?

The fact that the very people he ran his heart out for are calling him out over something so petty as a few Boomer's is heart wrenching to me. Shame on all of you. Did he not earn the right to be afforded some silence in the face of your embarrassment? Can he not be himself, filled with exuberant happiness over the success of his former teammates son? He was so happy for that young man and when Billy is happy he says Boomer. When he is real happy, he says lots of Boomer's. Its that very enthusiasm that won games for us back in those days; games you all brag about. I live in a very tea sipping world and I cringed a little but I had enough manners and appreciation for Billy to not mention a word about it. Get over yourselves already.

You make me want to puke! [hairGel]

Probably the best post on this thread.

12/17/2008, 08:18 PM
I actually just completely agreed with and speked LosAngelesSooner

that's how ****ed up some of you people are...

No **** . :eek:

12/18/2008, 10:43 AM
I love the Sooner Pride. But come on, there is a line and Sims crossed that line IMHO. He did it when White won it too. Yell BOOMER SOONER once, maybe twice...but when you yell it several times, then you are not only looked upon as stupid, but embarassing as well.

Personally, I was not embarassed by it. The guy is a legend, but he does need to know when to stop it because he was not at a Sooner sporting event. He was at an award banquet.

Alright, my computers been down, and now that I'm back online, I wanted to wait to read the whole thread before replying again, but this one is just crying for a response.

To me, if this was a Sooner sporting event, we might have a case to whine about Billy's behavior, if we didn't like it. We are all Sooners.

But the fact that this was a HEISMAN TROPHY AWARD CEREMONY, and BILLY SIMS WON THE HEISMAN, and came damn close to picking up a second trophy, as far as I am concerned, pretty much puts this out of my/our hands.

MR SIMS EARNED THE RIGHT TO BE ON THAT STAGE, and other than the other 25 or so winners standing there, and the three finalists, NOBODY ELSE DID.

The Assistant to the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Circus Acts at Suzuki Motors, or whoever was there, did not earn the right to be there. ESPN talking heads didn't earn it, and neither did any of us.

Until and unless other winners open their traps about Mr Sims' behavior, I won't open mine.

Regarding the views of Texans -- I'll add this. Did Billy Vessels ever behave in any way that could be construed as violating decorum? If he did, I never heard about. Steve Owens has behaved graciously in every context, as a Heisman winner, Sooner, businessman and former OU AD; again as far as I know.

And do any of you think that Jason White or Sam Bradford will ever be seen in public as anything other than gentlemen? I certainly don't.

In what state were these Sooner greats born, and where did they grow up? That's right. All Oklahomans, born and raised. Mr Vessels was from Cleveland, Mr Owens from Miami, Mr White from Tuttle, and Sam Bradford from Oklahoma City.

And which state did Mr Sims come from? That's right, Horns, I think you know.

12/18/2008, 10:49 AM
Uhh...it's not like this was a UN reception for the Pope.

It's a college sports award ceremony. Formality is an option. As is sobriety I would guess.

12/18/2008, 10:53 AM
These thoughts made Billy Sims cry, so therefore, this thread makes me cry :(

Does it really need to keep going? Can we shut it down please?

12/18/2008, 11:01 AM
You ...As others said, thats Billy being Billy. Sam seemed a little overwhelmed though. I thought it lightened the mood...
I agree. I would have been happy that someone was lightening the mood. You know what the #1 fear is...Public Speaking. It would have made it easier to get up there and talk.