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View Full Version : Running up the score?

12/8/2008, 08:53 PM
hmmm, I found this on a Gator board of all places and dont have the inclination to bother checking it out. Sounds kinda right to me. Anyone want to verfify the figures?

I've been reading a lot of message boards lately and have been noticing how many threads there were talking about OU running up the score on teams and Bradford being left in the game to inflate his numbers, so I did a little number crunching and here's what I found...

OU has scored 456 points in the first half this season, averaging 35 points per game in the first 2 quarters. If they never scored again the rest of the game they would still be the 20th best scoring offense in the nation.

They have scored 248 points in the second half of games, averaging about 19 points per game the final 2 quarters. (less than 3 TDs per game in the 2nd half)

In the 4th Quarter this year, they have scored 93 points, 45 of those coming in the last 2 games vs. OSU and Missouri (24 vs. OSU... a game they won by 20) This averages out to about 7 points per game over the season and just 4 points per game if you take out the last 2. OU has scored 7 points or less in 10/12 games this season in the 4th Quarter, (0 points in 4 of them)

12/8/2008, 08:59 PM
Dont show this to the short horns, It will just screw their lies up.

12/8/2008, 09:00 PM
Again....it's all just hatred and ill informed people.

They look at the final score and wonder why we didn't put in our back up QB.

Maybe because the Starter likes playing with all the subs.

I don't know.

I do know this...lots of those teams, who knew they were beat, should have put their backups in long before it was even an issue IMO.

Most of them were just trying to keep it respectable.

Beat is beat.

Respect is what the winning team gets.