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View Full Version : I'm givin up binkin deer

Jello Biafra
12/4/2008, 06:33 PM
I thought i would do this because everyone else likes making these copy cat posts ;)


I'm giving up binking deer:

i'm tired of the cleanup and the akwards moments after the deed.

I'm tired of having to drive around to find one

I'm tired of having to get out of the car/truck to chase them down. im getting older now.

there seems to be a plethora of qualified two legged animals that are willing. i mean, true enough, beer is more expensive than a salt lick but at least you dont have to stalk.

12/5/2008, 09:48 AM
So you bink deers?


12/5/2008, 09:51 AM
Jello shots do funny things to people! :eek:

12/5/2008, 09:56 AM
How about moose? Come on up my way and I'll give you a step ladder and point you in the right direction. :D

Jello Biafra
12/5/2008, 07:10 PM
lol are elk smaller than moose?

ummm wait....nm dont ask...i was ummm incapacitated.