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View Full Version : Mike DeArmond - More Humble, More Hung Over

12/4/2008, 01:50 PM

In case you want to know what Mizzou's beat writer at the Star has to say this year, compared to last year (http://videos.kansascity.com/vmix_hosted_apps/p/media?id=2468829).

Don't these guys shower before v-logging?

12/4/2008, 02:02 PM
That had to be a wino they just drug out of a gutter....please tell me that's what it was.

12/4/2008, 02:38 PM
Who cares? Probably filmed from his mother's basement.

12/4/2008, 03:10 PM
Hey Fester. You linked the same video twice instead of including the video from last year.

12/4/2008, 03:17 PM
DeArmond is a total MU shill. Do not waste your time.

12/4/2008, 03:37 PM
Sorry for the double-link. I had pulled it up from the archives, but that didn't change the URL. Who needed to hash over that one, anyway, eh?