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12/9/2008, 10:42 PM
I was elected to the position of Lt. Commander (the #2 spot) of my local SCV camp tonight. It was totally unexpected. I was unexpectedly nominated and received unanimous support.

First step toward global domination............CHECK.

12/9/2008, 10:44 PM
Do you know what is better than being second in command of a group celebrating a losing side?

Having a job.

12/9/2008, 10:50 PM
Camp? I can't see you camping very much. What, with all the dirt and all.

12/9/2008, 10:51 PM
Camp? I can't see you camping very much. What, with all the dirt and all.

It's merely a figure of speech.

Curly Bill
12/9/2008, 10:55 PM
You should call drama chick, tell her now that your lust for power is being satisfied, how about she satisfy your plain ol' lust. ;)

12/9/2008, 10:56 PM
You should call drama chick, tell her now that your lust for power is being satisfied, how about she satisfy your plain ol' lust. ;)

:sigh: I wish I had her because there's a Lee-Jackson dinner in January that I need a date for. :-(

I'm pretty confident she likes the big smelly (literally) band geek dude.

12/9/2008, 11:01 PM
yeah, that's great for teh whole self esteem

12/9/2008, 11:38 PM
SVC??? Is that like the girl scouts or something?

12/9/2008, 11:53 PM
SVC??? Is that like the girl scouts or something?

Sons of Confederate Veterans.

12/10/2008, 12:16 AM
Supreme executive power comes from a mandate of the masses, not some farsical aquatic ceremony.

12/10/2008, 12:18 AM
Sons of Confederate Veterans.

So it's like the SCA, but for the civil war then?
Let me know when you have your Dixie Fair.

So does this mean you're a knight in the giant chess game then?

12/10/2008, 12:20 AM
So it's like the SCA, but for the civil war then?
Let me know when you have your Dixie Fair.

So does this mean you're a knight in the giant chess game then?

I had to look up the SCA. The SCV requires genealogical proof of confederate ancestry to join. There are re-enactors in the SCV, but that's not the purpose of the organization.


King Crimson
12/10/2008, 12:41 AM
he's top prime cut of meat, he's your choice....a yankee doodle dandy in a gold Rolls Royce...kids want a savior and don't have a faith....


12/10/2008, 02:49 AM
When the South rises again and Im in a position to impose my will upon the masses, I shall be less than benevolent toward some of you.

12/10/2008, 06:36 AM
The SCV requires genealogical proof of confederate ancestry to join.

Heh. Based on my observations, any ya-hoo who claims* to have a reb collateral or direct ancestor can jine up. SCV had to liberalize their membership policies in order to counter the fact SCV membership steadily declined in the late twentieth century based on the organization's increasingly radical agenda -- which was mostly about "white power" and waving rebel flags in the face of the black community. That turn ranoft a lot of fellers who did not wish to be so affiliated, myself included.

*Cf, The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) wherein the applicant must present actual proof she is actually directly descended from a Revy War veteran.

And Sic, no offense. I was a member of the SCV from the time I was old enough. I joined in 1979 when I was a college freshman, but I stopped paying dues and going to meetings around 1990 when it became clear the SCV was taking a decidedly radical turn towards PointyWhiteHood-town. The thing that really tore it for me was this SCV obsession with putting up enormous reb flags in prominent spots for shock value. That and their dogged insistence that the preservation of slavery was not the principal reason the South started the Civil War.:rolleyes:

Celebrating heritage and the heroism of one's ancestors is one thing, making complete a-holes out of themselves is quite another.