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12/2/2008, 04:12 AM
that loves it when OUr football team gets disrespected or overlooked by everyone but the Sooner Nation?

I love it because the team senses it as well. The media is still harping on the Texas beat OU argument. Some of the media seems to be suggesting that OU does not deserve to be in KC this weekend.

To me this should fuel the fire for OUr players and coaches! Use this disrespect to absolutely annihilate Missouri.

My Sooner brethen, if you are attending the game....lets get loud for OUr team like those that attended the Tech game did.

Lets show the team not only do we appreciate them when playing at Owen field, but lets show them that we can give a loud roar when we are playing on a neutral field. As fans, let us come together to make it be known to the players and coaches...that we are still 1000000000% behind you and want you to win!

I am ready for Saturday night! Are you?

12/2/2008, 06:38 AM
I think you're right on OU Sooners 75. Bob Stoops will make hay with this. He's great at turning this kind of sentiment into something positive (remember the 2000 NC game--supposedly OU didn't belong there either?). He relishes being talked down to, trashed & being an underdog. It seems when he's his motivational best.

The media, both TV & press, is turning this whole thing into a "PoorTexas" fest. It makes me puke. What I'm really shocked at is my favorite show, ESPN GameDay hosts.....aside from the most knowledgeable of the bunch (Lou Holtz), and kinda Desmond Howard, these guys are all singing the "PoorTexas" song. Keep it up & you'll see some acid comments from Stoops that will really cut to the heart of the matter.

If my BCS history is correct, one of the reasons we retained the 1/3 BCS computer component in the ratings was to do exactly what was done....remove the subjective, human factors. Now, people are saying they don't want that? Tough. Mack Brown & all his lobbyists did their thing & turned the tide in the human polls even after a stellar OU victory against the 11th rated team in the nation on their turf, but Cryin' Mack couldn't budge whoever the 4 out of Wolfe, Colley, Saragin, Seattle Times, Billingsly & Kenneth Massey.

Nope...the system worked exactly like it was supposed to and Texas indeed came out on the short end of the stick. Rightfully so.

Having said all that, if I was in Texas' shoes, having defeated the two teams that are playing for the Big 12 Championship, I'd probably being singing the same tune. I'll give them that for a few hours, or maybe a few days. After that they're mourning is DONE. Whorns fans need to do like Gundy....BE A MAN! Face up to it, deal with the reality of it, and move on. Get over it. Even some of the Texas players are reacting to this thing much better than their fans, who won't let it go.Who can blame them, though? The media keeps feeding this "PoorTexas" crap.

12/2/2008, 09:36 AM
I was thinking of this last night. The media has got to have something to sell soap. What else is there this week that's bigger on the college football front than this? Yes, it's a bit of a controversy on the radar screen. But, what better way to keep it going than the hype being created. Next thing you know, later this week, they'll get Texas Tech involved in the debate to keep it going and say why OU should have no manifest to claim the South title.

12/2/2008, 09:43 AM
My Sooner brethen

Where do I apply to be one of these? :D

12/2/2008, 10:52 AM
(remember the 2000 NC game--supposedly OU didn't belong there either?).

This is exactly what I was thinking. Everyone was talking about how FSU would mop the field with us. It's a little different scenario, as most respect us as a team, but disrespect us rightfully getting into the CCG. Still...no lack of motivation, that's for sure.

Vic n Tulsa
12/2/2008, 11:37 AM
that loves it when OUr football team gets disrespected or overlooked by everyone but the Sooner Nation?

I love it because the team senses it as well. The media is still harping on the Texas beat OU argument. Some of the media seems to be suggesting that OU does not deserve to be in KC this weekend.

To me this should fuel the fire for OUr players and coaches! Use this disrespect to absolutely annihilate Missouri.

My Sooner brethen, if you are attending the game....lets get loud for OUr team like those that attended the Tech game did.

Lets show the team not only do we appreciate them when playing at Lewis field, but lets show them that we can give a loud roar when we are playing on a neutral field. As fans, let us come together to make it be known to the players and coaches...that we are still 1000000000% behind you and want you to win!

I am ready for Saturday night! Are you?

Yeo, it's great when you're the Great Satan of college football according to ESPN, the leader of the media elite of college football.

Leroy Lizard
12/2/2008, 12:37 PM
Everyone complained that we didn't belong in the Sugar Bowl against LSU. How did that work out?

12/2/2008, 12:47 PM
not that the team needs more motivation, but im glad we are getting blasted(well, not really), makes OU want it that much more.:cool:

12/3/2008, 03:15 AM
Everyone complained that we didn't belong in the Sugar Bowl against LSU. How did that work out?

It worked pretty well considering we were the visiting team at LSU's second home.

OU was 13 yards from tying the game.

Any other negative things you would like to bring up Nick?