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View Full Version : Please Forgive Me, But...

12/7/2008, 10:36 AM
I REALLY HATE Texass! I am SO fed up with dumb texans. My hate for them has extended beyond football. Football ties be damned, but I really HATE the state of texass and all that whore's citizens... most of them, anyway. Considering that a good majority of their citizens that pay attention to sports are UTerus supporters, I feel pretty justified in saying "most" of them. As with all things, there are always a few exceptions. But If it weren't for the fine athletic talent that realizes on an annual basis that north of the Red is the Promised Land when it comes to fulfilling their athletic hopes and dreams, I'd be all for nuking that God-awful state. Sometimes, I wish those losers would actually follow through with their threat to leave the Union. America would be better off without them. Good riddance! As far as I'm concerned, those stuck up, whiny a$$ b*tches south of the Red are worse than France!

I normally keep my emotions in check about this, but at this point, I just don't care anymore. the university of texass should burn in hell. For all their elitism. For all their arrogance. For all their stupidity. For all their feelings of superiority... even above God himself, as they think they are. For all their classlessness - even while whining, moaning, crying, screaming, b*tching, and complaining like the $2 dollar hooker that they are, while getting gangbanged, they have the nerve to call US and ANYONE ELSE that doesn't agree with them as classless. They have the nerve to mock US for being "toothless uneducated rednecks who live in mobile homes." Yet, it is THEY who are the heart and home of the "Cowboy" and the "Wild West." It is THEY who are the heart and home for uneducated rednecks, hillbillies, and hicks. It is THEY who are the home of the steer and the queer. It is THEY who walk really funny and talk really slow. It is THEY who have ego's bigger than their state itself that, if said ego isn't satisfied by the rest of the nation, they shut down the entire state and go into instant suicide alert, because they can't handle not being in the limelight. They can't handle not being the center of attention for any period of time, no matter how long or short of a time span it may be for. They make themselves out to be SO FAR SUPERIOR to everyone else, but when it comes down to it, they act FAR MORE INFERIOR than anyone else in America! For thinking that they are God's gift to our great nation. For thinking that they are God's gift to God himself! Even the OSU aggies and the Texas A&M aggies don't act as "aggy" as they do! Indeed, texass and their little cheeseburger worshiping university should burn in hell!

I once heard on the Morning Animals a sound byte where the guy says, "Texas... the lowest form of white man on earth!" At the time, I thought it was funny as hell. I thought it was a good light-hearted joke. No big deal. No harm done on either side. Just a light-hearted jab at that so-called university down south in Austin. NOW, however, I think they may REALLY and TRULY have been on to something.

In terms of land mass, texass is America's biggest waste of space. In terms of population, texass is America's biggest waste of human flesh! Again, I realize there are a few exceptions. There are a small... and I mean an EXTREMELY small percentage of people in texass that are good people, but the rest of them are a waste of human flesh. Period! When I say "exceptions," in addition to the exceptions to the few GOOD citizens of texass, I am also being inclusive of the other universities. I have no problem with the Baylor's, Tech's, A&M's (except for their weird cult-like traditions), Rice's, TCU's, and UTEP's of the world, etc. But, considering that a good majority of their citizens are UTerus supporters, I feel pretty justified in condemning "most" of them (again, not all).

I used to wonder, in late December every year, when they would get up in the morning and leave for work, if they turned their cars on, and their cars automatically drove them to San Diego instead of taking them to work. Looks like this year, their cars will get to save a few extra miles and stop in Glendale, AZ if all goes according to plan. Good for them. Progress and improvement one baby step at a time! All of that just makes it THAT MUCH SWEETER that it is US who "HOOKED" their moms in the rectal areas by winning the Big XII championship... AGAIN!

Psalm 75:10, "I will cut off the HORNS of all the wicked..."

12/7/2008, 10:44 AM
Amen! However, TECH, A&M, Baylor, and the others that they tormented for years in the old Southwest Conference, would say the same as us. UTerus=FAIL!

12/7/2008, 10:53 AM
You do understand that posts like that make you EXACTLY like "them" :rolleyes:

12/7/2008, 10:54 AM
You go Empire. Having lived in texass for 3 1/2 miserable years I totally agree with you. They are so full of hubris it is not funny and most of them cannot even read. And what's that smell?

12/7/2008, 10:58 AM
Sounds like someone went and read some of the ****ing and moaning over on hornfans. Don't worry. Most of those squirrels are 12 years old. (mental or chronological age, I'm not sure.)

Seriously some of those posts on there are so angry, it borders on pathology.

12/7/2008, 10:59 AM
You do understand that posts like that make you EXACTLY like "them" :rolleyes:

I'll NEVER be exactly like them. I'm not a texan... FTW!

12/7/2008, 11:05 AM
I'll NEVER be exactly like them. I'm not a texan... FTW!You are no way like those smelly greased anal tubes.

12/7/2008, 11:14 AM
You just have to shake your head at the horns, what else can you do? They sign on to a set of rules and then want to change them in the end. I could understand if it was just the fans but the entire athletic department is involved in it. What little respect I had for them is gone, their actions over the past couple of weeks is shameful. If OU ever does this it will cut me to the bone. Oklahomans are respectful people, I haven't lived there in over 20 years but I vividly remember the character and dignity of the people.

Boomer Sooner!

2k2 c5
12/7/2008, 11:17 AM
And what's that smell?

I believe that would probably be Amarillo in the springtime...

12/7/2008, 11:26 AM
how do you REALLY feel???? ;)

12/7/2008, 11:36 AM
I'll NEVER be exactly like them. I'm not a texan... FTW!

Lumping an entire state into what a few morons are doing.
Hating the state and all of their citizens
Saying nuking the state is a good idea
Wanting the city of Austin to burn
Claiming they are more redneck than us
I could go to their forums and probably find many of the things you've said word for word except swap Oklahoma for texas.

You do realize there are a couple of other major universities in the state that have a fanbase that hate ut as least as much as you do and have for a very long time.
Texas has a lot of nice people and a lot of great places to visit.
Austin is a beautiful city and for anyone that likes music of any kind it has a GREAT night life.
I could go on and on but whatever, be petty, be like them.

BUT... the ut fanbase that keeps bringing up head to head can burn in hell ;)

12/7/2008, 11:39 AM
I understand your hatered of Texas, but Oklahoma only has itself to blame on why so many Oklahoma oil related jobs have moved to Texas. The progressive nature of Oklahoma's State Income Tax is the primary motivator in moving thousands of jobs to Texas and hurting Oklahoma. Texas has NO state income tax! If you really want to hurt Texas make the State of Oklahoma more bussiness friendly, eliminate your State Income Tax. Why do so many successful Oklahomans live in Texas? It sure as hell not the friendly people, it's the thousands of dollars they save by not paying State Income Taxes!

12/7/2008, 11:45 AM
Lumping an entire state into what a few morons are doing.
Hating the state and all of their citizens
Saying nuking the state is a good idea
Wanting the city of Austin to burn
Claiming they are more redneck than us
I could go to their forums and probably find many of the things you've said word for word except swap Oklahoma for texas.

You do realize there are a couple of other major universities in the state that have a fanbase that hate ut as least as much as you do and have for a very long time.
Texas has a lot of nice people and a lot of great places to visit.
Austin is a beautiful city and for anyone that likes music of any kind it has a GREAT night life.
I could go on and on but whatever, be petty, be like them.

BUT... the ut fanbase that keeps bringing up head to head can burn in hell ;)

Well, I didn't say "all" of their citizens. Just most of them. LOL! Considering that a good majority of their citizens that pay attention to sports are UTerus supporters, I feel pretty justified in saying "most" of them. And when I mentioned exceptions, I was being inclusive of the other universities. I have no problem with the Baylor's, Tech's, A&M's (except for their weird cult-like traditions), Rice's, TCU's, and UTEP's of the world. I probably should have clarified that better, and I have already edited the post to reflect that. But you're right. There are definitely some nice places there to visit. To be honest with you, I think texas is a pretty decent PLACE. The only problem are most (not all) of the people in it. The whole "nuking" business was just frustrations being vented. Everything else I said, I stand by.

12/7/2008, 11:52 AM
I find their meltdown quite humorous while living in the middle of them. One thing that I have found is they tend to be worse the further away from Austin they get. I catch much less crap living here in Austin than I ever did living in Dallas.

You also have to remember, there has been so much of an in-migration that the majority of the state are not "Texans" or even Texas fans. I see more people wearing OU/OSU stuff in OKC than I see people wearing UT stuff here in Austin....and a bunch of them are probably wearing it just because it is so cheap, like 4 Whorn t-shirts for $20 at Walgreen's. It makes sure all the bums are wearing Whorn gear.

12/7/2008, 11:55 AM
If your from Texas and your here to wish us Good Luck...


If it is for anything else...

Kiss my grits.

Curly Bill
12/7/2008, 12:01 PM
My vote on this thread: FAIL

12/7/2008, 12:08 PM
Thanks for chiming in with your "vote" Curly! Whether everyone approves or disapproves of this thread is fine by me either way. I'm normally a well-mannered person here on the board, but I just needed to vent and get my disdain for texass out of my system. :)

Curly Bill
12/7/2008, 12:12 PM
Thanks for chiming in with your "vote" Curly! Whether everyone approves or disapproves of this thread is fine by me either way. I'm normally a well-mannered person here on the board, but I just needed to vent and get my disdain for texass out of my system. :)

Your "venting" is typical of the nonsense one would hear from texas fans in regard to Oklahoma, if you're fine with that...

12/7/2008, 12:17 PM
One big difference. This isn't a daily thing for me where I post defamatory statements about an entire base of people several times a day and make it my only aim and goal in life. I think most of the people who have seen my posts here can attest to the fact that I usually try to be positive and objective about things concerning OU football. Unbottling what has been bottled up for a while is good and healthy. However, when one makes it a 10-times-a-day habit of trashing other people whether it's justified or not as texass fans do (and kinda like trashing Brent Venables every chance you can, as if he didn't know all of his shortcomings already. He probably knows them all by heart now without the entire state of Oklahoma making a list and reading them all to him), that's not venting. That's just being a sad and pathetic human being. No offense intended, btw. I get frustrated with the defense too.

Curly Bill
12/7/2008, 12:22 PM
One big difference. This isn't a daily thing for me where I post defamatory statements about an entire base of people several times a day and make it my only aim and goal in life. Unbottling what has been bottled up for a while is good and healthy. However, when one makes it a 10-times-a-day habit of trashing other people whether it's justified or not as texass fans do (and kinda like trashing Brent Venables every chance you can, as if he didn't know all of his shortcomings already. He probably knows them all by heart now without the entire state of Oklahoma making a list and reading them all to him), that's not venting. That's just being a sad and pathetic human being. No offense intended, btw. I get frustrated with the defense too.

So since it's not a daily thing it's OK? That's some fine logic you got working there.

12/7/2008, 12:32 PM
As a matter of fact, it is okay. It's called me not being Jesus. If I'm not Jesus, that means I'm not perfect. If I'm not perfect, that means I can rightfully or wrongfully get angry. If I am justifiably angry about something or unjustifiably angry about something, that means I am prone to say something stupid from time to time. And if I say something stupid from time to time, it is my right to OWN what I say. Ultimately, it's called being a flawed human who strives to be a decent human being - flawed, but decent... something most UTerus fans never strive towards, and that's a character issue on their part. So, by your questioning of me, am I to assume that you are above all of these things? If so, then lets see you start performing some miracles. Otherwise, get off my back, because your behavior and tone has often times been worse than mine here. Perhaps not to the same degree, but you've been no better than me at times as well, and I never called you out (I never call most people out, for that matter), because I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Curly Bill
12/7/2008, 12:35 PM
Whine much?

12/7/2008, 12:39 PM
Not near as much as you with your man-crush on Venables. ;)

I'm done with you. Get the last word in if you like, but I'm done with you.

Curly Bill
12/7/2008, 12:44 PM
Not near as much as you with your man-crush on Venables. ;)

I'm done with you. Get the last word in if you like, but I'm done with you.

Ah, that BV comment was cute. ;)

Heh, I got the last word.

12/7/2008, 03:42 PM
Amen! However, TECH, A&M, Baylor, and the others that they tormented for years in the old Southwest Conference, would say the same as us. UTerus=FAIL!

We held our own against UT in the SWC. I mean they certainly dominated the overall record, but it was nothing like the lopsidedness since we both went to the Big XII.

We had our share of wins in the SWC.