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View Full Version : Chase Daniel Can't Quit Colt McCoy!

12/2/2008, 10:40 AM
Apparently Chase Daniel talked to Colt McCoy for about an hour already on Sunday. They talked about football and stuff. I think Daniel thinks Texas got jobbed too.

And then there's this little nugget from the NY Times published in an article before Texas played Mizzou:

In college, the bond between Daniel and McCoy has strengthened. They talk to each other several times a week to discuss their families, classes and girlfriends.

“It’s nothing too serious at all,” Daniel said in a telephone interview. “It’s just random stuff every single week. We really hardly ever talk about football.”


Daniel and McCoy were roommates at the Elite 11 camp and seemed inseparable, Sanchez said. At the camp, Sanchez said, Daniel was chided about his resemblance to the cartoon character Fred Flintstone.

McCoy was teased about his country ways and called Davy Crockett and Huckleberry Finn. In turn, he mocked Sanchez and Daniel about being city slickers.


And then of course you have:





12/2/2008, 10:46 AM
Hmmm... Freud was right again.