View Full Version : Enough of saint Tebow already

12/11/2008, 10:39 PM
After watching the ESPN awards show I'm starting to think we're doomed because how on earth could GOD possibly allow OU to win with saint Tebow guiding the opposing team? I'm expecting to hear any time now that Notre Dame will be demolishing Touchdown Jesus so they can erect Touchdown Tebow.

I'm fully convinced that on Jan. 8th God will turn his attention away from dying children, wars, and troubled nations to make sure saint Tebow wins the NC.

12/11/2008, 10:41 PM
Jesus did not come for saints. He came for the sinners.... the bad as...ss OU sooners.

12/11/2008, 10:45 PM
Can't let TEBOW suck you into that stuff- he is an animal- animal! I hope we put a hurting on him....

ANIMAL, ANIMAL - not David- but an ANIMAIL

Treat him as such...

12/11/2008, 10:50 PM
for the love of God, please beat the **** out of Florida. The Tebowner that is ESPN is sickening, and tired of hearing all this crap about how great he is.

-From a Tech fan

12/11/2008, 10:52 PM
Just for that- I thought Graham H acted like a pro today after getting snubbed... He deserved recognition at least...

Tebow, good kid - he will have delusions of GRANGER>..

12/11/2008, 11:08 PM
In all seriousness to the poster, I can see how the media loves that stuff and TEBOW plays up too it like no other.

I don't question his faith at all, and perhaps I do question his humility by continuing to repeat his humilty like he invented it...

I prefer Bradford saying FOOTBALL- we can discuss FOOTBALL and my biggest dissapoint or failure and what I have learned was my Sr year in Highschool. TEBOW For President...

I served Soup Kitchens for years - and I have a woman CEO who eats that shiate up- but I do not just sit there and try and play up to her or that stuff - in my profession numbers speak for themeselves. & everyone with ability has an opportunity to be successful! Sometimes it seems TEBOW thinks GOD gave him the ability to kick the shaite out of people- MEET GRANGER...

TEBOW - MEET the rest of the kids who pray up and are thankful - I take nothing away from you and I hope you understand that my respect for your football ability calls for hard hitting and if given the chance the hardest legal hit of my career...

12/11/2008, 11:26 PM
I was pretty sure at one point Corso was going to fellate Tebow right there on camera.

Crucifax Autumn
12/12/2008, 12:18 AM
Well, you'd have thought so after he took the tebow teabag with such zest...only fair to finish up after such wicked foreplay.

12/12/2008, 12:52 AM
I was sick of the jeebus act before the Alabama game, and I'm totally sick of it now.

And as was mentioned above, props to Graham Harrell! It couldn't have been easy for him to sit there after getting snubbed at every turn. I still say he should be on that stage Saturday night, and tebowner should be in the audience. Or ministering to Booger Boy, who undoubtedly will be sobbing in a corner somewhere that evening, BWAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!

12/12/2008, 01:02 AM
Thanks guys! I thought I was the only guy thinking that Tebow is being appreciated a lil extra.

And what do u guys think about Tebow patting Sam's shoulder and saying "I will 'give' it to him"?( That heisman talk on espn sam n tim)

May be im wearing sooner shades why do Colt and Tim got so publicity about being good christians? I really dont get that. After watching todays awards I felt they should have been held in vatican city.

Hope we dont have to check on chimneys on espn's head quarters about who won Heisman.

I love what Colt and Tim do off field but please isnt it too much on sports shows?

Anyways..No offense guys..Just telling what I felt.


Crucifax Autumn
12/12/2008, 02:10 AM
Yeah, the whole idea of doing Christian things is doing them selflessly, not doing them so you can pat youself on the back in search of strengthening your own vanity.

Toronto Sooner
12/12/2008, 02:12 AM
As a person of Christian faith myself, I find it sickening the way Tebow plays up all this attention. You know, no need to allow cameras to follow you around as you minister in third world countries or to prisoners in America. I don't know Bob Stoops' faith exactly, but my guess is that God is much more impressed with the way Bob conducts himself. Bob Stoops often visits sick kids (in the hospital) with terminal situations. He doesn't tell anyone about it though. I read an article one time about how people found out. His boss (AD or President, I can't remember) was looking for him one time (in the daytime I believe) and looked everywhere, but he was unable to find Bob. Finally, Bob's boss got Bob's secretary (or someone like that) to confess to where he was. Bob was at the hospital visiting sick kids. Stoops didn't want to draw attention to it, as it comes from purely his heart (and is/was not looking for praises or media attention).

I think Tim Tebow can learn a lot from a great man like Bob Stoops.

Crucifax Autumn
12/12/2008, 02:18 AM
True enough, but Tebow could also learn a lot from 3 wise men named moe, larry, and curly so it's not really saying much.

12/12/2008, 02:39 AM
I really don't care what he learns as long as he is in the hot tub for 3 days after he plays us- and perhaps dealing with a concusion...

If he wants to impose physicality- then by physicality will he fall!

12/12/2008, 03:04 AM
No doubt Tebow is an admirable young man but I'm glad I'm not the only one turned off by his impending sainthood. Maybe he needs to be the next governor of Illinois - or maybe a senator.

I'm also sick of Herbie trying to goad these kids into saying something disparaging about the other competitors. His question to McCoy on who he would rather play (Oklahoma or Florida) was just plain tasteless.

I'll take Sammy and his classy humility any day. As for me, ESPN can bite me.

Toronto Sooner
12/12/2008, 03:21 AM
I found an article about the work Bob does with sick kids. It's not the same article I previously read, but it's an amazing read nonetheless (if anyone has the time). The link is at the buttom, but here is small part of the article also:

The rooms and halls of Children's Hospital are filled with stories.
Some heart wrenching. Some uplifting. Stories of pain and suffering and sacrifice.

Of loss. And conquest.

There are Sooner stories, too, involving Stoops and his players.

There's the tale of little Kaci McGee, who at the age of 4 would watch an entire OU football game just to see Stoops. And she referred to him as, "My Coach Stoops,” which she'd repeat over and over as she followed him from room to room at the hospital.

There was the funeral for Justin Scott, a teenager who lost a battle with a bad form of leukemia, where no black clothing was allowed, only crimson and cream. Where Stoops and several players served as pall bearers.

"It's not a little thing he does,” McNall said.

Said Tangner: "I can't tell you how many times I go and there's the football that he's signed, right by the casket. Or in the slide show, there he is with them. And how much it means to the families.”

There was Stoops last December, sad that he would have to miss the annual pep rally because he was due to have shoulder surgery the same day. And there was Stoops, on the arm of his wife Carol, showing up still groggy from the procedure.

"Who would have come straight from surgery?” Tangner said. "It had to mean something to him.”

And what about Hutchings, now 21 and a junior at OU, beating cancer. Stoops still meets with him two or three times a semester, just to have lunch and check in.

"He gave me his cell phone number and told me to call if I ever needed anything,” Hutchings said.

And there's Kourtlyn Uzoma, who died last spring.

When he was too sick to attend the Miami game he so wanted to see last fall, Kourtlyn was presented with a game ball, signed by all the seniors.

"That game ball is in my house,” his father, Clement, said through tears, "and every day I see it. Bob Stoops came into our life, and I look at him as a Christian man, then secondly as a coach.

"My son for the last two years was in the hospital. Bob Stoops came every week to see him. I can remember when it got to the point Kourtlyn couldn't talk, they would bump hands.

"I don't know how to describe Bob Stoops except to say he's an angel. An angel God sent to visit all these kids.”


12/12/2008, 03:44 AM
I don't know if you heard but:

Tim Tebow Facts:

Tim Tebow is the reason tuna is dolphin safe.
Tim Tebow saves beached whales.
Tim Tebow saves kittens from burning buildings.
Tim Tebow once screwed a fat chick so she would feel better about herself.
Tim Tebow turns water into Gatorade.
Tim Tebow doesn't fart, thats the air crapping all over itself trying to get away.


I'm sick of hearing about Tebow....

12/12/2008, 05:07 AM
I really wish Tebow would get busted for trying to pick up a prostitute in Miami..

12/12/2008, 06:02 AM
I really wish Tebow would get busted for trying to pick up a prostitute in Miami..

A gay prostitute would be even better.

Great article about Stoops. I'll admit it, I got choked up.

Circle City Gator
12/12/2008, 08:07 AM
Can I tell you guys a secret? Even the Gator board was a bit embarassed. Tebow is an amazing ball player and a great kid, but it did get just a bit thick, don't you think? That said, don't let your disgust at ESPN make you stupid, saying things like "a gay prostitute would be even better." Tebow is a good kid and that just makes your whole board look bad.

12/12/2008, 08:30 AM
Can I tell you guys a secret? Even the Gator board was a bit embarassed. Tebow is an amazing ball player and a great kid, but it did get just a bit thick, don't you think? That said, don't let your disgust at ESPN make you stupid, saying things like "a gay prostitute would be even better." Tebow is a good kid and that just makes your whole board look bad.

Not the whole board; and if you look carefully rainersooner is 2 post away from the seal of satan, thereby explaining his gross comments:D . i actually think it okay for football players and people in public to claim Christ as their Lord, for he did say that "if you deny me before men, then I will deny you before my Father." With that being said, we who live out our Christian lives in the real world know and are aware of own weakness and sins, and realize that all things are of God. Tebow appears to be a wonderful young man, and the pressure the media is placing on him to be heavenly is taking away from his grasp on reality. This may be a fun thing to talk about on a forum, but what is going to happened if this young man ever makes a mistake? The media and his fans will turn on him quicker than Judas turned on Jesus, and the mental confusion he will go through at that time would be far less stressful, if he would only realize that he is not perfect.

12/12/2008, 08:39 AM
As a person of Christian faith myself, I find it sickening the way Tebow plays up all this attention. You know, no need to allow cameras to follow you around as you minister in third world countries or to prisoners in America. I don't know Bob Stoops' faith exactly, but my guess is that God is much more impressed with the way Bob conducts himself. Bob Stoops often visits sick kids (in the hospital) with terminal situations. He doesn't tell anyone about it though. I read an article one time about how people found out. His boss (AD or President, I can't remember) was looking for him one time (in the daytime I believe) and looked everywhere, but he was unable to find Bob. Finally, Bob's boss got Bob's secretary (or someone like that) to confess to where he was. Bob was at the hospital visiting sick kids. Stoops didn't want to draw attention to it, as it comes from purely his heart (and is/was not looking for praises or media attention).

I think Tim Tebow can learn a lot from a great man like Bob Stoops.

Bingo! we have a winner. well said.
My problem isn't with the kids faith, I just wonder what he does when the camera isn't rolling. Even before the start of the UF-Bama game the camera just had to show him praying. I don't like it when a kid points skyward or kneels after getting into the end zone either. Do they really think God threw that last block that cleared the way for a TD?? Do they really think God cares if their team wins?

It's easy to have a "giving" attitude when you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and you've been surrounded by adoring people your whole life. This kid has never lived in the real world.

12/12/2008, 08:59 AM
Guys. Turn the TV off. Seriously, it will be better for your mental health.

If you're sick of the Tebow love fest, don't watch! Whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen, whether it be Heisman or game related.

Look, we KNOW that Sam's the better QB. NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING that those idiots with lapel mikes say can take away from what he's done on the field.

12/12/2008, 09:30 AM
.........Proselytizers &

12/12/2008, 09:38 AM
I'm not going to let ESPN's oversaturation of Tebow's good qualities lessen my respect for his abilities or his character.

I don't want to hate Tebow. I just want my Sooners to win.

12/12/2008, 10:23 AM
Guys, I don't want to pick a fight or anything but nonetheless, this is kind of sad. Tebow wants to share his faith with everyone. Big deal. He loves God and he is giving recognition to Him. What has he done that constitutes the "bashing" he's receiving?

Maybe he DOES do all these things off camera as well. Maybe he DOES have strong faith and is just trying to spread His word to other people....and what better way than on T.V., where millions of people will be watching? If you don't agree with it, then don't agree with it, but don't bash the kid for it. He seems like a great kid (not Heisman worthy though) with a good head on his shoulders. We definitely need more kids like him, bradford, and McCoy in this world.

And I'm sorry Crimsontothecore, but what you said was just ignorant. So you want to judge him because he was BORN weathly? So just because he's rich, that's why he has a "giving attitude"? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. And what makes you think he hasn't lived in the "real world"? What IS the "real world"? Is being poor living in the real world? Is playing quarterback at the #2 school in nation NOT living in the real world? Like I said, I don't want to start a fight but don't judge the kid because of his wealth, his faith, and lifestyle. He doesn't deserve that. No one does.

12/12/2008, 10:25 AM
The Indian nations idolize Sam Bradford, and many of their young people look up to him as an excellent role model. Hey, espn, where's that story?

12/12/2008, 10:30 AM
I realize he's a good person and heckuva ballplayer, but one word comes to mind when I think of him - grandstand.

12/12/2008, 10:31 AM
Guys, I don't want to pick a fight or anything but nonetheless, this is kind of sad. Tebow wants to share his faith with everyone. Big deal. He loves God and he is giving recognition to Him. What has he done that constitutes the "bashing" he's receiving?

Maybe he DOES do all these things off camera as well. Maybe he DOES have strong faith and is just trying to spread His word to other people....and what better way than on T.V., where millions of people will be watching? If you don't agree with it, then don't agree with it, but don't bash the kid for it. He seems like a great kid (not Heisman worthy though) with a good head on his shoulders. We definitely need more kids like him, bradford, and McCoy in this world.

What some people call "sharing the word" can also be construed as pushy or preachy.

12/12/2008, 10:35 AM
I didn't watch the awards show. I still know who won all of the awards, but I avoided all the stuff that pissed you people off so much while enjoying what I was watching instead.

Triple win!

12/12/2008, 10:36 AM
Matthew 6:1-8 Nuff said.

12/12/2008, 10:37 AM
All I said is the kid is an animal on the football field and not too get sucked into his thing he does...

I as a christian athlete I take some exception to Tebow and would really like to beat him at his own game on the field.

Plus I bet he feels reel guilty after he masterbates!

12/12/2008, 10:39 AM
From a Charlie Daniels Band song-

"Jesus walks on the water and I know that it's true,

but sometimes I think that a gator QB would like to do a little walkin' too..." :rolleyes:

12/12/2008, 10:42 AM
Matthew 6:1-8 Nuff said.

Or, Matthew 7:1-4.

12/12/2008, 10:52 AM
Or, Matthew 7:1-4.

Quit judging me and go make me some CDIAB already. ;)

12/12/2008, 10:55 AM
That's not a bad idea...it's the perfect time of year for CDIAB.

12/12/2008, 11:10 AM
After watching the ESPN awards show I'm starting to think we're doomed because how on earth could GOD possibly allow OU to win with saint Tebow guiding the opposing team? I'm expecting to hear any time now that Notre Dame will be demolishing Touchdown Jesus so they can erect Touchdown Tebow.

I'm fully convinced that on Jan. 8th God will turn his attention away from dying children, wars, and troubled nations to make sure saint Tebow wins the NC.

d00d, careful, he probably heard you think and type that.

12/12/2008, 11:18 AM
contrary to popular belief, all people don't follow Jesus or the Christian God. While i think it fine for tebow to express his views (sort of), i don't think it is ESPN's place to latch on to it and "exploit" it.

there are a fair number of folks on this board that are very religious, and there are a fair number that aren't, and there are a fair number that fall somewhere in the middle and have their own beliefs in God and the afterlife (myself included). the folks that follow Jesus are fine with the love fest of tebow. i choose to turn the channel and check back when it's done. it's kind of like the separation of church and state - espn should recognize this.

12/12/2008, 11:20 AM
Guys, I don't want to pick a fight or anything but nonetheless, this is kind of sad. Tebow wants to share his faith with everyone. Big deal. He loves God and he is giving recognition to Him. What has he done that constitutes the "bashing" he's receiving?

Maybe he DOES do all these things off camera as well. Maybe he DOES have strong faith and is just trying to spread His word to other people....and what better way than on T.V., where millions of people will be watching? If you don't agree with it, then don't agree with it, but don't bash the kid for it. He seems like a great kid (not Heisman worthy though) with a good head on his shoulders. We definitely need more kids like him, bradford, and McCoy in this world.

And I'm sorry Crimsontothecore, but what you said was just ignorant. So you want to judge him because he was BORN weathly? So just because he's rich, that's why he has a "giving attitude"? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. And what makes you think he hasn't lived in the "real world"? What IS the "real world"? Is being poor living in the real world? Is playing quarterback at the #2 school in nation NOT living in the real world? Like I said, I don't want to start a fight but don't judge the kid because of his wealth, his faith, and lifestyle. He doesn't deserve that. No one does.

I wanna piggyback on this a little bit. As much as I am sick of seeing ESPN all on his nuts, I would rather my kids see this kind of stuff then Plaxico Burress hogging up the headlines with all his stuff. As much as we bash on him, isnt he a good role model. Isnt he someone that needs to be in the news rather than dope charges, domestic abuse, etc. I am all SOONER, but give the kid a lil credit!!

12/12/2008, 11:21 AM
contrary to popular belief, all people don't follow Jesus or the Christian God. While i think it fine for tebow to express his views (sort of), i don't think it is ESPN's place to latch on to it and "exploit" it.

there are a fair number of folks on this board that are very religious, and there are a fair number that aren't, and there are a fair number that fall somewhere in the middle and have their own beliefs in God and the afterlife (myself included). the folks that follow Jesus are fine with the love fest of tebow. i choose to turn the channel and check back when it's done. it's kind of like the separation of church and state - espn should recognize this.

ESPN hasn't anything to do with church and state, they are an individually owned corporation. Freedom of press also comes into play.

12/12/2008, 11:58 AM
That's not a bad idea...it's the perfect time of year for CDIAB.

I had some last week. It is MUCH better than GIAB.

12/12/2008, 11:59 AM
Tim Tebow rescued me from a burning building once.

12/12/2008, 12:32 PM
The Indian nations idolize Sam Bradford, and many of their young people look up to him as an excellent role model. Hey, espn, where's that story?USA Today had a great article about that the other day. They are the anti-espn. They released their voters votes today and all but two voted Sammy #1.
Heisman ballots of USA TODAY writers and editors:
Christine Brennan
1. Sam Bradford
2. Tim Tebow
3. Colt McCoy
Mike Lopresti
1. Colt McCoy
2. Sam Bradford
3. Tim Tebow.
Thomas O'Toole
1. Sam Bradford
2. Tim Tebow
3. Colt McCoy
Erick Smith
1. Sam Bradford
2. Tim Tebow
3. Graham Harrell

Jim Welch
1. Sam Bradford
2. Tim Tebow
3. Myron Rolle
Kelly Whiteside
1. Tim Tebow
2. Sam Bradford
3. Colt McCoy
Steve Wieberg
1. Sam Bradford
2. Colt McCoy
3. Tim Tebow

12/12/2008, 12:54 PM
I had some last week. It is MUCH better than GIAB.

How can we make sure Sooner04 sees this?

12/13/2008, 12:40 AM
Guys, I don't want to pick a fight or anything but nonetheless, this is kind of sad. Tebow wants to share his faith with everyone. Big deal. He loves God and he is giving recognition to Him. What has he done that constitutes the "bashing" he's receiving?

Maybe he DOES do all these things off camera as well. Maybe he DOES have strong faith and is just trying to spread His word to other people....and what better way than on T.V., where millions of people will be watching? If you don't agree with it, then don't agree with it, but don't bash the kid for it. He seems like a great kid (not Heisman worthy though) with a good head on his shoulders. We definitely need more kids like him, bradford, and McCoy in this world.

And I'm sorry Crimsontothecore, but what you said was just ignorant. So you want to judge him because he was BORN weathly? So just because he's rich, that's why he has a "giving attitude"? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. And what makes you think he hasn't lived in the "real world"? What IS the "real world"? Is being poor living in the real world? Is playing quarterback at the #2 school in nation NOT living in the real world? Like I said, I don't want to start a fight but don't judge the kid because of his wealth, his faith, and lifestyle. He doesn't deserve that. No one does.

What I said wasn't politically correct but it wasn't ignorant. I'm just pointing out that it's easy to look giving when Mom and Dad pay to send you to a third world country to do "missionary" work. My church sends young people to China every summer to do "missionary" work. Of course, the only ones that can go are the ones who don't have summer jobs and their parents can afford to write the $1500 check required to cover air fare and lodging. I would love to think they just have big, giving hearts but the reality is that it's a social event and a chance to travel. If helping others was the only agenda then they would be helping people right here in their own county instead of wasting all that money on travel.

Back to Tebow, I just think he spends way too much time playing to the cameras that are always nearby.

12/13/2008, 10:38 AM
If helping others was the only agenda then they would be helping people right here in their own county instead of wasting all that money on travel.

Yeah, because the starving, poor, and oppressed people here deserve it more than the starving, poor, and oppressed people over there.


Salt City Sooner
12/13/2008, 12:00 PM
Looks like somebody else noticed the lovefest.

ESPN must have missed the memo informing Heisman Trophy voters that Wednesday was the deadline for ballots to be submitted.

Because ESPN, also known by some these days as TTN (Tim Tebow Network) turned its Thursday night telecast of the College Football Awards Show into what amounted to one final promotion of Tebow before the Heisman is awarded Saturday night.

The other two Heisman finalists were there. But Oklahoma's Sam Bradford and Texas's Colt McCoy were given short shrift, as were those who won one of the nine trophies handed out during the show.

At least a third (it seemed longer) of the 90-minute telecast centered on something related to Tebow. We met his brothers and sister and had to endure Lee Corso's fawning interview with his parents.

None of it was a surprise. After all, some of the carnival barkers ESPN employs as "analysts" told us this season that Tebow was the greatest college quarterback ever, and possibly the greatest college player ever.

Really? Wonder what Jim Thorpe and Red Grange would think of that? Of course, the carnival barkers have probably never heard of Thorpe, Grange or anyone who played before 1995.

Hey, I sincerely admire Tebow's accomplishments on and off the field. He's a stud. And the Florida quarterback certainly can't dictate what the ESPN spin doctors decide to telecast.

But enough already of the self-proclaimed "Worldwide Leader" in sports attempting to rule the college football world and play kingmaker.

A critical problem with ESPN's domination of the sport is the network's various agendas. That becomes a concern when a whole lot of media members who should know better start buying into everything the carnival barkers are selling.

Judging by some recent stories, that seems to be happening in the Heisman race.

One popular ESPN theory is that Texas would miss McCoy more than OU would miss Bradford. In that scenario, one journalist wrote, the Longhorns would have finished 9-3 instead of 12-1 and OU would still be 12-1 and Big 12 Conference champions with someone else playing quarterback.

What? That writer apparently didn't see how the Sooners totally fell apart at Texas Tech last season when Bradford was lost with a concussion on OU's third series.

Freshman Landry Jones may develop into a star someday. And senior Joey Halzle is a good soldier who has loyally backed up Bradford the past two seasons. But with either of them directing this OU team, the Sooners would be no better than 8-4.

Another theory the analysts are barking and some writers are swallowing is that neither Tebow nor McCoy have the amount of weapons to work with as Bradford. They insist the Sooners' sophomore posted his incredible statistics because he plays behind an awesome offensive line, has a boatload of receivers and an excellent running attack.

Again, what? Where were those critics earlier this season when the Sooners' O-line was getting ripped for being "overrated" when the running game was getting stuffed? The only reason the Sooners survived those early struggles was Bradford's ability to carry the offense with his bullseye accuracy.

OU's receiver corps proved it's loaded with talent. But many questioned it when junior All-American Malcolm Kelly left early for this year's NFL Draft. And Manny Johnson, one of Bradford's key long-ball threats, was hindered most of the season with an elbow injury.

Yes, he has a lot of weapons. But they can't go off without Bradford pulling the trigger.

OU's loss wasn't because of anything Bradford failed to do. He threw five touchdown passes against Texas and outplayed McCoy, but the defense fell totally apart when middle linebacker Ryan Reynolds was lost with a knee injury suffered when the Sooners were leading in the third quarter.

Another writer said he voted for Tebow because the junior quarterback can carry the team on his back. As previously mentioned, Bradford carried the Sooners when both the running game and O-line were MIA, and he nearly toted OU to a win in the Red River Shootout by himself.

Another rap against Bradford is that he doesn't have to prove his toughness like Tebow and McCoy because he isn't required to run the ball.

All together now one more time: What?

Granted, he doesn't run as often as his two Heisman competitors. But even ESPN has acknowledged his toughness and scrambling ability by constantly showing Bradford's remarkable run against Oklahoma State, which ended with a headlong flip in Bradford's determined bid to find the end zone.

Overlooked in that spectacular play is Bradford's grit to attempt it even though he was nursing a painful injury to his non-throwing hand. Although the ligament damage happened early in the Bedlam Bowl, Bradford ignored it to lead the Sooners to a critical road win.

ESPN has also reminded viewers repeatedly that OU and Bradford shouldn't have been in the Big 12 title game. Ditto, they say, for next month's BCS title contest. Texas and McCoy should have played for the league title and should be taking on Tebow and Florida for the national championship.

Perhaps ESPN's brainwashing of America won't work tonight and Bradford will become the fifth OU player to win the Heisman Trophy.

But it certainly won't be an upset if he loses to either Tebow or McCoy. You can find out by tuning in at 7 p.m. Guess which cable network will telecast the Heisman ceremony?

Think worldwide leader in barking out bullbleep.


12/13/2008, 12:41 PM
What I said wasn't politically correct but it wasn't ignorant. I'm just pointing out that it's easy to look giving when Mom and Dad pay to send you to a third world country to do "missionary" work. My church sends young people to China every summer to do "missionary" work. Of course, the only ones that can go are the ones who don't have summer jobs and their parents can afford to write the $1500 check required to cover air fare and lodging. I would love to think they just have big, giving hearts but the reality is that it's a social event and a chance to travel. If helping others was the only agenda then they would be helping people right here in their own county instead of wasting all that money on travel.

Back to Tebow, I just think he spends way too much time playing to the cameras that are always nearby.

I understand the natural resentment towards the opponent who is featured incessantly in the spotlight, but trust me on this one: Tebow is the real deal. I have said many times that I have never been more proud to be a Gator than when Danny Wuerffel gave his acceptance speach at the downtown athletic club and I don't think that will ever change, but Tim Tebow is a very close second.

A friend of mine was dropping off his daughter at school this past Monday after a doctor's appointment, about 9:30 in the morning. As he was leaving, he saw someone who looked a lot like Tebow. Sure enough, it was the man himself, going in to speak to some kids at an elementary school. He truly has nothing to gain by this. Here he is, less than 48 hours removed from the great fourth quarter of the SEC championship, with his own finals staring him in the face and he's giving his time to speak to kids. Incidentally, Wiles Elementary is a public school as well, so this wasn't a "church function" a bit, but I wouldn't be surprised if he talked about his faith some. In fact, I'd be surprised if he didn't.

Do one thing for me before you pass judgement on Tebow: wait until you hear some comments from Bradford first. I am sure that there will be some as they will and have spent a lot of time together on the Banquet tour. I expect that you will hear nothing but praise.

One last thing: I know Tebow isn't Wuerffel, but I remember hearing many of the same type of remarks from non-Gator fans when Danny was getting all of the attention. As it was pointed out by a really good friend of mine who is not a Christian and in fact has a bit of resentment towards religion in general for what he views as urban legends suppressing science: you can't knock Danny Wuerffel. He talked the talk, but he damn sure walks the walk. When he wanted to do missionary work, he could have picked just about anywhere, but he chose one of the toughest places in the Country. He chose one of the poorest areas and an area where the people are in the most need. He chose a tremendously poor ward in New Orleans -- one that was decimated by Katrina. The point is that I think Tebow is very much of the Wuerffel mold. I understand that if he was a Georgia Bulldog or -- God forbid -- a stinking FSU Nole, then I would probably hate his guts and get sick and tired of hearing about him. But that would be my mistake. Don't be afraid to recognize character in the opponent. As much as I despise FSU with every single fiber of my being, I still acknowlege quality character like Warrick Dunn, Derrick Brooks and Myron Rolle. I urge you to do the same of Tebow. Besides, it's not like he's a Longhorn or anything.

12/13/2008, 02:18 PM
Yeah, the whole idea of doing Christian things is doing them selflessly, not doing them so you can pat youself on the back in search of strengthening your own vanity.

While I agree with you in theory, I seriously doubt that Tebow invited ESPN to follow his trip for the sole purpose of promoting himself. My second of four children sat through the ESPN coverage of his trip to the Phillapines and was highly impacted by his commitment to the Gospel. Please take your personal and/or Sooner hat off as you assess his motives and realize that it is not necessarily a bad thing that he has the ability to promote God's word through the media just because you don't. It meant a lot to me that my daughter was able to witness his commitment to the Lord.

12/13/2008, 02:25 PM
While I agree with you in theory, I seriously doubt that Tebow invited ESPN to follow his trip for the sole purpose of promoting himself. My second of four children sat through the ESPN coverage of his trip to the Phillapines and was highly impacted by his commitment to the Gospel. Please take your personal and/or Sooner hat off as you assess his motives and realize that it is not necessarily a bad thing that he has the ability to promote God's word through the media just because you don't. It meant a lot to me that my daughter was able to witness his commitment to the Lord.

I agree. The media goes overboard on covering it sometimes, but he has said that he appreciates the fame not because of being famous or winning games, but because he hopes he can inspire other people to do good deeds and follow Jesus. The coverage is almost sickeningly sweet at times, but it's who he really is. He planned and got the rest of the team to help for the powder-puff tournament for the sororities at UF to raise money for I think under-privileged kids (don't remember the exact charity), he really doesn't drink (you sometimes see him out with the team in Gainesville and he's drinking water and helping keep other players out of trouble), he leads bible studies, etc. He isn't trying to get praise himself, he has said that he just wants to be a good role model. And while if you're a fan of an opposing team it's easy to hate the nice guy who succeeds, he is a lot like Danny W. in that his heart is in the right place. And it certainly does make better things to be on the news and kids to see as a role model than what athlete got in trouble for doing some dumb thug act.

12/13/2008, 02:30 PM
I am sure that those trips are taped by the company or group organizing those trips or maybe one of the Christian broadcasting companies, mainly for use in their own marketing and having a high profile athlete in them helps in that regard. ESPN is probably using those already taped segments from those companies. I am sure he does stuff that doesn't get that kind of coverage as well.

12/13/2008, 02:48 PM
I heard Tebow was ambidextrous - he can whack with either hand to save himself for marriage!

12/13/2008, 05:09 PM
I heard Sam reconstructed the twin towers in New York last night and singlehandedly fought off 12 muggers that were attacking an elderly nun while swimming out to the Titanic to dive down and stop it from rusting and found a cure for AIDS and turned the plane around to Africa to rescue the sick before walking back across the Atlantic before tonight's ceremony.

12/13/2008, 10:52 PM
I heard Sam reconstructed the twin towers in New York last night and singlehandedly fought off 12 muggers that were attacking an elderly nun while swimming out to the Titanic to dive down and stop it from rusting and found a cure for AIDS and turned the plane around to Africa to rescue the sick before walking back across the Atlantic before tonight's ceremony.

I won't believe that until the Game Day guys say it's true.

12/13/2008, 10:59 PM
I understand the natural resentment towards the opponent who is featured incessantly in the spotlight, but trust me on this one: Tebow is the real deal. I have said many times that I have never been more proud to be a Gator than when Danny Wuerffel gave his acceptance speach at the downtown athletic club and I don't think that will ever change, but Tim Tebow is a very close second.

A friend of mine was dropping off his daughter at school this past Monday after a doctor's appointment, about 9:30 in the morning. As he was leaving, he saw someone who looked a lot like Tebow. Sure enough, it was the man himself, going in to speak to some kids at an elementary school. He truly has nothing to gain by this. Here he is, less than 48 hours removed from the great fourth quarter of the SEC championship, with his own finals staring him in the face and he's giving his time to speak to kids. Incidentally, Wiles Elementary is a public school as well, so this wasn't a "church function" a bit, but I wouldn't be surprised if he talked about his faith some. In fact, I'd be surprised if he didn't.

Do one thing for me before you pass judgement on Tebow: wait until you hear some comments from Bradford first. I am sure that there will be some as they will and have spent a lot of time together on the Banquet tour. I expect that you will hear nothing but praise.

One last thing: I know Tebow isn't Wuerffel, but I remember hearing many of the same type of remarks from non-Gator fans when Danny was getting all of the attention. As it was pointed out by a really good friend of mine who is not a Christian and in fact has a bit of resentment towards religion in general for what he views as urban legends suppressing science: you can't knock Danny Wuerffel. He talked the talk, but he damn sure walks the walk. When he wanted to do missionary work, he could have picked just about anywhere, but he chose one of the toughest places in the Country. He chose one of the poorest areas and an area where the people are in the most need. He chose a tremendously poor ward in New Orleans -- one that was decimated by Katrina. The point is that I think Tebow is very much of the Wuerffel mold. I understand that if he was a Georgia Bulldog or -- God forbid -- a stinking FSU Nole, then I would probably hate his guts and get sick and tired of hearing about him. But that would be my mistake. Don't be afraid to recognize character in the opponent. As much as I despise FSU with every single fiber of my being, I still acknowlege quality character like Warrick Dunn, Derrick Brooks and Myron Rolle. I urge you to do the same of Tebow. Besides, it's not like he's a Longhorn or anything.

So why should I await Bradfords opinion of Tebow? Are you waiting for Tebows opinion of Bradford?? you see, you have the same mind set as ESPN. I'm not awed by Tebow. I happen to think Bradfords heart is in the right place too, whether ESPN pumps him up or not.

12/13/2008, 11:07 PM
Yeah, because the starving, poor, and oppressed people here deserve it more than the starving, poor, and oppressed people over there.


Give me one logical explanation that justifies the travel costs to go to the other side of the world and help people when others with the same needs are within a hundred mile radius of where you live.

12/13/2008, 11:18 PM
Give me one logical explanation that justifies the travel costs to go to the other side of the world and help people when others with the same needs are within a hundred mile radius of where you live.

Bifurcation. They both need help.

People on the other side of the world don't have the options, legal rights, or access to public health, education, hygiene, and basic needs like citizens in the U.S. do.

There's no Salvation Army or United Way in the Philippines either.

12/13/2008, 11:27 PM
I'd rather watch Tebow profess his faith than watch the thugs and hip hoppers I'm forced to watch on Sundays. Your beef should be with ESPN, not Tebow. Tebow can put his feet under my dinner table anyday.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/13/2008, 11:37 PM
What I said wasn't politically correct but it wasn't ignorant. I'm just pointing out that it's easy to look giving when Mom and Dad pay to send you to a third world country to do "missionary" work. My church sends young people to China every summer to do "missionary" work. Of course, the only ones that can go are the ones who don't have summer jobs and their parents can afford to write the $1500 check required to cover air fare and lodging. I would love to think they just have big, giving hearts but the reality is that it's a social event and a chance to travel. If helping others was the only agenda then they would be helping people right here in their own county instead of wasting all that money on travel.

Back to Tebow, I just think he spends way too much time playing to the cameras that are always nearby.Why so angry?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/13/2008, 11:41 PM
I understand the natural resentment towards the opponent who is featured incessantly in the spotlight, but trust me on this one: Tebow is the real deal. I have said many times that I have never been more proud to be a Gator than when Danny Wuerffel gave his acceptance speach at the downtown athletic club and I don't think that will ever change, but Tim Tebow is a very close second.

A friend of mine was dropping off his daughter at school this past Monday after a doctor's appointment, about 9:30 in the morning. As he was leaving, he saw someone who looked a lot like Tebow. Sure enough, it was the man himself, going in to speak to some kids at an elementary school. He truly has nothing to gain by this. Here he is, less than 48 hours removed from the great fourth quarter of the SEC championship, with his own finals staring him in the face and he's giving his time to speak to kids. Incidentally, Wiles Elementary is a public school as well, so this wasn't a "church function" a bit, but I wouldn't be surprised if he talked about his faith some. In fact, I'd be surprised if he didn't.

Do one thing for me before you pass judgement on Tebow: wait until you hear some comments from Bradford first. I am sure that there will be some as they will and have spent a lot of time together on the Banquet tour. I expect that you will hear nothing but praise.

One last thing: I know Tebow isn't Wuerffel, but I remember hearing many of the same type of remarks from non-Gator fans when Danny was getting all of the attention. As it was pointed out by a really good friend of mine who is not a Christian and in fact has a bit of resentment towards religion in general for what he views as urban legends suppressing science: you can't knock Danny Wuerffel. He talked the talk, but he damn sure walks the walk. When he wanted to do missionary work, he could have picked just about anywhere, but he chose one of the toughest places in the Country. He chose one of the poorest areas and an area where the people are in the most need. He chose a tremendously poor ward in New Orleans -- one that was decimated by Katrina. The point is that I think Tebow is very much of the Wuerffel mold. I understand that if he was a Georgia Bulldog or -- God forbid -- a stinking FSU Nole, then I would probably hate his guts and get sick and tired of hearing about him. But that would be my mistake. Don't be afraid to recognize character in the opponent. As much as I despise FSU with every single fiber of my being, I still acknowlege quality character like Warrick Dunn, Derrick Brooks and Myron Rolle. I urge you to do the same of Tebow. Besides, it's not like he's a Longhorn or anything.Nomination for one of the top 5 ever posts by a non-Sooner on this board!

12/13/2008, 11:46 PM
I understand the natural resentment towards the opponent who is featured incessantly in the spotlight, but trust me on this one: Tebow is the real deal. I have said many times that I have never been more proud to be a Gator than when Danny Wuerffel gave his acceptance speach at the downtown athletic club and I don't think that will ever change, but Tim Tebow is a very close second.

A friend of mine was dropping off his daughter at school this past Monday after a doctor's appointment, about 9:30 in the morning. As he was leaving, he saw someone who looked a lot like Tebow. Sure enough, it was the man himself, going in to speak to some kids at an elementary school. He truly has nothing to gain by this. Here he is, less than 48 hours removed from the great fourth quarter of the SEC championship, with his own finals staring him in the face and he's giving his time to speak to kids. Incidentally, Wiles Elementary is a public school as well, so this wasn't a "church function" a bit, but I wouldn't be surprised if he talked about his faith some. In fact, I'd be surprised if he didn't.

Do one thing for me before you pass judgement on Tebow: wait until you hear some comments from Bradford first. I am sure that there will be some as they will and have spent a lot of time together on the Banquet tour. I expect that you will hear nothing but praise.

One last thing: I know Tebow isn't Wuerffel, but I remember hearing many of the same type of remarks from non-Gator fans when Danny was getting all of the attention. As it was pointed out by a really good friend of mine who is not a Christian and in fact has a bit of resentment towards religion in general for what he views as urban legends suppressing science: you can't knock Danny Wuerffel. He talked the talk, but he damn sure walks the walk. When he wanted to do missionary work, he could have picked just about anywhere, but he chose one of the toughest places in the Country. He chose one of the poorest areas and an area where the people are in the most need. He chose a tremendously poor ward in New Orleans -- one that was decimated by Katrina. The point is that I think Tebow is very much of the Wuerffel mold. I understand that if he was a Georgia Bulldog or -- God forbid -- a stinking FSU Nole, then I would probably hate his guts and get sick and tired of hearing about him. But that would be my mistake. Don't be afraid to recognize character in the opponent. As much as I despise FSU with every single fiber of my being, I still acknowlege quality character like Warrick Dunn, Derrick Brooks and Myron Rolle. I urge you to do the same of Tebow. Besides, it's not like he's a Longhorn or anything.


12/14/2008, 01:30 AM


Curly Bill
12/14/2008, 01:48 AM

Exactly...I do not second Rush's nomination for this post as one of the top 5 ever by an opponent.

Crucifax Autumn
12/14/2008, 02:23 AM
Nor do I...

12/14/2008, 04:50 AM
Would you rather have your son grow up like Tim Tebow or like the other 50% of thug players in sports. I respect the kid.

12/14/2008, 09:03 AM
TEBOW is just over the top lately - I think Florida peeps would agree.

He is the type that will cry when he looses - trust me.

Crucifax Autumn
12/14/2008, 10:10 AM
Would you rather have your son grow up like Tim Tebow or like the other 50% of thug players in the state of Florida. I respect the kid.


But he's still a fruit!

12/14/2008, 04:59 PM
Bifurcation. They both need help.

People on the other side of the world don't have the options, legal rights, or access to public health, education, hygiene, and basic needs like citizens in the U.S. do.

There's no Salvation Army or United Way in the Philippines either.

Wow... just wow.

12/14/2008, 08:09 PM

Further proof that thinking bores Soonerus. That's why he avoids it at all costs.

12/15/2008, 11:08 PM
Further proof that thinking bores Soonerus. That's why he avoids it at all costs.

No brainiac, the continuing efforts to saint Tebow are boorish and cause zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....