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View Full Version : Stoops Blasted the Media

12/7/2008, 12:48 AM
In his postgame press conference, someone asked him about having the starters in for that last TD drive. Implication was that he was running up the score. He replied that after all of the talk this last week about how OU did not deserve to be in the CCG, he wanted his team to go out there and play a full 60 minutes. He also pointed out that Sam had sat out for the equivalent of 2 games over the course of this year.

Hope to find a video link to this soon!

12/7/2008, 12:54 AM
Awesome. And true. Very very true.

12/7/2008, 12:59 AM
I'm not sure that's "blasting the media" but more of "making a point". In any event, I really don't GAS, the media will blast us about something whether it's losing our last 3 BCS games, or blaming us for coming out on top of the BCS tiebreaker, or blaming our defense for not being good enough, or blaming us for McCoy's buddy Booger sucking tonight, or for global warming. Even the local press are getting the ESPiN message that the way to sell papers is just to b!tch about something. Hell, I can't wait for Tramel's "please make me an ESPiN reporter" column tomorrow, because he'll find something to b!tch about and kiss Mack's nutsack at the same time.

12/7/2008, 01:01 AM
I'm not sure that's "blasting the media" but more of "making a point". In any event, I really don't GAS, the media will blast us about something whether it's losing our last 3 BCS games, or blaming us for coming out on top of the BCS tiebreaker, or blaming our defense for not being good enough, or blaming us for McCoy's buddy Booger sucking tonight, or for global warming. Even the local press are getting the ESPiN message that the way to sell papers is just to b!tch about something. Hell, I can't wait for Tramel's "please make me an ESPiN reporter" column tomorrow, because he'll find something to b!tch about and kiss Mack's nutsack at the same time.

If you could have heard his tone of voice, you'd know he was blasting em. I'm glad he did it, and agree that they'll still criticize us. But I got a real kick out of Stoops' comments.

Now, where is that video?

12/7/2008, 01:33 AM
Props to Bob. Let's win no 8, and get the "BCS monkey" off our backs.

12/7/2008, 01:49 AM
I still can't find a video link, but here's a quote from the Big XII Conference website.

"...Coach Bob Stoops put some of his first teamers on the field, including quarterback Sam Bradford, even though the Sooners had a 55-21 lead and the victory was in hand.

"Enough has been said about us in the last week or so," a terse Stoops said, referring to the three-way Big South deadlock and the tiebreaker that put the Sooners into the championship game. "The situation was, we were in a championship game and we were gonna play to the end."

Bradford said the Sooners had heard enough about the controversy.

"We heard a lot of talk about how we didn't deserve to be in this game, that we didn't credit for what we had accomplished this season," said Bradford, who was never bothered by the torn ligament in his left (non-throwing) hand. "We had a lot of motivation to come out and prove we belonged in this game."

12/7/2008, 02:04 AM
By the middle of the third quarter, Herbie and Mushberger were basically saying that if we didn't get to 60, we might be leaving a window open to argue against us to play in the big one...the media can't have it both ways. And Missouri still had their 1st team in, so....

Desert Sapper
12/7/2008, 02:10 AM
It was a championship game. Who takes the first team out in a championship?

12/7/2008, 02:20 AM
By the middle of the third quarter, Herbie and Mushberger were basically saying that if we didn't get to 60, we might be leaving a window open to argue against us to play in the big one...the media can't have it both ways. And Missouri still had their 1st team in, so....

Musberger changes his mind every time he opens his mouth; the guy is such a tool he should be on ESPN instead of ABC; oh wait, they are one and the same. :)

12/7/2008, 02:20 AM
Heh. I just heard Bob on SportsCenter and it did sound like whatever the question was it got the hairs on the back of his head standing up. Something about if our play tonight doesn't make a statement then basically you guys just don't want it to. I bet he was wishing he could say "something to bitch about". BTW, I was LMAO when he was looking for AE on the sideline after that PF penalty. I'm not sure Bob actually realized who 33 was, and when he found him, him seemed to settle down and didn't really give AE much cheet. It was damn funny though watching that camera follow him on the sidelines.

SGT Park3R
12/7/2008, 02:23 AM
Props to Bob. Let's win no 8, and get the "BCS monkey" off our backs.

Amen to that!

12/7/2008, 02:29 AM
From ESPN: "Oklahoma and Texas finished in a three-way tie for the Big 12 South title with Texas Tech, but the Sooners' victory over Texas Tech, combined with Tech's win against Texas, made head-to-head moot. According to Big 12 rules, the poll voters and computer ratings used by the BCS were left to break the deadlock, and the Sooners got the nod.

"Everybody has their opinion, some are different than others," said Stoops, who has done his best to avoid getting drawn into campaigning for his team the way Texas coach Mack Brown has. "That's a pretty convincing win. If that doesn't make a statement ... then you'll find a reason why it wasn't good enough."


12/7/2008, 08:46 AM
Halfway through the 3rd quarter Herbie and Musberger were talking about how we'd "lost our edge" and weren't playing well like we had in the 1st half.
Because all we were doing was stopping Mizzou and not scoring a point a minute.

So, the offense gets hot again and now we're running up the score.

Oh well.

12/7/2008, 12:30 PM
You tend to lose your "edge" when you are blowing someone out in the first half. You tend to come out of the locker room in the second half a bit off edge when you have TOTALLY dominated a team and enforced your will upon them.

12/7/2008, 01:04 PM
Any ot these media criticizers stop to think that our starting middle linebacker is Ryan Reynolds and the backup is Austin Box? And neither played due to injury? So, we played our 3rd string middle linebacker in his first start of the year the entire game despite having the lead in a championship game.
Any of these media guys realize the #1 running back is injured and we are running our #2 and #3? And besides that the quarterback is playing with an injured left hand? I guess we should have just started the Scout Team.

12/7/2008, 01:26 PM
um, wasn't the last TD by Madu? He's 3rd string, and has never started.

12/7/2008, 01:28 PM
I saw that press conference last night, and Bob pretty much made it clear to the media there that they were a bunch of biased biotches, and he had every right to do so because they are.

One of the greatest parts of that game last night was when herbie and mushbag were making a big deal out of Mizzou winning the second half and having more yardage, the very next thing that happened was Sam hitting Iglesias for that great play, which actually put us back ahead in the 2nd half yardage total, I loved it! Eat crow herbie and mushbag! Couldn't have been better timing, and what a play by Iglesias!

12/7/2008, 01:40 PM
As long as the opposing team is trying to score, why shouldn't you? I don't believe in this "running up the score" BS. If the other team didn't show up to play, who's fault is that??

12/7/2008, 01:54 PM

You guys ran the lightning rod up, and now you're surprised when the monster wakes up and terrorizes the villagers? What the hell did you expect?


12/7/2008, 01:59 PM
Musberger changes his mind every time he opens his mouth; the guy is such a tool he should be on ESPiN instead of ABC; oh wait, they are one and the same. :)



12/7/2008, 02:01 PM
As long as the opposing team is trying to score, why shouldn't you? I don't believe in this "running up the score" BS. If the other team didn't show up to play, who's fault is that??

Are you SURE you're a horn fan? :D

12/7/2008, 02:03 PM
I'm not sure that's "blasting the media" but more of "making a point". In any event, I really don't GAS, the media will blast us about something whether it's losing our last 3 (unforunately it is 4) BCS games, or blaming us for coming out on top of the BCS tiebreaker, or blaming our defense for not being good enough, or blaming us for McCoy's buddy Booger sucking tonight, or for global warming. Even the local press are getting the ESPiN message that the way to sell papers is just to b!tch about something. Hell, I can't wait for Tramel's "please make me an ESPiN reporter" column tomorrow, because he'll find something to b!tch about and kiss Mack's nutsack at the same time.

Time to make amends.

12/7/2008, 02:03 PM
Bob is going about this all wrong.You don't stand up for your team during your teams post game press conf.
You phone in during your rivals big game at halftime to beg voters to help you.
I've been told that is how classy programs do it.


12/7/2008, 04:20 PM
Bob is going about this all wrong.You don't stand up for your team during your teams post game press conf.
You phone in during your rivals big game at halftime to beg voters to help you.
I've been told that is how classy programs do it.


Heh...right on bro!