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View Full Version : First time Vista user..

12/3/2008, 09:08 AM
Always had XP before but it came on my new computer.. What are the pros and cons ? Vista Home premium..


12/3/2008, 09:17 AM
I knew the coming out thread would lead to something like this.

12/3/2008, 09:18 AM
Very few pros, standard cons.

I've been using Vista for about 3 months on my new laptop, it's an enhanced version of Windows but it is still Windows with all the pitfalls of every other version. I think the new hardware is the reason for the performance increase, not Vista. Like all other versions is gets a little slower every month, it does perform automatic performance maintenance like defrag.

12/3/2008, 09:23 AM
OK, just one more slam on Microsoft.

Vista is more lipstick on the same old PIG. :cool:

12/3/2008, 09:26 AM
I've not had any problems with Vista...I can see why some have though.

12/3/2008, 10:47 AM
Um, I've been running Vista for almost a year now. My parent have had it for 8+ months with no problems.

The issues I've seen all involve around legacy software. If it's microsoft software that's older, then there's generally a patch for it to work with Vista.

There is a chart that will show you the difference between the version of Vista, I beleive the biggest difference between home and home premium is you get the media center.

12/3/2008, 10:50 AM

I would not recommend home basic

12/3/2008, 10:54 AM

I would not recommend home basic

Thanks, My son has Ultimate he said maybe i could put it on my computer but I don't see a big advantage over Home premiumm..

12/3/2008, 02:28 PM
I absolutely love Vista. What kind of computer magic? One of the bigger setbacks is sometimes it takes more memory/etc to run. However, if you have an upper scale pc its absolutely not a problem. I run 64 bit with a pretty nice setup, and absolutely love Vista

12/3/2008, 04:07 PM
64 bit is great

I ran it for a week and it was fine. I'm only back on 32 because it's not properly supported by 1 legacy package that I have to have. As soon as it's updated, I'll go back to 64

12/3/2008, 04:12 PM
I've had it for about a year and there is nothing that stands out from XP. It needs more memory and more performance. The look and feel are fancier, but functionality wise, it's nothing new. Everything you do, it pops up and asks you if it's ok to perform that action. All the new machines I have built have XP on them. The longer I have had vista, the slower it has gotten. Everytime microsoft releases updates, it slows down the machine more. If you have the choice, stick with XP.

12/3/2008, 04:22 PM
mine hasn't had any slowness

and it just takes a couple mouse clicks to disable user account control

12/3/2008, 09:48 PM
Vista is a major RAM hog. It is basically as user friendly as XP, but slowness can be experienced with it if you are not at 4g RAM or better.

12/3/2008, 10:39 PM
3.5 gb limit with 32 bit version

vista disn't a ram hog, it cache's differently from XP

King Crimson
12/3/2008, 10:55 PM

12/3/2008, 11:28 PM

Hell with bunting. That's sissy talk right there. ;)