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View Full Version : Is Sam Bradford projected as the top overall pick if he comes out?

12/9/2008, 07:37 AM
I think he is great, but I heard two guys (armchair sports junkie types, not trying to say they knew it would happen) tell me that Bradford would certainly be top 5 and maybe top overall if he enters the draft.

Have any sooners heard this?

Any way he would stay if it is true?


12/9/2008, 07:51 AM
I think he is great, but I heard two guys (armchair sports junkie types, not trying to say they knew it would happen) tell me that Bradford would certainly be top 5 and maybe top overall if he enters the draft.

Have any sooners heard this?

Any way he would stay if it is true?


Chances are he is not leaving after this season.

1. You do not carry a 4.0 GPA to leave early.
2. You do not leave early if your ultimate goal is to be a corporate Attorney.
3. A NFL Analyst before the season talked with Bradford and said he will be drafted high no matter what year he decided to go. His advice was to stay and learn more since it will be easier and less stressful on him to learn in college than in the NFL.

12/9/2008, 07:59 AM
I guess it is possible that Sam isn't interested in playing at the next level, but doubtful. In theory, I agree with all that you said. But, in reality I don't. School and especially law school can be done at any time. Chances to make the kind of money he will be guaranteed do not come around often, even if you are a corporate attorney.

12/9/2008, 08:06 AM
Does anyone know if if Bob and Sam are boxer or brief guys.....

TIA LMK.......

12/9/2008, 09:26 AM
Chances are he is not leaving after this season.

1. You do not carry a 4.0 GPA to leave early.
2. You do not leave early if your ultimate goal is to be a corporate Attorney.
3. A NFL Analyst before the season talked with Bradford and said he will be drafted high no matter what year he decided to go. His advice was to stay and learn more since it will be easier and less stressful on him to learn in college than in the NFL.

his GPA is only 3.95
GAH, get it right!

12/9/2008, 09:29 AM
He should stay at least another year.

12/9/2008, 09:30 AM
his GPA is only 3.95
GAH, get it right!

Didn't he Ace his final exam in football to get it up to 4.0? :D

12/9/2008, 10:46 AM
Believe it or not, some people's goals and dreams do not always focus solely on how much money there is to be made, but by how much they can accomplish and what kind of impact they can make in their lives and in the lives of others. Sam strikes me as that kind of guy.

After you reach a few million dollars a year, is there really much more beyond that you can spend?

12/9/2008, 10:49 AM
People are saying the rooking salary cap in 2010 is a myth, that is the only thing I see that would make Sam have to leave early...

Matt Ryan got 35Million guranteed - something like that. If they cap it at 15 Millio or something - 20 Million dollars is something that could take a corporate attorney 100 years to earn. Just saying

12/9/2008, 10:58 AM
I think it will all come down to what he believes will happen with the rooky salary cap thing. I agree that he'll be a high draft pick no matter what but to think that he doesn't care about making millions because he's just a good 'ole boy that values education is foolin' yourself.

Quarterback may be the one position I think should stay in college as long as possible regardless of draft postion because those that have gone early have had difficulties. However, if that rooky salary cap thing is real (I haven't followed that close enough to have an opinion on the reality of that) then he should go now and get his money. He can always go back to school and be a corporate attorny later if wanted/had to.

12/9/2008, 11:19 AM
So some of you think he's not concerned with money, but wants to save the world. Others think his decision will be based on the proposed salary cap and he'll go early to make sure he makes more money. Sounds like we all got a good handle on his mindset.

12/9/2008, 11:33 AM
I don't think mother Teresa would walk away from 20 Million. If that is the case with a salary cap I don't think there is much discussion... You could hire 10 tudors and go to Harvard Law school.

12/9/2008, 11:39 AM
I guess we'll all find out in a few weeks. I still think he's gonna stay no matter what the dealio is with the salary cap.

I just now noticed that this thread was started by a whorn and now the whole purpose for it is obvious. Keep on wishful thinking :texan:

12/9/2008, 11:41 AM
People are saying the rooking salary cap in 2010 is a myth, that is the only thing I see that would make Sam have to leave early...It is a myth, at this point. I can see a work stoppage during the next season because it seems both sides are very far apart on many, many issues relating to a new CBA which is supposed to go into effect in 2010. A rookie pay "slotting" similar to the NBA is one of the rumored items on the table, but right now you can't get the teams to agree with each other on a salary cap for next season, let alone things as specific as a rookie pay scale. There was already uncertainty going into the negotiations, right now with all of the economic issues there is much more uncertainty about how much money is going to be available.

I hope he wouldn't be the first pick in the draft, this year that would mean the Lions and that is the last thing another top pick Oklahoma (school) player (Owens, Sims, Sanders) needs. Players go to Detroit to watch their careers die.

12/9/2008, 11:44 AM
The potential rookie salary cap in 2010 and the fact that this class of senior qbs suck, kinda worries me.

12/9/2008, 12:04 PM
Who would want millions of dollars when you could sleep in the athletic dorm, eat cafeteria food, and go to class and listen to faculty blab. Stinky old money.

12/9/2008, 12:04 PM
Does anyone know if if Bob and Sam are boxer or brief guys.....

TIA LMK.......

Bob goes commando. There's no set of underwear that can contain balls as big as his.

12/9/2008, 12:07 PM
Ok, a plea to Sam Bradford:

Don't. Leave.

This isn't for the sake of the Sooners, it's for your sake. If I have to see another former Sooner Heisman winner have his professional career die in the awful, awful program in Detroit, we might as well gouge our eyes out every Sunday than watch an inexperienced and undertalented offensive line let professional 350 lb-defensive lineman sack Sammy over and over mercilessly.

Even Barry Sanders couldn't stand to be a Lion. He quit prematurely because he was sick of losing, for cripes sake! The Lions are lifelong LOSERS! They will NEVER WIN ANYTHING no matter HOW MUCH TALENT they draft. They do one thing and they do that thing quite well: THEY LOSE.

So anyways, not for OU's sake but your own, do not go to the NFL Draft. You will get your $50 million contract regardless, but you can hold out hope that a different team will have a worse record next season through injuries or bad luck scheduling. DO. NOT. GET. DRAFTED. BY. DETROIT. IT. IS. WHERE. OKLAHOMA. HEISMAN. PLAYERS. END. THEIR. CAREERS. LOSING. A. LOT.

12/9/2008, 12:17 PM
I don't think mother Teresa would walk away from 20 Million. If that is the case with a salary cap I don't think there is much discussion... You could hire 10 tudors and go to Harvard Law school.

I dunno, dude. Extinct British royalty are kinda pricey.


12/9/2008, 12:34 PM
Sam Bradford said he wasn't leaving at the end of this year months ago. He is having a lot of fun playing for the University where he always wanted to play. He just turned 21 and likes what he is doing as you can see it in everything he does. Bradford is grounded which is something that some other players that have gone through here recently that left early know nothing about.

It is not all about money to some people and Bradford strikes me as one of those. Feet firmly planted on the ground which is a testament to the kind of upbringing he had from his parents.

Figures a Whorn would start this thread! At least Sam has a future in the NFL unlike some quarterback currently wearing burnt orange!

12/9/2008, 12:59 PM
One of the "experts" on ESPN had Sam as the potential #5 pick, 2nd QB (Georgia's Stafford - I think that is his name - was first overall pick).
Some team might take the chance, but most think he needs at least another year of experience and time for his body to fill out.

He has said in the past that he is staying, and that is the smart thing to do.

For all those that think grabbing the dollars is the way to go, it's too bad there are not stats on all the football players that have gone for the NFL bucks, and either didn't cut it, or didn't last that long, then lost most of their big salaries to taxes, bad investments, luxurious homes that they lost, etc. And there they sit, broke, no education, and looking for a job.

I think Sam is smart enough to know he doesn't want to be on that stat sheet. He'll be back, and be the better for it, as will we.

12/9/2008, 01:29 PM
[QUOTE=SoonerMom2;2522906]Sam Bradford said he wasn't leaving at the end of this year months ago. He is having a lot of fun playing for the University where he always wanted to play. He just turned 21 and likes what he is doing as you can see it in everything he does. Bradford is grounded which is something that some other players that have gone through here recently that left early know nothing about.

It is not all about money to some people and Bradford strikes me as one of those. Feet firmly planted on the ground which is a testament to the kind of upbringing he had from his parents.QUOTE]

Betcha someone wrote the exact same thing about Lienhart. He stayed when his stock couldnt go any higher.....enjoyed being in college for another year.....and dropped 12 spots in the draft probably costing him millions. Which could be made up over the long haul IF he werent looking like a bit of a bust right now.

SO, if you could guarantee that either Sammy’s draft stock wouldn’t drop, or anything he lost in the first few years in the League could be made up over the long haul...then I bet he'd be really grounded and stay. Otherwise, anyone with 1/2 a brain is going to tell him sign up as fast as he possibly can for life in the NFL.

Much to the dismay of many Sooner fans....starting with me .

12/9/2008, 01:30 PM
He would be a first rounder, but he will stay.

I could debate for hours on why he should leave, and why he should stay.

12/9/2008, 02:14 PM
Bradford "coming out" would probably hurt his chances at being #1. I am not sure that "coming out" would be as favorable as maybe a good wonderlic score or excellent pro day.

It would be an interesting strategy though. Not sure anyone has done that after winning the Heisman and NC.

12/9/2008, 02:58 PM
From what i understand Sam and Colt have both said they are NOT leaving.. I don't believe either one of them.. They probably both mean it but wait until the check is waved under their noses.. Sam is gone...

12/9/2008, 03:17 PM
Ya they said there not coming out, but what are they suppose to say? What if Sam said yah, I really want the NFL scouts to evaluate me and see where I stand. It would do nothing but hurt the team, and make people assume. I'm sure he has experts telling him inside stuff.

12/9/2008, 03:23 PM
Once again, I must stress it's not about how high Sam will go:

It's about WHERE Sam will go, not WHEN. Here's my projected top 10...

1. Lions (0-13)
Should Sammy: NO. If you go No. 1 to Detroit, I might cry. It's where good college players go to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiie... in a professional sense, but of course.
2. Cincy (1-11-1)
Should Sammy: Yes! Cincy will likely trade Sam (or the pick) to another team as they have fellow Heisman winner Carson Palmer. Yes, I think Sam will win the Heisman :D
3. Rams (2-11)
Should Sammy: Yes! Quarterbacks can succeed in St. Louis, Bulger and Warner have proven. Plus, St. Louis isn't too far from Oklahoma :)
4. Oakland (3-10)
Should Sammy: NO! NO! NO! ANY Sooner that ends up in Oakland, or any player for that matter, is to be pitied. They are owned by a miser that likes making others miserable.
5. Seattle (2-11)
Should Sammy: Yes! This pick will not be for a QB, so if Seattle expresses interest, it will be for an apprenticeship under Hasselbeck or to trade with a better team.
6. Kansas City (2-11)
Should Sammy: Meh. KC isn't too far away and he has experience playing there, winky winky, but not sure this would be a good fit.
7. Cleveland (4-9)
Should Sammy: Yes. Cleveland might not be ready to plop for another QB, but if they are, Sam would have a fairly decent O-Line and a few targets. However, are they ready to give up on hometowner Brady Quinn?
8. Jax (4-9)
Should Sammy: Meh. Other than the team colors, I'm none too fond on Jacksonville's program.
9. San Fran (5-8)
Should Sammy: No. Alex Smith is a flop, to be sure, but they've had bad drafts and it might be a bad omen to send Bradford here. Memories of Steve Young and Joe Montana with Jerry Rice are distant. Keep your distance, likewise.
10. Green Bay (record unknown)
Should Sammy: A badger girl can dream, can't she? :D:)

12/9/2008, 03:23 PM
Why would he come back?

First, you lose all 5 starting offensive linemen. He has been sacked only 11 times this year. Breaking in an entirely new offensive line, do you really think he will have the time he had this year? He is not the most mobile of quarterbacks. Inexperience on the offensive line means less time to throw, less accuracy, fewer yards.

His skill position players next year especially if Gresham leaves. Gresham is a big time talent. Isn't it more than likely that he is gone? You lose.. Iglesias and Johnson as well? Granted, Gas Thief returns, but your two studs.. gone.

Are Murray and Chris Brown gone too?

He could be trying to hold together a completely new offense next year... and that usually results in more sacks, fewer completions and touchdowns, more scrutiny about your weaknesses.. and.. lowered draft position.

12/9/2008, 04:13 PM
So I take it he is projected not just as a first rounder, but top five?


12/9/2008, 04:29 PM
i hope his draft stock drops so he can go to a better team :D

12/9/2008, 04:43 PM
i hope his draft stock drops so he can go to a better team :D

I agree, Jeff Garcia is getting long in the tooth.:D

Toronto Sooner
12/9/2008, 05:53 PM
badger: "ESPN has a Tebowner"

I just noticed that. It had me cracking up - it's hilarious! Sadly, it's also true.

Although I don't want him to go, my view is that Sam should leave if he is projected to be drafted in the top 10. I know he needs more experience and his body needs further development, but my primary reason for wanting him to leave is due to him already having one concussion. I recognize that one concussion may not matter, but if Sam has already reached high draft status level (and given he is exceptionally smart, and will be able to pick up the NFL game quickly) it's better for him to leave and not risk another concussion at the college level.

On the other hand, I am not at all concerned about his supporting cast if he decides to stay at OU. Trent Williams will move over to the other side, to protect his blind side next year (where Phil Loadholt was). The LSU O-line transfer has a year of playing experience. Simmons has solid playing experience (as well as some other guys). Good is a freak. The O-line will not be as good as this year's line (right away), but they will be solid after a game or two - the line coach is great, and so is coach Wilson. Broyles will lead them at WR, but they have plenty enough talented guys to step into the other WR positions, including Owens and Calib (he looked good this year), but I also like Dejuan Miller (I think he could be real good). Don't forget, we are still in the hunt for the second rated player in the country (not just WR, but player), Rueben Randle. The Miami coach hinted that it's now down to us and Miami. He could have the same (big time) first year impact like Julio Jones of Alabama (the guy we just missed out on last year). I think it's safe to say that we are set at running back for many years into the future, even if Murray and Brown leave this year (although I can't see Brown leaving).

In addition, our defense should be amazing next year.